Lighting a Flame [Sequel to Playing with Fire] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Lighting a Flame [Sequel to Playing with Fire] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 8

by Serenity Snow

  “What time do you have to be at work?” Vinessa asked as she stroked Marika’s hair back from her face gently.

  Marika smiled up at her as she snuggled closer. “Nine.”

  “I’ll wake you in forty-five minutes,” Vinessa promised as she held her close. “By the way, I’m falling for you, too.”

  A smile tugged at Marika’s lips. Seconds later, she was sleeping.

  * * * *

  Lucas stood in the middle of the showroom, bored out of his mind. It was a slow day, and his brother was in back doing paperwork. Marika had texted him earlier asking him to call, and he was toying with the idea of texting her back. He didn’t really want to know what she had to say. He assumed, though, she wanted him to come and get his things from her place.

  He wasn’t ready to let her go, but she was moving on. He’d seen that clear as day last night. He swiped a hand through his hair as he fought back the nausea rolling over him. It hurt so bad to lose a woman he could still see himself having a future with.


  “Yeah, Colton.” He turned to face his brother, wondering if he’d already found the budget lacking and the bank had turned them down.

  He pushed out a rough sigh. “We won’t be able to do your designs. We’re barely keeping our heads above water, and the bank doesn’t want to give us a loan. I’ve considered trying to find an investor, but after the way Dad shafted us, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “We need to find the money to do at least one piece,” Lucas insisted. “It’ll bring in interest and then money.”

  “If you’re going to build a few pieces yourself, we can cover the cost of materials,” Colton told him. “However, you’ll have to do some of that work in your free time. Are you willing to take that much more time away from Marika?”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  The doorbell rang, drawing his attention from his gloomy thoughts. His breath lodged in his throat as Vinessa strode confidently in ahead of a couple. Colton turned and headed for her. Anger at what she’d taken from him drifted through him, punching him hard in the gut.

  “However, you’re obviously not man enough for me or Marika. ”

  Vinessa’s words echoed in his head and his anger arced away from her and rebounded onto him. He blamed Vinessa for taking Marika from him, but the fault lay with him. He’d just slunk off like a wounded dog with his tail between his legs.

  “Hello, Lucas,” Vinessa greeted him congenially. “How are you?”

  He shrugged. She was so gorgeous. Her smooth, caramel skin was so beautiful, she didn’t need makeup. Her hair was so black it shone beneath the lights, and her blue eyes held inviting warmth that caressed him despite his anger.

  “What do you want, Vinessa?” he demanded icily. He hated this feeling raging inside of him. Yet it happened every time she was around. He got so hot, almost light-headed from being so close to her.

  She made him feel just like a school boy falling in love for the first time. Fuck, he couldn’t be falling for her. He loved Marika.

  “Well, I came here looking for a piece of furniture because I heard you guys made custom pieces or you used to.”

  “Really?” he asked coolly. “Marika didn’t tell you this was where I worked? That my family owned this store?” She frowned and he wondered if she was feigning dumb. “Connor told me about a chest he bought here.”

  “What do you need it for?” he asked as she began to move toward a small section of chests they kept in stock. They were usually placed in bedrooms.

  “I need something for work,” she told him. “Connor said you custom-made the piece for him.”

  He frowned. “Let’s go to my office, then.” He changed course from the neat workstation nestled among the furniture in the dining section and headed down a hallway that led to their offices. “The toy chest,” he said, and smiled. “How is Connor?”

  “He’s fine,” she said. “He hasn’t been to the club much lately because he’s been busy adjusting to life with two women.”

  He halted in the doorway of his office to look at her. “What?”

  She smirked. “Do you remember Kal Singleton?”

  “Yeah.” He’d contemplated asking her to play with them a few times, but Vinessa had been the woman he wanted to fuck.

  “Connor and Leigh are with Kal,” she said. “They’re expecting their first child.”

  “The three of them are in a relationship together?”

