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Between the Sheets

Page 8

by Bella Emy

  “Derek! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I’m cu-umming!”

  “Yeah, baby… me, too!” he finally says as we cum together at the same time.

  Once he explodes into me, he pulls out and collapses on top of me. I wrap my arms around him, and for the first time since we touched one another, I once again feel the chill in the air. He notices it, too, and wraps the blanket over us as he slides up next to me.

  “You were absolutely amazing, Ells.”

  “So were you, D.”

  He chuckles and places a kiss on my forehead as his arm wraps around me.

  “Goodnight, Ellie,” he whispers.

  “Goodnight, Derek.”

  And before I know it, I close my eyes and welcome the best sleep of my life.



  A crack of daylight creeps into the room, and for a second, I have no recollection of where I am. I scan the area, but don’t recognize a damn thing. Looking to my left, a window with black curtains covers my view of the outside world. Only a sliver of an opening allows an inch of light to sneak in. I turn my head to the right and BAM! Now I remember what happened…

  Aww, Ellie! How the fuck could you?

  There, with a small beautiful smile, lies Derek, shirtless and asleep. His perfectly toned pecs tease me. I so badly want another taste of this amazing man right now. He was absolutely delicious. More so than I could have ever imagined.

  Fuck! No, I can’t! I need to get all these thoughts out of my head asap!

  What the fuck have I done? I went ahead and slept with my best friend’s brother? Shit, man! How could I have done that? I couldn’t have fucked up more than I have right now. I need to get the hell out of here.

  I slowly move to my left so that I can sneak out of his room before he opens his eyes. Regrettably, I rise from his super comfortable bed, honestly not wanting to. I wish things were different and I could just stay in his embrace, waking up to him hovering over me once more.

  But I can’t. I know that can never be, not ever again at least. I need to leave. Like now. Like yesterday.

  Dammit, why hadn’t I just gone to bed instead of allowing him to take me into his room? And why the fuck had I stripped before getting into his bed? What the fuck did I think was going to happen? That I was actually going to be able to resist him after I’ve been wanting him for so long? After all the sexual tension between us?

  Ugh! I had been so stupid. I grab my head, facepalming myself and quickly grab my clothes. I slip them on and quietly exit out of the room.

  I run, tiptoeing down the hallway to the other side of the apartment. You know, the side I actually belong on, where my room is located? Yeah, that side.

  Once I reach my room, I close the door behind me and slam my back against it, my chest heaving up and down. I’m not out of breath, but I’m definitely anxious.

  “It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Lauren won’t find out. I won’t say a word, and she won’t suspect a single thing,” I say to myself.

  Derek won’t say a word to her, either. He knows better. Even though neither one of us obviously talked about this before, we both know where we stand. It is like an unspoken rule. It’s just obvious that her brother and best friend could never hook up. That would go against the law of best friendom, right? Is that even a word? I don’t know. I don’t fucking care right now. All I know is that I need to jump into the shower and wash Derek’s heavenly touch off of me.

  Ugh! There I go again! I need to stop that shit. I need to associate Derek with the disgusting sexist pig that he is. Derek is a creep, a slime ball, a jerk, a, a, a… a damn sexy specimen of a man who devoured my body last night like no other man has ever done before.

  Shit. I’m royally fucked. Like, for real. But the truth of the matter remains that I would love to have him on me all over again.

  I take a deep breath and slowly turn around. I grab the knob on the door, carefully opening it, and peer out into the hallway to make sure the coast is clear. I absolutely cannot run into Derek right now. I’ll totally lose my shit. When I see it’s safe, I race into the bathroom and completely strip, this time making sure to lock my door. He would not be walking in here as I shower this time, no way. God knows if he were to, I would not be able to tell him not to join me. Oh my God… shower sex with D? I think I would cum in seconds.

  Stop it, Ellie! Stop it!

  I want it, but I have to stop. What happened last night can not happen again. I cannot slip again. Not on top of his dick, anyway.

