Heiress of Lies

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Heiress of Lies Page 17

by Smith, Cege

  “I will help you, Princess,” Connor said. He started walking to the other side of the clearing where Angeline knew that the mountain cat’s corpse cooled.

  Searon stepped in his path. “Don’t be silly. You can’t give her dead cat to feast on. How disgusting.” He snapped his fingers, and Angeline almost jumped out of her skin as five men appeared from the trees. She had forgotten that Searon had brought men with him.

  “Get our things together. We are leaving. But in the meantime, bring the princess something to eat.”

  Instantly there was a commotion in the clearing as the soldiers started throwing everything in sight into bags. Caspian was yelling, trying to stop them, with no success. Connor was all the way across the clearing, but she could see the look of panic on his face as he realized that Searon had retaken control.

  A vampire with solid white hair stepped up to her. His face showed the years of battle scars that he had endured, and she wondered if he had fought against her great-great-great-grandfather. Based on the scowl on his face, she assumed that he had.

  He said nothing, but pulled a rabbit from behind his back and swung it in front of her. Angeline resisted the urge to reach out and snatch it from his hand. Searon stepped forward and backhanded the man.

  “What do you think you are doing, Renald? This isn’t some common wench. This is my cousin and you will show her respect!” Searon said.

  “She’s a wraith, sire,” Renald said softly. “Her kind is forbidden.”

  Then Angeline saw the fear in the old vampire’s eyes. She had no idea what the wraiths had been like in her great-great-great-grandfather’s time, but if they could instill fear in a vampire, they must have been horrible.

  “Look at her. She’s in complete control.” Searon said with pride in his voice. “The Robart blood is stronger than any demon. I should have known that it has always been my destiny to rule.”

  So Searon hadn’t known that his mother was Alair’s daughter either, Angeline thought.

  “I have no doubt that my father will see that this is all extenuating circumstances and will pardon her. Especially as it was his desire to have an audience with her that started all of this.”

  The gnawing in her stomach was getting worse. If they didn’t stop talking soon, she was going to lose that control that Searon was so glowingly speaking of. As if on cue, Connor was there.

  “I can prepare the princess’s food,” he said. “If you don’t disagree, m’lord, I would like to offer my services as the princess’s personal guard. I have been formally trained in your father’s service, of course, and can also prepare the princess for her audience with the Master.”

  He was trying to stay close to her. Angeline was trying to decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Now that Searon knew her lineage was interconnected with his, he seemed to be more interested in her well-being. She wasn’t sure if she should speak on Connor’s behalf or not.

  “Volunteering to be a lady servant now, Connor?” Searon said, sneering.

  “It is my fault that the lady suffers the sentence she does now,” Connor said. “Perhaps the Master will look more favorably on me if she acts in accordance with our traditions and rites.”

  Angeline wasn’t sure, but she thought that she saw a meaningful glance pass between Connor and Searon. She didn’t think that the two liked each other at all, but there seemed to be some kind of understanding. But every minute that clicked by brought a new wave of hunger that was getting stronger by the minute.

  “I am not opposed if that is what is troubling you, m’lord,” Angeline said. Her fingers twitched near her stomach. “I am angry with Connor, but my father always taught me to listen when someone who had done a wrong wished to make it right. Especially if it was of benefit to the kingdom.” She felt like she was babbling, so she forcibly shut her mouth to stop from saying anything else.

  Searon looked from her to Connor and back again several times. She could see that he was weighing everything that he heard, and searching for anything that he may not have heard. She didn’t understand why, but she sensed that being associated with Connor was something that she would have to overcome during the time that she spent with the coven. For all of his knowledge and gentle nature, he appeared to be the black sheep.

  “I won’t deny my lady anything that she wishes,” he finally said. “She is looking peaked, Connor. I suggest you hurry with her meal before Caspian attempts to truss her up again.”

  Angeline saw the old vampire across the clearing suddenly stop yelling at the soldiers and blink at them. Although his mouth curled in a defiant glance, he said nothing. So Searon holds a great deal of power, she thought.

  “Thank you, m’lord,” she said. “I have no wish to displease your father. And the sooner I can continue my journey to my father the better. I am so worried about him.”

  Those words seemed to resonate as she watched Searon’s features soften. “That would be a great tragedy if you didn’t get to say goodbye. I will do whatever I can to help you.” He stepped closer and squeezed her upper arm.

  Angeline was alarmed to see that the desire that she thought would have dissipated once he found out they shared a family connection was still there. She took a small step back to loosen his grip and smoothed her skirt to leave the sphere of his closeness.

  “You are too kind,” she said, bowing ever so slightly. She didn’t want to do anything that could be construed as encouraging his behavior, but the line was so slight that she knew she risked failing. And although she couldn’t see his face, she could feel Connor’s anger. But she understood it more with every moment.

  Searon was the “prince” of the coven. His father was Master, and in the event his father ever died, Searon would be Master. Connor, although he had a father who was high-ranking in the coven and a favored of the Master, was still nothing more than the equivalent of a nobleman. And from the sounds of it, an insolent nobleman at that. Angeline would have to tread very lightly.

