The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 3)

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The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 3) Page 3

by Jessie Donovan

  If not for the reward of being alone with the female, he'd tease her endlessly and do a little trash talking.

  However, he wanted his true mate alone. So Wes lined up his next shot and hit the bull's-eye again.

  Ashley knew she should be mentally preparing for her throws, but there was no way she could ignore the six-foot-plus frame of muscled dragon sexiness in front of her. As Wes threw his first dart, his muscles bulged under his clothes. While she'd never seen him without a shirt, her imagination didn't have trouble sketching it out.

  Damn, she wanted a night with Wes. And for more than darts and drinks.

  Stop it, Ash. One night of foolishness can ruin your career.

  While the reminder helped to cool down her hormones a fraction, the alcohol running through her veins countered most of it.

  Asking for a strong drink had been her first mistake. And if things kept going as they had, it wouldn't be her last.

  After his first bull's-eye, she barely paid attention to the throws and watched how he flicked the dart with little effort. Wes eventually turned toward her, a triumphant gleam in his eye. It was only then she looked around him to the dartboard and groaned. "Three bull’s-eyes in a row? How is that even possible?"

  "With my superior eyesight and reflexes, you don't stand a chance, human."

  Standing up tall, Ashley shimmied her skirt down and did her best to ignore Wes's flashing pupils. Good, let him notice her. Maybe if she worked it enough, he'd lose his concentration and have some shitty throws.

  She answered, "The night is young."

  Walking by him, her arm brushed his, and she nearly sucked in a breath. Thank goodness dragon-shifters couldn't read minds because then he'd know that if he took off his shirt, she'd not be able to concentrate worth a damn.

  Her darts in hand, she lined up her throw. No, she didn't have superhero-like senses, but she'd learned to be awesome at darts to win against some of the good ol' boys inside the American Department of Dragon Affairs.

  When the dart landed in the center, she nearly jumped for joy but decided her heels weren't stable enough for it. One of the trade-offs for sexiness, for sure.

  Just as she lifted her next dart, a light caress danced down her other arm. Electricity sizzled from her skin and ended between her thighs.

  Ashely dropped the dart and it clattered to the floor.

  A male chuckle filled her ear. "You didn't say we couldn't play dirty."

  Wes. Turning her head to meet his gaze, her heart skipped a beat. The lazy smile and humor in his eyes transformed his usually handsome face into movie star territory. "Who are you and what have you done with Wes Dalton?"

  He leaned closer, his hot breath dancing against her cheek as he replied, "Wes the male is very much here. The clan leader part is taking a very, very short vacation. Maybe only for an hour or two." He ran his finger down her arm again, and this time she shivered at his warm, slightly rough touch. "Maybe we should take advantage of it."

  She blinked and then laughed. "Are you trying to be sexy or something? Because it's so not you."

  He frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  She lowered her voice to mimic him. "Maybe we should take advantage of it. Come on, baby, let's have a good time." He opened his mouth to protest, but Ashley beat him to it, her voice once again her own. "Let me ask you something—do you want to know the reason I bid for you and was determined to win you?"

  His frown eased. "Why did you?"

  She whispered for his ears only. "Because if you were a regular man and I was a regular woman, I know for a fact we would've slept together already. Maybe even dated. But since all of that is forbidden—not to mention we both have too much to lose—this was the best I could do. One night of fun before we go back to trading barbs about policy and reports." She dared to place a hand on his chest. "So just be you tonight, Wes. There's no need to impress me or try to be some guy you think I want, okay?"

  Well, the alcohol had done its work, it seemed. The truth was out there.

  And so Ashley searched Wes's gaze and waited to see how he'd reply.

  Wes somehow managed to block out his dragon's demands once Ashley stated her truth—if she could've had him, she would have.

  Why did she have to go and say that? It would make staying away from her and not kissing her that much harder. She wanted him, and he sure as hell wanted her.

