Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 17

by Charlie Buxton

  "Dan, I want you to promise me you won't say anything for ten minutes and I will prove what I am saying is true," Kerry said and then she begged me, "Please promise me."

  "All right, I promise."

  Kerry smiled that sunshine smile of hers and said, "You won't regret that," she reached down to my jeans and rubbed my bulge gently. "You often complain that I don't use my tongue when we kiss," she said while she slowly lowered my zip and undid my belt and my jeans, "I have not used my tongue because it is so different to human tongues and you would have known something was wrong." She pulled my underwear off my stiffening cock exposing it to her for the first time and then she softly blew on the head.

  "I uh..." I moaned.

  "Shhh, you promised," she said.

  Then her lips went around me and she slowly took my eight inches into her mouth. I had once found a girl who could deep throat me, and what an amazing night that was, but Kerry was totally different. She just took me all the way to the balls and when I was completely in she continued breathing as normal and her mouth started rubbing up and down my cock. She was applying suction at the same time and I felt like I was in a milking machine or something. I never have tried a milking machine, I wonder...?

  So there I was getting the best head job of my life when something tickled under my cock. Kerry's tongue pressed into the vein and slowly ran from the head to the base and back again.

  I groaned loudly.

  Her tongue continued up and down the vein while her mouth stroked me and I was buried deep in her throat. Kerry was not moving her head at all but I was getting sensations I had never dreamed could exist.

  "Mmmm yeah," I said.

  "Shhh," she said. I had to wonder where the sound came from because I thought her mouth was fairly busy at the time and I never felt Kerry's lips break the seal.

  Then her tongue running to the base kept going, out of her mouth and down between my balls and to that patch of sensitive skin behind them. It stroked and tickled and probed while inside her mouth something else that was quite rough wrapped around my cock and started rubbing the length.

  The extreme suction, the rubbing up and down both soft (mouth) and rough (tongue I think) combined with the end of her tongue behind my balls caused the biggest orgasm of my life. I had no time to warn Kerry, I just exploded into her mouth. Even my orgasm was a new experience, the first pulse opened the way to my balls and it stayed open and Kerry sucked me dry. I wasn't pumping into her mouth she was drawing it through. I came for about twenty seconds of pure bliss; my mind screaming and I think my mouth had joined in too.

  After I was finished I lay back against the seat, totally drained, not able to say anything but panting like I had run a four-minute mile. If sex was athleticism I think I had actually run a one-minute mile, what I had experienced then was so amazing and unbelievable. Kerry's mouth stayed wrapped around me slowly stroking as I shrunk and her tongue was now probing the hole where I had sent my seed into her.

  "Was that all right?" Kerry eventually asked anxiously.

  I replied, "Without a doubt that was the most fantastic sexual experience I have ever had."

  "Really?" she asked, "I have never dared do anything like that before, I was not sure if it would be as good as Earth girls."

  "Kerry, you know when I tell lies. Was I?"

  "No Dan. I just wanted to hear you say that again."

  "Kerry, I love you."

  "That's not what you said before," Kerry said playfully, "but it will do."

  "Good," I said, "now show me your tongue."

  Kerry went all shy, "Dan that would embarrass me."

  "Kerry," I said, "My cock just got an amazing sexual experience from that tongue. Don't you think it is about time they were introduced?"

  She first giggled, and then got very serious, "Promise you won't hate me?"

  "How could I ever hate you?" I asked, "Dan's cock," I said to the flaccid thing still hanging out of my pants, "this is Kerry's tongue... yoo hoo Kerry's tongue, where are you?"

  Out it came.

  Kerry's tongue was quite normal at the end, possibly a little pointier than usual but the first surprise was it just kept coming, four inches, five inches, six inches it just kept coming out of her mouth. At about eight inches came the second surprise, there was skin wrapped around her tongue and as the tongue came further out it unfolded to make two separate "wings" that came out about three inches each side.

  "Amazing," I said, "at least that explains some of those fantastic feelings."

  Her tongue went back into her mouth. "Do you hate me now?" asked Kerry quietly.

  "Not at all Kerry, I just have a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that you are not... well...normal."

  "I can leave now," said Kerry slowly, "and you would never have to see abnormal me again."

  "No," I grabbed her and held her tightly, "I don't think I could live without you. You may not be normal, Kerry but you are very, very special." I kissed Kerry then and held her to me. We kissed and for the first time her tongue met mine. Her tongue touched mine, then it rubbed up against mine, then it wrapped around mine and then it started tickling under mine.

  "Do you like that?" asked Kerry.

  I broke the kiss. "How did you do that?" I asked.

  "Do what?" said Kerry.

