Chameleon Wolf

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Chameleon Wolf Page 7

by Chameleon Wolf (lit)

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. Matt and I already agreed that there would never be any lies between us. We both feel it’s very important that mates always be completely honest with each other. If we do that, no matter what, we can tackle any issue,” Zac said seriously.

  “I’m cool with that. I like the idea of being able to believe you’ll always be honest with me,” Aiden said with a huge grin.

  “I hate to break up the love fest, but we need to stay focused at the problem at hand.” Sebastian snickered.

  “Well, you guys clean up and fill each other in. This wolf needs a shower,” Matt said, taking the last swig of his coffee before standing. He headed back to the master bath in their bedroom. It was huge!

  Zac was completely prepared for having two mates. There were triple sinks, all next to each other, a very large shower, and a bathtub that looked like a whirlpool. Matt knew he would spend hours enjoying that tub, but for now he needed just a quick shower.

  Shedding his clothes, he found the hamper and threw them in before heading to the shower. He was amazed to find it had several showerheads, making it almost like standing under a waterfall. Matt had thought ahead and grabbed a razor and shaving cream before he stepped into the shower. He had a surprise for his new mates. He just hoped they liked it. He also prayed he didn’t cut himself. He had never shaved his groin before.

  Groaning loudly when he was shaving his balls, he wasn’t ready for the way it stimulated them. His cock immediately hardened. When he was done shaving, he thought back to last night. Matt stroked his cock while he thought of the way it felt to have Aiden thrusting inside of him. Seeing Zac fuck Aiden, while Aiden was inside him, had been the most erotic thing Matt had ever seen.

  The look of pure bliss that was on his mates’ faces while they were fucking made Matt increase his pace. He leaned his head against the wall of the shower and tried to keep his grunts muffled. He caressed his mating mark from Aiden, and that was all it took for him to finish. With a loud groan he came, shooting his seed all over the wall of the shower.

  He stood motionless under the stream of warm water as he tried to breathe normally again. Once Matt was back under control, he quickly shampooed his hair, soaped up, and rinsed. He turned off the shower and found the shelf with extra towels. Matt dried off then wrapped a towel around his hips.

  Going in search of clean clothes, Matt found clean jeans and a shirt, which he threw on. He noticed, every step he took, the jeans rubbed against his very sensitive groin. Maybe going commando wasn’t the best idea now that he was clean-shaven. But he figured it would be fun to try!

  Matt headed back to the kitchen. The guys were just finished with their cleanup. They were also wrapping up their discussion on what to do next.

  “Well, since Matt had the foresight to freeze a lot of his money and collect information on all his accounts, we have a lot for the council,” Zac said.

  “Now, if we could only find out which council member he’s in league with,” Aiden replied.

  “Already done,” Matt told them from the doorway.

  “How so?” Sebastian asked, shutting off the water in the sink.

  “I pulled Issacar’s phone records and e-mails,” Matt replied.

  “Damn, Matt, you got more done this morning by 9 a.m. than most people do in a day,” Aiden said, walking over towards him. He kissed his lips, then along his jaw, and up to his ear. “My genius little mate.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Matt said, trying to push off the compliment. “The information should be on the printer. I didn’t have a chance to make copies yet.”

  “Okay, since we know which council member, I say we get the information to the rest of the members. Matt, can you put this all together while I call them?” Sebastian asked.

  “Sure, I can compile it all into one file and attach it to the e-mail. Also, you might want to know I put tracers on all the incoming money. I could track down which account goes to which member, so if the council decides to return some of the money, I can tell. Well, for the past few years at least. After that, I’m not so sure. Banks change routing numbers and some of the members—”

  “Matt, I think that’s more than anyone would ever have hoped could be done. The past few years are more than enough,” Zac replied with a chuckle. “Sebastian, you make the call to your contact on the council, and I’ll find my list of their e-mails.”

  “I’ll get everything together and write up an e-mail to be sent when you guys are ready,” Matt informed them. “Aiden, could you give me a hand?” He didn’t really need Aiden’s help, but it seemed everyone had a job but him, and he didn’t want Aiden to feel left out.

