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Trust Me

Page 25

by Paul Slatter

  And then Marshaa leaned down and kissed the front of the glass on his helmet, first with a small peck and then again as she felt Dan’s gloved hand pull her down upon him and her lips full and moist hit and French kiss the glass.

  Dan looked up from inside the helmet as Marshaa’s hair fell over the front of the helmet and what looked like a slug tried to break its way in. He could feel the girl now move herself above him, pull herself onto him. Her body on top of his, her hair across the visor, the slug moving around and around in small circles leaving lipstick as it went as he felt the young woman push her crotch into his. Then he saw her fingers cup the side of the visor and hold it as her slug like lips and tongue moved around and around again in circles.

  He lifted his hands away from her shoulders and began to try to feel her body but couldn’t. Then suddenly Marshaa pulled away from him for a moment and reappeared again kissing the visor first before moving herself up the helmet until her bare breasts lay open and exposed, squashed against the glass, Slowly and surely she began to rub her nipples against the visor as Dan looked up at them squashed against the glass. Around and around they went, as she moved one to the next then squashed them either side blocking out almost all the light. Then as he tried to move his padded hands across her body, he felt the tug at his groin as he felt Marshaa pull at the fly of his space suit, tugging it one way then the next as she pressed her body down on him and her breasts slid about above him on the top of the helmet. Suddenly he felt the zipper go and Marshaa’s hand dig into the suit and pull out his already hard cock as her breasts disappeared from vision. Then suddenly Marshaa’s face appeared again, looking at him curiously through the front of his visor as she held her hair back with her left hand as she showed him one of the plasters off of his dick.

  “It’s for the movie,” Dan called back through the glass as Marshaa disappeared again and he felt another plaster rip away from his cock. As he called back again, “Aliens get me, and have sex with me, then put them on there.” And he saw Marshaa appear again, giggling to herself and giving him the thumbs up as she stuck the first two plasters to the front of his visor. Then he felt a third rip off and saw it join the other two, then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth until they were all gone and he could barely see at all. Then as Marshaa’s hand landed on the visor he felt her other surround his cock as she began to wank him, soft at first, then harder as he felt the soreness, from the barely healed sores in his dick left behind by the butter and sugar masturbation mix, begin to return.

  Then her hand was gone and he felt her lips around him, soft and tender lips and her tongue that worked its way around the top of his shaft before he felt her push down on him until everything was inside her mouth and throat as her tongue now lapped against his balls. Then suddenly when he felt she must be unable to breath, she pulled off him and lifted her head and smiled down at him from above the space helmet as she let the moist saliva drip from her lips and run down the visor’s glass. With a wicked smile Marshaa was gone again disappearing from his limited field of vision. He felt her mouth down on him again until he thought Marshaa’s throat would burst or he would also. Then she appeared again, her beautiful face looking down on him with her hair hanging from either side, letting her mouthful of saliva she’d gained from holding his cock in the back of her throat drip from her perfect lips down onto the plasters.

  Dan watched as his space suit covered body shuddered and his arms tried to push his gloved hands across her body and breasts as he saw Marshaa disappear from him again for the moment and reappear as he glimpsed her passing naked through an open window left in the visor. Then he felt her climb on him again and saw her hands wipe away the plasters and spit from the front of the glass and her body shift as she stood towering naked above him, her legs tanned and slender, her ass perfect, way above, swaying from side to side as she wiggled. Slowly Marshaa turned and began to lower herself towards Dan’s face until her ass, pussy and inner thighs hit the glass all as one at the top of the visor.

  Slowly Marshaa slid herself forward, letting her ass and shaved pussy slide across the glass from top to bottom as Dan’s eyes followed, almost as though he was watching a solar eclipse itself. Then as quickly as she was on him, she was off him again, as he watched Marshaa spin around and straddle him, hold his cock with one hand and look at him through the smear stained visor and as her eyes closed, she pushed herself down on him and he felt himself penetrate her.