  "Talk with your mouth closed."

  "We just do, it's not hard. Now kiss me again," said Kerry. We kissed deeply again and then suddenly it actually was hard. "My, my," said Kerry, "Look who's coming out to play. Do we want to try again?"

  She dropped her head into my lap and the guys in the car behind us started honking the horn and flashing their lights but I didn't notice. I only found out later because my friend Jimmy was in the car.

  The second time was better than the first. I knew what was causing my feelings and could even make suggestions. Kerry would just answer normally even with my cock half way down her throat. I lasted about ten minutes before again emptying my balls down into her stomach.

  "Let's get out of here," Kerry said, and we did. We had a lot to talk about.

  I drove to Kerry's flat and we sat in the car for a while. Kerry was still worried that I would hate her. I tried very hard to comfort her and in the end I suggested we spend the night together. The problem was where. Kerry's flat mate was home so we couldn't stay there and my parents would have frowned on us spending the night in my room. Tomorrow was Saturday and neither of us had anything on so I eventually promised to be there at ten and we would spend all day together. We kissed for a very long time before I left.

  I drove to the local burger hang out and there were some mates there, including Jimmy. He gave me hell over not noticing them at the drive in.

  "Was it that good Dan?"

  All my friends called me Dan now even though my name actually is Steve. Kerry started calling me Dan on that first day and my friends, who never had managed a nickname, started using it too. Mum and Dad weren't too pleased to have people ringing up and asking for Dan but they got used to it. They, however, would never call me Dan.

  "Jimmy," I said, "it was totally out of this world." Pun intended.

  "Great stuff," he replied, "No-one has ever got anywhere with Kerry. We all thought you were dating a nun. When's the big day?"

  "You know how it is," I answered, "all revved up and no place to go."

  "Sorted me old chum," Jimmy said in the worst possible English accent, and then he pulled a key out of his pocket, "I was going to the cabin tomorrow but I have training and can't make it, it's all yours until I ask for it back."

  Jimmy's parents kept a small weekender cabin near a lake about an hour and a half away. I had been there a few times swimming, fishing and bush walking. It was perfect, very cozy and very private.

  "That's absolutely topping chum," I threw back in an equally bad accent, "this is just what the doctor chappie ordered."

  "Have fun," he said, "there's Carol, got to run before she gets dragged away by her admirers." Ji
mmy left to get his girlfriend after her shift as a waitress.

  I lay in bed awake for a long time that night. I wondered, is it wrong to have sex with an alien? Family is wrong, animals are wrong, children are wrong; to some people even same sex is wrong. But what category is Kerry? Am I endangering my family and myself to associate with a race we do not even know exists? Will I have to ask her parents if we want to marry and how do I get there to do that?

  Questions, questions questions.

  The answers I eventually came up with were:

  It is not illegal.

  It most likely is not immoral, as we both choose to do it, it does not hurt anybody and there are no rules for things that don't exist.

  It feels good.

  I could not live without Kerry.

  So in the middle of the night I decided damn the torpedoes, it's full steam ahead.

  I packed the car in the morning with supplies of food, some drinks and clothes for the weekend and drove to Kerry's place.

  She had not slept well and greeted me with, "I wasn't sure if I would see you again after last night. I was so worried."

  "Kerry my darling," I said seriously, "I love you and nothing will keep me away OK? So go pack some things we're going away for the weekend."

  "But don't you think I'm..."

  "No. Now pack," I ordered. She did and we went.

  Kerry threw a bag in the back and got in. She was silent for the first ten minutes.

  "Dan, are you sure?" she asked.

  "Stimpy." This was a joke we used a lot, as my surname is Renshaw so Ren and Stimpy get it?

  Kerry smiled, "I am so glad. Now I haven't asked where we are going."

  "Guess," I said.

  "Las Vegas?"




  "Colder than Berlin, how about Norway?"


  "Antarctica? I forgot my mittens."

  "All right," I gave up on that one, "I don't mean colder, I mean closer to here."

  Kerry was back in a happy mood. "How disappointing," she said, "I would love to see Antarctica."

  "Maybe on our honeymoon," I said.

  "Two head jobs and he wants to get married. Can I have a Porsche after ten?" Kerry asked.

  "Definitely," I answered, "I'm just not sure which ten."

  We laughed all the way at silly things. It was good to see our relationship was not just back to normal. It had actually progressed to a new level. We finally drove up to the cabin and Kerry was suitably impressed.

  "Wow, Dan how did you arrange this?" she asked.

  "It's Jimmy's parents retreat but they are away and he can't use it this weekend," I replied.

  Kerry said, "I do like Jimmy."

  "Like Jimmy, Love Dan," I said.

