Forever Claiming You : A BWWM Romance (Grudging Hearts Book 3)

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Forever Claiming You : A BWWM Romance (Grudging Hearts Book 3) Page 18

by Nia Arthurs

  I don’t even feel like myself right now.

  Boring Zania?


  I pull the skirt on over my hips and follow him out the door.

  It’s my first time going commando, but there’s something daring about it. Like Teale and I share a dirty secret nobody knows.

  Not the security guard who opens the door for us.

  Not the waiters who serve us our brunch platters.


  His fingers graze my wrist as we eat. “Have you told your grandmother about your dad?”

  “No. I have a feeling she knows though.”

  “How so?”

  I shrug. “Just instinct. But Gran wouldn’t ever mention it first. I think she was terrified of this happening. You know? Me being conned.”

  My heart gets heavy just talking about my father’s betrayal.

  I hate that Rufus made a fool of me.

  It’s like I never learn.

  But I so badly wanted us to be a family…

  Especially since I accepted that I’m not going to have one of my own right now.

  “Maybe if she’d told me, if she’d given me a heads-up, I wouldn’t have been taken for a ride.”

  Teale nudges my chin up. His blue eyes hold me spell-bound. “I can put a price on his head.”

  It’s such an outrageous, Teale-thing to say that I bark out a laugh. “What?”

  “If that’s too severe, I can get him beat up. Not too badly. A couple bruised ribs…”

  “So this is who you were all along? Don’t tell me you’re in the mafia.”

  He shrugs. “Sometimes, violence is the answer.”

  “I see. So you meant to punch him that time.”

  “No, but aren’t you glad I did now though?”

  I shake my head. “Says the guy who was about to buy him off after he stole from me.”

  “Not my brightest moment,” he admits. “All I could think about was protecting you.”

  I know.

  And it melts my heart about as much as his hand dropping to my thigh and rubbing circles there melts… well, there are no panties to melt.

  My heart thuds.

  I never understood why people lost their minds to love.

  I stood on the outside and judged. Hard.

  Even with Damion, my first long-term relationship, I didn’t feel this. Didn’t feel any sparks. But I figured I didn’t need to. I cared for him. In a quiet, warm way.

  Not everything needs to be wild and crazy and heart-stopping.

  But now…

  With Teale…

  I get why people write songs, fight wars, lose their minds.

  I get it.

  His fingers move higher.

  My cheeks burst into flames.

  My body trembles.

  He smirks. Talks to me about the weather. About his company and his employees. About his promise to Ollie to work out more at the gym so they can hang out.

  He asks me questions and waits patiently for me to answer as if he doesn’t have his hand up my skirt. As if I can find one coherent thought when my entire body is aching for him.

  Before we leave the mostly empty restaurant, I have to wipe down my chair.

  Teale laughs.

  Keeps on touching me in the car.

  He’s working me up on purpose.

  By the time we get to the boutique, I’m out of patience. I grab the closest item from the rack and drag him into the private dressing room.

  His hand over my mouth barely keeps us quiet.

  The clerk gives us the side-eye when we finally emerge.

  We buy an obscene amount of stock to make up for it.

  I shake my head at the bulging bag of clothes Teale has in his hands. “You overdid it.”

  “I don’t think so.” He flashes me a handsome grin over the roof of the Jag and winks. “I’ll make sure I get my money’s worth.”

  Heat shoots straight through my body.

  I try not to let it show and climb into the car.

  Teale starts driving. “We’ve got one more stop. I’m thinking Le Bellaire to get the rest of your outfit.”

  I’ve never even heard of that store, but if the name is French, I can safely assume I can’t afford it.

  “Just take me to Walmart. You spent so much already.”

  He tears his gaze from the road. Meets my eyes. “Let’s make one thing clear.”

  I’m taken aback by the firmness in his voice.

  “I claimed you last night.”

  And this morning. In the shower. In the dressing room. But I keep those thoughts to myself.

  “You’re mine.” His eyes return to the road, but the conviction in his voice lingers. “Your hurt is my hurt. Your happiness is my happiness. Your bills…” He stops at a red light. Looks over again. “…are my bills.”

  He’s being ridiculous.

  And overdramatic.

  “I’m not your sugar baby. I can take care of myself.”

  “You’re my baby though.”

  I glare at him.

  He smiles softly. “I know you can take care of yourself.” He links our fingers together. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be a part of that. In whatever way you’re comfortable with.”

  I huff. Let his words melt over me.

  Accept them grudgingly.

  “We’re still going to Walmart,” I say.

  “Okay.” He easily agrees.

  I glance at him shyly. “But… you can pay.”

  He grins. “That’s my girl.”

  32 Teale

  Rufus fell off the grid. I know that because I’ve been looking for him behind Zania’s back. She’s still touchy about the subject of her father and though she doesn’t pretend he’s dead anymore, we just…

  We don’t talk about it.

  I respect her need for space. It’s not easy rationalizing the truth of a good-for-nothing dad—someone you’re expected to love and respect when they’ve done nothing to deserve either.

  Whenever she’s ready to talk about it, I’ll be here.

  Or not.