  Holding him there, Marshaa began to lift herself up on him then push herself down as Dan did his best to meet her in his space suit. Leaning forward, Marshaa kissed the helmet again and licked her moistness from where her pussy had just been from its front as she rode and ground down onto his cock. Then, with a little trick she’d learnt from a bushman in Papua New Guinea, she lifted herself up from top to bottom and began to slam herself down on Dan’s cock over and over until he could hold it no more and came.

  Even though NASA said it was impossible, Dan lay there in his suit covered in sweat with Marshaa spent for the moment laying on top with her right arm across the top of his helmet. Wow, he thought, that was a lot different from the pizza he was expecting when he’d opened the trailer door. But it wasn’t over yet because just as Dan as always had started to think of food, Marshaa was giggling again and lifting her sexy tight body up above him and looking down, positioning herself right above his gaze through the visor she pulled herself apart slowly saying out loud, “Here comes some pussy pie—Buzz Lightyear,” as she squeezed out drops of Dan’s sperm from the inside of her little slice of heaven and let them fall down onto Dan’s visor like a seagull dirtying a windshield on a Sunday afternoon drive.


  The next morning, for once Dan was not late and in costume early—not because he’d suddenly had a change of heart and decided to get his act together and become professional, but simply because he hadn’t left the stage. After a long and patient wait alone in the car park, Belinda had given up waiting and found him in the middle of the night asleep in his trailer, still with his helmet on and his fly open.

  Now though it was Chendrill’s turn in the morning to get him up after being woken himself by Sebastian who in turn had been woken by Belinda some hours earlier. The decision being made given the hour and the journey time involved to get him home and back again that it would be better to leave him where he was. Now though Chendrill was having to wash his hands after prising the helmet off the kid, who said he was starving.

  The stage was set all white now with the green screens gone. A group of Korean girls in track suits kept to themselves as they warmed up at the side of the stage, found at the last minute by Roger and Sebastian and happy that they were being paid enough money to finance their whole trip. The director standing by, looking bemused and wondering why Sebastian had them doing promotional work on the third day of shooting when he knew Adalia Seychan was only available for a limited time.

  Rock Mason wandered about looking like Hugh Hefner in a dressing gown frowning as the music started, not saying a word to anyone and ignoring Sebastian completely. The man all pissed off because Adalia had been given the day off, along with that horny little slut, and he had to be here with this idiot kid. This was bullshit, complete fucking bullshit—he was here to make a movie, not a fucking pop video. Fuck he wished he hadn’t agreed to be here, taking a film because Adalia’s name was attached and signing the contract without his agent. What a fuck up. But then he took a deep breath and thought to himself, fuck it, what was he worrying about, he was a pro, they want him to dance, he’ll show them how. Then as adrenalin took over as it always did when things got tough, he clapped his hands together and called out, “Okay, let’s get this done so we can get back to making a movie.”

  And with that cue, the four Korean girls took off their track suits, put on their high heels and in their little blue skirts and multi-colored loose tops, they stepped out onto the lit stage area, lined themselves up, waited for the music to start again, and in perfect
unison worked their way through a seamless dance routine, full of pouts, hair flips, tiny little bunny hops and wiggly shoulders and asses.

  Dan stood watching almost with his mouth open. As did Chendrill, who was doing his best to hide it as Dan’s mother was there on her day off after a personal invite from Sebastian. The song finished and as soon as it did the girls stood looking at Rock Mason as if to ask what he wanted them to do next. And as he looked towards the director, he heard Sebastian call out, “That was great girls, lets do it again so Rock and the guys can get more of a feel for it.”

  Dan didn’t need to, in his mind he already had every move down. He looked to Sebastian and said, “No, I got it, can I go in?”

  And smiling Sebastian said, “You first and then Rock can follow on after.”

  With his dick hurting again, Dan walked out in just his shorts into the lit stage area, lining himself up just in front of the centre of the girls, he stood there, and waited for the music to begin.