  “Yep. Nice little store you have here.”

  He motioned her inside, stepped in, and closed the door behind them, and leaned against it. “So you need a toy chest, too?”

  “I need something that stands,” she said. “I’m looking for unique furniture to hold lingerie, sachets, books, and toys. I also need something that works in a storeroom.”

  He nodded. “You’re a buyer?”

  Vinessa smiled. “Sometimes. I do whatever my job calls for.”

  He pushed away from the door and moved to take a few items off the only chair in front of his small desk. The office didn’t even have a window, but it was functional enough. “Have a seat.”

  She sat down, and he went to the creaky old wood cabinet that served as his file cabinet. He grabbed a book and a few sketches. This might be one way to get some of his work seen.

  “Take a look at these.” He held the thin book out to her. Only one of the designs there belonged to him. The others were from other designers that he could order for her.

  Vinessa looked through them and then looked up. “Do you have anything else?”

  He held out the thinner book of his designs. Only two of them he had created in the last few years. Vinessa looked through them, taking her time. After ten minutes, she got to her feet and rounded his desk, putting the book on the desk before him and leaning down. “I like this one. Is it made to stand on the floor? With glass doors?”

  “Glass can be used in place of wood,” he said, surprised she’d liked the simple cabinet.

  “I need two of those and three of this one.” She flipped through the pages and pointed to a cabinet designed similar to an armoire. “How long will it take?”

  “They have to be made,” he told her.

  “I see.” She picked up the pages on his left and leafed through them.

  As he watched her, he noticed the blouse had a deep V stretched across her breasts. They were a little bigger than Marika’s, but not by much. They sat up high and firm and begged for his hands to cup them. He wondered what kind of bra she wore. He liked a front closure on a woman. It allowed him quick and easy access.

  He’d liked watching Vinessa play with Marika’s tits. The way her fingers played with Marika’s pussy—damn, it made him hard just thinking about it.

  His cock swelled, and he shifted as it pressed against the zipper of his pants.

  Would Vinessa let him fuck her without Marika around? He would love to be the primary focus of her attention just once.

  “I like the curves on this.” Her voice yanked him from his reverie. “Could the design be incorporated into the cabinets I selected?”

  He looked at the picture of the dresser she showed him. The curves reminded him of a woman’s body. Right now, he wanted to touch this woman’s body. “Yes.”

  “Do it. The cost really isn’t important. I want the same hardware that’s on the dresser, too. It really is beautiful. Who’s the designer?”

  “I am,” he said quietly, and waited for her disbelief, but she gave him a warm smile instead.

  “Your mind is so sexy and daring, yet you’re a stick-in-the-mud,” she said. “How can that be, Lucas?” She stroked her fingers over the hair on the back of his neck.

  Heat rolled over him, making his already-hard cock throb. He shifted as unobtrusively as he could and she perched on the edge of his desk to study him.

  “Why are you like that?”

  He frowned. “I just never expected to encounter this situation you and Marika put me in.”

  “We haven’t put you in this situation,” she said quietly. “Marika is nowhere around, yet you’re hard. I don’t look like her, so you were either thinking about how hot we made you, or you were thinking about how hot I make you. Which is it?”

  He didn’t do flings. His life needed order and stability. A commitment was both.

  “This whole thing is a big risk.” He didn’t want to get his heart savaged. It would kill him if he lost Marika a second time and then had to endure losing Vinessa on top of that.

  “Yes, it is, but we can’t not take the chance,” she said. “We’ve already lit the flame, Lucas. Why try to deny it or run from it?”

  He swallowed tightly, looking away. Her gaze was so intense, it burned straight through him. “Damn. This whole thing’s just blind-sided me. I’m so afraid I’ll get hurt.” He brought his gaze back to hers.

