The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 3)

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The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 3) Page 8

by Jessie Donovan

  It seemed the restrained façade Wes had used all these years hid quite a lot. Yes, he'd been a kid in the story, but she wondered if the adventurous, more carefree version of him was buried deep inside somewhere. The teasing at breakfast must've only been the start of it.

  Not that finding out there was more to learn about Wes had changed her path. She wanted to mate the man and spend her life finding out everything she could about him.

  However, none of that could happen if they didn't make it so she could stay on PineRock.

  But thanks to Cynthia's listing of various rumors she'd heard, Ashley might just have the lead she'd been hoping for.

  She quickly booted up her laptop and tapped her fingers against each other as she waited for it to load. Why had she shut it down completely? Each second that ticked by prevented her from securing her future.

  Because as smart as she was, not even Ashley had memorized the ADDA handbook, rule book, or every law related to dragon-shifters in America.

  When it came up, she went to the necessary folder and double-clicked on her PDF copy of the handbook used by every ADDA employee in the US. Scanning the table of contents, she found what she was looking for—Reward Systems.

  For the most part, ADDA rarely used the reward system for dragon clans anymore. It was deemed expensive by the government, but also humiliating by the dragon clans since it treated them like children.

  However, the system hadn't officially been removed from the books. And as she scanned the words, she found what she needed and read the passage:

  When a clan leader has ruled over a dragon clan peacefully for at least three years and has no more than two minor violations, they can request a special license to marry a human. It is in the best interest of ADDA to foster good relations with the dragon leaders, and there's no better way to keep a close eye on a clan than to have its leader take a human spouse, especially if that spouse is an ADDA employee. If a leader decides to take up this offer, he will be subject to stricter follow-up visits and can't deny future access to ADDA employees unless he wishes to lose his human wife.

  Ashley rolled her eyes at the assumption the clan leader would be a straight male. She felt sorry if a female dragon-shifter ever tried to use the loophole, let alone if a male wanted another male.

  However, in her case, it didn't matter since Wes indeed wanted a wife, so she kept reading:

  All that is required is a letter from the prospective wife, assuring ADDA she is becoming the dragon leader’s spouse voluntarily. This will grant temporary residency on said dragon clan until the matter can be further investigated. (It is unwise to try to take away the prospective bride, as was learned in the case of Clan MountainMist in 1878.) Refer to Section Three for how to handle a clan leader bride request in greater detail. Section Four includes additional steps if the woman in question works for ADDA and wishes to continue her employment with the department.

  She sat back in her chair. Since she'd been working with PineRock for years, she knew Wes met the qualifications. Well, technically. When Ryan Ford had been dropped from the sky by a dragon, the incident could've resulted in Wes's removal if it had been reported to ADDA.

  However, Ryan had refused to report the incident. And for some reason, Ashley had let it slide.

  Maybe because deep down, she'd held on to hope about snagging Wes for herself. And even without knowing the rule book cover to cover, she knew enough to guess that a dragon clan needed good behavior to ask for any sort of favor from ADDA.

  Regardless, she now had to set things in motion. Picking up her cell phone, she sent a quick text to Wes, asking him to meet her.

  When he replied he'd be there in a few minutes, Ashley scanned the additional information about how to proceed with her letter.

  While her heart thumped hard at the information, she couldn't help but worry a little. If something was bound to go wrong for a dragon clan, it tended to happen. The two most recent lotteries and the ensuing unrest on PineRock had shown her that.

  And Ashley didn't want to think that just as she'd found a way to be with her man, she still couldn't have him.

  So instead, she focused on writing a quick draft. That way, she could at least have the first step ready to go if Wes gave her idea the green light.

  Wes dashed down the stairs of the main security building, eager to hear what Ashley had found. However, before he could reach the exit, Andre Carter stepped into his path, and he said, "I need to talk with you, Wes."

  Since the Protector was one of his most trusted, Wes didn't hesitate to turn around. He said, "In my office," and headed back up the stairs.

  His dragon sighed. At this rate, we'll never find out how to claim Ashley as our mate.

  This is the life of a clan leader, dragon. Would you have me ignore the clan for one female?

  I wish I could say yes, but of course I won't. This is our home. And dragons protect their homes and family. Just make sure Ashley becomes part of that family soon.

  How about I promise to let you shift and show your form to her when we have the chance? Will that help?

  His beast grunted. It's not as good as sex, but I'll take what I can get.

  His dragon somewhat mollified, Wes typed in the code for his office door and walked inside, Andre right on his heels. The door clicked closed just as Wes leaned against his desk. He asked the younger dragonman, "What happened?"

  Andre stood taller, which usually meant the male had bad news. He cleared his throat and answered, "The ADDA police will be here in twenty or thirty minutes."

  Careful not to show surprise, Wes asked calmly, "Did they say why?"

  "Something about a call they received, saying a human female is being held on PineRock against her will."

  He had a feeling the League bastards had called in about Ashley. "Seeing as Tori is established here and Ashley is here on ADDA business, work with the police when they get here and show them everything is as it should be."

  Andre nodded and added, "They want to talk to you as well. Something about a human saying you threatened him last night?"

