Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 20

by Charlie Buxton

  Finally I gave Kerry a passionate hug and said, "Want to try again?"

  "We can't Dan," Kerry replied, "not until the babies are born."

  I was shattered. I found the experience to die for and now I have to wait nine months to do it again? Not very fair I suggest.

  "Dan," Kerry said, seeing my expression of disappointment, "they should be out in about an hour judging by the rate they are moving at now."

  Oh my goodness. Yesterday I was not sure if I could ever have sex with the woman I love and today she's having quads and I'm the father.

  So we waited as she felt them coming out slowly. We looked at my groin and I had three new belly buttons across the top where the sores had been, and the hair for about an inch around each of them was gone. We guessed that me drinking Kerry's finger juice had changed me enough to their race to make conception possible and Kerry told me that their women can only have four children as they are born with four eggs and that's it.

  In the past the eggs were harvested and fertilized and the children were grown in farms and did not know who their mother was, but the conception machines had now failed and Kerry was one of the last generation. We talked about their planet, which did not have the foliage we have on Earth but just land and water. The species survived on small animals that ate smaller animals that ate etc.

  The babies arrived closer to two hours later, struggling to emerge from Kerry's impossibly tight pussy. They were only about two inches tall and looked quite helpless. They first one crawled up her belly towards her breast and the next three only went as far as the clits. By the time all three were in place the other had passed the breast and was crawling down her left arm.

  The other three babies latched on and started sucking. I could see Kerry getting more and more excited and she finally reached her orgasm. The first baby was at the end of the middle finger and drank the drop produced. The baby grew to double the size as we watched and walked confidently back to the others, picked one up and took it to the finger. It then joined the other two and they latched on to the clits again. Again Kerry was taken to orgasm and the baby at the finger drank and grew. The other two got their dose and soon the four were growing rapidly.

  "What do we do with four alien babies?" I asked Kerry but the answer came from behind us.

  "We take them," said a deep voice.

  We turned with a start and there was a tall man standing in the doorway."Goraan," said Kerry, "you came."

  "I had to," said the man, "I needed to be the first to greet the new First Revered one."

  "What the heck?" I said, totally confused.

  "Sorry Dan," said Kerry, "this is Goraan. He is the man who set up this whole project."

  "Hello Dan," Goraan was friendly enough, "I must tell you how much we appreciate your assistance in the survival of our species."

  "You mean..." Kerry sounded worried.

  "Yes Kerry, this is the only success from all the missions."

  "Now hang on," I said, "how can you be here now when you had to come so far to get here? I mean the babies were conceived last night and born an hour or so ago, were you waiting in orbit or something?"

  "No Dan," Goraan smiled, "space travel is not about time it is about energy. I boarded just after the babies were born. We do not do this much as all our energy is renewable and this is a big drain on our resources, but when survival is at stake it does not matter. Now," he said seriously, "you need to pack so we can take you home."

  "Not so fast," I said, "I am home."

  Kerry interrupted "Don't argue, either of you, let's get a drink and discuss the situation."

  "Yes, First Revered one," said Goraan meekly.

  So we talked.

  Kerry's new title of First Revered one dated back to when women bore their own children. The oldest surviving mother was first, the next second and so on. The First Revered one sat on the governing body and spoke on behalf of children who were too young to represent themselves. She was the most powerful woman on the planet, and equal in rank to the first of the council. Kerry was now needed on the planet to show there was a future for their people. I argued that the future was limited with only four babies and we were more important on Earth recruiting new fathers and teaching them how to be successful. After much discussion we decided we would all go to Kerry's planet in the morning and do a tour to show the people the result of the mission. Kerry would appoint the current woman who was on the council to represent her and our children would initially stay there, as the system for nurturing the young was fully operational.

  We would come back to Earth in the evening and go back home Monday night as if nothing had happened, but would then get married and tour the world looking for and recruiting suitable fathers. All the men on their planet were sterile due to the process used in the past to extract children so the generation started by our four would be the first to have children naturally.

  All through this discussion our children were growing at an alarming rate and twice more fed of the juice produced by Kerry's finger. Funny that, on Earth the male has the great pleasure (often with the female) in conceiving a baby but with Kerry's race the female got the pleasure in feeding the babies. Anyway apparently three times was enough and after that they had grown to the size of a human baby and would then grow slowly for the rest of their lives, which was normally around three hundred years. I wondered if my body had changed to this, as I did not want to be frail and old while Kerry still looked thirty.

  Finally, it was bedtime. Kerry and I put the children to bed and then went and explored sex after children. I still had to make her laugh to enter her but the four channels now were pleasure centers that gave different sensations to the joined couple depending on which one the penis entered. We know this now but at the time we only got to test three before we were totally exhausted and went to sleep.

  We got up in the morning and prepared to visit another planet. It was only to be a day trip so there wasn't much to pack.