  Vinessa leaned toward him. Her fingers brushed softly over his jaw. “Doing sessions with Marika made me realize how much I wanted what you two had. Still have. I’m on my way to having that, too, but it feels incomplete without you,” she told him softly. “I don’t want just Marika. I want you, too, but if that’s not what you want, fine. You need to come get your things from Marika’s tonight and drop off your key. I don’t want constant reminders of her past lying around.”

  “You’re a bitch.”

  “Yeah, I am. Now, let’s take care of the paperwork, so I can get the hell out of here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Make sure she’s scheduled for a return appointment no later than ten days from now,” Doctor Lindsey said to Marika as she stood next to him at the counter in a white-walled exam room where he made notes on the laptop.

  “Yes, Doctor,” she said. She turned to go and the half-closed door burst open, and Marika jumped back.

  Striding inside in flats, dark pants, and a close-fitting top with hair in a tight braid, Rebecca Lindsey neatly skirted her to get to her husband. “I can’t believe what you did.”

  “Not now, Rebecca,” he answered tersely.

  “Not now! When?” she demanded, anger seeping from every pore. “I told you I needed to see the doctor. How could you take the car to the shop, and leave me with nothing? On top of that, you took away all my credit cards. I can’t pay for medicine or buy groceries.”

  “We aren’t going to talk about this here,” he said coldly. “Go home. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “No!” she cried in a whisper. “I’m not letting you keep me locked in there. I barely got out this morning as it was.”

  He got to his feet and jerked back, knocking over the tray of used items including bloody gauze.

  “Get out, Marika,” he ordered. “Now. You want to have it out, fine.”

  “Doctor Lindsey,” Marika said quickly as he moved menacingly toward his wife. He glared at her as she jumped between him and his wife, and her breath stalled in her chest. “You can’t have it out here. There are customers. Some are waiting for you.”

  He blew out a harsh breath and gave her a grateful nod. He pulled his wallet from his pants pocket, removed a few cards, and handed them over. “We’ll talk about this tonight.”

  “I need the security code,” she said.

  “You better not be with her tonight when I get home,” he retorted. “We’re going to finish this soon, one way or the other.”

  “Stop trying to keep me from leaving you,” she said softly. “It’s over.” She turned and strode from the room.

  Lindsey let out a low growl. “That woman is driving me insane, and you know the shame of it, Marika?”

  She shook her head, feeling awkward.

  “The shame of it is that she’s dragging Dallas along for the ride, and Dallas has no idea what the hell she’s gotten herself into.” He stalked from the office and Marika let out a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding.

  * * * *

  When Marika pulled open the door to her, Vinessa’s gaze roamed over her slowly and a salacious smile tugged at her lips. The little chocolate dress she wore was more of a slip and it barely covered the tops of her thighs. It skimmed her body instead of embracing it, and the lightweight fabric kept the dress from being too hot when worn inside.

  Her green eyes glowed with warmth and welcome that was a caress that went deep into her soul.

  “Oh, girl,” Vinessa said, shaking her head. This woman made her heart beat fast every time she saw her. She could think of nothing more she wanted than to be wherever Marika was. “You’re hot.”

  She might grow to feel that way about Lucas if he’d give their relationship half a chance, but he was scared. She could practically feel it today when he looked at her, yet his desire for her was equally as tangible.

  Marika laughed. “You have good taste,” she said. “It’s perfect for a night in, and the panties are crazy sexy.”

  The panties were lacy and thin with a snap in front hidden by a pretty little bow. When the snap was released, the tab could be pulled back to the top of her butt crease, allowing for easy play. They were one of Danica’s top-selling designs.

  Vinessa pushed the door closed and pulled Marika into her arms. “Come here, baby.” Vinessa held Marika against her and spun them around once. Marika’s startled laughter was swallowed by Vinessa’s kiss.

  Marika wrapped her arms around Vinessa’s neck as Vinessa backed her against the wall next to the front door. The heat that washed over her brought more than a sensual feeling. It was “welcome home,” and “you belong right here.” Vinessa moaned softly as she held Marika tighter. Marika was the one.