  Oh, no! Do not think about Derek’s cock… Derek’s delicious cock…

  Holy fucking shitballs. I’m in deep crap. How the hell am I supposed to get on with my day knowing he’s just feet away… in his room… in his bed… where we just fucked?

  “I’m going to burn in Hell,” I say, stealing a glance at myself in the mirror. “Yup, I’m definitely rotting in Hell when I die.” But the memories from the night before cloud my brain. Last night had been so amazing. The way he’d felt, the way he had taken me in his arms. The way his tongue swirled around all my sensitive places. Oh my God. How the hell am I going to forget D and not be tempted when I see him again? This is going to be so hard.

  Finally stepping into the shower, I allow the warm sensation of the water to envelop me, hoping to wash away any evidence of Derek that has been embedded within me.



  I knew she had taken off as soon as she opened her eyes and realized where she was. Honestly though, could I blame her?

  I pretended to be still asleep just to see what she would do. I was hoping I’d at least be able to taste her one more time before she’d run like I’m some horrible piece of shit she needed to keep as far away from as possible.

  But I understand, and I know why Ellie did what she did.

  There was no doubt in my mind last night when I realized we would be all alone, and freezing, might I add, that I had made the right decision in leaving Charlotte’s and coming back home. Finding Ellie so beautifully broken really allowed me to show her that I’m not the horrible douchebag she probably thought I was. I had showed her I cared, and I guess she believed me. She had let me in, allowing me to comfort her.

  Good. Just because I like going from woman to woman doesn’t mean I’m heartless. My heart has been shattered, and I refuse to let another woman get the best of me ever again. That’s why I don’t date and just fuck around. It’s easier this way.

  But Ellie? God, Ellie was incredible. I can still smell her scent on my fingers, and it’s driving me wild.

  Fuck, what I would do to taste her once more. I want her so bad, but we can never do that again.

  Let Lauren find out what we did last night, and she’ll have my head on a wall. Fuck that… she’d probably hang my nuts over the nonexistent fireplace in our living room.

  There’s a warmth in the air, and I realize that the heat must have kicked back on some time over night. Thank God. It was so cold. But once Ellie was in my arms with her half-naked body against mine, I warmed up right away. I knew I would. She’s so fucking hot.

  I take a deep breath, stretch my arms, and hop out of bed. I should probably shower and not be a lazy bum all day, but I wonder if it’s stopped snowing yet. I walk over to my window and push the black curtains to the side. God damn. There’s got to be like six feet of snow on the ground. Okay, maybe more like close to two feet, but fuck, it’s a lot. At least the snow has stopped.

  I need to shower and get dressed. I step out into the hallway, and it’s as quiet as a mouse in here. Maybe Ellie went back to sleep in her own bed. I wish she’d have come back into mine. Damn, I can’t get enough of this chick, but I need to stop. I better get my shit together before Lauren gets back home in a few days.

  After I’m done showering and get myself dressed in black sweatpants and a white T-shirt, I head on over to the kitchen where I find Ellie bent over looking inside the refrigerator. Her ass looks amazing in the tight skinny jeans she’s wearing. I’
m so tempted to grab a handful of it or at least smack it. I know I need to control my urges, though.

  “Good morning, Ells,” I say instead, heading over to the Keurig to brew myself a cup of coffee. I need to act as if she’s had absolutely no effect on me. I need to act as normal as possible, and I desperately need some caffeine.

  Ellie jumps up and flips around. Her long chestnut tresses are tied up in a ponytail, bouncing from side to side.

  “Derek! You scared me,” she responds, grasping onto the countertop with one hand; her other hand is clasping onto a bottle of Poland Spring.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Ells.” I can’t hide my smirk. She looks too cute, scared and all.

  Shut the fuck up, Derek.

  She shakes her head back and forth. “No, it’s okay. I’m just a bit shaken up because of, well, my grandma.”

  My smirk quickly fades. Fuck. I nod, grabbing my cup full of java. “Yeah, I get it. I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it,” she responds softly.

