Disturbing the Peace: Blue Line Book Four (Blue Line Series 4)

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Disturbing the Peace: Blue Line Book Four (Blue Line Series 4) Page 1

by Brandy Ayers

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Also By Brandy Ayers

  About Brandy

  Disturbing the Peace

  Blue Line Book Four

  Brandy Ayers

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Disturbing the Peace

  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Brandy Ayers

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Visit me at www.brandyayers.com

  Digital ISBN

  Published in the United States of America



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Also By Brandy Ayers

  About Brandy


  To all the men and women in blue who risk

  Their lives to serve and protect their communities.

  Chapter One


  Fuck. Every single guy in the bar looked like a baby to Ana. Not a single one of them appeared to be over the age of twenty-two. If she had any hope at all of getting over her ex and moving on with her life, she needed to find someone to fuck, pronto.

  Ana Formosa strongly believed in the old adage “To get over someone, you need to get under someone else.” And she had to put the whole situation in Pittsburgh behind her. Sure, at one point she thought her asshole commanding officer might be the one. He was decent in bed, good looking, smart, and slightly aloof. Everything she loved in a man.

  What she didn’t love was finding out that Derek had also boned half the females on the force, including the commissioner’s daughter, whom he then proposed to. When Ana found out, she lost her shit. Her temper didn’t get the better of her often, but when it did, it truly was a sight to behold.

  Turned out the commissioner didn’t take kindly to one of his lead female detectives screaming at her lover slash ex-boyfriend in the middle of the Pittsburgh Police Department’s lobby, in front of his new fiancé. And the mayor.

  The part that pissed her off more than anything was the fact that she proved right every single misogynistic asshole on the force who said women shouldn’t be detectives because they were too emotional. Nobody gave a shit that Derek had whispered he loved her as he fucked her every damn night. Or that he talked about their future, kids, a house, the whole nine. Nobody cared that he had been saying the same things to at least three other women that she knew of. They certainly didn’t care that he proposed to his fiancé purely as a career move, not because he loved the poor, naive girl. Not a single person gave a shit about any of that. The only thing they could talk about after the fact was how Detective Ana Formosa had flown off the handle and screamed bloody murder at her commanding officer in public.

  Thankfully, the commissioner knew her, knew her reputation for being a great cop, and didn’t have any desire to shitcan her. But things had been what be might called rough ever since the incident. No one wanted to work with her, and she’d gone through three partners in as many months. She got crap cases and more often than not stuck filling out paperwork all day.

  Which is why she found herself actually happy to be loaned out to a neighboring suburb’s police department. She’d made the trip to Middleburg for an emergency interrogation of a suspect turned victim, which had been one of the most bizarre interviews she’d ever been a part of, to say the least. The interrogation was followed by an attempt on the victim’s life, the Chief freaking out, and the new suspect stonewalling them back at the station. Now she was intrigued and excited to make the switch at least semi-permanently for the next few months. But she had a few cases still to wrap up in the city before she could move out to Middleburg and figure out how to catch the people responsible for the sleepy town’s rise in crime and drugs.

  And in order to go back to the PPD with her head held high, she needed to pick one of these twerps to throw down with before hitting the road in the morning. At this point she didn’t give two shits who she ended up banging. She certainly didn’t expect the guy to be any good in the sack. But she could work with just about anything. She just needed the last guy she slept with to not be Derek.

  Ana turned back to the bar, waving the bartender down and ordering another beer. In her peripheral vision, she saw someone slip onto a stool two spots over but didn’t bother turning to check the guy out. If he manned up and got the balls to talk to her, she might let him take her home.

  “Hey, buddy, what can I get for you?” The bartender spoke to him with a familiarity, not the well-rehearsed greeting she had received.

  “Get me the new IPA, Cory. Thanks.” Despite the volume of the noise the place called music, Ana could still hear the newcomer’s deep voice, and it sent shivers up her spine. Authority infused even the few words he spoke.

  For the first time that night, her panties grew damp, and she couldn’t resist the temptation to turn and see his face. The guy was younger than she would have guessed from his voice, maybe only his early twenties. But he was tall and broad with muscles that stretched the confines of his white T-shirt. His deep brown skin looked flawless, and he had obscenely full lips that she knew would do wonders between her thighs. The guy kept his hair short, not long enough to grip in her fingers and direct his mouth, but she would make do. Unfortunately, the bar and his sitting position blocked the view of the rest of his body, but if it matched the top half, it looked like Ana had herself a winner for the night.

