by Zi'ere
Even though she completely understood everything he said, she was scared shitless and the tears began to flow.
“Not only are we tackling the heart issue, I understand that you are eight weeks into a pregnancy as well. It is my medical duty to inform you that with everything we will have to do to stabilize your heart, the fetus will not make it during this process. Even after you are stabilized which will be months down the road, I do not recommend that you attempt to get pregnant again. You will not be able to carry a baby to term. There’s no need to continue to set your feelings up for more disappointments. As time passes you condition will get worse and you will need a heart transplant. We are going to stay in the here and now, get you stabilized and as comfortable as possible today. Upon your release we will have to start you on some sort of long term birth control that will not affect your heart either.”
There it was, in plain English. Her hopes for a family had been chopped down at the knees.
“Can you just give me a minute alone, please?” Amina could barely get her words out, but the doctor understood her well enough.
“As soon as I get your treatment plan together, my team will begin to prep you for surgery. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask the nurse to contact me. I will make myself totally accessible to you and your family during this time.” He gave Amina a professional smile and quickly left the room.
There was nothing anyone could say that could console her. Amina cried and wailed so hard she had a sore throat the next day. Dr. Frasier felt the best thing was to sedate her since her emotions were so raw and her heart was going bananas with the anxiety she was feeling. The next few days came and went. Amina was hooked up to every machine in the seven floors of the hospital it seemed. She’d had full body MRI scans and X-rays from every angle of her heart. Even though she remembered seeing the florescent lights above her as she was being whisked down the halls of the hospital, she was heavily sedated through it all. When she finally came too, Carlos rubbed her now thin hand and told her she had been in there for eight days. Not long after her husband told her how she had given birth to an eight week old embryo as she slept unknowingly. Amina felt as if she had been gutted like a pumpkin. She had lost their second child and wasn’t even aware of what her body was doing.
It was only natural that Amina slipped into a hellish bout of depression. After an aggressive heart ablation that decreased the number of electrical currents shooting through her heart, Amina was finally released from the hospital. The skilled Dr. Frasier had inserted long catheters into the main veins in her groin and neck. She was bandaged tightly in those areas and Carlos had specific instructions to make sure she did nothing strenuous for forty-eight hours. All Amina could do was weep. She wasn’t in any pain. She was just deep into her feelings. She had come to the hospital plus one and she was leaving minus one. The more she thought about her situation, she thought about Dr. Frasier’s words in the beginning- she should not even attempt to get pregnant again. She had no idea how she was going to give the news to Carlos.
When she made it to her spacious six bedroom home, it was full of those who meant the most to her. Amina broke out in tears again.
“Baby, you have to stop getting so upset. Please be brave enough to continue to want to live. Don’t give up on life because we’ve had a setback. I am your husband. I said for better or worse, in sickness and in health. I’m not going anywhere and neither is this crazy family you married into.” Carlos pleaded with her.
“How am I supposed to look all those healthy people in their eyes? I went into the hospital with our child in my womb and here I am….empty. I don’t want to see anyone right now. I will sit here until you send them all home.” Amina’s words came out choppy and barely coherent.
“That’s not how we do things and you know that. No one is going to judge you babe. Give us all some credit. Give yourself some credit. None of us are God and Amina you are no longer just a Barton. You are a Haywood now. No matter what happens to you- paralysis, cancer, or the flu- those people inside our home will not leave your side. I’m not leaving your side. Whatever it is you have to face, that means that Carlos and Amina face it. And guess what, in addition to me sweetheart you have fifteen other people in that house that are willing to stand behind us and support us in whatever we have to do!” Carlos’ voice was still kind and warm.
“I just need a few days to get my wits about myself.” Amina produced more tears.
“You will have those days but your driveway is still going to look like a car lot every single day until you are better on the inside and outside. There is no getting around that, I’m just being honest.”
“Just give me some time to process all this. It’s too much too soon. Can I just have a few days to myself first?” Amina pleaded.
“No you cannot!” Carlos spoke in a gentle but firm tone.
“Why not? I never ask you for anything, why can’t you do this one thing for me? I’m begging you!” Amina doubled up on the tears.
“I’m not going to give you a couple of days for you to settle into depression. That is not going to happen on my watch! I am not going to let this diagnosis take my wife from me before God calls you home. God has control of this situation, not me or you. He must have seen you would need a support system because he gave you a support team.” Carlos looked her directly in the eyes.
“I’m just asking for a day Carlos, please?”
“He also saw that you needed a strong man by your side. You got that too.” Carlos was done being nice.
His alpha male insistence blocked every word Amina spoke.
“You might as well get out of the truck. No matter where you go, they all are going to follow you. You already know that. Why not be comfortable in your own home?” Carlos now had a handsome smile to offer her.
