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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 4

by Burns, Rachel

  The doctor walked up behind her and cut the fabric with a laser, cutting from her shoulder blades down over her bottom and to her left leg. He cut away her sock and shoe. Then he cut the right shoe away.

  Rokai smiled at her. She was so feisty, but he had let her wear her clothes for way too long. If they had stopped off in here first than she wouldn't have had them on in the throne room. She would have behaved then. He was sure about that.

  He had to be stricter with her, letting her know which actions would be tolerated and which wouldn't.

  Rokai yanked on her bra again, and this time it slipped away from her body. Amber was so surprised that she jumped backwards. Her feet slipped out of her ruined shoes and socks, making her fall down on her backside.

  Amber's hands moved away from her breasts to break her fall. Once she was able to gather her wits about her she noticed that her arms were behind her, pushing her breasts out. Her knees were far apart and that her panties were gone, giving him the perfect view.

  Rokai stood stupidly staring at her. He had guessed that she would be beautiful, but this was better than he had hoped for. Her shoulders were nice and creamy. Her arms were long and would wrap around him nicely. He was looking forward to being in her arms. Her breasts were a nice size, and they bounced nicely. They were lifting and lowering as she breathed.

  Her waist was concave and tiny. He was suddenly worried that he might break her. He looked down even lower. She had no hair between her legs. He had a direct view of her charms. The light brown skin turned pink there.

  She looked so tiny. He had to glance down at his penis, which had been growing since her clothes started coming off. He found it hard to believe that he could fit into that tiny area.

  Amber was looking at him as well and her thoughts were moving along the same lines. He was just too big. He would never fit inside of her without killing her.

  She looked into his face to see if there was any mercy there. She saw where his eyes were pointed and immediately closed her legs tightly.

  Rokai leaned down and lifted her up, careful not to poke her with his penis. He was telling her that everything was all right, even though it was clear that she couldn't understand him. The device that had been changing his words into the Earth language had just been removed from his throat. “I promise that the doctor will make it so it doesn't hurt. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Rokai looked at the doctor to confirm his words. “I can loosen up muscles so penetration will be easier for her to take, but nonetheless be very careful the first time. It you like I can break her hymen so there will be no bleeding. The blood usually scares women.”

  Rokai thought about that for a moment. He didn't want her to be hurt or scared. “Both procedures, please,” he said laying her in the tub.

  “Of course.” The doctor picked up the laser and went to work. “She is very healthy, good muscle tone. The only odd thing is the chaffing on the heels. Something must have scraped against them practically constantly.”

  Rokai reached into the water and turned her foot, so he could see what the doctor meant.

  “Maybe the things she wore on her feet did that to her. Those are nicely padded but I would have to guess that she has another pair that wasn't as high quality the dug into her skin. Maybe they were too small for her feet,” he guessed.

  As the beamed slowly moved up her legs, Amber sat up to see what they were doing. “No.” She started to fuss. “Stop.”

  Rokai grabbed hold of her and pushed her back so she was lying down.

  Amber feared that they wanted to do something strange and sexual to her. She was being probed and she didn't like it. It hurt in several places.

  She started to kick and scream; water was splashing out of the tub and getting the two men wet.

  The doctor reached out and held onto her shoulder, pushing it down so he could continue. “She is a virgin. The procedure will take a moment. Hold her still.”

  “Amber, you need to lie still. I don't want you hurt.” He knew that she didn't understand him, but he felt a need to comfort her.

  Amber turned and looked at him when he said her name. The rest she didn't understand. What were they doing to her? Her insides felt all funny. The laser was climbing upwards so slowly, making her feel sick. It was right over her private area. What was going on? How had this all started?

  She gave up fighting and just cried. She wished that she understood what they were saying.

  “Normally she would have hair growing here. She has removed it. I'll change the setting so it never grows back, just like with her legs. I'm guessing that it is tradition for her people to remove it. The computer is showing signs that she used a sharp object to scrap it away and that she also used hot substances to burn it off. How barbaric,” the doctor commented.

  He moved his laser higher. “She's hungry,” he said. “Her bowels are working correctly. Everything is looking very good. She is an especially healthy woman.”

  He stopped when the laser probed her necklace. “This is something special. It's from a plant but it has turned to stone. It is probably a symbol that she is from an influential family.”

  “It's called Amber, like her name,” Rokai informed him.

  “It is very old. Amber is a precious stone. You could sell it.”

  “No, I want her to keep it. She is very proud of it.”

  “It's better for a slave to go to her master with no possessions,” the doctor warned him.

  Rokai didn't answer him. He figured that if he took it away that she would cry more than she already was. Her tears were upsetting him.

  The laser moved up over her hair. As the laser passed over it, her hair changed its color. Rokai wasn't sure what to think. He looked at the doctor for an explanation.

  The natural color has been covered. Her people have odd traditions.

  “I like it as it is now.” He had liked the coppery red color that it had been; which reminded him of his own people, but now it was a light blond brown. That went better with her brown eyes. She was surprising him.