  She shifted to the stool separating them, swinging her legs toward the newcomer and crossing them, the hem of her body-hugging dress inched up to midthigh. Ana wasn’t a shy woman. She knew what she wanted, and she went after it with every weapon in her arsenal. Including her body. There were many parts of her body that she was proud of but none more so than her legs. They were long and toned, thanks to the daily five miles she ran, ten on weekends. She didn’t have a fucking thigh gap, which was the dumbest damn thing she’d ever heard in her life. No, her thighs were curvy, thanks to the muscles that powered her both in and out of bed.

  The guy didn’t miss her move, his eyes slipping from the beer glass in his hands to her calves, then tracing their way up her body.

  “Like what you see?” Ana tucked her wavy hair behind one ear, leaning forward slightly to show off the little bit of cleavage she had.

  The stranger’s eyes snapped up to meet hers. The moment they landed on hers was like a punch to the gut. She’d expected his eyes to be a dark brown, matching the rest of his dark good looks. But instead, they were a light hazel,
almost moss green. The contrast between the rest of his features and his eyes mesmerized her, as if she had to stare at this beautiful man to make sense of how all his parts came together into one perfect package.

  “I didn’t sit here by accident. I’ve been watching you all night.” He kept his voice even, but the lust lying beneath the calm couldn’t be mistaken.

  Ana quirked up one eyebrow, impressed with this guy’s confidence. “Well, aren’t you the talented one. Not often I miss something as big as being watched all night.”

  Her new friend smirked. “Blending in is just one of my many talents.” He licked his bottom lip, pulling it slightly into his mouth. Damn if that move didn’t make Ana’s panties wet. Something she didn’t expect to happen this early in the night. “Want to hear about the others?”

  “How about you tell me your name first, stranger?” Twenty minutes ago, Ana hadn’t given a damn about learning the name of whatever schmuck she took back to her room, but suddenly she desperately wanted to know everything about this man.


  “Huh. Wouldn’t have pegged you for a Reilly. First or last?”

  Reilly chuckled a little as if she had told a joke only he was in on. “People have been calling me Reilly for so long, sometimes I forget it’s not my actual name. I don’t think any of the guys I work with even know my first name.” He picked up his beer, took a sip and set it back down, but made no indication he planned to keep talking.

  “After that, you have to tell me your first name. If only so I know you remember it.”


  It was Ana’s turn to laugh. Figures. The one night she tried to get away from everything law enforcement-related, and she managed to meet a guy named Justice.

  “Something about my name funny?” His smirk told her he didn’t really mind her laughing.

  “No. It’s a good name.” Ana leaned closer, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “It will sound great later as I’m screaming it.”

  Heat flared in Justice’s eyes, the only indication her words affected him at all. His body remained relaxed on his stool, and his smirk only deepened. “That sure I’m going to take you home tonight?”

  Ana slowly nodded her head. “Should I tell you how I know?”

  “I’d love to hear this.”

  Ana matched his smirk with one of her own, rubbing the toe of her obscenely high heels against his calf. “There are approximately six other women in this bar right now who are just as attractive as, if not more than, me. And yet you spent most the night watching me. That tells me you were invested in a night with me in your bed long before approaching.” Ana placed one hand on his thigh, and his entire body went tight as a bow. “Not to mention, even sitting hunched over a bar can’t hide the bulge you are currently rocking. So, either you have extreme elephantitis of the dick, or just the idea of being with me has you hard already.”

  Damn if that swell in the front of his jeans didn’t look mighty promising too.

  “What about you?” Justice traced his finger up the delicate skin on her inner wrist. “Coming to a bar in a dress like that? With heels that are begging to be digging into a man’s ass as he pounds into you. You came here on a mission. Maybe I just recognize an easy mark when I see one.”

  “Maybe. But frankly, I am an easy mark. A willing mark. So, all I need to know is, can you give me multiple orgasms in the next eight hours before the sun rises?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I most certainly can.” The air between them stretched thin and tight like a rubber band reaching its limits. At any moment, the tension could snap and they would crash together. God help anything in their way when it did.

  “Are you going to ask me to marry you or get all lovesick when I make you come so hard your balls will be aching for days?”

  Justice huffed a laugh. “No, ma’am, I won’t.”

  “Then I would say we are on the same page. What do you say we skip the bullshit getting-to-know-you small talk and unleash the beast in your pants?”

  Justice simply nodded, downed the rest of his drink, and threw two twenties on the bar to cover both their drinks and the tip. He stood from the stool and held out his hand. There were very few things in life that made Ana hesitate. And this certainly was not one of them. She’d come to the bar across town in the hopes of going home with someone. But never in her plans for the evening had she foreseen going home with someone as painfully beautiful as Justice Reilly.

  She took his hand and allowed him to lead her out of the bar and into the parking lot. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I took an Uber.”

  Justice laughed and turned back to regard her with the most blinding smile she’d ever seen. “I’m shocked as hell we have Uber out here.”