  “Sure, Matt, whatever you need,” Aiden said, walking with him into the dining room. “What can I do?”

  “Well, I don’t really need help with the compiling and stuff, but, well, I—” Matt stuttered, looking at his feet.

  “Whatever it is, you can tell me, Matt. I’m not one to judge, baby,” Aiden said, wrapping his arms around Matt. “I promise, and if you want to keep something just between us, I can do that. As long as it’s not going to hurt someone, there’s no reason some things can’t remain private.”

  “Thanks, Aiden,” Matt replied, hugging him back. “I came up with an idea when we were driving here yesterday. I’m not done with the proposal, but I wanted to get your input. It involves you, but I need the perspective of someone else that is mated to a Delta.”

  “Sure, baby, hand me what you have, and I’ll look at it while you get the e-mail ready.”

  “I’m glad you’re both our mates, Aiden, not just Zac’s.”

  “Me too, Matt, me too,” Aiden said into Matt’s hair before breaking their embrace. Aiden took the papers Matt nervously handed to his mate. As they sat down, Matt quickly got to work on compiling everything, all the evidence he found out about Issacar. He glanced up at Aiden after a few minutes and saw an intent look on his face.

  Did that mean he liked the idea of setting up their own Delta pack? What if he didn’t? Matt was really going out on a limb that his mates wouldn’t just laugh and pat his head like a kid. Aiden wasn’t much older than him, Matt reminded himself. He was eternally grateful for that. If Aiden was Zac’s age, too, he’d always feel like a little kid around his mates.

  “Here’s the e-mail addresses,” Zac said, coming into the room. “You can get it all ready, excluding the member Issacar is tight with. Don’t hit send until Sebastian gives us the go-ahead.”

  “Sure, Zac,” Matt replied, typing in all the addresses.

  “Hey, Matt?” Aiden asked when he was done reading.

  “What’s up, Aiden?”

  “I think this is awesome,” he said. “This is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard of.”

  “Really?” Matt asked, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

  “Really, Matt, you are incredibly smart. The planning and details you’ve put into this in just one morning is amazing,” Aiden replied, coming over to hug him.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Zac asked with a confused look on his face.

  “Can I show him?” Aiden asked.

  “I thought we weren’t going to lie to each other.” Zac growled, his face darkening. “That means no secrets, either! How can I trust you both if you’re hiding—”

  “Zac, calm down,” Aiden snapped. “Matt had an idea that he was nervous to share with everyone. He asked for my opinion on it as another mate to a Delta. Matt took a big chance letting either of us see this since he’s known us such a short time. You should be happy he felt comfortable enough to show either of us!”

  Matt looked at Aiden, stunned. He couldn’t believe Aiden immediately came to his defense like that. He was also surprised that Zac became so upset and yelled. Zac’s temper scared him. Matt shrank down in the chair. It was an instinctual response. He watched as Zac reined in his anger, taking several deep breaths before speaking.

  “You’re right, Aiden. I’m sorry, Matt. I shouldn’t
have gotten upset like that,” Zac said. “Can you forgive me, baby?”

  Matt couldn’t seem to find his voice, so he just quickly nodded.

  “Do you want to show Zac, Matt? I think it’s a great idea. He’d be crazy not to love it,” Aiden whispered in his ear. Matt knew Zac could hear Aiden just fine, but he figured Aiden kept his voice low to relax Matt again. Matt nodded again and watched Aiden hand the proposal to Zac.

  They both sat back and watched Zac as he looked it over. Zac’s range of emotions played over his face as he flipped through the pages. Finally he flipped it closed, his expression unreadable. Matt started to get very nervous, fighting the urge to run and hide.

  “Matt, I think this is amazing,” Zac finally said, showing a big grin. “I love the idea. I’m not sure how this would work, but this would lay down some very strong foundations to start.” Matt yelped as Zac jumped over the table and pulled him out of Aiden’s arms. Zac picked him up and swung him around. “You’re fantastic! So loving and caring, not just about us, but for the other Deltas, as well.”

