Chameleon Wolf

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by Chameleon Wolf (lit)

  He really was one lucky wolf!

  “Hey,” Zac said as he leaned back to look down at Matt, “you never said what you do for a living. Are you going to need to give notice or anything?”

  “Not exactly.” Matt chuckled. “I kind of work for myself.”

  “Really?” Zac asked, his eyebrows shooting up. “What do you do?”

  “Well, there’s the version I tell most people, and the truth. Which would you prefer?”

  “I always prefer the truth, Matt,” Zac said. “It’s important that we never lie to each other, no matter what the situation. Honesty between mates is very important.”

  “I play with computers.”

  “Like build them or repair them?”

  “The things I do with a computer aren’t exactly legal, Zac.” Matt pushed himself away from Zac and sat up, scooting up to lean back against the headboard. “It’s not like I steal money or anything, nothing that could get me in serious trouble. I just like to cruise the Internet and see what people are hiding.”

  “You’re a computer hacker?”

  Matt grinned. “If I had my laptop, I’ll bet I could tell you anything you wanted to know about yourself in under ten minutes.”

  “Seriously?” Zac asked as he sat up across from Matt. “You can do that? Find things out about people?”

  “Sure,” Matt said, confused by Zac’s sudden interest. “It’s not that hard. You can find anything out about anyone if you know where to look.”

  “Matt, do you actually know what I do? What a Delta does, I mean?”

  “Yeah, you eliminate feral wolves.” Matt shrugged. “You’re like a wolf-council-sanctioned hit man.”

  Matt saw Zac’s lips thin into a grimace and immediately felt bad about how he had worded things. He reached out and placed his hand on Zac’s arm. “Zac, you provide a service to wolf packs. It’s a horrible thing for you to have to do, but it needs to be done. I just wish you didn’t have to do it.”

  “Someone has to do it, Matt. You know that.”

  “That doesn’t make it right,” Matt grumbled. He twisted his hands nervously together in his lap. He knew what a Delta did. They didn’t have one in his pack, but he’d heard things, bad things. He didn’t like the idea that Zac was ostracized from his pack because of what he did for them. It didn’t seem fair to Matt.

  “So, I was thinking maybe you could help me with my work.”

  “Me?” Matt looked up in surprise. “How can I help? It’s not like I can fight, not like you do. I don’t even have any rank in the pack.”

  Zac smiled. “No, but if you’re as good at hacking stuff as you say you are, you might be able to help me track people down, find out what they are really up to, where they might be. That could save me a lot of time, Matt.”


  “Sure.” Zac crossed his legs and leaned back on his hands. “When I’m called out to track someone down, I have to find him first. That usually takes longer than the actual mission. If you were able to help me track them down, I could just go and do my job and come home.”

  Matt started to grin. “Awesome.”

  Zac laughed and rolled his eyes. “Awesome? I think you just dated yourself, babe.”

  “You really seem to have this hang-up about my age,” Matt said, the smile falling from his lips. “I’m young. So what? It’s not like I’m that much younger than you. And it doesn’t mean that I’m stupid. I’m obviously old enough to fuck.”

  “Whoa, Matt,” Zac said as he reached out for him. Matt followed Zac’s lead and crawled over to sit between his legs. “I never meant that. But yes, I am a little worried about your age, not so much the years, but the lack of experience.”

  “I told you that I wasn’t a virgin,” Matt protested.

  “I’m not talking about sexual experience,” Zac said. “I’m talking about life experience, Matt. My life isn’t an easy one. I live alone, I don’t socialize with my pack very often, and I’m away on missions more often than I’m home. Hell, I don’t even have any houseplants because they’d die from lack of attention.”

  “I guess this means I won’t be seeing a lot of you then,” Matt whispered. He hung his head, saddened by the idea that his mate would be gone so often. He liked Zac, a lot. He thought that now he had found his mate, maybe his life would be a little better.

  He was starting to think it wouldn’t be that much different than the life he had now. He lived alone. He didn’t have a lot of people he would call friends, not beyond his Alpha and Beta. And he occasionally got laid, but they never stuck around long enough for Matt to grow to like them. Hell, they barely stayed the night.