  We were about to leave when I said, "Hang on, I've got to make a call." I dialed my mobile.




  "It's Dan, how you doing?"

  "Same man, just the same. How'd you go?"

  "Great. Can you get up here tomorrow?"

  "I don't really feel in the mood to watch you two lovebirds."

  "No, that's not it. We're off on a trip and we're bringing back a couple of Kerry's sisters."

  "She's got sisters?" Jimmy sounded more cheerful all of a sudden.

  "They look just as good too."

  "Do I know them?"

  "No man. They're from out of town, way out of town. See you tomorrow?"

  "I'll be there."

  "Practice your bad jokes too."


  I hung up and turned to Kerry.

  "Let's go."

  The End

  Distractions and Choices

  "Miss Palatoa?"

  Kav was staring off into space and didn't even notice that her professor was calling her name. Her elbow was propped up on the armrest of her seat and her cheek rested on her hand. She looked as bored and distracted as she felt.

  "Miss Palatoa!" the professor repeated.

  Kav just sat there as her fellow students either laughed at her or shook their heads with disdain. She was totally zoned out and paid zero attention to any of it.

  The professor walked toward her finally and stood with an angry glare directly in the path of her vision. Kav realized she had done it again, she had gotten lost in her own head. This was hardly the first time that had happened. The tall, slender woman glared down at her with a cold look. Her dark hair was pulled back tightly into a bun at the base of her skull and she wore thin-framed glasses. She was the typical crone of a teacher, and seemed to have it in for the young Kav lately.

  "Uh, sorry Ms. Aernor," Kav said, straightening in her seat.

  The professor raised an eyebrow at the girl, and her glare said more than any
words she would be able to conjure up. She sighed and returned to the front of the lecture hall. Kav stared at her from behind, trying to avoid any eye contact with the other students. Her perfectly ironed business suit barely moved as the older woman strode back to the giant transdisplay at the far end of the room.

  "If there are no more interruptions," Ms. Aernor said, her voice edged with a smug confidence, "we can continue our discussion of cross-species anatomy."

  Is that what she had been talking about? Kav thought. She was honestly surprised that her attention wasn't rapt to the subject, in that case. This was the class that all of her Human friends had been buzzing about, it seemed. The one where they talked in depth about the birds and bees of both the Human and Xaru races that inhabited this world's terracolony.

  "In order to talk about specifics regarding both Human and Xaru biology," Ms. Aernor continued, "we must approach the subject with the utmost maturity and scientific reasoning. I trust I won't have to deal with the usual snickers and crude jokes that typically accompany a subject involving genital organs and sexual habits. Isn't that right, Mr. Hobbs?"

  Freddy Hobbs, Kav thought to herself. He was the cut up in this class, well known for antics and pranks. He was the most immature person Kav had ever met. She was also known for laughing hysterically at the things he did.

  She glanced over to where he sat. He gave Ms. Aernor an innocent shrug as if he had no idea what she was talking about, but then he flicked his pointy bovine ears once. The class began chuckling after he did that. It was the Xaru equivalent of winking, though much more obvious. Ms. Aernor was not amused.

  "Perhaps we should begin with the physical traits that differentiate the two species," she said. "Starting with the ears." Her eyes pierced into Freddy when she said that.

  Freddy cowered a bit, but the smile never left his face. That smile was one of the differences that they would surely discuss. The Xaru had slightly feral teeth in comparison to Humans, with longer canines in particular.

  "The Xaru ear is larger than the Human ear," Ms. Aernor explained, "and can detect sound on a wider spectrum as well. Who can tell me the approximate frequency range for Xaru?"

  No one raised their hand at first, and it was understandable why. The topic of Xaru ears, especially when discussed by Humans, was a touchy subject. After all, their likeness to cow ears was especially notable, and thus the derogatory term "cow" was coined for describing a Xaru. No one in the room felt comfortable at the moment, but that was surely Ms. Aernor's intent.

  "Mr. Hobbs," she finally said, calling on Freddy specifically due to his flippant gesture earlier. "What is the frequency?"

  Freddy glanced down at his anatomy textbook and flipped back to the section that might have the answer. "Uh...hang we go. 23 to 35,000 Hz."

  Ms. Aernor was actually impressed. "Very good, Freddy. What animal from the Human homeworld does this most closely resemble?"

  Now she was just being difficult on purpose, Kav thought.

  "Anyone?" She paced back and forth in front of the transdisplay waiting for someone to raise their hand. "No one wants to answer?"

  All of the students remained quiet.

  "The answer, of course," she said, "is a cow. Who here is uncomfortable with that similarity?"

  Slowly, very slowly, each student raised their hand. Kav didn't bother to, since she didn't enjoy playing these games with her professors. It was obvious anyway that this wasn't an exercise in science, it was a discussion about sociality.