  "Jimmy has a lovely cabin," Kerry teased.

  "Dan has a lovely hard on," I answered.

  "Lets go inside and check that out," said Kerry, and inside we went.

  We put our bags in and had a look around. I knew the cabin well but it was all new to Kerry. She loved the very private setting and we went for a walk down to the jetty."It's gorgeous Dan," said Kerry, "It's like we're the only people for miles."

  "We are," I said, "Now how about a swim?"

  "I didn't bring my bikini," was Kerry's answer.

  "Go without," I told her, "I have never seen you naked and what better place?"

  "Are you sure no one can see?" Kerry asked looking around nervously.


  "Don't look."

  I turned away and heard some clothes hit the jetty. Then a splash. I turned to see Kerry in the water.

  "Come on in, the water is freezing," she said. I started to take my shirt off and Kerry sang some stripping music so I started dancing around slowly while undressing. When my underwear fell she called. "Hey you there, are you going to jump in or pole vault?"

  I jumped in near her and she swam over to me reaching under the water.

  "Dan does have a lovely hard on," she said and swam away.

  I chased after her and finally caught her, pulling her under and putting my hands all over her in the process. We splashed around and played for a while and then we were standing in chest deep water hugging and kissing. Kerry was nervous every time I touched between her legs so I didn't do much of that. Kerry had no pubic hair and I thought she was very well shaven as there was no roughness at all.

  We finally left the water and I got to see her body. Kerry had a great figure and looked sensational. Long legs, good feminine hips without being too big, those marvelous tits and I saw her freckles were not only on her face but also on her chest and shoulders. Her complexion was pale with no tan lines to spoil it and she had no body hair at all. She saw me looking and got all shy.

  "Steady on Mister, I'm not just a piece of meat."

  "Prime cut, I suggest," I said in reply, "fresh, tender and ever so succulent."

  "You do know how to talk to girl don't you," said Kerry.

  "I know more than how to talk, let's go inside and see," I said.

  "Romeo, step aside."

  We picked up our clothes and walked naked to the cabin. Once we were inside I grabbed a towel from my bag.

  "I didn't think to bring a towel," said Kerry.

  "I have two," I told her "but now it is my turn. I want you to promise not to say anything unless it is to answer a question for the next ten minutes."

  "What are you going to do?" she asked.

  "You know a lot about my body and I know very little about yours. I'm going to explore," I told her.

  "But you might..."

  "No I won't," I said, "Trust me?"




  Kerry didn't have her privates covered but was standing in a quite modest pose. I surprised her by walking behind her and then I started toweling her wet hair. It was dry fairly quickly and I took out a hairbrush and fixed it up.

  "Hair done and lovely it is too," I said.

  "What are you..?"

  "Did I ask a question?" I asked her.


  "Then shhh."

  I rubbed her neck and shoulders with the towel from the base of the hair down to the start of her arms. Kerry's neck was long and slender with the little dished parts where the tendons go past. I rubbed them dry and then kissed them wet again. I nibbled on the tendons and slowly ran my tongue up her neck until I was nibbling her ear lobe.

  "Mmmm," Kerry moaned.

  "Is mmmm talking?" I asked.

  "No," said Kerry defiantly.

  "That's funny, it was last night."

  "Not fair."


  Then I dried her back, rubbing soft gentle circles across her shoulder blades and deepening the strokes further down her back rubbing out from the spine across her back on each side just reaching the swell of her tits before heading back. I started nibbling the shoulders and sucking gently where I had dried and following the towel down until I was rubbing the towel across the top of her bum cheeks and nibbling and sucking the little mound above her crack.

  I lifted my head and said "Back all present and correct, not a hair or mole in sight."

  Kerry whimpered. "Now," I said, "what's down here?"

  I knelt down and then started rubbing the towel over her cheeks, round and round and occasionally straight down her bum crack. When I did that Kerry would wriggle and moan a little but I let her get away with that.

  I started sucking on her bum cheeks doing tiny little love bites all over and finally I ran my tongue right down where her cheeks met, not spreading them as I licked down to the junction between her legs.


  "No talking."

  "I'm not," said Kerry.

  "You are," I answered.

  "My mouth is shut," she said.

  "Cheat," I said, "all right you can moan softly."



  I held h
er cheeks and spread them apart. The vagina looked like I would expect on a very pretty young woman, bald lips protruding and that very tempting slit just waiting to be opened. But not now. I blew gently on the lips and then up to her asshole, which was a tiny puckered star. As I blew air on it she squirmed and moaned so I went a bit closer and licked it. Kerry trembled and her legs almost gave out but I held her up. Definitely something to remember for later.


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