Their Lives as Harem Slaves

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Their Lives as Harem Slaves Page 6

by Peter King

“What do you think of the newly adorned slaves my pet?” the Sheik asked her.

  “Oh Master, they are lovely creatures!”

  “Yes they are, you all are, and I plan to make many of my clients happy with your services. But that will come soon enough, for now I need you to start their new conditioning. You will continue to be their Mistress, if you can demonstrate that you have the ability to chastise them properly with little or no direction from me. If you can, then I will consider you for a more important role in my harem.”

  Still somewhat confused, Samihah asked, “May this slave ask a question Master?”

  “What is it slave?”

  “Do you want this slave to decide how to punish them for you?”

  “Almost. What I expect from you is the ability to determine what punishment a slave has earned based on their transgression and then deliver that punishment.”

  “What have they done wrong Master?” she asked, worried that they might have done something that would reflect badly on her. She would have happily thrashed them to unconsciousness if they did that.

  The Sheik chuckled, and then said, “Nothing my pet, do not worry. But for my purposes today you are looking at two slaves that refused to immediately obey an order, what would you do to them?”

  When the Sheik had said, ‘do not worry,’ Samihah felt a rush of real affection for this man. Now she knew what he wanted from her, to be an enforcer. A slave who knew what was expected and could maintain that level of order, but isn’t that Nashita’s job? She wondered, but only for a split second, because her Master required an answer.

  She then replied, “Mounted as they are Master, this slave would gag and blindfold them first. Then she would clamp and hang heavy weights from their nipples and labia. Once that was done she would give them twenty-five lashes with a cane, on both their rumps and tits, for a total of fifty. Finally she would grease plugs with menthol gel and leave them in their assholes to burn the lesson into their minds.”

  “Does that not seem extreme for such a minor infraction?” he asked.

  “Yes Master, but this slave has learned that if such a small misstep earns such harsh retribution, then they will be less likely to make any mistake.”

  “You may have the kind of mind I seek Samihah, now go through that door and deliver the punishment you propose. Tell them nothing of the phantom infraction; just tell them I am displeased with them so far. It will do their young bodies some good to receive some remedial training.”

  “Yes Master,” she replied, eager and ready to torture her girls for their Master.

  He handed her a stiff cane and she marched toward the door, determined to show the Sheik she knew how to punish misbehaving slaves. It would be easier doing it with her girls since she knew they were masochistic little sluts anyway. They were used to having her dominating them and she was sure they would react to her plan quite well, suffering beautifully for their Master’s pleasure.

  When she reached the door she swung it open and strutted in, slamming it behind her. The girls looked over toward her as best they could, but Samihah barked, “Eyes forward and down sluts!”

  Any elation they may have felt was lost with the severity of her voice, her tone telling them they were in some sort of trouble. Since she had recently been their Mistress their distress was not as high as it might have been if it was someone they did not know. But they were worried since they had done their best to perform as instructed since they got here. They could see Samihah’s feet when they appeared a few feet in front of them, noticing her harem pants and shoes. She had clearly earned someone’s favor and they wanted to learn what they needed to do to please their new Master, both of them knowing their survival here depended on it.

  Jada fixated her stare on the floor just in front of Samihah’s feet, her mind reeling from the shift in her emotions. She had been happily staring at she and her sister’s faces in the mirror in front of her, marveling at how stunning their permanent makeup looked. She was nearly giddy with delight that they looked so much more beautiful, and it would stay that way! But Samihah’s entrance and her shocking pronouncement sent her and her sister from elation to terror in mere moments. They knew a punishment was forthcoming, whether they actually did something to earn it or not. Jada and Jadwa, once their initial shock passed, started to get excited by the prospect. Both had been trained to be aroused by pain, and had not had a serious session since they arrived here.

  “Our new Master informs this Mistress that you two appear to need further training in order to serve in his harem! This fact disappoints her and she has been given the task of starting your training with a punishment. What say you to this slaves?” Samihah barked, a real rage building inside her as she assumed the role the Sheik intended for her.