  Matt held on tightly to Zac and couldn’t help letting out a giggle as they twirled. When Zac was done, he put him down and laid kisses all over Matt’s face. At the clearing of someone’s throat, he and Zac looked up.

  “Care to fill me in?” Sebastian asked from the other side of the table, trying to hide his smirk.

  “Later, if it’s okay with Matt. What’s up with the council? What did your contact say?” Zac asked.

  “It seems he wasn’t informed of a hit being placed on Aiden, much less a Delta being assigned to it.” Matt felt the horror show on his face. His mates must have shown the same. “I know,” Sebastian said. “I was outraged, as well. Matt, if you can send everything over, there’s going to be an emergency council meeting.”

  “How long is this going to take? The meeting and what they decide?” Aiden asked.

  “At least a week or two,” Sebastian answered. “In the meantime, they’ll keep us in the loop. As far as Issacar and his council friend are concerned, they’ll be informed that you were taken care of, Aiden. So, you might want to inform your family in case rumors get back to them that you’re dead.”

  “Good point. I’ll call them in a little bit,” Aiden replied. “In the meantime, Matt, do you want some help getting all your stuff settled in?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that,” Matt said, smiling up at him from the comfort of Zac’s arms. “Sebastian can take a look at what I showed you both. His input would be good, too. But I think the two Deltas need to talk about it because you’ll know more about how it works than Aiden or I will.”

  “Good idea,” Zac said. “Let me show you where you can put your stuff in our room, and then we can pick out an office for you, okay?”

  “I’d like that, Zac,” Matt replied as he looked up at his mate. They walked to the bedroom, leaving Sebastian in the dining room to look over Matt’s ideas for a pack just for Deltas and their mates. He couldn’t get over how prepared Zac was for having two mates. But then again, if his life was lonely, Matt guessed it made sense that he would work on projects to keep busy.

  There was a closet for Matt and Aiden on either side of Zac’s across from the master bathroom. They also each had a dresser that matched Zac’s and empty shelves and drawers for their things in the bathroom.

  “You guys can change anything you want. I didn’t mean to be presumptuous. I just…I don’t know. I guess I always looked forward to the day I found my mates, and I wanted to be ready,” Zac said.

  Matt was shocked to see the big man blush, looking at the floor nervously. “I think it’s great, Zac,” Matt said, giving him a big hug. “It means a lot to me.”

  “Me too,” Aiden said, hugging Zac around Matt so they were making a Matt sandwich.

  “I’m glad. I was nervous you wouldn’t like it,” Matt heard Zac whisper.

  “We love it,” Matt replied as the hug broke. “Now, you go talk with Sebastian while Aiden and I get settled.”

  Zac nodded, smiling with the biggest grin Matt had ever seen, and headed out of the room.

  “Wow, who knew the big, bad Delta would be as nervous to mate as we were?” Aiden said with a laugh. Aiden and Matt quickly unpacked their couple of bags in the room before heading into the living room to work on Matt’s boxes.

  “You sure you don’t mind helping me, Aiden?” Matt wanted to make sure he wasn’t abusing Aiden’s kindness.

  “Not at all.” Aiden smiled. “I’m sure you’ll help me when the time comes.”

  “I’d be happy to.” Matt opened a few of the boxes. He sorted which went to the bedroom and which went to his office. As Aiden moved the bedroom boxes, Matt went upstairs to look around the spare bedrooms.

  It worked out very well. The bedroom Sebastian stayed in was the bigger of the two. Matt liked the smaller one for his office, anyway. It didn’t have a bed in it. Zac seemed to be using it for storage. Matt had no intention of making Zac move the stored items. He didn’t even need the full room. But he would need a desk. He’d have to talk to Zac about that.

  Looking into the two closets in the room, Matt thought he was going to collapse. Both were filled with afghans to the point where they were practically stuffed in there. One closet was completely packed, some falling out when he opened the door. There had to be at least fifty between the two closets.