  Zac seemed to be telling him his life would kind of continue in the same way, only this time, he’d be mated. He wouldn’t be sleeping with anyone except his mate, which made sex even more sparse. Matt supposed he could go back to jerking off all of the time like he did before he turned eighteen.

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Matt,” Zac said, catching Matt’s attention. He looked up, curious. “If your hacking abilities are as good as you say they are, then we can track these guys before I go looking for them, and then I won’t have to be gone as long.”

  “That would…that would…” Matt cocked his head to one side. “Do you really think I could help you out on your missions?”

  “You tell me, babe,” Zac said. “Just how good are you?”

  Matt grinned. “I’m very good.”

  Matt yelped when Zac pushed him down onto the mattress. Zac’s body settled over the top of him, the man’s thicker legs sliding between his. “I am quite aware of just how damn good you are.” Zac leaned in and licked the side of Matt’s neck until he groaned and his toes curled. “And I’ll be thankful for it until the day I die.”

  “I’m good with that,” Matt moaned as Zac’s lips went to work on his nipples. “Just try to put it off until we’re old and grey.”

  “I’ll try my best.”

  “Guess….guess that’s all a man can ask for.”

  Zack laughed and rolled off the bed. Matt groaned and wrapped his hand around his hard cock. He had kind of been hoping for another round like the night before. He was disappointed when he saw Zac pull on his clothes.

  “No morning nookie?”

  “Not this morning,” Zac said. “But if you hurry and we get on the road in the next couple of hours, I might be persuaded to stop for a nooner.”

  Matt was out of bed like a shot, reaching for his clothes. He’d prefer to fool around now, but he guessed, after all this time, he could wait a little longer.

  Two hours later, Matt grinned over at Zac as he placed the last of his boxes in the back of Zac’s truck. He was a little abashed that everything he owned fit into the back, but at least he had the important stuff. Everything else he left for the landlord.

  Zac assured him that he had plenty of room at his place, a huge bed and all. There would be lots of room for Matt to put his stuff. Zac lived in a three-bedroom cabin in the country, several miles from his hometown. He even offered to let Matt use one of the bedrooms as an office.

  Matt was ecstatic about the move. He didn’t even mind moving away from his pack. He was a little worried about the new pack, however. Even though he was mated to Zac, he didn’t know how he would fit in.

  “Was that quick enough for you?” he asked. “Do I still get my quickie?”

  Zac smirked and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Who said it was going to be quick?”

  Matt laughed as he walked over to join Zac near the front of the truck. “So, what’s Illinois like? Will I like it?”

  “Well, around Kankakee, where I live, there is the Kankakee River. It’s huge, almost half as wide as the Mississippi.” Zac shrugged. “Other than that, central Illinois is lot of flat farmland.”

  “Can’t be much worse than here, I guess.” Matt glanced around the dirt and sparse trees and rocky hills that housed the bulk of his pack and the small one-horse town he lived in. “I�
��m kind of thinking almost anything is better than living here.”

  Zac chuckled. “I’ve seen worse.”


  “You don’t want to know.” Zac shook his head as he opened the passenger door. “Now, get in the truck and buckle up, sexy. We have a lot of ground to cover before night gets here.”

  Matt leaned up on his tiptoes and stole a quick kiss from Zac before climbing in. He laughed when Zac just stood there for a moment staring at him with hunger in his eyes. It was going to be a long trip home.

  Matt watched the town pass them by as Zac drove them down the road. It wasn’t much, but it had been home for a long time. There were things he’d miss and things he wouldn’t. And just maybe, being a social outcast from Zac’s pack wouldn’t be such a hard thing. He wouldn’t have to deal with a lot of the pack dynamics like he did here. It kind of sucked being low man on the totem pole.

  “Zac, being your mate, do I have any sort of rank in your pack?”

  “My mate.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “I mean besides that.”

  “Being my mate gives you rank in the pack, Matt. I’m not an Alpha or a Beta or even an Omega. I’m a Delta. If you were mated to the Alpha, you would be Alpha Mate, which is a rank in its own. As my mate, you are Delta Mate. That’s your rank.”