  The fucking assholes were out to get him, too, it seemed.

  No matter. Wes had dealt with false reports to the ADDA police before, and this was no different. "Then I'll work with them as well. But until they get here, I need to talk with Ashley. Can you get her from my mother's house and bring her here as quickly as possible?"

  Loyal male he was, Andre bobbed his head. "Is there anything else you need me to do after that?"

  "Just have some of the other Protectors keep an eye on the humans for me while the police are here. If one of the police wants to ask Tori or Ryan questions, I don't want to risk Jose or Gaby being territorial and threatening a cop. Having a Protector there will help to soothe their inner dragons and keep heads level."

  His dragon growled. It's unfair that we have to take it and can't protect our own.

  I'm not saying we can't protect our loved ones. However, I don't want to throw fuel on the fire, so to speak.

  One day, we'll have greater freedom to do what we want.

  Perhaps. But today isn't that day.

  Wes dismissed Andre and went back to his desk. He needed to ready any and all paperwork for inspection. And the monotonous task distracted him from what Ashley had discovered.

  Because if things didn't go well with the ADDA police, he might lose her anyway, even if she'd found a loophole for them to pounce upon.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wes figured there was maybe ten minutes before the police arrived at PineRock's front gate when Ashley finally rang his doorbell. He didn't waste time answering it and quickly tugged her inside. And while he couldn't kiss her hello, he brought her against his body and held her close.

  Even though her slightly dilated pupils told him she was affected as much as him—Wes didn't care if his female could feel his hardening cock—she got right down to business. "Andre didn't tell me much about why I'm here. Why do we have to talk in your office instead of your
mother's house?"

  He explained about the ADDA police and potential charges before adding, "So tell me quickly what you found, love. That way it won't be on my mind when I face the humans."

  She searched his gaze. "Just know I'm going to help you with them, Wes. And don't even think about telling me not to."

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. "I wouldn't dare try."

  She smiled and her muscles relaxed a fraction. "I found a way for us to be together and for me not to be kicked out of ADDA. Well, I think so."

  His heart skipped a beat. "Start talking."

  "Have you heard about the dragon reward system?"

  He grunted. "Only vaguely, but it's been a long time since I've heard it mentioned. Why?"

  As she explained about the clause concerning clan leaders and human wives, Wes did his best not to get his hopes up. Oh, he wanted Ashley Swift as his mate more than anything. But sometimes what seemed easy with ADDA turned out to be a fucking disaster in reality.

  When Ashley finished the explanation, she said, "I already typed out a quick draft of the necessary letter. And while I'd like to have a little more time to make it perfect, I can access my online copy, print it out here, and have it ready for the ADDA police, just in case."

  He raised his brows, unable to pass up the chance to rile her a little. "You're not even going to formally ask me to become your mate, let alone get down on one knee?"

  She rolled her eyes. "Is the pomp and circumstance more important than actually being mates?"

  He should drop the teasing and just scream yes. But Wes couldn't help but caress her cheek and whisper, "I've seen you on your knees before, and I rather like it."

  "Wes Dalton, if you think I'm about to give you a blowjob just as the police come knocking, I'm going to reconsider being your mate."

  He chuckled. "Hey, I couldn't resist. As your soon-to-be mate, it's my job to tease you at every opportunity. I think it's a little better than me trying to irritate you on purpose, right?"

  "I'm not sure teasing is that much different than irritating me," she muttered.

  Taking her face in his hands, he said seriously, "I love you, Ashley Swift. I have for years but resisted admitting it. So will you be my mate? I'll even go down on one knee and offer a paper ring if that's what it takes."

  Her face softened. "Oh, Wes."

  "Is that a yes or no?"

  "Of course I'll be your damn mate. And in case you're wondering, I love you, too, you impossible dragonman."

  Both man and beast mentally roared at her admission.

  Ashley was going to be their mate. Not only that, but she loved them.

  His dragon said, I dare the police to try and take her away now.

  Ignoring his beast, he kissed Ashley's cheek before saying, "I will treat you like a queen and worship every inch of your body later. But for now, I think we'll celebrate by printing out that stupid letter."

  She snorted. "It's probably the most original engagement story ever. A proposal celebrated with paperwork."

  He nipped her jaw, loving how her breath hitched. "I don't want ordinary, let alone boring, which is why I want a life with you."

  Ashley tried to think of a witty reply, but her knees were jelly, and she was having a hard time merely standing up.

  Wes loved her. The strong, teasing, sometimes irritating sexy man loved her and was going to be her mate.

  But despite all that, she couldn't even kiss him on the lips.

  Which meant she was going to have to charm the ADDA police—something she'd done many times before—and get everything cleared up so she could officially mate Wes and start her new life.

  She traced his jaw and replied, "Good, because I don't think I could do boring if I tried. Even if things turn peaceful, I'm always out to learn something new."

  His pupils flashed before he said, "My dragon wants to take you up into the air at the first opportunity. That should be new for you."