  Moments later a plate appeared before her. On it were lightly cooked pieces of rabbit meat. Angeline took the plate and turned away so that they couldn’t see her shove the still warm pieces into her mouth. Although the meat wasn’t nearly as tasty as the blood she had consumed earlier, she could tell that the little bit was calming her nerves. Altogether too soon, the meat was gone. There was still a slight yearning inside her, but it was tolerable.

  Just then she felt a rush of warm breeze brush her cheek.

  “They’ve breached the barrier!” Caspian yelled.

  Connor’s arms wrapped around her and then they were airborne. Connor landed on the ledge of the eye for just a second and then they were sailing upward again. They landed heavily on the edge of the cliff. Angeline could see Searon’s soldiers below running every which way in the clearing shrieking and swatting at unseen hands.

  “We need to run,” Connor said. “I plucked a place out of Caspian’s mind that should be safe. I think we can reach it before daylight. Follow me.”

  Connor turned and ran, becoming a blur of light. Angeline took a deep breath and hurried after him.


  The last few hours had been some of the most difficult since Connor had entered the afterlife. Seeing Searon with Angeline had twisted his stomach, and then seeing Alair Robart’s spirit attempt to kill her had made him feel like his insides were being ripped out. He was teetering between trying to stay on Searon’s good side and trying to protect Angeline. And he felt like he was failing on all counts.

  He reached out his mind as he and Angeline raced away from Caspian’s supposedly safe haven and ran into a huge block of swirling anger and frustration. The spirits were doggedly looking for Angeline among the vampires in the clearing. Somehow they hadn’t realized yet that she wasn’t there. That was good. It would give them a head start if the spirits decided to brave the rotten bogs of Mangalore in order to pursue her. And there were far worse things in the bogs of Mangalore than soul-ripping spirits.

/>   Connor was more afraid than he could remember being in his entire existence, alive or undead. And it all came back to Angeline. He would keep her safe if it meant him dying, which would perhaps finally give him the kind of death he had always wanted. Wasn’t it noble to die protecting the ones you cared about?

  He saw on the horizon that they didn’t have much more time. They needed to find cover. According to the image that he had found in Caspian’s wayward thoughts, the hidden cellar was close by. Caspian used it whenever his travels into the bog took him further than anticipated.

  “Here,” he said, pointing to a slight rise in the earth. They both stopped and he started digging around in the dirt and finally found the crevice that indicated the door. Angeline helped him quickly rub the dirt away from the wood, and he saw that it was a door roughly three feet wide and about five feet high. In the center was a brass ring that looked old and tarnished. He grabbed onto it and pulled. The door stuck for a moment, and then the hinges squealed as it gave way and opened.

  “Ladies first,” he said as he pointed inside. The only thing he could see were several stone steps leading down into the darkness. “Look for a lantern on your way down, although your eyes should adjust quickly.”

  Angeline nodded. Gracefully she stepped into the hole and then went down the stairs. Connor looked around and scanned with both his eyes and his mind. He couldn’t sense anyone else out there. He wondered if Caspian or Searon had made it out of the clearing alive. But then he realized that he didn’t really care. Angeline was safe for the moment, and that was all that mattered.

  Connor stepped inside and closed the door over his head. He saw a light flare several feet down. Angeline had found a lantern.

  He reached the bottom of the stairs and found himself in a small stone room. It was really just big enough for him and Angeline to sit down facing each other with several feet between them, as they both leaned up against opposite walls.

  Angeline closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair. Even in the dim light of the lantern, after running for miles and no doubt being scared out of her mind, she looked lovely.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” Connor said. He needed a few minutes to think and plot their best course of action.

  “Connor.” She said his name carefully, as if she tasted each letter. Her eyes opened and she looked at him intently. “You can’t lie to me anymore.”

  Her eyes pleaded with him, but he could see by the set of her jaw that she wasn’t asking him. She was telling him. And while that should have upset him, it didn’t. He had spent too much time obeying the foolish laws of an old master in a life that he despised.

  “I won’t ever lie to you again, Princess,” he said. He scooted closer to her. “I am your loyal servant, for now and always. I am yours to command.”

  “Then tell me why you kidnapped me,” she said.

  It was the question that he had been dreading. “I did it so that I could win the Master’s game,” he said.

  “What would you win?” she asked. She didn’t seem to be judging him. Just curious.

  “Any wish that my heart desired,” he said. He looked down at his hands. He felt foolish saying the words out loud.

  “What would you have asked for?”

  “To know the place of the Clan, so that I could ask for a pardon from this life,” he said, hanging his head. Suddenly the weight of all of his past transgressions seemed too much to bear. He was deeply ashamed.

  Then he felt a gentle touch on his head. He looked up and her hand glided down his cheek. It felt warm and soft.

  “If you serve me faithfully, Connor, I will help you get your wish,” Angeline said. Her violet eyes flashed in the light and he could see that she was weighing a very important decision. “I will help you because in getting your wish, I hope to get mine as well. Let’s find a cure for this disease.”