  In unison the sisters replied, “Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress!” Apologies were not required or expected, so they offered none, just voicing what a true slave would say in this circumstance.

  “You will learn to become proper harem slaves in short order, but for now you will taste the pain you so richly earned!” Samihah said and just then the door opened and she saw Nashita wheel in a cart holding everything she would need to punish them as she had described to the Sheik.

  She positioned the cart outside the view of the bound sisters, not that they would have attempted to look anyway after their recent rebuke. Nashita quickly exited and Samihah stepped over to the cart and took the two heavy leather blindfolds first. She returned to the girls and used them to rob the girls of any chance of seeing what would happen to them. Next came the gags, oversized red rubber balls wedged behind their teeth, stretching their jaws wide open and causing them to drool down their chins. Then Samihah gathered four large clover clamps, the type that gripped harder when pulled upon, and four hefty weights. She placed them all on the floor beneath the girls’ hanging breasts, as she knelt between them.

  Samihah grabbed the outer nipples of each girl and started to roll the buds between her thumb and fingers, causing them to harden as they engorged with blood. “What beautiful work Master Ichiro did to these nipples,” Samihah said and the girls nodded their agreement. Then she switched to the nipples closest to each other and continued the action until all four buds were standing at attention. Finally she took a pair of clamps and sealed them over the outer nubs, making the girls gasp through their nostrils, as the first taste of pain radiated through their heaving tits. The second set soon followed and then the weights were added once all four clamps gripped their fleshy tit tips. Samihah slapped the weights so they would swing as she moved behind the girls and knelt between Jada’s spread legs.

  Samihah could see that Jada’s pussy glistened with the nectar of her arousal and could not resist dipping two fingers into it before tasting her daughter’s salty discharge. “MMMM, you are a horny little pain slut Jada.”

  Jada nodded and moaned with pleasure, affirming Samihah’s assessment. Then Samihah took two more clamps and firmly attached their stiff jaws to the meaty outer labia of Jada’s sex. More moans ensued from the gagged girl, especially once the weights were added. Jadwa was next and received the same treatment, her own pussy now leaking the juice of her painful arousal.

  Samihah rose back to her feet and stood in between the exposed flanks of the girls. “I expect you to take the next part of this punishment like the well-trained pain-sluts you are,” she said, while whipping the cane she held in the air so they could hear what she intended to do to them.

  The girls braced themselves, knowing full well that Samihah held a cane from the familiar swishing sound it made as she whipped it about. Not wanting to warm them up or delay the punishment, Samihah quickly began lashing their rumps, alternating from one to the other, shortly after first brandishing the cane. They grunted from the first few impacts, but remained otherwise composed as she delivered twenty-five hard strikes to each of the backsides. She used enough force to raise painful red welts across their milky white buttocks, painting the soft flesh with many diagonal
lines of pure pain.

  When she was done she walked in front of the bound duo and said, “Now its time to color the rest of your tits,” and without pausing, she immediately started her next assault. This time the pain was compounded by the swinging weights tugging at their compressed nipples every time the cane sliced into their soft flesh. Though they tried to remain calm throughout this next ordeal, an occasional squeal erupted from them as the pain escalated in their defenseless fleshy orbs. Finally, after each of them had received the full measure of cane strokes, their tits and buttocks brightly colored with welts of pain, Samihah stopped, her own body bathed in sweat.

  She walked back to the cart and found the pre-greased plugs that were there. The were massive, flaring out nearly three inches at their widest part, making sure that that even their well-used bum holes would be sorely tested. Samihah carried them over to the girls, standing between them again and aiming the fierce intruders at their unsuspecting anal openings. Then she pronounced, “Now you will take some time to contemplate your place here,” and she droved the plugs past their clutching sphincters, making them squeal from the abrupt penetration. Once they were securely fitted inside their stretched rectums, she finally said, “Keep them there no matter what! If you expel these plugs your punishment will be extended!” Samihah then marched from the room, slamming the door behind her to let the girls know they were alone again.