Amina couldn’t turn him down. There was no use in spending the energy trying to fight it. She was exhausted anyway. She really didn’t even have the strength to stand her ground. Every single Haywood was in the building, even though it was late Bella was still there as well. Perhaps because Louie had driven her home, she was unsure. Just like her hospital room, every available space in her home was filled with either a potted plant, vase of flowers, or some kind of balloon arrangement. Her in laws took care to let her get settled in bed and then filed in one after the other to speak to her privately. Mama Anna was the only one who would not follow her own rule. She fretted over Amina the most and what she wasn’t busy completing, Bella was already on the job. Watching the two did give Amina a warm feeling in her heart and a smile on her lips. She could now understand how these women had the energy that they did after so many years of being on top of everything at all times.
No one knew the severity of Amina’s illness so every word spoken was encouraging and full of positivity. Amina only half listened to all of it. Totally out of her control she fell asleep on all those who had come to see about her. A few hours later she felt the warmness of her husband’s body beside her. He was delicate in his touch. His hands were warm and smooth. She couldn’t help but let out an exhale of sheer passion and chemistry that they held since the first time they’d seen each other. She settled back into his chest. She could feel his heart beat on her shoulder. Neither of them spoke a word. In a matter of minutes, Carlos’ breathing evened out. He was asleep. Amina pulled his arms around her tighter but that did not stop the tears from streaming down her face. She wept until she fell asleep again.
As if Carlos had recharged her, Amina was herself the next morning. She awakened at a late nine am, for the first time in her life. Every Haywood had either spent the night or had made the travel back to her home. The home she and Carlos shared was very large but she could still hear her sister-in-laws and all of her brother-in-laws handling business via cell phones throughout the house. She smiled to herself. No obstacle was too big to cease them from making money. In noticing each member of her new family, she was hit with the revelation that she had not
seen her own twin sister in weeks. Amina froze in mid- air to remember if she had even seen Emani’s face even when she was in the hospital. She could not say for sure that she had. What she did know for sure was that Emani was nowhere to be found the night before and definitely was not in the house that morning. A fresh cut of pain hit her in the heart.
Amina dealt with Emani’s diva attitude for their entire lives. Amina never knew that Emani could be so self- centered and that self- absorbed that she couldn’t bear the spotlight on Amina even during a time of illness. She had lost Emani’s second niece or nephew for Christ’s sake. Amina shook her head to get rid of the emotions she felt. As if on que, her husband came into the bedroom with her breakfast tray. He was pleasantly surprised to see her sitting up in bed.
“Hi, baby! I’m so glad you are sitting up, you caught me off guard! You have to be feeling better then?” Carlos moved closer to her side of the bed.
He showered her with hugs, touches, and kisses.
“Babe, I need to brush my teeth.” Amina was a diva as well. But, her traits were only used when it came to her man.
Carlos had never seen Amina not put together.
“Bella brushed your teeth with one of those spongy things earlier since you still can’t get out of bed.” Carlos continued to plat kisses with every word he spoke.
“I love you too baby, but I’m starving!” Amina couldn’t help but giggle.
Carlos knew his wife liked to eat even though he was unsure about where she put it all. Amina was still ready for the run way whenever New York called. Her tall sized four body frame was flawless and unique because she was African American.
“Ok, now you know I didn’t cook this. I’m in no mood to have my mom mad at me today. All I was required to do was bring you the tray.” He climbed onto his side of the bed and turned on the tv. “I might as well be the one to tell you. Your one and only blood relative who is also your sister-in-law has risen to the number one spot on mom and Steph’s hit list. You heard it from me, but you don’t know anything you understand?”
“That’s a big ten-four big daddy.” Amina replied.
Amina looked down at the bowl of cheese grits, bacon slices, country biscuits with white gravy, fruit salad, glass of apple juice, and a chilled bottle of water. Her mouth began to water. This was the solo doing of her mother in law’s southern background coming to the forefront no doubt. And Amina had nothing bad to say about the woman. In five minutes Amina had cleared every plate and bowl on the tray. She had drunk the entire bottle of water but only half of the apple juice.
“Ask Mama Anna if she is happy where she is living right now, ok?” For the first time in what seemed like weeks, she shared another laugh with her husband.
“I’m serious! Don’t forget to ask her when you see her again.”
Hearing laughter travel down the hall, the gang all filed into their bedroom. It was a blessing to have been given a large family since she had only grown up with Emani. It was an even bigger blessing to have the space to accommodate them all after they would set up camp at a moment’s notice. Her mother the grand Diva of them all, Bren was traveling the world solo on her husband’s dime all the while knowing he was somewhere in the company of a mistress his step daughters age or perhaps younger. Emani definitely took her selfishness after their mother. In Amina’s heart, that was totally fine because what she did not get from her own mother, she got double from Mama Anna.
