Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 4

by Charlie Buxton

  "It is seven in the morning, sir. Have a great day!" Christ, even in Rio computerized voices are here to bug me.

  I sat forward rubbing my eyes. I opened them and looked at my wrists that both felt raw. Bruising and chafing marks circled both of them. I swung my legs to the right and leaned back toward the headboard of the bed. My hand slid slightly under a second pillow that was pulled down toward me. I froze.

  I slowly removed something that looked just like the golden scepter I had seen last night. Did I really see it? Wasn't it a dream? I dropped the scepter on the floor as if it were searing hot, rose up on unsteady feet and headed for the bathroom to pee. Hmm, where was my morning 'woody?' My cock was limp. I turned on the light in the toilet and stood forward to aim at the bowl and almost fainted. My cock was red and scratched. It looked like it had some small bruises and bites too.

  I was too frightened to pee. It had really happened, hadn't it? Fear clutched my heart as I held tightly onto the lavatory edge and put the other hand onto the back of the toilet. I was shaking in my limbs, my body was heaving and I began to retch. Gagging, gasping I fell to my knees and shuddered.

  'Walter, get hold of yourself. There's a perfectly rational explanation for this,' as I tried to calm down. I walked back to the phone and dialed the kitchen.

  "Hello, this is room 666. Send Florena up with my breakfast order, please."

  "Sir, Madelaina is on her way now."

  "No," I growled, "send Florena, I must speak with her. She forgot something here yesterday morning."

  "I'm sorry, sir, noone by that name works here," said the patient kitchen manager. "We have no such employee."

  "You must! Tall, attractive, blond woman, about twenty-five years old."

  "No, sir, there are no blond women on our payroll here that I know of, sir."

  I hung up as there came a rap on the door. My breakfast had arrived. I answered the door, and a short, black-haired woman of middle age entered with my tray, placed it on the table and bowed slightly, said, "Good Morning," and left.


  It had been nearly six weeks since I had gone to Rio de Janeiro on business, and the troubling events became less real to me. Life settled back into the routine of work. My personal life remained very quiet as I recalled the warning of The Goddess. Earthly women were death for me. In my fear, I constantly masturbated and some days my cock was so sore I could only walk with pain.

  Bullshit. It was all a dream, wasn't it? There was so much pussy around just waiting for a good fucking. I needed some and I knew where to start. I picked up the phone and called Dottie, a dependable fuck in a pinch. She was always available.

  "Dottie, I've got a hard cock in my hand, can you do anything about it?"

  "Walter, oh yes I can! That sounds so nice. My place or yours?"

  "My beauty, I'll be there in an hour. Get naked and meet me at the front door," I gave it my best manly voice. "I need to fuck you so much!"

  "I'll wear that perfume you like, the one that makes my pussy taste like candy canes, okay?" she said.

  The next morning, as I left Dottie's apartment having fucked her three times and shot her full of my cum, I thought to myself again, 'Bullshit. It was something that bitch Lorena put in my drink.. Fucking dreams. I hadn't felt this good since I got rid of Charlene. Life was back to normal, and my cock was back in the game.

  It was a grueling Friday; I left work late and headed out for a drink so I could unwind a little. The place was crowded with the usual end-of-week mob as I fought my way to the rail to order. There was plenty of pussy in the place, and things were looking up.

  The barkeep took my order and returned with a double rum and Coke. I picked it up and took a sip, savoring the sugary bite of the strong rum when suddenly someone bumped into my arm, spilling my drink on my suit.

  "Who the fuck is so fucking clumsy?" I growled, turning around to see.

  "We have come for you, Walter," said Lorena. Luisa stood next to her. Each of them had tiny, golden scepters pinned to their sweaters that twinkled as if lit by electricity. I felt weak in my knees.

  "You're real," I whispered, almost a hiss. They led me effortlessly through the crowd and out onto the street. A waiting limousine rolled up to the curb, the door opened, and Ernesto stepped out.

  "Welcome, sir. We have come to take you home,", he greeted me.

  "Home, where, what home?" I almost yelled. "This is my home!" I turned to run from him.

  He grasped my hand; my whole body stiffened with a seizure that doubled me over, and he rolled me into the back seat. I fell onto the floor and was pinned in place by his legs as he sat down. I was drifting away. I passed out.


  She stood in front of me naked; the purple glow was intense. Her raven hair was moving around her head as if she stood in a strong breeze. I was on the platform again, tied hand and foot. The room was silent, but I was conscious of onlookers. The matron, who had opened the door on my first trip was there, Lorena and Luisa, Ernesto, and one I took to be Romero. None spoke or moved, but their eyes moved over me.

  "I need you, Walter, my realm is under attack, my appetite is large for young women to enter and strengthen me. Thousands of vaginas are lost every day to The Evil, and I am weakened. You must work for me, or I will die. You're all that stands between them and the end of my power. The Evil tears at me and nibbles my flesh, waiting to attack me. Are you ready?"

  She looked at my body. My cock was totally limp. My balls were numb and without life. Though she stood by my face with her vulva inches from my mouth, and her regal breasts pointed at me as she leaned over me, I was not aroused.