  What the hell? Curious now as to what was in the storage bins, Matt started to open them. Some were filled with more afghans, and the others were filled with spools of yarn! There were all kinds of different colors and textures. Matt had to fight the urge to laugh hysterically. He felt like he was in a yarn store!

  “Zac, could you come up here, please?” Matt called out, trying to keep his giddiness out of his voice. He waited for his huge, badass Delta mate to come up here and explain his knitting fetish.

  “What’s up, Matt?” Zac asked, coming into the room, but stopping when he saw what Matt had uncovered.

  “Should I be scared to ask, Zac?”

  “I can explain,” Zac replied in almost a panic. “Well, you see—I mean, you know that Deltas have extra hormones, right? High sex drives and adrenaline, plus we get really lonely, and, well, that is pretty boring, as well. So when we hit eighteen and move out on our own, there are different ways the elders recommend to help keep ourselves under control, you know?”

  “So for you they recommended knitting?” Matt wasn’t able to hide his snicker. He immediately lost all the mirth of the situation when he saw how defeated Zac looked. It almost looked like he had tears in his eyes. Matt quickly walked over to him and kissed him on the lips. “Zac, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just a surprise. You have to admit, you’re so rough and tough, anyone would be surprised you knitted afghans.”

  “I know. It’s embarrassing, but it does help. It keeps me focused and distracted from my overloaded hormones. I know you’ll think less of me, but—” Zac said, but Matt cut him off.

  “Don’t you ever say that!” Matt jabbed his finger into Zac’s chest. “Don’t you dare put words in my mouth that I didn’t say! I think it’s cute, yes. But it also shows that you have a softer side. I like that you have a softer side.”

  “Really?” Zac asked, finally meeting Matt’s eyes.

  “Really, Zac. I wouldn’t lie about something like this.” Matt rubbed his hands over Zac’s chest. “I do think that maybe you should do something with them instead of piling them in a closet.”

  “Like what?” Zac asked quietly. “I didn’t want anyone to laugh at me.”

  “How about we donate them? We can use the empty boxes after I unpack, and we can find an orphanage close enough to drive them to. You don’t even have to say you made them. You can say women from the community did,” Matt added when he saw Zac’s apprehensive look. “We don’t have to tell anyone that you don’t want to. I can keep a secret, Zac.”

  “Thank you, Matt. I love that you understand.” Zac hugged Matt even tighter. “I like the idea of
donating them to an orphanage. These poor kids don’t have families and could use some extra love. Besides, I know it’s a cause close to your heart.”

  “See? Together we can figure things out. Now, let’s put these all back. You can decide if you want to tell Aiden or not. It’s your secret to keep, and we don’t need to know everything. Some things you can keep personal,” Matt said as Zac released him. He felt like he handled the situation well when he saw Zac smile again. That didn’t mean later he wasn’t going to step outside and laugh his ass off, because he was.

  Chapter 6


  Zac heard Aiden shouting for him from the dining room. The man sounded frantic. He ran past Matt and down the hallway. “What?” he shouted as he came to a screeching halt in the archway to the dining room. “What’s wrong?”

  Aiden’s face was pale, his eyes wide as he glanced over at Sebastian. “Sebastian’s contact on the council just called. Alpha Issacar figured out we were up to something. He knows I’m not dead.”

  “Shit!” Zac pushed his hand through his hair as he paced around the dining room. This just made things a whole lot more complicated. Zac had no doubt that Alpha Issacar would try to keep them from attending the emergency council meeting. With the evidence they possessed, they could sink the Alpha.

  “There’s more,” Sebastian said.


  “My contact told me that all of their e-mails, Internet access, and phones are being monitored. He had to use a payphone outside of council headquarters. He said that he doubted anything we sent to the council by Internet would actually get to them.”

  Zac blinked.

  “I could load our stuff up to a secure server,” Matt said, “and send your contact a security code to download it.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “My contact said that’s too dangerous. Alpha Issacar has someone working for him that is almost as good as you, Matt. He’s waiting for that e-mail to appear. We can’t send it that way. We need to find another way to get this information to the council.”


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