  “Well, it was the most interesting Uber ride I’ve ever had.” They drew up next to a vintage black Harley, which Ana admired with barely restrained jealousy. “The driver must have been eighty and had twenty-two grandkids. She went on and on about them the entire ride.”

  Justice laughed and grabbed two helmets from the back of the bike.

  “Damn. I must confess, if I hadn’t already been a sure thing, just this bike would have gotten you into my pants. If I had better shoes on, I’d be demanding you let me drive.” Ana almost regretted the killer heels she’d decided to take for a spin that evening. Almost. They were too sexy to really regret though.

  “No one drives Betty but me. Sorry.” Justice’s eyes roamed up and down Ana’s body, the heat building behind them feeding into her own growing arousal. “You going to be okay riding this thing in that tiny dress?”

  Without answering, Ana hooked her fingers under the hem, sliding it up to reveal the crotch of her tiny G-string thong, and swung her leg over the bike. She settled in with her thighs spread wide. No doubt the joke of a garment she called underwear did little to hide her pussy. And with as wet as she was, it was probably clinging to her every fold. “I think I’ll manage.”

  The prominent Adam’s apple bobbed up and down in his throat as Justice swallowed, staring at her practically half-naked on his bike. “Fuck. Can’t say I’ve ever ridden with a hard-on quite this painful.”

  “Well then, we better get going so I can take care of that for you.”

  Chapter Two


  Not for the first time, Justice was very happy he had decided to buy a house outside the Middleburg town limits. It meant he wasn’t crowded in with the same people he protected and arrested. But more importantly, right now it meant he had only a ten-minute ride before he could bury himself inside Ana and her obviously soaked pussy.

  Most of the guys at the Middleburg Police Department preferred to hang out at the Blue Line on their downtime. Justice had gone a time or two himself, mostly to bond with the men who watched his back day in and out on the job. But he never picked up the women who hung out there. The badge bunnies were low-hanging fruit. Attractive, sure, but most of them were looking to trap a cop with a good pension into a life of wedded mediocrity.

  Justice had other plans. Instead, when he felt the need for a hookup, he frequented one of the bars in neighboring towns. But tonight had been his lucky night. The woman with her legs wrapped around his body, her hands wandering over his abs and lower as he sped home, well, she was altogether something different from the usual women looking for a good time.

  Bold. Strong. Outspoken. And fucking hot as hell. That was Ana. She even had him wondering if he should move up the timeline on his life plan, specifically the long-term relationship aspect of the plan.

  He pulled into his driveway, hitting the button on his custom handlebars to open the garage. The silence echoed around them when he cut the engine on his most prized possession. They both sat on his bike, the heat from her core soaking through his T-shirt and into his back. The tension that had been present from the beginning swelled around them. Neither spoke, but Ana’s hands glided from his chest, down his abs, and skirted around the edges of his swollen

  He reciprocated by running his palm up her smooth calf, to her bare thigh, before bringing his hand behind him to rub at her soaked pussy. Fuck, this woman was ready to go. He had an idea to fuck her for the first time right here on the bike. To have her screams of ecstasy echo off the walls in the cavernous garage. Fast little puffs of breath filled his ear, and her hips thrust against his wandering fingers.

  The tension grew to be too much. Justice half turned, gripping her hair in one hand and pulling her mouth to his. They attacked each other with a ferocity he had never before experienced with a lover. Ana bit at his lip, and Justice sucked on her tongue. They warred for the upper hand, and before long, Ana was practically humping his side.

  Ripping his mouth away, Justice dismounted the bike in one smooth motion, gripped Ana around her waist, and lifted her from the bike. He spun her around, her back to his chest, and he walked them into his house, his mouth working over her neck and shoulders. They made it only as far as his kitchen before he couldn’t take another minute without seeing her naked. Bending her over the kitchen island, he pressed her against the cold granite and made fast work of her zipper. Too fast, apparently, because instead of stopping where it was supposed to, the zipper ripped open along with two inches of the silky fabric below.

  “That’s a damn shame. This dress was hot as fuck.” He gripped each side of the rip in his hands. “But since it is already ruined . . .” Tearing threads screeched through his kitchen just before he dropped the two halves of the skimpy dress away from her back. It pooled uselessly around her arms and the counter.

  “Damn it, I loved that dress.”

  “I’ll make it up to you in orgasms.” Justice barely held on to his restraint now that Ana’s smooth skin spread out before him. He trailed his hand up her spine, marveling at the golden tan skin that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. Lean, taut muscles lined her back, and he knew without a doubt she worked hard to keep her body in such stunning form. She didn’t wear a bra, the only clothing on her body now a string that circled her hips and disappeared down between two high, round, firm ass cheeks.


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