  "Make your cock hard! I, The Goddess of Vagina, need your help."

  She grabbed my neck and started to shake me.

  "You must be hard. You must fuck the virgins. We have captured thousands from all over; they are wet and ready for your seed. I must have them; I cannot last without you."

  They all came forward and started stroking my cock, the women took turns and also offered me their hot nipples to suck; my body was rubbed, my scrotum fondled. Tongue diving kisses were on my mouth. Then mouths took my cock one-by-one and sucked until I was sore. My cock was dead.

  "You have failed me like all the rest," she screamed. "You are weak, weak, a complete failure. I demand your sacrifice now!"

  Her face underwent a twisting, awful transformation. Her skin became flesh-toned, and her hair was now brunette.

  "Ahhh! ... Charlene! Who are you? How ...?"

  My ex-wife stood there, looking at me and laughing.

  "I knew it, you miserable fucker. I knew you were fucking every woman you met. You were never faithful to me. A 'shitty divorce', is that what you told all your buddies, the ones you used to round up for your weekend gang-bang on unsuspecting women? You cheated every way known, and then you expect me to stand by?

  "Take him, Ernesto, cast him into the darkness. I never want to see him again."

  Hands grabbed me; my legs and wrists were cut free, and I was dragged crying and whining from the room.

  The water was deep and cold in the river. As I sank, my lungs filled and fear overwhelmed my pain. My last conscious thought was, 'I couldn't help myself. All that pussy and so little time.'

  The End

  Two Sided Love

  Adelina loved life even if the world sucked. Like most nights, she was alone and naked in her hospital. She watched some bad porn on the psychiatric ward’s big screen. It was something very amateurish involving three women using rather excessive sex-toys.

  She craved crack, but her supply ran out. If it weren’t for her tolerance implants, the bionics or the Raptorex, she would’ve died from the withdrawals. She was drunk off her ass on whiskey, ancient beers and fermented juice. She smoked a homegrown blunt and, amused herself with a massager that had long ceased to work. It was a normal evening for her. What made this evening a little more eventful than usual was a visitor

  “Adelina...” Her ears perked up at
the male voice that called to her. She lifted her head from the couch and saw two guys wearing nothing but serapes. She pointed at both of them and fell down laughing.

  The two guys walked towards her and magically transformed into a single guy. “Heya usually only vishit me in da dayshine. What brindis you heah?”

  “Woman,” he chided her, “you are drunk.”

  “Noooo shid…” She dizzily tried to figure out who was talking to her. She was delighted that her Carlos was standing there. “Want some?”

  “Yes.” Carlos slammed the remainder of an open whiskey bottle. He hissed and spit just before he wheezed out a realization. “Oh, that was a bad idea.” His inexperienced throat burned because of the harsh liquid.

  “Blunt?” Carlos knew he could handle that, so he accepted Adelina’s offer.

  He looked up at the monitor as he stuck out his dry tongue. “Wow, they’re all women and they look like they are copulating.” He scratched his head at the whole concept. “How does that work?” He had never seen Lesbians in his life.

  “It’s purdy damn aweshome. I fuggin mish it and schtuff. Playing with da fuhsuit and shucking on dose chigs clid and der tiddies wash really fuggin warf divorshising Hurrnan.” She gave her student a huge shit-eating grin. “Too bad bidches are bidches. Womenses are evil and sctuff. Dey fugging tear yer hard oud coz they cah.”

  Carlos sighed. He was actually surprised that he could understand most of the semi-incoherent rant. “I know what you mean.”

  “Good, coz I dond.” Adelina plopped her head back on the couch.

  Carlos took a long toke and felt the tobacco and marijuana smoke intertwine in his brain. “I made love to Analís and she broke my heart.” He glanced at his severely intoxicated mentor and shook his head. “I thought losing my virginity to her would be the most wonderful thing in the world.” He sighed rather loudly, “I wish I could take it back.”

  Adelina rubbed his head playfully and belched rather loudly. “I widsh I wouddana allowed Schmeggmuh to tage mine. I widsh I wouddana cheaded on Hurrnan.” She moved her arms to the beat of, “Shudda, cudda, wudda, but didna so life goesh on and all dat rot. Lifesa too coo to woddy about schtuff you canna change.” She could not repress a solitary hiccup.

  Carlos shook his head in agreement. “You’re right. The past is the past, so I need to focus on the present.” He handed the blunt back to her. “Thanks Adelina.” He smiled warmly. “You always seem to have the answers I need.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  “Hey. I jush do the besht I can.” She said solemnly, swinging a half-empty can of beer for emphasis. “Any time you needsh more of my impenna.., impertree…, usheful advice, I be happy to ged drung for ya.” Blurry eyes seemed to focus mostly on Carlos one last time.

  “Wanna habe sexsh?” she asked seriously.

  “No.” Carlos said, backing away trying not to laugh.

  “Oh, well dats pervectly reashonable.” She said, and slowly passed out.

  Carlos stared at Adelina as he extinguished the blunt. He wiped the drool from her face and carefully extracted the non-functioning massager from her body. He carried her to one of the psychiatric ward’s bedrooms. As he held her in the arms, he realized something that he had overlooked for a long time. She loved him.