  “Let's open her hair up.”

  Rokai let go of her a shoulder and knee. His fingers went to her hair, removing the cloth that held it in a knot on her head. He unraveled it, while her hands pounded on his hands, trying to stop him.

  Her hair was very long. Long hair was a thing of beauty, and not all beings were capable of letting it grow long.

  He lifted her out of the water and stood her in front of him on the floor as the water flowed down to her feet and into the floor. Rokai just stared at his treasure. She looked like a new person. Her hair was parted in the middle and it flowed down around like waves that trickled away from her beautiful face. By her face the color of her hair was a golden blond, as it moved back it got darker becoming a light brown color. It was spectacular. She had starlight in her hair.

  Rokai was thrilled that he had taken her along. Her beauty, now that it was finally uncovered, was that of a fine woman.

  He glanced into her eyes and saw tears there. His smile faded. “Is she hurt?” he asked the doctor.

  “No, just scared. Poor little thing. It will get better once she can understand everyone.” The doctor got his translator machine. He shot one into her ear cartilage.

  Amber screamed out in pain. She tried to get away from them, but the Red Barbarian held her too tightly. Her hand fought to cover her ear.

  The doctor took his hand laser and cured her pain. “It's over, woman. The pain is gone. Relax. This will help you understand every person you meet.” These words had become part of the routine over the past fifteen years. Nowadays every creature was given one at birth.

  Amber's muscles pulled together, tightening up. She could understand the doctor suddenly. She looked at him surprised.

  “Amber, you are safe. We can go now. We can go home.”

  Amber squinted her eyes as she looked at him. His voice sounded different from before. The pitch was wrong, off somehow. The words didn't flow in the sam
e melody as before. His voice had gotten deeper.

  She looked at his lips as he spoke. The words that his mouth was forming were completely different from the sounds that were reaching her ears. This was like watching a foreign movie, one with terrible dubbing.

  He was trying to comfort her. Why would he care?

  After all, he had just spanked her a couple of times since they had arrived here, wherever here was.

  He had claimed her now. She was his, to do with whatever he wanted. What would he want her to do?

  She was imagining herself being forced to do all sorts of undesirable things. Once he had her in his home, no one could save her.

  “Home?” she repeated, looking down at herself. She already knew that no one would help her get away from him. He would yank her along behind him and she would have to follow. Everyone would be able to see her, all of her. She wasn't about to go anywhere without clothes.

  “Yes,” he grinned please with her, “Our home.”

  Chapter 4 A Whole New World

  Rokai brought Amber back to their ship. Before, she had tried to stay as far away from him as possible, but now she pressed herself into his back, so no one could see her nakedness.

  “Why can't I have my clothes back? Lots of women have them,” she begged. Her eyes darted around taking in the creatures around her. Sometimes she would see a human looking woman but never a man.

  “No.” His answer was short and decisive but still Amber didn't give up with her begging. “Clothes are only for loved women. Some women never earn them.”

  Amber stopped walking and just stared at him in disbelief. “No clothes ever?” She broke down right there on the spot in the middle of a busy hallway. Those passing by glanced her way for a second, but they didn't stop to help, or even seem to care that her world was falling apart.

  What a silly reaction? Rokai thought. This woman was going to be more work than he thought. He bent down and swooped her up. Throwing her over his shoulder he walked on.

  Amber started to hit and kick him but he walked as if she were a mere fly swarming about him.

  Once they were in the ship he laid her on the bed and turned to leave.

  Amber got up and tried to follow him out. She still had a lot of fight in her, and her anger was nowhere near spent.

  “Computer, close this door and keep it closed. Make something to eat.” The doors closed after Rokai had passed through them.

  Amber slammed her hand against the door as hard as she could. She was so furious with him. A unit in the wall popped open, making her jump. A steaming hot meal was in there.

  Amber stared at it for a moment, debating what to do. She was starving. She hadn't eaten anything because she had been trying to make room in her wardrobe for new clothes before she went to work the day he took her. Was that yesterday? Did aliens even have days?

  She took the plate, frustrated with everything around her. She sat down on the bed and laid the plate on her lap.

  “Hot!” she proclaimed, moving it to the bed beside her. She felt like throwing it against the wall and yanking the covers from the bed and screaming her head off. It just wasn't practical to walk around naked.

  She looked at the bed a little closer. Soft blankets covered it. If he took her clothes then she would take his bedding. She wasn't about to catch her death just because of him.

  Just as she had hoped the sheets got thinner the further in. She pulled the thinnest and softest away from and bed and hugged it to her body. Why didn't Dior have anything this soft?

  She opened up the sheet, holding one corner tightly in her hand she wrapped it around her body a couple of times. The ends she tied together in a bow over her left shoulder. She moved the bow and redid it several times until she felt that it looked just right.

  This dress was hugging her body so tightly. She had the figure to pull something like this off. She gathered her hair together and draped it over her right shoulder to make herself look better. That was when she noticed her hair color. It was back to plain brown again.