  His dragon flashed an image of them tangled in bed, Wes thrusting hard as he claimed Ashley's mouth at the same time.

  His already hard cock turned to stone.

  But for once, he didn't tell his dragon to stop.

  Afraid Ashley would move away once the enormity of the words hit her, he placed his hand over hers and decided what the hell, he'd be honest, too. "I have a truth, too, if you want to hear it. But fair warning—it'll change everything."

  She tilted her head, a few wisps of dark hair escaping over her shoulder. It took everything Wes had not to lean over and blow the strands away before placing his lips on her bared skin.

  Her husky voice rolled over him as she said, "Tell me, Wes. That way I don't feel like such an idiot for blurting out how I imagined us naked together."

  Okay, she hadn't said that exactly. More images flashed into his mind—Wes taking her from behind, against a wall, in the shower.

  And she wouldn't be docile and only out to please him, either, simply because he was clan leader. No, his human would be as fierce as him and not hold back. Part of him wanted her to scratch his skin and leave a mark, just to remind him she'd been in his bed.

  And just like that, all the years of trying to ignore how much he wanted her faded away.

  His dragon growled. Tell her and then convince her she is ours to protect, to hold, to fuck, and so much more.

  A tiny bit of rationality returned to his brain. We can't go that far.

  Why not? I bet she has a way around it.

  Maybe, but let's take this one step at a time.

  Before Wes could lose his nerve, he leaned closer and murmured, "You're my true mate, Ashley Swift. If there was any way to have you that didn't result in us both giving up what we treasure most, we'd be home and a lot less dressed right now."

  Her breath hitched as her nails lightly dug into his shirt.

  What he wouldn't give to have those nails scoring his back.

  Fuck, his control was slipping.

  Ashley replied before he could even begin to put it back into place. "I didn't think dragons could resist their true mates."

  "Many can't, but I'm not most males, Ashley." He moved to her ear. "Although you saying that you want to fuck me and maybe even date me cracked my control a little. So tell me—what happens next? Is there a way for us to be together that I don't know about? Do you never want to see me again and then transfer to somewhere like Florida? Tell me what you want so that I can start making plans."

  His dragon hummed in approval, but all Wes could think about was how he'd screwed up. ADDA employees and dragon-shifters simply didn't mix. The rules were set up that way specifically.

  However, he'd said the words, and he sure as hell wasn't taking them back.

  Whatever Ashley said in the next minute or so would determine his future.

  Chapter Four

  Ashley's heart thundered to the point she was sure any dragon-shifter within a mile radius could hear it.

  Sure, she'd figured Wes was attracted to her, especially after his heated glances tonight. But she'd never imagined she was his true mate.

  According to every ADDA report she'd read, dragon-shifters had a hard time staying away from their fated male or female. And even the strong ones avoided touching their true mate lest they trigger their dragon's need for sex. She sure as hell hadn't heard of any of them holding a true mate close and keeping their control solidly in place.

  And yet, Wes had his hand over hers, his mouth at her ear, and hadn't slipped into any mate-claim frenzy or frantic need to fuck her until she was pregnant.
r />   She'd known he was strong, but he had turned out to be far stronger than she'd imagined.

  What she wouldn't give to say, "Yes! Take me home right now and claim me."

  However, doing so would signal the end of her job with the four dragon clans in the greater Tahoe area. Maybe to some that wouldn't be a big deal, but Ashley had been ushering in all kinds of changes over the last couple of years.

  Could she really give it up and all but let the dragons fend for themselves?

  Something niggled at the back of her mind. Something about special allowances for clan leaders in good standing. However, before she could think harder on it, let alone reply to Wes, a pair of unfamiliar male voices filled the air. "Step away from the woman, fucking dragon trash. The poor lady is going to need a shower now, five times over, just to get rid of your stench."

  Wes leaned back slowly, but before he could reply, Ashley stood tall and placed a hand on his arm to stay him.