  “And that means what?”

  “That means that if anyone fucks with you, I’ll take care of it.”

  Matt bit his lip and glanced out the window. Zac’s features had hardened into a fierce stone mask as he spoke. It was almost frightening, except that Matt knew it worked in his favor. That was actually kind of nice, having a personal warrior mate.

  “I’ll try not to fuck up too much, Zac, I promise.”

  “Matt,” Zac began, “I’m not worried about you fucking up. You’re my mate. That means I’ll take you any way I can get you. Just be honest with me at all times, even if you think I won’t like it, stay faithful to me, and love me. That’s all I need from you.”

  Matt thought about Zack’s words for a moment then grinned. “Yeah, I can do that.”

  And he could. Already his feelings for Zac were growing beyond how gorgeous the man looked or how much Matt liked being around him. He could feel his heartstrings starting to wrap around all that was Zac, and he was pretty damn happy about that.

  “Did I mention I’m a pretty good cook, too?”

  Zac snorted. “Well shit, babe, why in the hell didn’t you say so? I can’t cook my way out of a paper bag with a set of directions and a sharp knife. You just may have saved me from a life of food poisoning and takeout.”

  The lecherous leer that Zac sent his way made Matt’s skin flush and his cock harden yet again for the millionth time in the last several hours. “What other hidden talents do you have?” Zac asked.

  “Well, if I said I could suck a gold ball through a hundred feet of garden hose, I’d be lying, and you want only truth from me.” Matt grinned. “But I’d be willing to try for fifty feet.”

  Matt’s eyebrows shot up when Zac gripped the steering wheel tighter and growled. “It’s a plot,” Zac said as he stared out the front window. “It’s a plot to kill me. I can see it now. I’ll be dead before I’m thirty-one, killed from being oversexed.”

  “Good thing you’re a Delta then, huh? Lots of extra adrenaline and a high sex drive. That’s why you still have another mate out there somewhere. If I had to fulfill all your needs myself, I’d drop dead before you.” Matt chuckled and unbuckled his seat belt. He crawled across the bench seat and nuzzled the side of Zac’s neck. “How are your driving skills, by the way?”

  Zac’s eyes narrowed.

  Matt reached for the zipper of Zac’s jeans and pulled it down slowly. He watched Zac’s clenched jaw tighten with each inch of naked skin exposed until his cock bounced free. Matt stretched out on the seat and lowered his mouth to cover Zac’s cock.

  “Hold on,” Zac hissed. A moment later, Matt felt the seat give and move back, giving him more room to maneuver. Matt didn’t waste any time. He sucked Zac’s cock into his mouth until he felt the head hit the back of his throat. He swallowed hard, feeling copious amounts of pre-cum dribble across his tongue.

  “Oh fuck, baby, right there.” Matt grinned around Zac’s cock when he felt the man’s hand wrap in his hair. “How deep can you take me? Can you swallow me all of the way?”

  Matt wasn’t sure, but after the tremble he heard in Zac’s voice, he sure as shit wanted to try. He swallowed again and arched his throat, sucking Zac down even more. When his gag reflex started to kick in, Matt swallowed again and again until he could move past it. Finally, he felt his nose bury in Zac’s pubic hair.

  “Fuck, Matt!” Zac shouted. “You fucking did it. I can feel every swallow, every breath you take. God, you’re fucking perfect.”

  Matt felt like he had just won the lottery. He’d spend that imaginary money, too, if he could figure out how to breathe and suck at the same time. Tightening his lips around Zac’s shaft, he pulled back until just the head remained in his mouth and took a deep breath through his nose.

  From this position he could see Zac’s face. It was taut, reddened with the amount of control Matt knew Zac was exerting to not thrust up into his mouth. A kind, considerate lover made all of the difference as far as Matt was concerned.

  “Pull over,” he mumbled as he lifted his head for a moment. “I want you to fuck my mouth.”