  We stand here for a few moments not saying another damn word. Talk about awkward. We just stare back at one another. After last night, I don’t really know what more to say to her. It’s so weird. I hate this shit. I really do. I wish we could go back to our normal selves, but I know sex has changed us.

  But still, I wouldn’t change last night for the world. Having Ellie wrapped up in my arms, diving into her heaven was one of the best feelings I have ever felt. No way would I ever want to give that back if I could.

  I could be mistaken, but it appears that she’s looking at me with eyes still full of desire. No way. I must be wrong. There’s no way she wants to go down that route again with me. What happened last night was just a mistake, wasn’t it? We were both buzzed from the alcohol and the cold. We had to keep warm… our minds weren’t all there. I know that last night was a once in a lifetime thing. A once in a lifetime thing that I won’t soon be forgetting. I’ve never felt anyone as amazing as Ellie.

  Fuck, I need to get out of here. How the hell am I supposed to spend the whole day at home with Ellie again? I’m going to be so tempted to kiss her all damn day and lie her body down on my bed again.

  She raises the bottle of water to her lips to take a sip, and fuck, I’m staring. God damn, those luscious lips of hers. I can’t take my eyes off of her mouth… her incredible mouth.

  As I walk into the living room, I ask, “So, I’m about to head out for a bit… would you like me to take a look at your car now?”

  I plop down onto the sofa as I watch her following close behind me.

  “Oh, no. That’s okay. I’m not planning on traveling back to Mom’s today. Even though the snow has stopped falling, some of the side roads are still kinda fucked up. I probably won’t head over ‘til some time tomorrow.”

  I watch her place her beautiful, shiny pink lips on her bottle of Poland Spring again.


  “Alright. Tomorrow then. I should be back tonight after dinner,” I respond.

  Shit, I need to make sure I’m not in the house much today. Maybe I won’t even come back home until the morning. I don’t know yet. We’ll see. It depends on which chick I decide to spend the day with. Who haven’t I seen in a little while to take my mind off of Ellie?

  Sweet, beautiful, sexy, luscious Ellie…

  Dammit man. I’m so fucked. Royally. King D is royally fucking fucked.

  I finish up my cup of coffee, and as I rise to walk into the kitchen, I get a glimpse of her perfect bosom. Her cleavage is playing peek-a-boo through the top of her low-cut white shirt, and I have to quickly avert my eyes before I do something about it.

  Once I’m in the kitchen, I place my empty cup into the sink and glance one last time over at her. She’s still on the couch, but now she’s got her cell phone in her hand and is scrolling through something. Probably one of her social media accounts.

  I head over to the closet and pull out my coat and tanned pair of Timberland boots. I lace them up and then put on my jacket. I then head back to the entrance of the living room to bid Ellie goodbye.

  “Okay, Ells. If you need anything, you know how to reach me. I’ll see you later,” I say before heading toward the front door.

  She looks up at me. Her gorgeous brown eyes burn into me. I love the way she looks at me, even if it doesn’t mean anything at all. It still causes shivers to run down my spine. And this is the exact reason why I need to get as far away from her as possible today.

  “Okay, D,” she says, then looks back down at her phone.

  I turn the knob and step out of our apartment. As I close the door behind me, I look up at the ceiling and let out a long drawn out breath. How the hell am I going to forget about Ellie?

  I pull out my cell phone from the front pocket of my jeans and begin going through my list of contacts. You know, the ones with the stars next to their names.

  I hit dial on one and wait as the phone rings. When the receiver picks up, I say, “Natasha? Hi. Yeah, it’s Derek. Mykels. Yeah. Oh yeah, sexy? I thought you would have forgotten about King D by now. No way, girl. There’s no way in hell I could ever forget about your sexy lips and perfect little body. Ha ha. Yeah. What are you doing, sexy?”

  After I get confirmation that she’s spending the day at home–which I had a feeling most people would be on a day like today–I head out of my building and proceed to dig my car out of the snow.