  The appearances of the two men in their thirties or forties were unremarkable—average height, slightly overweight, with jeans and T-shirts. However, it was the identical tattoos they each had on the backs of their hands that caught her attention. The symbol was seared into her memory from the earliest days of her ADDA training: an eagle clutching a rifle in one claw and an American flag in the other.

  Shit. They were part of the "America for Humans Only League," which were the biggest pains in ADDA's asses. Their acronym was fitting—AHOL. Although she thought asshole was too tame a word for them. Regardless, most people just called them the League.

  Their primary goal was to banish all dragon-shifters in the USA to either Canada or Mexico, and often formed their own groups to try and make that a reality.

  If she wasn't careful, things could get out of hand. Fast.

  Keeping her voice even, she stated, "This woman has a mind of her own, thank you very much. And it's you two who should leave."

  The slightly taller man with unshaven cheeks raised his brows. "He's brainwashed you, baby. Good thing we're here to help you. Come with us, and we'll remind you why dragons are the enemy. They only want us around to give them money, children, and land. They're not to be trusted."

  Ashley hoped those lines didn't work on women or men in the company of dragons. Because if so, ADDA's job of making the League a designated hate group would be that much harder. The press would have a field day with even a handful of humans saying how they'd been saved from the dragons because of the League's intervention and guidance.

  Wes grunted. "The lady said you should leave. I'd listen to her."

  The other man, the one with gray in his hair, took a step toward Wes. "Don't talk to me, you fucking monster. You shouldn't be allowed in the same room as any human, let alone touch one."

  Just as Ashley expected, Wes's pupils flashed. His dragon was most likely pissed.

  Wes shrugged. "I haven't broken any rules, so I'm staying."

  The pair of League members took a step closer, but then another man moved to stand between them and Ashley and Wes—Natasha's part-time dragon employee, Brad Harper. His gruff voice stated to the human men, "It's time for you two to leave for the night."

  Their eyes darted to the dragon pin affixed to the tall, muscled dragonman's shirt and back to his face. The unshaven one crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Not until this piece of scum is separated from this lady."

  As both of the dragonmen growled simultaneously, Ashley tried to think of what to do. She couldn't let either dragon-shifter be banned simply for trying to help her.

  She moved in front of the dragonmen and put her arms out wide to her sides. It seemed her wish of a night spent being a woman and not working for ADDA had ended. "I'm a high-ranking ADDA employee. So unless you want me to call the police and personally file claims of harassment against these dragonmen, you'll do as Brad says and leave."

  The two human guys narrowed their eyes. However, before either one could say a word, another man appeared at their side. Despite his casual jeans and button-down shirt, the quality of his clothes and his expensive watch told her he had money. And after a second, she realized who he was—Duncan Parrish. A powerful business owner in his own right, he also had the ear of not only a member of the Nevada Gaming Control Board but one of Nevada's senators as well.

  In other words, he had connections that might surpass her own.

  Duncan cleared his throat. "Excuse my brother-in-law and his friend. We've had a lot to drink and should be going, Miss…?"

  She didn't want to give her name but knew she had to since she'd stated her ADDA connection. "Ashley Swift."

  "Right, Miss Swift." Duncan lowered his voice. "I'd suggest you and your friend leave right after us, though. The room is turning against you."

  From the corner of her eyes, she could see people starting to gather. After all the trouble and backlash Natasha had faced upon opening her doors to dragon-shifters, Ashley owed it to the woman to avoid any more scandal. She lowered her arms. "Once I see you guys leave, we'll wait a few minutes and follow suit."

  Duncan bobbed his head. "You have my word that we won't follow you."

  She didn't know shit about the value of his word but kept her well-rehearsed smile in place. "Sounds like a plan."

  As they left, Duncan whispered something to the unshaven man, who then looked over his shoulder with a sinister grin.

  Shit. If Duncan Parrish was somehow involved with the League, then it could spell trouble for her, for the dragon-shifters, and for anyone who worked with ADDA in the greater Reno area. Hell, maybe even in all of Nevada.