  Matt barely had time to brace himself as Zac pulled the truck over to the side of the road. A second later, Zac’s cock was shoved back down his throat. Matt reached down and started massaging Zac’s balls as he licked and sucked and swallowed for all he was worth.

  Zac’s quiet moans soon turned to groans, then deep growls, that made Matt’s cock harden to marble. He reached under his body and unzipped his pants then slipped his hand inside to stroke his cock. Matt was so hard, so hot. He knew he would come soon. He just wanted to make sure that Zac came with him, or before him.

  “Matt, Matt, I’m so close,” Zac growled as both of his hands twined in Matt’s hair. “Just a little more, baby.”

  Matt could do more. He slipped his hand back past Zac’s balls and rubbed his fingers across the small, puckered entrance there. Just as he swallowed Zac down as far as he could go, he pushed a finger into Zac’s tight hole.

  Zac roared. Pulse after pulse of seed shot into Matt’s mouth. He had just a moment to pull back a bit so he could swallow it all before his own cock erupted, his release covering his hand and the seat beneath him.

  “Holy fuck!” Zac swore a few moments later. “That was intense.”

  Matt licked the cream off Zac’s balls and cock then lifted his head to grin up at his mate. He held up his hand to Zac, cum dripping down his fingers. “I made a mess.”

  Zac’s eyes seemed to glaze over. He grabbed Matt’s hand and licked every drop off, sucking Matt’s fingers into his mouth to clean them. Matt was very afraid that his cock was going to start to take an interest in Zac’s ministrations. The moment he could, he pulled his hand away from Zac and sat up to zip up his pants.

  “None of that, or we’ll never make it to Illinois.”

  Zac chuckled and tucked himself back into his pants. “I promise to be good.”

  Matt sat back down on his side of the bench and snapped his seat belt back on. “I don’t.”

  “I can only hope.”

  Matt laughed. He liked the idea that his mate was aroused by him. It boded well for their future together. He just hoped that Zac’s other mate was as accommodating. He hoped that Zac’s other mate was his, too. Otherwise, it could make things very sticky.

  “Hey, Zac, about this other mate of yours…”


  “If he’s your mate but not mine, how is that going to work?”

  “Well, first you need to understand that he may not be a he. He could be a she.”

  Matt’s mouth dropped open. “No!”


sat back in his seat feeling completely shaken. A woman? What in the hell would they do with her?

  “However, no matter if he is a he or a she, you’re still my mate. Besides the fact that I think you’re sexier than hell, I’d be drawn to you anyway. Nothing will ever change that. We’re stuck together no matter what.”

  “Okay, yeah,” Matt said. That’s what he wanted to know.

  “I’m hoping that our other mate is a man, and that he will want both of us.”

  “That would be good.”

  “That would be fucking fantastic. However, if things don’t work out that way, we will figure something out. But don’t worry about this right now. You mated me first. I’m moving you into my home, or should I say our home, and into our bed. You’re mine, and you go where I go.”

  Matt smiled at Zac. He reached over to caress the top of Zac’s hand, thrilled when Zac turned his hand over and clasped his. “I like that.”

  The smile Zac gave back to him was full of promise. “I like, it too, but not as much as I like you.”

  Matt tossed his head and brushed his hair out of his face. “I believe that’s the way it should be,” he said in his haughtiest voice.

  Zac started to laugh and reply when his cell phone rang. The smile immediately fell from his lips, giving Matt a large amount of concern. He held his breath as he watched Zac pull the phone out of his pocket and flip it open.

  “Hello?” Zac asked.

  Matt could hear someone talking, but he couldn’t hear what they said. He didn’t think it was a good conversation, though, when he saw Zac’s jaw clench.

  “Yes, this is Zac Sheehan.”

  Matt bit his lip.

  “No, that’s not possible at this time.” Zac glowered. “Elder, you don’t…No, of course not, but…Look, it’s just not that simple. I just…No, elder, I just…”

  Matt didn’t like the looks his mate was shooting across at him. The chill going down his back was almost as cold as the tone of Zac’s voice. He knew something was up, something bad. He just didn’t know what.

  “Yes, elder, I understand,” Zac finally replied. “It will be taken care of.”


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