  When had that happened? The only plausible explanation was that their water had dissolved the color.

  This just wasn't her day. Everything that she had once had had been taken away from her, first her clothes, then her expensive hair color, not to mention her shoe collection. She had just the right pair at home to go with this sheet, the light brown ones from Louis Vuitton that were made of calf's skin. They sparkled when she walked. They would have been just the contrast to the simple sheet dress. She was picturing herself walking down the catwalk. Photographers would have wanted to take her picture.

  She wished that she were a model and not a maid. She wanted to be the one who got to see all the fabulous clothes even before they were in fashion magazines. A model's salary would be great, too. That way she could buy more clothes instead of having to save up for each new piece.

  But all of that was gone. He had done something unforgivable to her. He had taken her dreams.

  She need no longer dream of becoming a model, she wouldn't get discovered by a famous designer as she laid on the beach in her bikini reading Vogue. She had nothing to hope for, but a chance to runaway. That was unlikely because she wasn't even on her home planet. She had no place to run to.

  Her rage was returning with force. Once again she smacked her hand against the door.

  Pain shot to her fingertips and up along her arm and shoulder. She shook her hand to get rid of the pain. She was just hurting herself.

  The only way to get out of this would be with a clear head. She needed to cool down. She had to get out of this somehow.

  Her hands yanked up the sheet so she could move her legs. She stood up and raised her arms up to the ceiling and brought them together. She lifted her right foot and placed it on the side of her right knee. Amber concentrated so she was slowly breathing in and out. She was pretty good at yoga.

  Amber needed to stay tiny so she could fit into everything that she wanted. She had been a bit pudgy as a child. The next logical move was to keep up her strength. She had no clue what kind of chores he would be having her do.

  That meant she would try the strange looking food. And then she would look for a bathroom. That she needed to see to, too. She hoped that there was a mirror in the bathroom. She wanted to admire her handiwork with the sheet.

  Amber had managed to calm herself down. She brought her hands and foot down and opened her eyes. The Red Barbarian was standing right in front of her.

  Amber's hard achieved calm was once again gone. Her hands moved to her hips. What did he want now?

  “I came to feed you.” Rokai was glad that he had clothes on, or she would be able to see his raging hard penis. The way she had been standing had let him see all of her points of interest, even if they were covered in the bed sheet. Her uplifted breasts with their pink nipples were pointing at him. He could easily see them through the thin cloth. Her slender arms rose high above her head. A serene look on her face, that looked so precious, was now gone. Now she was wrapping her hands around the areas that he had just been looking at and wanting to touch. Still he could see her tiny tummy. There was something sexy about it, too.

  “I already found my plate. You can leave again.”

  “Our plate,” he corrected her. His eyes darted to her eyes.

  What did he want now? Amber had already devised a plan to keep up her strength and eat something. She was eager to get on with that, but without him.

  Rokai sat on the bed. “Come here.” He held an arm out to her, expecting her to sit on his lap.

  “I know you are hungry. Why aren't you obeying?” He was genuinely confused with her actions.

  Amber walked around him in a large circle. She sat down on the other side of the plate.

  “Don't you know how to eat? A master and his slave eat together. Come sit on my lap, so I can feed you.”

  “I'm not going anywhere near your lap. You can just forget that.”

  He laid his head a little to the side and
thought about her words, and that he never saw a woman on a man's lap on Earth. That thought was making him sad. Why wouldn't the men want to keep their women as close to their hearts as they could?

  “This is how we eat, precious one. I would never hurt you by not letting you on my lap. You need to be there many hours every day. I know that.” He said those words with so much kindness, opening himself up to her, making himself vulnerable.

  “I do not need that, and I am not going anywhere near you.”

  “You do need this. Your heart needs it. Maybe not yet, but I hope really soon. I am already starting to need your nearness.” Rokai hadn't realized that it would feel like this. People constantly talked of the love between a master and his slave. The ones that felt a pull became husband and wife. Once that occurred they could no longer part from one another. The pain of that was too much to ask of anyone. With enough love a baby would grow under her heart. Would she ever love him enough to give him a child?

  “I don't need to be near you. As it happens, I think it would be best if I got as far away from you as possible. You are ruining my life. Nothing good has happened to me since I met you.”

  Rokai had to look away from her angry face for a moment. His heart ached because of her words, proof that he was falling in love with her.

  “The only way you can eat is on my lap. It's your decision.” His words came out softly and tenderly, hiding his pain because she didn't feel as taken with him as he did with her.

  Rokai couldn't even explain it to himself. She didn't have one redeeming quality about her. She was so stubborn, her words were said to wound him, and she pushed him away at every turn.

  The only thing he liked was her beauty, but that had been hidden under terrible clothes and false hair color. Why had he felt compelled to drag her along with him?

  His first thought was because he saw a chance and took it. Women were just so hard to come by, but the thing was; he had just wanted her. They must be kindred spirits. Fear was speaking from her, he decided. He had to take her fear.


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