  “Damn, I’m falling so hard for you, Marika,” Vinessa said against her lips.

  Marika smiled. “Good. At least I’m not in that boat all by myself.” She pressed a kiss to the corner of Vinessa’s lush lips. “Lucas didn’t call me back, so I’m going to pack up his things and take them to him this weekend. Will you come with me, Vinessa?”

  Vinessa frowned. If Lucas didn’t show up tonight, she would do just that. They didn’t need a coward in their lives. They needed someone they could count on to be at their sides even when things were tough and emotionally rocky.

  “I will.” She stepped back. “Let’s finish putting dinner together.” Vinessa had stopped that afternoon to put the pork roast in the crock pot so dinner would be half ready. She’d left the dress Marika was wearing along with a few toys for tonight’s play.

  “How did your meeting with the advertising agency go today?” Marika asked as Vinessa pulled her away from the wall.

  “Good. We still have to work out a few fine details,” Vinessa told her. “I’m determined to have this campaign run according to my vision, not the vision they think I have.”

  “Course, you’re an alpha female.”

  “And we don’t take shit,” Vinessa told her with a smirk.

  “I see that,” she murmured, caressing Vinessa’s arm.

  A knock at the door halted them halfway to the kitchen. “Go ahead. I’ll get it.”

  Marika nodded and headed to the kitchen while Vinessa backtracked to the door.

  Vinessa pulled open the door. “Hello, Lucas.”

  “Hi. Where’s Marika?”

  “In the kitchen,” Vinessa answered. “Are you here to pick up your things?”

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  She backed up, giving him enough space to enter. “Well?”

  “I know Marika,” he began quietly. “I’m in love with her, but I don’t know you. I know the sex is good, and you can tell me everything about you. That still won’t tell me who you are, so I need time to get to know you before I can make a decision about an ‘us,’” he said.

  “I’ve never had a ménage relationship, and I’ve never sought one out.”

  “Then, why are you in agreement with this?” he asked. “Why don’t you just walk away from her?”

  Vinessa shrugged. “I’m half in love with her, thanks to our sessions,” she admitted. Marika was a dream sub. She was responsive and
loved everything Vinessa did to her. “There is just something about Marika that has me bewitched.”

  Lucas grimaced and then sighed. “I know the feeling,” he said, and offered her a smile. “I want a wife and a family.”

  “Me, too.” Vinessa smiled. “I was brought up by parents who didn’t allow me to interfere with their swinger’s lifestyle. I had a nanny, but I can see the advantages of a three-parent home. It’ll be challenging at points for our kids and us, but we could build a strong family unit.”

  “Are you even attracted to me, or is this just to keep Marika?” he asked.

  Vinessa smiled. “I am attracted to you, but this is about more than just chemistry, Lucas,” she told him. “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have come to see you today.”

  “I thought that was about furniture,” he said, uncertainty in his tone and expression.

  She snorted. “Not just about furniture.”

  He nodded, and she watched realization dawn over his features and saw something akin to hope starting in his eyes. She’d gone there because of all of them. They all needed each other and Lucas had seen it first unconsciously, so he’d brought them together, lighting the flame.

  Their mutual attraction to each other had been the lighter fluid that made that fire flare into life, and Marika’s hunger to have two lovers had been a recipe that ensured a fire that would burn hot. It had been her job to try to keep the heat from destroying them all.

  They had come full circle, and the light was weak, but aglow.

  “Smells good in here,” he said.

  “Pulled pork,” she answered. “I put the pork in the Crockpot after I saw you this afternoon.” Vinessa held her hand out to him. “Join us for dinner and a movie?”

  He took her hand and Vinessa led him into the kitchen.

  “Hi, Lucas,” Marika said warmly, and then glanced to Vinessa as if for permission to speak further. Vinessa nodded. “Are you staying for dinner?”

  “I think I might, if it’s okay with you,” he said.


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