  By the time she returned to the Sheik’s side, with Nashita also standing with him, the girls were already feeling the effects of the gel burning into their anal tissues. She glanced through the window and could see them trembling from the heated onslaught beginning to gnaw at their insides. Samihah also noted that the Sheik was grinning now and it made her proud, thinking that she had pleased him.

  A mini-orgasm rippled through Samihah’s hot sex when he said, “Very well done my child.” Samihah felt another rush of sinful pride that she had to suppress, knowing that as her Master’s slave that was the worst sin she could commit. Then he said, “You know Nashita is the Mistress of my harem and has done an exceptional job for me, but her duties are becoming too much for a single lowly female to maintain. After watching you Samihah I believe you might be able to provide her with some help. Starting today you will become her apprentice Mistress, learning what her duties are and aiding her any way you can.”

  “Yes Master, thank you Master!” Samihah responded, flush with pleasure from hearing how highly her new Master regarded her.

  Then he turned to his other slave and said, “Nashita, you will teach Samihah all you know and she will eventually become your equal, is that clear?”

  “Yes Master, thank you Master,” Nashita also replied, but her tone was less enthusiastic, though clearly deferential.

  Sensing her ambivalence, he asked, “Do you doubt my judgment slave?”

  “No Master!” she replied, the fear now evident in her voice.

  “That is better, even a Mistress of slaves must know her place in my harem. Now fetch two handlers to move the girls to a training room and then return to me. I will be with Samihah in my quarters.”

  “Yes my Lord,” replied Nashita, her tone far more demure this time. Once she departed the Sheik led Samihah back to his apartments.

  This time they entered a different room than his bedroom, one that held various pieces of equipment for binding slaves. And there was a living addition to one low and narrow bench; it held a young Arabian girl. Her body was generously roped to it with her lying on her back and her arms bound together beneath it. Her olive skin was in sharp contrast to the bright white ropes that held her fast. Her legs were bent at the knees and her feet bound to each other, sole to sole, with sturdy bindings around her knees keeping them pulled wide apart. Her face was covered in dark veil and Samihah could only see her eyes, which were clearly filled with fear.

  The Sheik led her over to the bound maiden and said, “I just bought this lovely girl from her father. She is already twenty years old and still a virgin. You will shave her sex and then help her relax so that I may correct that issue.”

  “Yes Master, “ Samihah replied, now staring at the dark hair that currently obscured her sex lips. Then she said, “Would Master like this slave to make her climax first?” not sure how ‘relaxed’ he wanted her.

  “Yes you may slave, I want her sex slick and ready for me.”

  Then the Sheik showed Samihah where to find the shaving equipment before he took a seat to watch her work. Samihah gathered what she needed and then knelt between the scared girl’s legs and started to lather up her sex. She took her time, slowly removing every hair from between the girl’s sex, leaving it utterly exposed. Though she could tell the girl was scared she did not struggle at all, knowing from her upbringing that she now belonged to the Sheik to do with as he pleased.

  When Samihah lowered her lips to the girl’s freshly denuded pussy and sucked her plump little clit into her mouth, the girl shuddered and moaned. Samihah caressed her inner thighs while she suckled her sex, slowly arousing the naïve young girl. Her breathing became rapid and her sex started to lubricate generously, as Samihah worked her toward her first orgasm. When she came, she trembled from head to toe, and a small squeal of delight escaped her lips.

  From behind her Samihah heard the Sheik say, “Her father told me she was always a quiet and obedient girl, apparently he was right. Is she ready to take me Samihah?”

  Samihah rose up and said, “Yes Master.”

  “Undress me Samihah and then make my member ready for her,” the Sheik said, now standing behind Samihah.

