The Eye and the Arm

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The Eye and the Arm Page 32

by Andrew Q. Gordon

  Realth—A Northern Free City.

  Respital—One of the Seven Kingdoms. Fourth kingdom to be conquered by Meglar.

  Spagrom—One of the Northern Free Cities.

  Spine of Khron—Large mountain range that forms the northern boundary of the Seven Kingdoms and separates them from the Tehbra Desert and the Northern Free Cities. Home to Northhelm.

  Southern Wastes—Frozen area on the southern tip of Ardus.

  Tabrum—A Northern Free City.

  Teclelion—High Priest of Honorus for Haven.

  Tehbra Desert—Large desert that covers the northern part of Ardus. Home to the Northern Free Cities.

  Therssen—A Free City of the West.

  Trellham—Oldest of the three dwarf kingdoms. Site of the first great war between the gods.

  Trellham Mountains—Mountain range running north-south on the western side of Ardus. Home to Haven and the dwarf city of Trellham.

  Valencia—A Free City of the West.

  Verona—High Priestess of Lenore for Haven.

  Yar-del—One of the Seven Kingdoms. Founded by Kel at the behest of Honorus. First of the Seven Kingdoms to be conquered by Meglar.

  Yar-del City—Capitol of Yar-del.

  Zargon—One of the Seven Kingdoms. Ruled by Meglar after he killed his father. Traditional enemy of Yar-del.


  Chamdon—Humans warped by dark magic into mindless creatures with enhanced strength and stamina. Meglar created them by accelerating the aging process in the subjects. Chamdon have short life spans, as they burn out their life force within a few days. Because of their limited mental capacity, they are easily directed by handlers who implant a command that the creatures carry out until redirected again or until death.

  Doors—A means of instantaneous travel between two distant places. Only certain wizards can create a Door, and the wizard must have a firm image of the destination in order to create a terminus to the portal.

  Muchari—Human-looking race of beings who have enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and senses. They are protectors of the unicorns and peregrines and are devoted to Lenore.

  Peregrines—Large raptors who are highly intelligent. When standing upright they are about eight feet tall. Peregrines can communicate mind to mind and have no defined lifespan. Rothdin, the peregrine king, is over seven thousand years old. Peregrines act as guardians of the skies for their lord and master, Honorus.

  Source—A near limitless vessel for storing magical energy. Created by Kel, the spell used to make a Source was a closely guarded family secret among Kel and his heirs. The Source at Yar-del was the only one until Meglar stole the spell and created his own Source. The remains of the Yar-del Source was transferred to Haven when Yar-del City fell to Meglar. Farrell created a second Source outside Haven to store energy to use in his battle with Meglar.

  Summer Festival—One of two major celebrations on Nendor. A traditional time for couples to hold their union ceremonies.

  Unicorns—Beloved of Lenore. They are the guardians of the earth and, like peregrines, communicate mind to mind. Queen Nerti is their ruler. She and her mate, Klissmor, are over seven thousand years old.

  Winter Festival—One of two major celebrations on Nendor. A traditional time for couples to hold their union ceremonies.

  Keep reading for an exclusive excerpt from:

  Kings of Lore and Legend

  Champion of the Gods: Book Three

  By Andrew Q. Gordon

  Farrell thought his quest would end in Dumbarten, but he learns it has only begun. Now he needs to get to Agloth, the temple city to Seritia, but the Goddess Herself orders that he travel as a regular petitioner, and he must bring at least one follower of each of the Six gods of Nendor.

  Along with Miceral, Nerti and Klissmor, and Prince Peter, Farrell enlists the help of Grand Master Penelope and his peregrine brothers. Despite being attacked by a wizard allied with Meglar, they safely reach Agloth. The city, however, has its own secrets, and acquiring the Gift of the Gods Kel hid there will require undoing a millennia-long curse.

  After solving Agloth’s mystery, Farrell and his companions leave the others and travel to the Dwarf Kingdom of Fracturn in search of another Gift. When the same wizard who attacked them during their journey threatens Agloth, Farrell cuts short his time in Fracturn and rushes back to defend the city. Though Farrell and his allies gain the upper hand, the death of one of their companions distracts Farrell at a critical moment. Farrell’s opponent capitalizes on the tragedy, and Farrell struggles to survive while dealing with his crushing grief.

  Coming Soon to

  “WHY DON’T we send up flares that write my real name and lineage across the sky?” Farrell scanned the room for support. King Markus of Dumbarten, Princess Penelope, and her life partner Lady Marisa, avoided his gaze. He shook his head and turned around. “I don’t like this plan.”

  “You haven’t liked any of the suggestions we’ve made.” Markus stared at his cousin, his annoyance barely contained. “Do you have a better idea?”

  “Not yet.” He stood up and walked to the window. The king and Marisa didn’t know how magic worked. They assumed he’d wave his hand and make their impossible plan work.

  “That is because you make it look easy.” Nerti’s mental voice reminded him he’d kept their minds linked for these meetings. “Perhaps if you let someone else do the hard things, they’d see the effort needed.”