  Even though it was technically illegal for a dragon-shifter to take a human up into the air—barring some extreme circumstance like saving humans from a natural disaster or as part of a coordinated rescue effort—her heart rate kicked up. "I've always wanted to try it. But it'll mean lots of safety harnesses, even with those baskets some dragons use in other parts of the world."

  He raised his brows. "For someone who's supposed to make sure dragons don't take humans flying, you sure know a lot about it."

  She tilted her head. "Knowing as much as possible about dragon-shifters is my job. That means the good, the bad, and even the ugly."

  A door chime interrupted any sort of reply. And even though Ashley knew this would be her life going forward—one full of constant interruptions—she hoped that one day they could have an entire conversation in one go. Maybe she'd have to see if PineRock’s head Protector would help Wes out with downtime and vice versa.

  Wes kissed her cheek one last time before motioning her to move behind him. Since she wasn't mated to him yet, let alone knew what all of PineRock's clan members thought of her, she followed his order.

  He opened the door revealing the brown-skinned, black-haired Protector named Andre. The other dragonman said, "They're here and wanting to talk with both of you."

  Wes nodded. "We'll be there in a few minutes. I just need to print out one last thing for the meeting."

  Once Andre went back down the hallway, he tugged Ashley over to his computer. "Print out your letter, love. We might need it."

  She did as told and took a few deep breaths to wash away any nervousness. Oh, she had plenty of experience with the ADDA police, but a lot more was at stake this time. And Ashley was determined to be as charming, witty, and convincing as she'd ever been in her life.

  So as she picked up her letter, she nodded at Wes. "Let's go and sort out the beginning of the rest of our lives."

  He took her hand a brief second before releasing it. However, the flitting contact calmed her further.

  Ashley and her dragonman would make this all work out.

  They had to.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wes did his best to push away his concerns about Ashley. She could handle herself, and he knew it, but it was still hard for a dragonman to completely ignore his instinct to protect what was his.

  His beast growled. Don't worry, we'll do whatever it takes to keep her here with us.

  Not wanting to waste energy on arguing about Ashley allowing anyone to "keep" her, he ignored his dragon and entered the main conference room.

  He sat down across from three human men, ranging in age from thirty to probably mid-fifties, all wearing the gray uniforms of the ADDA police. Their golden dragon-shaped badged gleamed a little under the light.

  Ashley slid into the chair next to him, which wouldn't be unusual even if she wasn't about to become his mate. After all, she was, for all purposes, his representative to the human world. No one would be able to tell that he could hear each breath of hers, or how her heart raced a little faster than normal.

  Under the eagle-eyed brown gaze of the deputy police chief for the area, he didn't dare risk taking her hand under the table, either. Since he'd met Officer Garcia before, Wes nodded in greeting. "Hello, Officer Garcia."

  The human male in his fifties with black hair peppered with gray returned the greeting. "I'm a little surprised to be here, Dalton. Of all the clan leaders in the area, you're usually the most well-behaved."

  He resisted clenching his jaw at the remark. Garcia was doing his job and didn't think anything about how his words made Wes and the other leaders sound like children.

  Keeping his voice neutral, Wes asked, "So what can I help you with, officer?"

  Garcia's eyes darted to Ashley and back. "Were you out with Ms. Swift in Reno last night? Specifically at a bar called Deuces Wild?"

  There was no reason to lie. "Yes. I participated in the orphan charity auction, and Ms. Swift had the winning bid. ADDA can give you all the details and confirm I was there."

participation was already confirmed. It's what happened after Ms. Swift won you that worries me." Garcia flipped open the folder on the table in front of him and read, "The tall, auburn-haired dragonman threatened me with growls, flashing eyes, and I saw him clench his fingers into fists. If I hadn't left, he would've attacked me. Even if he didn't threaten with words, it was intimidation. He's not supposed to do that in human places, and I feared for my life."

  Wes suppressed another growl that threatened to emerge and waited for Garcia to ask him a question. After all, the less he said to the police, the better. That way words couldn't be twisted later on if he was actually charged.

  However, Garcia looked at Ashley when he spoke again. "The person who made the complaint is the brother-in-law of Duncan Parrish. Parrish said you were being taken against your will. Is this true?"

  If it had been just him and Ashley, he knew that her temper would've flared. However, her cool, collected ADDA persona was fully in place as she replied, "Of course not, Carlos. I won Dalton in the charity auction and wanted to see him lose at darts." She shrugged a shoulder. "It's not every day you can trounce a dragon-shifter, let alone a clan leader."

  Garcia spoke again. "So it was just darts and nothing else? Parrish suggested there was more between you, mainly on Dalton's side. He was worried he might try to kidnap you and force you to be his mate."

  His dragon growled inside his head. Wes had known little about Parrish before the meeting at the bar, but the male was definitely on his shit list now.

  Ashley replied, "Yes, it was only to play darts at first. As for my feelings about Mr. Dalton, they shouldn't be Mr. Parrish's business. However, now that you mention it, let me show you that any relationship between us is covered legally." She pushed her letter toward the officer. "Per the ADDA rule book, Dalton qualifies to take a human female as his wife. This is my letter of intent to marry, and the ceremony will be held as soon as ADDA gives the green light."


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