  Thrilled by his command she turned and rose, instantly helping him removes his flowing robes. Once he was undressed she knelt before him and took his flaccid penis into her inviting mouth, sucking it to life. It started to twitch and swell in her mouth, growing thick and hard from her gentle oral caresses. Just before it was fully erect Samihah heard clicking sounds behind her, but disregarded it as she fervently devoured the Sheik’s swelling manhood.

  When it was solid and ready to take a fresh virgin, the Sheik said, “Rise up my slave, a virgin awaits her first ravishment.”

  Samihah stood up and turned around at a gesture from the Sheik to see the girl’s position had been adjusted. The bench had been raised so it was high enough for the Sheik to stand when he took the girl. And she had been pulled over the edge with her bound feet pulled down and backward under the bench with additional ropes. The girl’s sex gaped open with the inflamed pink tissue glistening from Samihah’s saliva and its own secretions. Samihah moved off to the side as she held onto her Master’s engorged rod, guiding it toward the unused pussy awaiting it.

  Just before he reached the entrance of the girl’s sex, the Sheik said, “Straddle her face with your sex and face between her legs to guide my penis into her vagina,” he said. While Samihah obeyed he said something in Arabic to the girl. She made a short reply just before being covered by Samihah’s sex.

  Once in position Samihah hovered above the girl’s sex, using one arm to hold herself up and the other to hold her Master’s member as he moved into the tiny opening. He nudged the head forward and the girl grunted into Samihah’s sex. But Samihah also felt her tongue push the veil into her sex, as the girl made an effort to suckle the crouching slave’s sex. Samihah was totally fixated on her Master’s cock entering the unused girl, even as her own arousal started to escalate yet again.

  Suddenly the Sheik pulled back and slid his cock above her shaved pudendum. Samihah lowered her lips and sucked on it again, making sure it was well lubricated before he stepped back again. Then she steered it toward the virgin pussy again, seeing him slip it a little deeper into the girl’s sex. She grunted harder this time, and the Sheik rocked back a little. Then he slammed forward, making the girl scream as his cock dispatched her hymen and plowed into her slick sex. The scream made Samihah climax and she ground her hips hard against the girl’s face, while the Sheik started to slowly loosen her opened sex. In under a minute he was pounding
the poor girl and she shrieked into Samihah’s sex, intensifying her orgasm.

  Samihah tried to remain focused on her Master’s cock as it plunged in and out of the girl’s newly breached opening. She rubbed the girl’s clit, trying to stoke the stunned girl’s passions and make her first time more pleasant. But the Sheik grabbed a fistful of her hair and lifted her up to face him, pulling her away from the girl’s sex. She stared up into his eyes, completely enthralled by his mastery over both of them. And when he pulled her lips to his and kissed her deeply, she felt like butter melting on a hot frying pan. This was the kindest and gentlest action she had experienced since she had become enslaved, and her devotion to this new Master was now absolute.

  Nashita entered the room, having successfully delivered Samihah’s progeny to their new trainers, and she knelt just inside the door. She watched her long time Master using Samihah and the virgin she had bound here earlier. She felt pangs of both jealousy and loss as she witnessed the perverse threesome. She also felt a bolt of fear, now worried that her Master had found her wanting and what that might mean for her future. She was not his first slave Mistress and she hoped she would not face the same fate as her predecessor. But she also knew that if she did not train Samihah to his standards then she would suffer for it. All in all she was faced with a no win situation, but as a well-trained slave she understood that this was her lot in life.

  When the Sheik eventually released Samihah from the kiss, leaving the slave in a fog of desire and devotion, he looked at Samihah. “Crawl to me slave and lick my balls,” an order that only enhanced Nashita’s fears. She dutifully obeyed, abasing herself beneath his lunging buttocks while he filled the nameless girl’s sex with his spend.

  When he was satiated, he made Nashita suck his blood covered cock clean, before ordering both Samihah and Nashita to release the girl and take her for proper training. After dressing their Master the slaves did as he ordered, the next phase of Samihah’s training now underway.


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