All Yours

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All Yours Page 3

by Tory Baker

  “Hey Sis,” I hug her, and I see her scanning my shopping cart.

  “Going to the cabin?” she asks.

  “Yeah, Kori and I are heading up there this weekend. What are you and Colton doing this weekend?” I respond.

  “We’ll probably get some Christmas shopping done. So, you and Kori, huh?” her smile has taken over her face, a part of me wishes she will find someone to share her life with. Yet, every time she seems to start dating again, something pulls her back.

  “She’s amazing, Mel,” this time the smile is on my face. Fuck, Kori just makes me that happy.

  “Kori’s the best, I can’t wait to spend Christmas with her,” Melanie says, and I can see that she’s already scheming something.

  “Yeah, yeah. Let’s make sure she doesn’t have plans first, okay?”

  “Sure, well I better get back to it. Love you, bubs,” she whispers into my ear as she hugs me. Fuck, she hasn’t called me that in years.

  After this weekend, I’ll have to sit down and make sure things are really okay with her.

  “Love you, I’ll see you early next week.” We part ways and I finish getting everything that’s needed. My mind is on the next thing on my list and that’s picking Kori up at her place.



  I’m probably overpacking, but I have no idea what to expect for the weekend. Will it be cold or cool? I mean in some instances it could even be hot. What I do know for sure is that Nate requested I bring a bathing suit. That was the first thing I packed, everything else has been a disaster so far. My bed and floor look like a clothing bomb went off.

  I finally decide on comfy clothes, leggings, an off the shoulder sweater, a V-neck shirt, and pajamas. I stuff it all into my bag and grab what I need out of the bathroom. That’s the easy part, it only takes me a matter of a few minutes. I bring my bag to the front door, open it, and lock it back up.

  While waiting, I sit on my front patio area, it’s small in size. Just enough for a chair and a table, but it’s where I love to sit and enjoy the morning if I get a chance to.

  My apartment isn’t my forever home. No, that would be one of the homes you see for sale that have an old-world charm, are at least a hundred years old, and on the cusp of literally crumbling. That’s the type of home I’m dreaming of. Restoring all of that glory, it would be amazing to see it from start to finish.

  I hear the diesel of Nate’s truck pull up and into the parking spot that is next to my own car. He’s parked and out of his truck by the time I make it down the steps. Nate comes up to me, his hand finds my hair at the nape of my neck, as he brings my gaze up towards him.

  His lips land on mine. I drop my bag on the ground, and I’m holding onto him with everything I have. His kiss is one of need, so powerful that I yield to him. Lips that are soft and full. He’s everything I’ve needed, not to mention every night I fall asleep so turned on that most nights, if I don’t take the edge off, I don’t sleep. It happened one night, and I’ll never put myself through that again. I’m hopeful though, that this weekend we’ll both give ourselves to each other.

  Nate will be my first, and sure I’ve saved myself for a long time, but I couldn’t imagine it being given to anyone but him.

  When he brings his tongue into play, I gasp out loud, and he swoops in. He leads the way, and I follow him. Tentatively at first, until he brings my body in as close as possible to his. I can feel every hard line of him, including his hard on that’s poking my stomach.

  Our breathing is choppy when we slowly part, my forehead finds his chest, and I plant it there, taking in a deep breath, before meeting his eyes.

  “Hey beautiful,” his voice has taken on that husky tone that I’ve come to love so much already.

  “Hi Nate,” I smile up at him. He grabs my bag and we load up in his truck.



  Fuck, the way her tongue danced with mine. I knew full well she didn’t have any experience from our talks on the phone, but when she chased after my tongue with the way I was slowly playing with hers, I knew I was a goner for her, completely.

  I’m going to be her one and only.

  “Did you get enough food?” I see the mirth on her face, she’s looking in the backseat of the truck. It’s slam packed with food and everything you could imagine that we need for the weekend, maybe more.

  When I picked up her bag it was light, makes me happy as fuck I thought about getting toiletries that she could leave there for the next time we go to the cabin.

  “Maybe,” I shrug and turn my eyes back to the road. My hand is on the center console between us, hanging loosely in form. I feel her hand slowly close around mine, and a smile spreads across my face. Something that I’m noticing I do more and more each time I’m with Kori or hell, even thinking about her.

  I told my secretary and the guys at work I’d be disconnecting this weekend and to delegate if needed. I doubt very seriously we’ll get many after-hours calls. My main concern is the new construction buildings we’re working on.

  Shelby assured me she’d oversee everything, and I did something I’ve never done before — I put my phone on ‘do not disturb’ except, for Melanie and Colton. Everyone else can wait.

  It takes us a little over an hour to get to my place. We talk when Kori sees something or when we ask each other questions, but for the most part, we drive in a comfortable silence.

  We pull up to the cabin, it’s nothing big — a two-bedroom, one bath, kitchen, living room, front porch, and back porch. But it’s peaceful.

  “Wow, Nate. This place is gorgeous.” She opens the door and runs out towards the view of the creek and mountains. I come up behind her, forgetting the bags of groceries that need to be brought in.