  Maybe I’ll die under the weight of this giant suitcase Zania packed.

  “Baby, we’re going away for a weekend. We’re not moving.”

  “I know.” Zania glances at me, brown eyes wide. She’s wearing a little white dress that I want to tear off her so badly...

  To be honest, I prefer her naked no matter what outfit she’s wearing.

  But we’re late.

  So I’ll behave.

  “I couldn’t decide what to bring.”

  “So you packed your entire closet?”

  “Didn’t you say we were late? Do you really have time to criticize my luggage right now?”

  She has a point.

  I usher her out the door and escort her to my car.

  On the way there, she chatters about her new recipe and the cake that almost fell when they were taking it out of the fridge.

  I like listening to her talk about baking. It’s something she’s passionate about and the way her eyes light up…

  Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe it.

  Damion’s a freakin’ loser for calling her boring.

  Zania’s anything but.

  In fact, she’s funny, kind, witty, sharp as a whip.

  Too feisty for me to keep my hands off.

  It’s been a month and I’ve found more and more ways to fall in love with her every day.

  And she’s found more and more ways to drive me crazy.

  Her innocence is genuine, but she’s not afraid to try new things. I think I’ve unlocked an inner depravity that neither of us was prepared to handle.

  Not that I have any complaints.


  I have zero complaints.

  And, I hope, she doesn’t have much either.

  Teasing her… well, that won’t stop. But all the rest, the women, the long trips overseas, the partying—I’m done.

  Nothing else matters.
br />   Zania’s branded me so completely that my every thought revolves around her first—what she needs, what’ll make her happy.

  If there’s a level below ‘whipped’, I’m there.

  And I’m not just standing around either. I’m cutting down trees, building shelter, stabbing fish with spears to eat for dinner, marking my territory, hissing at trespassers.

  I’m gone.

  This wild beast is wholly and totally domesticated.

  And it’s freaking great.

  We get to the private air hanger.

  Brendon’s there waiting in a cotton T-shirt and cut-off shorts. He’s dressed so casually that you’d never guess he’s the owner of a multi-billion-dollar business.

  I’d crack a joke about those flip-flops, but I’m too busy catching my breath as I drag Zania’s luggage over the tarmac.

  When we’re nearer, Brendon gives me a nod and gives Zania a wave.

  She happily waves back.

  Those two met a couple weeks ago. They clicked so well, I started getting kind of jealous.

  Later that night I had to remind Zania who owned her heart.

  She enjoyed teasing me about my jealousy, but she enjoyed what I did next even more.

  Just thinking about her little moans and the way she was begging…

  I adjust my pants.

  My methods were effective.

  Now I’m cool with their friendship.

  Brendon grins. “We were starting to think you couldn’t make it.”

  “This one packed her entire house.” I gesture to Zania and then the luggage.

  She shrugs. “I’m always prepared.”

  “For what?” I croak. “The apocalypse?”

  Zania laughs.

  Brendon just smirks. “Come on. Everyone’s already here.”

  We head to a princely-looking aircraft.

  “Thanks again for this, Bren.” I point to the jet.

  He shrugs. “Dad’s paying for it. So I don’t mind.”

  I chuckle. Brendon’s dad is about as good-for-nothing as mine. Brendon’s got no qualms when it comes to getting back at him.

  “Shall we?” I gesture for Zania to board first.

  She does, her hips swaying as she takes the stairs.

  It’s hard to keep my eyes on her plump behind and yank the luggage up without falling, but I make it happen.

  When we get inside the jet, I see Griffin, Ollie, Chandra and Cobie.

  Cobie’s rubbing her stomach. It was her idea to plan a trip. She’s calling it a baby-cation, her last romp before she has to slow down in preparation for the baby.

  We’re going to the coast. We’ll catch some sun. Some waves. Some sand. We’ll zip-line and nap on the beach.

  It’s going to be fun.

  I’ll ogle Zania in a bikini and rub lotion on her back. I’ll take her swimming. Feed her strawberries and wine. Then I’ll take her back to our room and teach her something new.

  I’m looking forward to that part the most.

  “You almost missed the flight,” Ollie says in that usual I’m so disappointed how could you do this to me tone.

  I flip him off. “Nice to see you, brother.”

  Zania rolls her eyes. “It’s my fault, everybody.”

  “Don’t take up for him,” Brendon says.

  “Look at this thing! I almost died.” I point to the suitcase.

  “Don’t be so overdramatic.”

  Brendon chuckles. “I’ll go talk to the captain.”

  Chandra leans back, eyelashes fluttering in pleasure. “This is the life.”

  “You want me to buy you a jet, babe?” Ollie sticks out his chest.

  As if he can do that.

  I snort.

  He gives me the side-eye.

  I’m not sorry.

  Griffin holds Cobie’s hand. “You gonna be alright? Not feeling nauseous.”

  “Love, relax.” She drapes her hand over his cheek. “I’ll be fine.”

  “In case you’re not, the nearest hospital is twenty minutes from the hotel. If we drive and there are no red lights, we’ll get there in fifteen minutes and thirteen seconds according to the GPS system. I’ve already phoned and talked to a doctor. He’ll be on call all weekend so if there’s any emergency, we can drive straight to him.”