  It wasn’t a transitory romantic love or a familial love. It was much greater than that. Despite the fact that she obviously had a huge crush on him, she helped him in his quest fulfill his lustful desires for Analís without asking for anything in return. Despite the fact that he was openly hostile towards Adelina, she never once stopped teaching him the secrets of life and the human body. She always thanked him for helping Candi escape. She thanked him for giving her the opportunity to be useful. She thanked him for trusting her enough to be his confidant.

  When Carlos ached physically or mentally, she would always be the first to try to heal him. Whenever his visit was expected, Adelina made it a point to remain sober. She made it clear that she was physically attracted to him, but she never used this as a bargaining chip. She wanted him to find his own happiness regardless of how it made her feel.

  He didn’t want to go home to Guillotine’s rage or her children’s coldness. He didn’t want to go back to the sounds of Analís and Hernán trying to reconcile their marriage. He wanted to be in the clean and quiet hospital with Adelina. He turned off the monitor and straightened up the viewing area. He slept next to her that night.

  Adelina was startled the next morning when she saw Carlos lying next to her. She was covered in the serape she saw Analís make. She remembered precious little about the night before. Carlos slumbered in the nude just as she had. She wasn’t sure what had occurred, but her nether regions were completely sore, so she ventured a guess. With a smile and giggle, she shook her friend into consciousness. “Did we do it?” Despite her nasty hangover, her eyes were wild and her voice was deeper than usual. She needed to know. “Please tell me we did it.”

  “Don’t you remember?” Carlos woke up bleary eyed and smiley. He felt cold.

  Adelina seem distressed. “Not a single thing.”

  Carlos smirked at his best friend. He could tell that she didn’t want to hear the word, no. For this reason, he decided to try something new. “We got pretty drunk last night.” For the first time in his life, Carlos purposely spun a fib. He started with the truth. “I finally made love to Analís, if you could’ve called it that.”

  Adelina grinned slyly, “Was it good?”

  “It was. Unfortunately, she felt guilty and went back to Hernán shortly afterwards. I was pretty crushed, so I came to visit you.” Next, he embellished his story. “You gave me some clearheaded advice about living in the present. It made me feel better. You asked me if I wanted to have sex with you. One thing led to another… Being drunk and depressed, I finally said yes.

  The teacher was stunned. “Do you remember it?”

  Carlos smiled mischievously. “The memories are vague, but they are enough.” He took random verses from the Song of Solomon and adapted them to the situation. “You probably can guess that I slept all night between your breasts. You let me kiss you with the kisses of my mouth: for your love was better than wine. You ravished my heart, my teacher, my lover; you ravished my heart with your eyes. Many waters could not quench your love; neither could the floods drown it.”

  “That is so romantic.” Adelina sighed very loudly.

  Carlos could tell that she was enjoying the story, but he needed more inspiration. He adapted some of his positive experiences with Analís to the fantasy he offered. “You pulled me to your breasts and asked me to enjoy them. I was so amazed by how sensitive they were. You asked me to taste you and I couldn’t get enough. I longed to become one with you and you let me in.” He continued as Adelina eyed him with astonishment. “I felt so happy because you invited me into your world. I thought I would go insane with ecstasy when I was inside.” He beamed shyly. “I don’t know if I could do it sober at this point, but I felt privileged by your invitation at the time. I’m a little surprised at myself, but I have no regrets” He pretended to have a sudden realization and feigned distress, “I hope I didn’t do anything that you didn’t want me to do.”

  Adelina’s her arms around the apprentice. “Thank you. Oh God… thank you!” She held him tightly and gave him a hundred little pecks. “I can finally tell you.”

  “Tell me what?” Carlos expressed genuine curiosity.

  “I wanted to say I love you, but I was so afraid to tell you.”

  Carlos tried to return the sentiment, but he could not. He feared that his sweet deception would be discovered. Thus, he told the truth. “I want to love you as well.”

  “Come and live with me and leave those sick-fucks at Hernán’s house behind.” She buried her head in his chest. “I will never abuse you. I will never cheat on you. I will never break your heart. I will never lie to you. I will do my best to please you.” His heart pounded quickly and loudly at her words. She could not believe her g
ood fortune. She hoped it wasn’t too good to be true.

  “I will consider it.” Carlos was shocked by her intense reaction. He realized that the normally sedate doctor was overwhelmed by emotions. It seemed that the very thought of his love drove her into the heights of bliss. Analís’s feelings towards him were icy by comparison.

  “I want you to love me when we’re both sober, so I won’t get drunk or do drugs anymore. I don’t want to miss anything else.” Her excitement was irrepressible. “I want to be alive with you. I want to love myself completely, so I can love you in the way that you deserve. I want to feel every single thing.” Carlos was awake enough to smell the sickening sulfuric scent of her skin from smoking too much crack, but he didn’t care. He kissed her deeply. She stroked his hair and picked it with her fingers. His lie worked. He heard beautiful truths for the first time since Candi’s disappearance.


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