  “Even if I did that, they’d still expect me to find a way.” Seritia’s request that he bring a devotee from each of the Six and arrive like any other pilgrim played havoc with his original plan to sneak in and out without Meglar noticing. How was he supposed to travel to Her city in the middle of Lourdria—a nearly three-week journey on a fast horse—without attracting attention?

  “Rothdin and I have a suggestion, if you’d like to hear it.”

  The fact she and his adoptive father colluded in secret meant they weren’t sure he’d like the idea. “It can’t be any worse than sending a legion of heavily armored horse soldiers and accompanying support personnel.”

  “You have such confidence in us.” Despite her words, he could hear the amusement in her voice. “Perhaps I should keep my thoughts to myself.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything other than the utmost confidence in your counsel. Please tell me your idea.”

  “That’s better. But promise to hear me out before you object.”

  In the past, whenever someone asked him to promise that, he struggled to comply. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Have Penelope make a pilgrimage to Agloth. You, Miceral, and Peter accompany her as guards. Klissmor and I will find two more unicorns to carry Peter and Penelope. Your Brothers will fly with us as guards. The princess is a formidable wizard whose presence would explain any high magic you perform.”

  The idea had merit. A small contingent would not draw undue attention, at least not on the scale of a legion or two. And as Nerti suggested, the use of high magic would be easily attributed to Penelope. That said….

  “Your presence and that of Grohl and Takala is going to be hard to miss.”

  “Agreed, but since I’m going to accompany you wherever you go, we need to find a plausible reason for Klissmor and myself to accompany you.”

  “I think four unicorns and two peregrines are going to raise a few eyebrows, no matter what you say.” Despite his protest, he hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand.

  “This is also true, but after Belsport, Meglar is aware we are active in the affairs of the world. Would not the king of Dumbarten want to make sure the gods are in his favor?”

  “Yes, but it is still going to stand out.”

  “Not if we send out several other groups at the same time.”

  Farrell smiled at the image in his mind of Nerti being pleased with her cleverness. “Can you explain that?”

  “Klissmor suggested that whe
n we leave for Agloth, we send similar groups to strategic allies around the world. If Meglar is looking for us, he will have to divide his attention.”

  Dividing his attention wouldn’t stop Meglar, but it might slow him enough. And with everyone riding a unicorn, the time to Agloth would be less than half the usual journey.

  “I like it.”

  “Like what?” Markus asked.

  Lost in his conversation, he hadn’t heard the king walk up. “Nerti and Rothdin have come up with a suggestion on how to get to Agloth.”

  Markus raised an eyebrow. “And you like it?”

  “He is a wise human.” Nerti must have projected her thoughts to everyone, as the king reacted to her comment. He twisted, scanning the room before his confused gaze settled on Farrell.

  Farrell tapped a finger to his head. “She sees and hears everything I do.”

  A flicker of a reaction played across Markus’s face before he reined it in and presented a more neutral expression. “I’m not sure I’ll agree my cousin is wise, but I’m interested to hear what he does like.”

  Letting Nerti explain, Farrell watched to see the reactions of the others in the room. Markus and Marisa disapproved.

  “Three guards and one of the three is a boy?” Marisa stood and stepped behind her chair. She gripped the high back and stared at Farrell. “And you like this plan?”

  Markus leaned forward. “I agree. My aunt is far too valuable to Dumbarten to risk sending her across the continent with two guards and a child.”

  “First.” Farrell caught himself getting angry. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep. Calmer, he opened them and continued. “First, four unicorns, two peregrines, a Muchari, and two grand master wizards is hardly ‘two guards and a boy.’ Lose the ‘only humans count’ mentality and you might see why this is a good idea.”

  “Thank you.” From the way she spoke, Farrell knew the comment was only sent to him.

  “Second, and perhaps more to the point, the goal is to get to Agloth as safely and as fast as possible. Anyone not riding a unicorn is going to slow us by at least half.”

  “Fast isn’t better if you don’t make it alive.” Marisa shook her head. “If they send any force of note—”

  “The peregrines in the air will spot them well in advance, giving us time to flee.” Penelope stood up as she spoke and locked her eyes on Farrell. “I agree.”

  “You agree with him?” Marisa’s face had turned so red, Farrell worried she might faint.

  “No, dear, I agree with Nerti and Rothdin.” She raised an eyebrow. “Those two have lived a very long time. I suspect they know a thing or two about only taking appropriate risks.”

  “The princess is correct.” Rothdin’s booming voice filled their minds. “Queen Nerti and I would not have suggested this plan if we felt it was unduly dangerous for her, her mate, and my three sons. Everything we do from here on will contain risk. It is just a matter of how much. This task must be undertaken as quickly as possible.”

  “Between Farrell and myself, there isn’t much we can’t handle.” Penelope directed her words at the king. “And what we can’t fight our way through, we can outrun.”

  “The party we suggest addresses Seritia’s requirements and is fast enough and powerful enough to make it there safely.” Rothdin sounded more confident than Farrell felt.

  No one spoke, and Farrell let them mull over what had been said. Markus broke the silence by drumming his fingers on the table. Nodding, he rapped his knuckles on the stone top.