  The only good thing was that Wes's clan was located in California, which gave him some protection from Parrish.

  Wes whispered into her ear, "I'd say thank you, but I don't want your ego to get too big tonight."

  At his light teasing, she turned away from the trio of men leaving and smiled up at Wes. "I deal with worse on a daily basis." She looked at the bar's security guard. "Thanks, Brad. We'll be okay from here."

  Brad nodded and left to conduct one of his checks around the room. When they were alone, Wes murmured, "We need to talk in private. Where can we go?"

  It had to be eating at Wes to not know everything and be in control like he was back on PineRock. But this was Ashley's territory, and she wouldn't feel bad about that. She glanced at Natasha, and the woman met her gaze. Ashley nodded toward the back, the bar owner bobbed her head to give permission, and Ashley took Wes's hand. "This way."

  As she led him out the back door and down an alley to another side street, she did her best to focus on what had just happened with the two League members and Duncan Parrish. Because if she let herself remember the conversation right before that, she'd lose focus. And considering how powerful Duncan's reach was in Reno, she couldn't afford to be distracted until Wes was safely back on PineRock.

  Wes's dragon paced inside his head, snarling every few seconds as Ashley led them to some unknown destination.

  His beast spoke up. We should've been able to challenge those humans to defend our mate's honor.

  And be thrown in prison as a result? You know any type of altercation in the human sphere doesn't end well for a dragon-shifter, even if the human was the one to start it.

  That's why Ashley needs to live on PineRock. It's the only way we can protect her.

  His instinctive side agreed. The looks and words from that smarmy asshat who'd tried to act the hero back in the bar rang warning bells inside Wes's head. Wes was pretty sure they'd see him again at some point. And when that happened, the fucker would no doubt be the furthest thing from a hero.

  Even if he lacked the League tattoo, Wes suspected the human male was aligned with them in some way.

  Ashley finally stopped at a small, red car. She gestured toward the passenger side. "Get in."

  The car was different from the one she used for ADDA—it had to be her personal one—and sliding into the seat, he smiled at the unicorn plushie sitting on the dashboard. The butter
fly crystal hanging from the rearview mirror glinted slightly pink in the pale light. He snorted. "Where are the rainbows and kittens?"

  She gestured toward the back. "Right there."

  Sure enough, there was a kitten stuffed animal on the back seat and some butterfly and rainbow heart stickers on the rear window. It was such a contrast to her usually dark, nondescript shirt and trouser outfits she wore for work. "I'm almost afraid to see what your home looks like."

  She winked. "Well, it's your lucky day because you're about to find out."

  His dragon hummed. Good. We'll have her alone and can convince her she needs to be our mate.

  Ignoring his beast, he replied, "It'd be safer for both of us back on PineRock."

  She pushed the Start button, and the car roared to life. "My place is closer. And there's no way I'd be able to concentrate all the way to PineRock in the dark. Even if I've been there a thousand times, the roads are little more than dirt sometimes."

  "That's by design, as you well know. To keep the League and other unwanted visitors away."

  She pulled into the road and, without moving her gaze from it, said, "Regardless, I should be just under the legal limit right now since I didn't finish even half my drink, and I don't want to test my reflexes if I can help it."

  "You should let me drive. It'd take half a bottle to get me drunk, and I barely had a few sips."

  To his surprise, she pulled over and faced him. "Will it be a battle for you to follow my directions? I don't want to waste time with male bullshit about finding things on your own."

  He smiled. Wes would never tire of her directness. "You're one of the few females I'd take orders from."

  He hadn't meant for the words to be chock-full of innuendo, but they ended up that way. And as they stared at each other, he heard Ashley's heart rate skyrocket.

  His dragon spoke up. Hurry up and change places. I want her alone.

  Even though Wes would never allow his dragon to get out of control, he agreed they should hurry. To make sure Ashley was safe and nothing more, or so he tried to reassure himself.


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