  In this moment, I just want to cherish everything about being here with Kori. I wrap my arms around her middle, my chin rests on her shoulder, and enjoy the view with her.

  When her arms wrap around mine, I know in this instance she’s enjoying everything there is to have in the here and now.



  The moment when it was just Nate and I with the spectacular view will be one of those memories I will cherish forever. It took us a good ten minutes of looking out across the natural beauty around us before we got our rears in gear and off loaded the truck.

  Nate wouldn’t let me carry the heavy bags. I just rolled my eyes and loaded up my arms with all the lighter ones until it balanced out to be about the same.

  “Woman, you’re quite the handful. I would have brought the rest of them in,” he grumbled.

  “Well, I can help. You know?” I volleyed back. We unpacked the food, placing it in the refrigerator and small cupboard he has in the kitchen.

  After that’s done, I take a look around the place. It’s quiet and cozy, there’s a dark leather sofa that looks worn in, a pillow or two, an area rug, and in front of the couch is a wood burning fireplace.

  “I really hope the weather gets cold enough to where we can use the fireplace this weekend,” I murmur.

  “We will, it’ll get colder up here on the mountain,” he replies to my chatter.

  “I can’t wait. I think Melanie might have had some help with the décor,” I tease.

  “Yeah, she came up one weekend to get away from life, while Colton and I stayed in town. I came back the following week and this is what I came back to. I secretly think she didn’t need time away, she just wanted something else to decorate besides her house and mine.” He may be grousing but the smile shows how much he loves his family.

  “She did a great job. Do we need to do anything else?” I ask.

  “Nope, I’m going to turn the hot tub on out back. I put your bag in the bedroom, if you want to unpack,” he says as he walks out the sliding door that leads to the back porch. I can’t wait to slide in and bask in the warmth.

  I walk down the hallway. The first door on the right is the bathroom, it’s small but does its job, the wood tones and buffalo check
pattern on the shower curtain are the same as the pillows in the living room. I have to smile at that thought. Mel really had fun on her weekend away. I walk out of the bathroom, going to the second door. It has a full-sized bed, the comforter is brown and white, and there’s a small dresser and a nightstand. I look to see if my bag is anywhere in the room, and when I don’t see it, I make my way to the bedroom across the hall.

  When I open the door all the way I’m stopped in my tracks. My hand goes to my mouth. There, sitting on the bed right next to Nate's bag, is mine.



  I went outside and was only out there for less than ten minutes. When I walked back inside looking for Kori, I saw her. She was just inside of the doorway of our room. Her hand to her mouth and tears shimmering in her eyes. I almost put her in the spare room, not wanting to assume too much. Something made me stop, though, and I’m thankful I went with my gut right about now.

  I spin her around, bringing the palms of my hands to cup her cheeks. I see the glimmering wetness in her eyes. I don’t ever want her to cry. Not over something like this.

  “You okay?” I rasp out.

  “Yes, this, it’s just perfection. My emotions just got away from me,” she says in a hushed tone.

  “Are you alright sharing a room? I promise we won’t do anything you don’t want. I’d never hurt you, Kori,” I promise.

  “I know you wouldn’t, and I want to fall asleep in your arms. It’s been a hard couple of weeks with only hearing your voice and not seeing you,” she admits. Her hands are holding my forearms when she touches me, I swear it’s like a volt of electricity zaps through my system.

  “Glad you’re feeling the same way I am, beautiful. Ready to get in the hot tub?” I ask her. I’m not ashamed to say I’m ready to see more of her, feel more of her, and just be with her, in my arms.

  “Definitely, I’ve been dying to go in there as soon as you said there was a hot tub here. I thought it took a few hours to warm up?” she says.

  “Nope, it didn’t take too long this time around,” I say to her, not telling the full truth of how I had a friend come up and turn it on the low setting until I got here to adjust the level to high.

  “I’ll go grab my suit and change. Meet you out there?” she questions.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely.” That’s my cue to grab my suit and head to the bathroom to change, leaving her in the master bedroom. I’m thankful as fuck now that Melanie decorated this place. If she left it up to me, nothing would be matching. Hell, we’d be lucky to have matching bed sets.

  I change into my swimming trunks, grabbing a couple of towels, stopping at the fridge grabbing a beer for myself, and Kori’s wine she mentioned she drinks. I pour hers into a wine glass, thank you again Mel, and then I head to the back deck to wait.



  I probably should have packed my one piece, but no. I went out on a limb and packed my two-piece. It’s high waisted, and the top has cups that help hold up the girls. It’s black in color. Any other day I wouldn’t have thought about it twice, but now I’m thinking the one piece would conceal a bit more.

  Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the back door, open it slowly, and step outside.

  “Oh my gosh, it’s freaking cold,” I say as I run to the hot tub, so much for trying to look cool, calm, and collected.

  I basically plop into the hot tub and Nate is chuckling. I don’t sit in my seat alone very long. Nate brings me closer to him, my legs end up in his lap, and I find a smile and say, “Hey.”