  “Explain to me again why this group?” He waved a hand in front of his face dismissively. “I understand the unicorns and peregrines represent Lenore and Honorus respectively. Miceral is the chosen of Khron, and you have to go, but why Penelope and the boy?”

  Markus pretending he didn’t understand what had already been discussed and agreed upon irked Farrell. “Prince Peter is a follower of Arritisa.”

  “And you are the Chosen of Arritisa. He isn’t necessary.”

  Fighting the urge to sigh, Farrell said, “I don’t count. The message said for me to bring a devotee of each of Seritia’s five siblings.” Nothing short of Arritisa showing herself and picking someone else would change his mind that Peter needed to be included. Markus stared at Farrell but said nothing. “He’s necessary. If you don’t believe me, ask Arritisa.”

  “Fine.” Markus sounded anything but fine with the decision. “But that doesn’t explain why you’re taking Dumbarten’s chief wizard.”

  “Why are we doing this, Markus?” Farrell skirted close to being disrespectful to his cousin, but he alone had the rank to speak plainly. “You know why Penelope is coming. I know you don’t like the plan, but being obstinate isn’t helping.”

  “My Aunt is a follower of Honorus, cousin.” Markus glared at him. “You already have your brothers. She isn’t needed.”

  Farrell turned toward Penelope, and everyone else’s head turned toward the princess. Penelope scowled at him and shook her head.

  “Why couldn’t you just have said it?”

  He shrugged. “I wasn’t sure you wanted me to tell him your business.”

  “Said what?” Markus shifted his attention between the two wizards. “Tell me what business?”

  “Markus, sometimes you can be so clueless.” Penelope rolled her eyes when the king’s eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. “I’m going because I’m a devotee of Falcron.”

  “What?” Whatever the king expected, hearing his aunt felt a primary affinity toward the god of wisdom obviously wasn’t it. “The House of Hevnor follows Honorus.”

  “Yes, outwardly we do, but like many wizards, my primary worship is to Falcron.” They looked at each other for a moment longer until Penelope shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what you want, Markus. The will of Seritia is clear.”

  “Clear?” Markus laughed. “Telling Farrell he needs to bring a devotee of all five of her siblings is a clear sign you need to go?”

  “Yes.” Farrell paused to find the correct balance for his response. His cousin was never going to like the idea, but he needed to accept it or it complicated things. He briefly wondered how he’d moved from skeptical of Nerti’s plan to fully endorsing it. “Before we received Seritia’s message, I was planning to go alone, or with just Miceral and maybe Nerti and Klissmor. The goddess didn’t approve of my plans and imposed her will in a way that made it clear what she wanted.”

  “I’m still not following.” This time Farrell detected genuine confusion. When Penelope sighed, he waved her off.

  “Name someone else who could replace either Peter or Penelope.”

  Markus opened his mouth, paused, and then closed it.

  “Exactly.” Farrell held back a smile. “Not just someone else, but someone who knows what’s at stake, who I am, and can be counted on in a fight. Seritia made sure I’m bringing the people she wants.”

  “So it seems.” Markus walked over to the window and stared out. “My aunt is a powerful wizard, so I can understand why she must go, but the young prince? Has he even reached his age of majority?”

  “No, and I can’t tell you why he’s required either.” Farrell joined the king looking at the ocean off in the distance. “But I’m certain if I try to leave without him, Seritia, Arritisa, or both will make an appearance and make sure he’s included.”

  “I don’t like it, but what choice do I have?” The king sighed and turned to face Farrell. “I’m not used to being overruled or told what to do.”

  “Now that the Six are taking a more active role in our affairs, I’m afraid you’d better get used to it.”

  Don’t miss how the story began!

  The Last Grand Master

  Champion of the Gods: Book 1

  By Andrew Q. Gordon

  In a war that shook the earth, the Six gods of Nendor defeated their brother Neldin, god of evil. For the three thousand years since, Nendor and the Seven Kingdoms have known peace and prosperity.

  But then a new wizard unle
ashes the power of Neldin. Meglar, wizard king of Zargon, uses dark magic to create an army of creatures to carry out his master’s will.

  One by one, the sovereign realms fall. Soon the only wizard who can stop Meglar is Grand Master Farrell, the Prince of Haven, the hidden home of refugees. An untried wizard, Farrell carries a secret that could hold the key to defeating Meglar—or it could destroy the world.

  While helping Nerti, queen of the unicorns, Farrell saves Miceral, an immortal Muchari warrior the Six have chosen to be Farrell’s mate. But Farrell approaches love with caution, and before he can decide how to proceed, Meglar invades a neighboring kingdom. Farrell and Miceral find themselves in the middle of the battle. Farrell pushes himself to the limit as he and Miceral fight not only to stop Meglar but for their very survival.

  About the Author

  ANDREW Q. GORDON wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ballpoint pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.

  He currently lives in the Washington, DC area with his partner of nineteen years, their young daughter, and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important DC “insiders,” Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball, and trying to keep his daughter from growing up too fast.

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