  Connor took her hand in his and felt like her eyes had him frozen in place. “I will serve you faithfully, Princess, no matter what.” Her eyes started to water and he could see that she was struggling with her emotions. Wraith or no, as he watched her lips move silently, the smell that filled his nose was intoxicating. His lips crossed the distance between them and he stopped just short of her mouth.

  He could taste her breath in those few short inches. Then her eyes closed and her lips met his. He groaned deep in his throat as he felt her press closer to him and his arms wrapped around her to pull her tight. He had lived over a hundred years, but nothing in his experience had ever prepared him for the swirl of desire that pulled him into its grip.

  He was almost too distracted to feel the niggling at the edge of his mind, and he realized what it was just before the door above them swung open. He shoved Angeline away from him and slid quickly back against the wall. Her eyes were wide with shock and her breath was coming in quick gasps. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to straighten his collar as the heavy footsteps trudged down the steps.

  Searon stepped into the small space and smiled at Angeline, although the corner of his mouth curled. “Well now cousin, wasn’t that exciting? Did you miss me?”


  Angeline’s head was spinning. The dark thing inside her was screaming for more; more Connor, more stolen kisses, and maybe even something more. She was having a hard time focusing, but knew that what she did next may very well decide her fate. Keeping her back to the cool wall, she put her feet beneath her and slid up so that she stood facing Searon. Then she put a hand to her throat and put on her best face of concern.

  “Searon, thank the gods you made it. I fear that I would not have been so lucky if Connor had not been so quick-footed. You made an excellent choice in assigning him to watch over me until we reach your father’s coven. He assured me that as long as we waited here, you would find us.”

  She watched his eyes narrow. She didn’t dare risk looking at Connor. If she did, she felt sure that Searon would see the truth in her eyes. There was much more going on between them than a man who had been sent to retrieve her for his Master; at least, she hoped now there was more.

  “I am delighted to find you escaped unscathed, Cousin. That is more than I can say for my men,” Searon said slowly. His eyes cut over to Connor, who hadn’t moved yet from the floor. “Caspian and I barely made it up the cliff as it was.”

  He held out his arms and Angeline gasped. Deep red gashes cut into his pale skin, and several were puffed and swollen. She could see blood still weeping from several of them.

  “How is that possible?” she asked. “Why haven’t you healed?”

  “Poisonous pestilence,” Searon spat. “Caspian is gathering herbs now to help. I am sure my father had no idea that if given the right incentive, those spirits actually do have the ability to harm us. They are a menace.”

  “They were after me,” Angeline said. “I am sure that other vampires would be safe.” She couldn’t believe that there was a part of her that even cared if the vampires were at risk. But then again, a very large part of her seemed to care about one vampire in particular and that was equally confusing.

  Her eyes cut over to Connor, who finally seemed to be absorbing what was going on around him. Connor stood and leaned over to examine Searon’s wounds. Then he shook his head. “I’ve traveled the Amaron Forest for years without any sign that this type of thing was possible. I fear times are changing.”

  Angeline heard the heaviness in his voice. Had the fact that they had kissed filled him with regret? She hated the little voice that was now babbling in her head that she wasn’t even worthy of a vampire’s affections in her current state.

  Then the door opened again and Caspian all but fell down the stairs in his rush to get in. Angeline could see the first rays of dawn just as the door closed behind him. Caspian slid down the rest of the stairs and landed on the bottom step with a heavy thud. In his arms were several brown plants that looked like they had already been sickly even before he pulled the
m out by their roots.

  “Oh good, you are all here,” Caspian said as he looked at each of them. With Caspian there as well, the cellar walls felt like they were closing in. “Because when the sun falls we are going to have to make a run for it. The spirits have left the forest in search of the princess.”

  Angeline hadn’t thought it was possible for things to get any worse.

  “What do you propose we do?” Connor said. Angeline wasn’t sure if he was aware of it or not, but he had taken a few small steps closer to her. As Searon and Caspian came further into the cellar, he had maneuvered it so it seemed natural for him to be next to her facing them.

  Caspian started pulling the leaves off of the plants in his arms and handing them to Searon. “First things first. Searon and I need to tend to these scratches. I think they would be fatal if left unattended.”

  “Think?” Searon said shrilly.

  Angeline wanted to cover her ears as his words bounced off the walls.

  Caspian glared at him. “You are lucky that you are alive at all. Those spirits had every intention of annihilating everything in that clearing.”

  “How did you escape?” Connor asked.

  “Simple distraction,” Searon said, gesturing at Caspian to look at his arms. “I gave them my men.”

  Connor arched an eyebrow but said nothing else.

  Caspian pulled off a few leaves and squeezed fluid out of the bottom where the leaves had been attached to the stalk. Then he rubbed the liquid over the gashes on his arms. Angeline could see rips in his pants and matching slashes on his legs. Searon quickly followed suit, but winced as the liquid met his skin.

  “That burns!” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Better than the alternative,” Caspian replied coolly.

  As the men continued to bicker, Angeline felt a light touch against her hand. She didn’t look down, but knew Connor’s fingers had brushed her skin as her hand rested on the wall.


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