  Cobie thrusts her eyes to the roof. Kill me now.

  Griffin scoots forward. “Are you okay?”

  “Ask me that one more time and I’ll throw you off this plane, Griffin, I mean it.”

  He goes quiet.

  Zania and I exchange looks.

  Both our lips are trembling, but we know better than to laugh aloud.

  The chaos continues all weekend, but I enjoy hanging out with my brother and our friends.

  Zania does too.

  I can tell.

  The sun loves her skin and it’s glowing like crazy.

  But it’s not just her appearance.

  I can feel a shift.

  Her shoulders aren’t so tense. Her smile is brighter.

  She’s finally moving on from that unpleasantness with Rufus.

  This trip was exactly what she needed.

  “I’m glad we came,” I whisper to her on the last night of our mini-vacation. My fingers move down her arm. To her elbow. Back up to her shoulder. Her skin is soft beneath my fingertips.

  “Yeah. It’s fun. A dream come true.”

  “Because you’re here with me?” I grin in the dark.

  She pokes my side. “No.”

  I hold her tighter so she doesn’t get any ideas of shifting away. “What then?”

  “I always wanted to go on a trip with my friends. In my head, we’d go swimming and tell jokes and cook on the beach. Then I’d sneak off with my boyfriend to make out. It never happened, but it was fun to think about.”

  “Which boy were you dreaming of making out with?” There’s just enough of a tease in my gruff demand to tell her I’m only joking.

  “It was high school.”

  I still want to know. I want to know everything about her. “Was it a jock?”

  She shakes her head. “Not my type.”

  “What’s your type then?”

  “I’m more into the tortured soul, bad-boy artsy type.”


  She nods. Her braids skim against my chest. “Yeah.”

  “You ended up with a tortured-soul, bad-boy nerdy type. Look at that.”

  “Close enough.” She sighs happily.

  “Should I fulfill your fantasy? We can sneak to the pool and make-out.”

  She slaps my chest. “We did more than make out tonight. In fact, you were all over me this weekend.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “An observation.”

  “Should I give you some space then?” I start to pull away.

  She holds me fast. “Don’t you dare.”

  I close my eyes, pleased.


  She makes me so freaking happy.

  “But…” Her voice is quiet, “I am kind of in the mood for a swim.”

  I smirk. “Did someone say skinny dipping?”

  “No, that’s not what I…”

  I scoop her up. She’s in nothing but a little golden slip—one of the items I got from the boutique for her.

  I’m in nothing but my boxers.

  “Teale!” she squeals.

  “Sh. Unless you want everyone to hear us.”

  She clamps her lips together. Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

  I throw the balcony doors open. Our room is on the ground floor, right in front of a private stretch of beach and ocean.

  There’s no one out tonight.


  I thrust Zania into the water.

  Hear her giggling and splashing around.

  I swim over to her and capture her in my arms.

  Seal her lips with a kiss.

  The moonlight spills over her head, bounces off the love in her eyes.

  I lo
ve her more.

  Bet she wouldn’t believe that.

  I’m an all or nothing kind of guy.

  And Zania… Zania can take it all.

  Epilogue: Zania

  The wail of a baby crying echoes through the waiting room.

  Chandra and I glance at each other.

  Ollie arches both eyebrows.

  Teale sighs in relief.

  I squeeze his hand tenderly. As much as I want marriage and kids, I’m willing to wait.

  We’ve discussed it and he wants to make his company public and settle down so he can spend more time with me and any future children.

  I get it.

  I do.

  But, in moments like this, I can’t help but wish for a baby of my own.

  He senses that too.

  His smile says our time will come.

  I squeeze his hand back.

  It will.

  And, of course, I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s been four months, but we’re still in the beginning stages of our relationship.

  Teale’s busy with his company. I’ve got my hands full at the bakery thanks to Chandra’s brilliant idea to open another Brew Drop downtown.

  We barely have time to see each other.

  Something I plan on rectifying tonight.

  Just then, the door opens and Griffin bursts out. He’s wearing scrubs, gloves, and a giant smile.

  “It’s a girl!”

  I gasp.

  Chandra squeals.

  Ollie and Teale nod in approval—as if they had any say in this.

  We rush him to give our congratulations and then quietly file one-by-one into the hospital room to meet the new member of our crew.

  When it’s my turn, I immediately burst into tears.

  Which sets Cobie off.

  Emotions spill through the air like a wave.

  The only person in the room who’s not teary-eyed is the little caramel-colored baby with a head full of hair and bright grey eyes.

  When we leave the hospital an hour later, it feels like the sun is trying to stab my eyeballs.

  Teale chuckles and wraps an arm around me. “Did you have to cry that much?”

  “She was beautiful. How could I not?”

  He laughs and opens his mouth—probably to tease me.

  No, definitely to tease me.

  But he’s thwarted by someone yelling his name.


  We spin and notice a tall guy with thick hair and glasses strolling toward us, holding the hands of a little girl. She’s slim and beautiful with long, black hair, dainty facial features and brown skin.


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