  Then he heard the ‘Beep Beep Beep’ of the start of the track and, without looking back to the girls, joined them as their hips moved in three perfect circles and followed it up with a double shoulder shrug and an identical bunny hop first to the right then to the left. Then they all spun in unison, raising their asses in the air for all to see as they moved them around and around in perfect unison. Dan there with them in his element, smiling as he looked back at the crowd watching, playing the fool. Then as the girls spun back with their dark hair flying through the air, Dan was off, moving through them, behind them and back in front in perfect time. Playing with them and the music as he teased them and came in and out of their routine as though it was he himself who had choreographed the whole thing—and then almost as though he had never broken out of the routine, Dan was back where he started front and centre as the song came to and end, but this time with the girls surrounding him hugging him two on each side as he stood there on tip toes with his arms out like Jesus on the cross.

  The music stopped and the stage erupted with applause for what was nothing more than a well-organized dance routine with beautifully sweet and innocent Korean girls made better by the playfulness of Dan’s dancing.

  Looking over to Rock Mason who was only half applauding and was already looking tired of the whole thing, Sebastian said, “Wow, that was fantastic—okay Rock, you’re next!”


  They were still crying with laughter as they sat in the back of Belinda’s limo and hit downtown, then as they both settled were quiet for a moment before Chendrill said with a smile, “Sebastian, you surprise me—you can be one hell of a fucker when you want to be.”

  Sebastian looked at him, still in a serious mood but with tears in his eyes from the laughter, and said back, “Oh, it’s not over yet, Chuck. No one calls my friends and I cunts and gets away with it, even if they are the self-proclaimed King of Hollywood.”

  Chendrill laughed, then smiled again. So far since Patrick had been given the go ahead to make his film, there had been a few egos rubbed in the dirt and the film hadn’t even really got going yet. Chendrill felt the part of his arm where Rock Mason had bit him. The Hollywood star getting himself all mad earlier because Dan was everything the superstar had claimed to be. Rock Mason losing his temper straight after being made to stand out there in his shorts with his fat gut hanging out and making excuses as to why he couldn’t get his act together—first it was the music and then the Korean girls who he claimed were the problem and couldn’t keep time. The guy trying to make light of it as though it was all a big game and he was loving it when the cameras were on him, then once they were off and he was out there again dressed up as a turkey, he’d turned on Sebastian because of his own inability and embarrassment. Calling out in a temper that scared the girls and stopped them dancing, saying how he’d never worked with such amateurs on such a shower of shit show, then losing it all together and attacking Sebastian after he’d called him out for being a fraud.

  “Fuck you!” the man had screamed, coming at him with all his turkey feathers flying and finding Chendrill suddenly there like a wall between them. Then Rock Mason had screamed like a girl as he tried to pass. Chendrill hurting his own ribs again grabbing the man swiftly as the man tried to dodge him, holding him and trying to calm him as the aging, bankrupt superstar tried to kick and scream and wriggle his way free. Eventually sinking his teeth into Chendrill’s arm hard enough to get away and ripping off the turkey suit Sebastian had him in and coming back at Chendrill with a performance of half assed Kung Fu manoeuvres he’d learned from doing action movies where they’d have him do the moves in close up and some stunt double do the fight for real. Rock Mason going in hard on Chendrill, trying to be Bruce Lee before getting thumped out cold on the studio floor by Chendrill moments after— because it was a real life fight he was staring in and not a Rock Mason movie.

  “What about the fact you are going to have to work with the guy again for the next couple of months and then some?”

  “Oh, I’m not bothered, Chuck. I’ll let the show play out for a little while longer and let the man run his mouth off a little more while I get things in order, then I’ll either keep the thing going or shut the show down. That decision will depend on Patrick—either way Rock Mason will be gone and he can fuck off on the bus back to Hollywood.”

  Chendrill raised his eyebrows and looked out the window for a moment. Then he said, “If you shut it down, what about Dan?”