  Derek walks out the door, and I’m left there all alone yet again. I wonder where the hell he’s off to while there’s a ton of snow on the ground. At least it had stopped snowing.

  I guess it’s kind of good that he decided to go wherever he had decided to. I don’t know if I would be able to control myself had he decided to stay. He was just too damn irresistible.

  I had seen the way his eyes had scanned over my body this morning, and I’d even caught him staring at my chest a few times. I wonder if that was just because he was a guy, and he was Derek after all, or if it was because he was truly attracted to me?

  Yeah, okay. I mean, I’m sure he finds me pretty. I know that much. But is it more?

  Wait, who am I kidding? It could never be more.

  I pick up the remote to the left of me and turn on the television. After skimming through the channels for about ten minutes and deciding nothing’s on worth watching, my cell phone rings.

  “Shit,” I announce. It’s freaking Lauren. The guilt in the pit of my stomach begins churning. My best friend is the last person I want to talk to right now. I feel so uneasy about picking up the phone right now. What if she somehow found out about Derek and me fucking?

  Seriously, Ellie? How? Derek sure as hell hasn’t told her. He is a bigger chicken than I am when it comes to his sister. Act normal, Ellie. Act normal.

  “Hey, chica,” I say cheerfully into the receiver, not wanting to give my true feelings away.

  I hit the power button on the remote, and the TV turns off.

  “Ells! How are you? How’s things going over there? Derek behaving himself?” Lauren asks, laughing. It’s eerily quiet on her end.

  Oh, yeah. Derek’s behaving himself alright. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me last night, and now I can’t stop the vivid thoughts running rampant through my mind since then.

  “Yeah, he’s fine. All’s okay here. You doing okay? Did you guys get a ton of snow there?” I’ve got to get the conversation steered out of the woods.

  “Oh, girl. I’ve never seen so much snow in all my life! It’s such a beautiful view, though,” she says.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet. You’re up in the mountains.”

  “Mmm. I may be staying in a log cabin in the woods, facing the mountains. But girl, I’ve seen the stars more times than I can count already!”

  Ha! So have I… with your brother…

  “What! Details, please!” I shout, trying to get my mind out of the gutter. But Derek makes it so hard…

  “Damn, what can I say? Kev’s been abso
lutely amazing, and I’m so glad we decided to take this trip. I so needed to get laid… shit, I’m sorry.”

  “What? Why?” I question.

  She lets out a gasp. “Ellie, here I am going on and on about how I got fucked and bent over sideways, not thinking that you haven’t gotten any in God knows how long. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive to your feelings. It’s just that I’ve never felt this amazing before.”

  Oh, yeah. I know the feeling.


  I wait a moment before responding. If she only knew I got laid last night, too. And by her brother, no less…

  “Yeah, Laur? It’s fine, really. I’m so happy for you. I’m glad you’re having a great time,” I respond.

  “Ellie?” she calls again.

  “What’s up, Laur?” I realize she’s trying to tell me more. I know her well enough now that I know the way she talks to me when she wants to tell me something.

  Finally, she speaks. “I really think I’m in love with him.”

  I smile. How amazing. I’m so happy for my best friend. She deserves to be happy more than anyone else in this world.

  “Oh, sweetie, that’s wonderful. I’m truly thrilled for you.”

  “Thanks, Ellie. For a sec, I thought you were gonna be mad at me.”

  “Mad at you? Mad at you for what?” I inquire.

  “I don’t know. Just because of all that you’re going through, and here I am walking on cloud nine.”

  I take a deep breath and shake my head back and forth. “Lauren, listen to me. I love you. You’re my bestest bestie in the whole wide bestie world.”

  She giggles, encouraging me to continue. “I am so glad you are falling in love with Kev. I think he’s a great guy, and I think he’s wonderful to you. You guys are great together, and you deserve this happiness together.”

  “Thanks, Ells. That means a lot.”

  “No sweat,” I respond.


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