Confirmed once again, Emani was not there but her husband, Darrell was. The two sisters had only been official Haywood’s for a few months but everyone present knew that there was no business more important than the well- being of another Haywood. Even her highly respected surgeon of a brother-in-law John was there with his equally busy registered nurse with a master’s degree of a wife, Samantha. The cell phones would always be on, but the body had better be in the building. That is just the way the Haywood ship sailed per Queen Anna’s demand and Greg’s forceful hand. Emani was breaking one too many laws. Amina knew that all her absenteeism was not going to be good for her sister.
It took Amina a moment to notice that of all her family that was spread about her bedroom, not a single one of them was dressed for a day at their respective offices. The women had on comfortable shorts with comfortable t-shirts and tennis shoes. The men had on basketball shorts and NBA t-shirts. Even Steph wasn’t in a pair of heels. She was prancing around as beautiful as she was in high top Louboutin tennis shoes. Their relaxed clothing meant they intended to stay the entire day. The Haywood’s dressed to the nine’s for nightly dinners. Sunday dinners were complete fashion shows.
Sure, they had to exit the room to take an important phone call here and there, but by the time the sun had set on that day more important family memories had been made. Amina had not seen any of her nieces or nephews all day. She knew without a doubt that was Mama Anna and Greg deciding what was best for her emotional frame of mind. Greg was the most thoughtful man Amina had ever heard about other than Jesus Christ. The adults had watched four new releases on DIRECTV’s pay-per-view all scattered on the carpeted floor, chaise lounge chairs, recliners, and in the massive king sized bed. They had eaten extremely heavy portions of more of Mama Anna’s southern cooking. In addition business associate’s had sent a total of three Edible Arrangements to her home. The family politely took care of each one of those for her as well. Laughter, side bar conversations, and peace was settled all over her bedroom.
Even though everyone present lived in exquisite mansions, no one complained about being laid out on pallets on the carpeted floor. Samantha tried to extend the offer of spending the night to keep watch over Amina. Of course Amina declined after she realized Carlos was giving her free reign to make the decision. Moments later several other conversations started on sleeping arrangements. Carlos caught his wife’s thoughts through osmosis and insisted a sleepover was not necessary. That didn’t stop then on deciding on a little family get away for the upcoming weekend full of shopping and pampering. Sometimes the simplicity of the multi millionaire’s caught Amina by surprise. There were too many rules to the Haywood handbook for things to run as smoothly as they did all the time. You would think that because there were so many of them that they would clash often, Anna and Greg did not play those types of reindeer games at all. Anna better not ever receive a report that you were caught in public looking un-kept. She was the epitome of class and grace. The men were just business men, end of discussion. They grew up in preppy styles of dress. Slacks and flats were the normal for them.
By the time everyone was trading hugs and kisses good bye, Amina felt like her old self. She had to give her man credit where it was due. He was absolutely right about how much the family being around would lift her spirits. She hadn’t thought about the baby or the diagnosis once all day. She looked at the digital clock on her nightstand. It was after eight pm and she still had not heard a peep from Emani. She’d had the opportunity to Face-Time with both of her best friends, Laini and Zoey. They’d both promised to visit and keep her company after the Haywood’s had gotten out of the way. Amina had a special kind of sisterly bond with the Jefferies girls that went beyond even the great relationship she had with her in laws. After each call Darrell had left the room to take, she was expecting a message to be delivered from his wife but there was none. There were even well wishes from his assistant and receptionists at the dealerships. Amina was beyond pissed. She noticed Carlos and Darrell exchange looks that she did not like. Something was up but there was not going to be a Haywood bold enough to give her news that would potentially upset her. Whenever Amina did eventually end up with the information, it would be packaged in a nice neat and pretty box with a bow of damage control on top. Family began grab all of their belongings and begin to file out of the house. Everyone except Darrell made a move for the door.
When it was only the three of them in the room, Carlos got back in bed with her and Darrell stood at the foot of the bed. Both had looks of uncertai
“What’s wrong with my sister?” Amina had to ask first because their facial expressions were too much for her to remain in suspense.
It was Emani’s husband that spoke up first. “Nothing is wrong with her physically sis, I’m not going to lie to you. Now as far as what is going on with her mentally, that is another story.”
“What do you mean?” She wanted to make sure she understood Darrell was telling her.
“Every time I have asked or coaxed her into coming to the hospital and even over here today, she has been adamant about her being needed in the office. But I promise you when I get home, we will definitely have a clear understanding about how this family is run. Not to mention she is your identical twin sister- I mean who doesn’t come to see about their sister? But, as my wife she should have been here with me regardless. There is no explanation she is going to be able to give me.” Darrell made his way to her side of the bed.
He planted a respectable kiss on his sister-in-law’s jaw and squeezed her into a church hug. When he stood up straight, he saw the tears streaming down her face. Of all the wrongs Emani had done to Amina, this one hurt the most. She decided in that moment that it would be the last. Carlos made his way closer to Amina and Darrell left without another word. No doubt, Emani would be in for the blasting of the century from her beloved husband.