  Sebastian smiled—it was the first time Chendrill had seen Sebastian truly smile for the last few days. Sebastian said, “Dan will be fine, Chuck. He’s an intelligent kid, all he needs to do is grow up and I hope he doesn’t do that too soon.”

  He was right, Chendrill thought. When he was a kid all he wanted to do was get older and be a cop and now all he wanted to do was be a teenager again so as he could start off afresh and get it right the second time around. Sebastian said, “I think it’ll be great once Clive Sonic makes mayor and when he does one of the stipulations will be that you get your old job back, on your terms though. I’ll make sure that happens.”

  Chendrill looked to his now close friend and boss in shock. He said, “Well what about you?”

  “Oh, Chuck, I’d be no good in the police force, no one would take me serious.”

  It wasn’t what Chendrill was talking about and he knew just that. Then just as Chendrill was about to ask about Mazzi Hegan, Sebastian took him by surprise by saying, “Chuck, can you promise me something?”

  Chendrill looked at Sebastian as the man watched the world go by outside the window and then turned to him, “I know you think I’m crazy, but can you promise me Chuck that you’ll help my friend Suzy? Even if you don’t want to. You know she’s really sweet once you get to know her and she’s had to put up with so much. She really needs a friend and a helping hand.”

  Chendrill said back, trying his best to hide the denunciation in his voice, “Do you not feel that the house is enough Sebastian?”

  “Oh no Chuck, she’s going to leave her husband. I may need to get her an apartment in the meantime if she does.”

  Chendrill closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again. They say a fool and his money are easily parted but Sebastian was no fool, he thought, so what was going on? He said, “I’m sure you’ve thought it through.”

  “Oh, I have, Chuck,” Sebastian said back quickly as Belinda took a right onto Pacific and cruised the coast road towards the park. ‘The poor girl’s had it hard and I don’t mean that in a sexy way either. You see she told me her husband’s one of those guys who like to watch his wife with other men. She said it started with one, then two, then you know. She told me she thinks he’s been posting it online.”

  Chendrill shrugged and looked out the window to the water with the sun getting lower in the sky. He said, “Yeah it’s what they do these days. It’s pretty weird if you ask me. You shouldn’t get involved; she could always have said no.”

  “Oh, I know, but she did C
huck and her husband didn’t listen, he just kept on at her. She said he has a thing for anal sex, Chuck, and I know I’m not one to preach on that subject, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s how she’s ended up with the bag.”

  Chendrill looked back at Sebastian and he could see the man was serious. He asked, “And she told you all this?”

  “Yes Chuck, we talk about everything.”

  “What about Fluffy? What did she have to say about the dog?” asked Chendrill, wondering if the woman just sat down with Sebastian and spouted off the way some women can and it was a one-sided conversation the two of them had every time they met.

  “She cried Chuck, really cried, she was so sad—we both did.”

  Chendrill sat back in his seat and thought about it. The two of them both sitting there on the seawall where they always met, the stripper with her big jugs and the old gay guy both crying their hearts out—her about her ass that had just been damaged internally by her shithead weird husband’s friends while he made home movies and Sebastian about his little dog whom her kids had just killed. What a combo. He asked, “You tell her it was her kids who threw little Fluffy in the sea?”

  Sebastian took a deep breath and stared out at the bay where Suzy’s kids had thrown Fluffy into the surf. The waves now steady and calm. It was a good question, he thought, he hadn’t and he knew he should have. He said, “No Chuck, I was waiting for the right time.”

  “After you’ve bought them a condo maybe?”

  “Chuck, please, don’t get mad at me. I know you think they’re a family built out of bad stock, but it’s the husband though. I’m telling you, talk to her, meet her, get to know her, you’ll see she’s a good person deep down. Besides, where else is she to go, Chuck. You want her to go back into sheltered housing with her kids, you want her back wandering around the East Side? You know it’s just as dangerous during the day as it is at night. I heard there was a man kicked to death in one of the alleys around there only the other afternoon.”


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