  "I see," Ms. Aernor said. "As I hope you have noticed by now in our second semester together, I am most certainly a Human. Our class consists of roughly half Human and half Xaru students. There are many differences that we will be discussing, but you will also note many similarities on various levels of our biology. Some of these similarities are sexual in nature."

  She stopped pacing and focused her icy stare out into the crowd, addressing her students of about forty or more with a stern expression that meant she was being deadly serious now.

  "If one simple, basic similarity such as the ear makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps this is not the class for you. Because we are going to discuss body parts and functions that are much more intimate, and interesting, than the ear. I expect that you will all pay close attention, and there will be no squeamishness permitted, especially when we examine the digital slides that graphically portray these body parts. Am I to be understood?"

  Kav could see heads nodding all around her. She had gotten her point across. Even Freddy seemed to settle down now. Ms. Aernor was well known for her no-nonsense attitude about education. No one really knew much about her, except that she was apparently no longer married and kept to herself even among the faculty. There was a rumor going around that she had left her Human husband because of her fascination with cross-species biology, Xaru males in particular. Apparently she didn't like Human men very much, if the rumor was true.

  As Ms. Aernor droned on and on about the subtle differences between the two species, Kav found herself using her own appearance as a baseline for comparison. Like Freddy, and all the other Xaru students in the room, Kav had the trademark deep red skin with dark grey markings. Some Xaru were mostly dark grey, in fact, with wide swaths of it painting their extremities and parts of their faces. Others had only sparse grey spots, like ink blotches, dotting various parts of their otherwise red bodies. No two Xaru were exactly alike, though Humans would often say that they all looked the same. To Xaru, Humans looked the same too.

  Unlike Humans, Xaru had prominent bone structures either at their temples or across their foreheads. Humans called them horns, but they were technically more like miniature antlers. In Xaru culture they were considered ornamental and beautiful, like a crown that was permanently affixed to their head. They prided themselves on their unique formations. The hair on their head, either completely black or completely white, grew around the formations. Aside from a Xaru's "tiara", which was a compliment to call a female's cranial formation, Xaru hair and Human hair was virtually identical in amount and style.

  Kav absently touched her own cranial tiara as Ms. Aernor lectured on the various features of them. Her hair was naturally black but she took to coloring it with highlights of orange. It was a popular style among the Xaru, since it played off the red coloring of their skin. Human and Xaru style different greatly, which was encouraged by the Planetary Cultural Board, though not necessarily endorsed. Unification was the primary goal of this terracolony, which was the first of its kind.

  "Human and Xaru eyes have the most in common..." Ms. Aernor continued.

  Kav blinked unconsciously. It was true, the two races had virtually identical eyes. The coloring and functionality was indistinguishable. The first successful Xaru/Human eye transplant had occurred only a few decades ago, and the practice continued. Certain black market dealers on the old homeworlds had once peddled the other race's eyeballs as talismans of sort, promising that they would grant you extrasensory perceptions and even x-ray vision. Thank the deities those days were behind us now.

  "The differences between Xaru and Human skin..."

  Kav ignored most of this part, letting her mind wander again. She scratched at her arm though as part of her listened. She had a particularly exotic coloring, with her left side being mostly dark grey and the right side being mostly red. Spots and lines of both colors decorated her in various places, but the separation was very distinct. She found herself taking notice of it at this moment especially, clasping her hands together to join the two colors.

  Xaru coloring actually made very little impact on other Xarus. However, Humans found a Xaru's coloring quite intriguing. Someone like her especially so, since it was just another unique feature that they didn't share. They all had the same color across their entire bodies, with only a few pink areas such as their mouths or their flushed genitals being different. The last time Kav had been with a Human male, she had been particularly fascinated by his foreskin. The strangely colored
bulb of his penile organ that hid behind the foreskin seemed so bizarre to her, since the Xaru penile organ was the same color as whatever markings happened to decorate his body in that region. There was no distinction necessarily in that specific area.

  Xaru females were the same way. But from what Kav had seen of her roommate, an obnoxiously cheery Human named Bethany, Human females had pinkish vaginas. Both Human sexes also grew hair in various parts of their body besides their head. A Xaru only grew hair on their head. It was not unpleasant to engage in intercourse with a hairy Human, but for females especially, Xaru were desired for their smooth areas.

  Smooth, and perpetually engorged. As Ms. Aernor was getting around to mentioning, the Human birth canal required stimulus and emotional satisfaction in order to properly accommodate the Human penile appendage. Xaru females didn't have this particular requirement, as their birth canals quickly adapted to intercourse regardless of prior stimulation. Emotional satisfaction was also not a factor, which Human males found appealing for some reason. Kav didn't see what was wrong with it, though, and considered a real benefit to including emotions with sex. It just wasn't a requirement for her, physically.


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