  “Told you it would get cold out here, didn’t think you’d be that cold, though, or I would have made sure you had a robe on,” he murmurs, my head is nestled into the crook of his neck. One of his arms is slowly rubbing my arm in lazy patterns while his other arm is hanging over my legs.

  “I’ll be okay, I just wasn’t expecting it,” I mumble, trying to stifle my laugh. I must have looked like quite the looney.

  “You’ll be okay by the time we get out of here plus I brought towels, too, so that’ll help some,” he kisses the top of my head. I look up and see the smoldering look in his eyes, I can feel my nipples tighten.

  Nate’s eyes look down and I know he can see how tightly pebbled they are. He brings his hand up from my legs, his palms clear a path, and I know just where he’s heading.

  My head falls back as his thumb rubs the underside of my breast and I let out a breathy moan. After a few moments, he slides his palm up even more, my top somehow loosening, and his hand is now engulfing my breast. When he skims my breast, I feel the warmth of the palm of his hand encompassing my whole breast. His name tumbles off my lips in a cry, “Nate.”

  “Look how beautiful you are, hot and ready. Just for me. All for me.” His voice now has a raspiness to it that has me rocking my hips, needing something that isn’t there yet. God, I hope tonight we both can find some sense of gratification.

  I reach behind my back to finish undoing the clasp at the back and then I’m bare, just for Nate. It’s bold for me, but I take the plunge and let it fall.

  When Nate see’s my boldness though, I’m quickly up and straddling his lap. This feels so much better. A part of me wants us both naked, but I know the wait will be well worth it.

  “Just like that, Kori,” he grips my hips and slowly guides me until I find my rhythm and rotate my hips where we both can feel the pressure of his cock against my center.

  His mouth finds my nipple, while his other hand molds to my breast. I continue grinding on him, my hands finding his hair, and I hold on as he licks, sucks, and lightly bites my nipple.

  He grunts as I find exactly the right spot to make us both see fireworks, only then does my head tip back and I moan.

  “Fuck, yes. Keep moving Kori. Take me with you.” I start to come harder than I have by my own hands, and when I feel Nate moving his hips right along with mine, his hands abandoning my breasts, and he’s holding me so close to him, I can feel the slight hair he has on his chest abrading my nipples. It’s then that I come and scream out his name into the dark night air.

  “Oh god, Nate.”

  “You’re beautiful Kori, so god damn beautiful. Especially here in my arms,” he says as we both come down from our high. He doesn’t let me go. I’m still so tightly wrapped up in him and I’m finding I may never want to leave his arms.



  Having Kori come for me in my arms, there’s no better feeling. Shit, I’m getting hard just thinking about it. Let alone coming in my swim trunks like a teenage boy, but it was worth it. There was no holding back, especially when she untied her bathing suit top. She’s a work of art, the dusky rose of her nipples, the way her breasts filled the palms of my hands. I know this is just the beginning.

  When we came inside from the hot tub, we both dried off, she got in her sleep set thing. It took everything I had not to tear them off, high cut on her thighs, red in color, with a satin feel, and the top. Fuck, the top I could tear the straps off with a gentle tug and it would come apart.

  We talked well into the night before her yawning got the best of her while we were snuggled in bed.

  “Promise me we can use the fireplace tomorrow night?”

  “Definitely, we can do anything you want,” I guarantee. She settled into the crook of my arm, her back to my stomach. I brought her in closer and she passed out a few minutes later.

  I laid in bed awake for some time, my mind playing on repeat of our time we’ve had together so far and what I’m going to plan for in the future.

  Christmas is just a couple of weeks away, and I know just what I want to do to make this one the best there is, even if I am on call.

  I woke up before Kori, it was hard to leave our bed with her laying on top of my chest. I want that for the rest of time.

  Placing the pillow from where I just vacated, I see her burrow deeper into it, and make my way out to the kitchen to start on coffee, breakfast, and getting the fireplace roaring. There�
��s a chill in the air and I don’t want Kori to get cold or become sick, especially if it’s something I can prevent.

  I know as soon as Kori smells coffee, she’ll be up lightening quick. It’s one of the things we’d do when we couldn’t see each other. We’d FaceTime each other and have our morning coffee, both of us not thrilled with the fact we don’t have a real front or back porch.

  So, first thing is first. I get the fire started, then head into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and of course, Kori’s much needed coffee.



  I wake up and I’m cold, colder than I was during the night. It’s then that I notice Nate isn’t in bed with me.

  Grumbling, I get up, slowly making my way toward the bathroom when the smell of coffee assaults my senses. Hurrying up and taking care of using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, also attempting to do something with this rat’s nest hair of mine. It’s a useless fiasco, so I throw it up in a messy bun, and make my way to the kitchen to find Nate.

  Standing at the end of the hallway I take in the sight of Nate. He’s shirtless, his body, that I was lucky enough to map and catalogue every hard-chiseled muscle that he has on his body. Nate’s is on display for my viewing pleasure. I was lucky enough to be able to trace his tattoos that run along his inner and outer forearms last night while we were in bed, the moon that was high in the sky gave me just enough light to see every delicate line, and with his shirt off last night, I got to see exactly where they traveled.


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