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Apollo Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

Sergi shook his head. “He isn’t worried about being Bratva, he’s after power and money. He thinks he can overshadow his father’s business if he’s got more power and money than Alexi does. That is what he is after.”

  Yuri shook his head. “He really is a durak, isn’t he?”

  “Da and it will be a real pleasure to take such a fool down.” Sergi smiled and it wasn’t a humorous smile.

  “I’ve heard you speak of this man Petr Novirish before but who is he?” Yuri asked.

  “Petr and I grew up together. We met when we were both four years old. We were friends first, and good friends at that. Then we found something out later that neither of us expected. We were related. Second cousins, I think. Family being family, we didn’t know that our uncles were brothers.” He looked around at the men with him. “The day he left Russia for America, I told him if he ever needed me, he should contact me. He said he hoped he never would have to, but when we saw each other again, it would be on equal footing. So the fact that he left a letter with his granddaughter means something happened to change his mind.”

  Yuri looked over at Mikial and Roman as they all nodded.

  Vailda Bennett happened.

  Chapter Ten

  Soon, their SUVs were pulling into the parking lot of the Advocates Compound and when they stopped the vehicles, several of the men filed out of the building.

  Bravta security exited the vehicles first, then looked around and stepped to each side in protection, being the bodyguards they were for the leader of the Bratva.

  When Sergi opened the door and stepped out, he looked over the MC men in front of him and walked over to Jackal. “I want to thank you for alerting us in this matter. Is she here?”

  Jackal nodded. “Yes, she’s here. Scared to death but she’s still here.” When Sergi moved to walk inside, Jackal stopped him. “There’s something you need to know before you go in there.”

  Sergi paused and narrowed his eyes at the other man. “And what would that be?”

  “She has no idea who you are or what you represent. All she knows is that someone out there wants her dead badly. Like I told Roman, this bastard Bennett has been hunting her all her life. He took her parents and her grandparents and he’s still after her. Oh, and one of the brothers has already claimed her.”

  Sergi nodded at the first part of his statement but had to stop and glared at his last sentence. “We shall see about that.” Sergi then walked forward toward the doors.

  When Roman got close to Jackal, he shook his head. “She might be related to Sergi.”

  Jackal paled. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Roman shook his head. “Nyet. Her grandfather, Petr was his second cousin.”

  “Well, shit.” Jackal rubbed his face with his hands. “What a clusterfuck this turned out to be. And it isn’t over yet.”

  When they all got inside, Sergi was staring at Kitty. In fact, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When he noticed she was uncomfortable he apologized, “I’m sorry my dear, but you remind me of my mother’s mother.”

  Kitty frowned. “How can I possibly remind you of your grandmother?”

  “My grandmother was a sister to your grandfather’s uncle,” Sergi told her.

  Kitty’s frown deepened. “What did you say?”

  “I think you heard me,” Sergi assured her.

  “You are related to my grandfather?” she whispered.

  “Da child, I was. I knew him a very long time ago in Russia.”

  “He never talked about you,” she told him. “But he did leave you a letter. I just didn’t know how to contact you.” She got up and went over to the table then turned to hand him the letter she’d found in her grandfather’s to go bag.

  Sergi looked down at his name handwritten on the envelope. He looked sad for a moment then tore open the envelope. Taking out the letter, he read it carefully. Next, he closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he read the letter one more time. He slowly lifted his head and stared at Kitty. “Your grandfather wanted me to offer you my protection.”

  “I’m sorry sir, with all due respect she’s under my protection now and in the future,” Apollo claimed.

  Sergi looked over at the other man, “So I am told. But is this what she wants?” He paused then added, “But before she can make up her mind, we have to deal with this little pissant Bennett.”

  Tank looked up then found Jackal’s eyes.

  His prez nodded and walked over to where he was setup.

  “I found names to go with the faces of her would be assassins.”

  “Who are they?” Jackal wanted to know.

  “Thoma Creskin and Stephanou Demivoc.”

  Sergi turned and glared at them. “Are they here or around here right now?”

  Jackal nodded. “We know they wired a bomb to her car. A remote control bomb, so they could be close enough to watch it kill her.”

  “Da, they would have to report back to Bennett she was dead,” Sergi informed them.

  “They did have a tracker on her car too,” Apollo explained. “That’s how we found the bomb. She bumped me off the road and part of the tracker came off. We had to search the car to find the rest of it and that’s when we found the bomb.”

  “I wonder if they know that yet?” Yuri asked.

  Sergi looked over at him. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Lure them here and take them out.” Yuri shrugged.

  Kitty gasped.

  Sergi and Yuri turned to look at her.

  Sergi shook his head, “What? You think we do this lightly, child? We do not. But I know these two men. I’ve had reports of them over the years and I find that they are not good men. Not good men at all. They have killed and robbed when ordered to. Here with you, they have a job to do and nothing and no one will come between them and their target. Even you must know this about them, no?”

  Kitty nodded slowly. “These are the same men I’m told that killed my parents and I saw their faces the day they shot my grandparents. They shot five innocent people when they found me since that day in Georgia. I know exactly who these men are.”

  “Then you know what they are suggesting is righteous, Boo,” Apollo suggested.

  “Yeah, I guess it is,” Kitty finally admitted.

  Sergi raised a brow at their conversation. “What is this name Bu?”

  Apollo looked over at him. “What?”

  Sergi cocked his head at the big man. “This name, she is not a ghost. In Russia, we say this word Bu to scare away ghosts. Why do you use this term?”

  The room went silent.

  Then Wolf snickered.

  Sergi’s eyes instantly went to him. “Do you have the answer, young man?”

  Wolf looked startled by the question. “Um...”

  Apollo laughed. “Wolf doesn’t have the answer. It’s an endearment in my culture.”

  Sergi assessed the very large Apollo. “You are military no?”

  Apollo looked surprised. “Yes. Ex military. How did you—”

  “You will find that Sergi...well, he just knows.” Roman shook his head.

  Yuri and Mikial were the ones to chuckle now.

  Apollo turned his attention back to Kitty. “I do agree with him though. This man has to be taken down, Kitty. It’s what we would do too.”

  “I know.” She hung her head. “I just hate to think about it.”

  “Child,” Sergi caught her attention.

  She turned to look at him.

  He leaned toward her. “I know you’re scared right now, but I’m going to ask you to reach deep down to a place in your soul I know is there. It’s a place each of has and you sometimes, have to look deep to find it, but you need to find it. Right this minute, you need to find it. Take whatever courage you find there and bring it back to the surface with you. That courage might end up saving your life. You now have us and them to protect you, so you aren’t alone. You should have never had to face this alone...ever.” He looked angry for a few seconds. “R
emember the lessons your grandfather taught you to survive. I know Petr taught you how to do that much. He knew what you would be up against someday.”

  She gasped as his words triggered a memory she had forgotten about. “He did teach me things. I forgot about those lessons.”

  “Bring everything he taught you to the surface.” Sergi nodded at her. “The courage and the rage because you might need them both.” He paused then asked, “Did your grandfather teach you to defend yourself?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, he taught me how to use a gun and a knife. I haven’t wanted to do either yet, but I know how.”

  “I knew Petr would have prepared you for this day. He wouldn’t have left you defenseless. Bring those skills to the surface. I know you’re tired and worn out, even I can see this. However, this is your life you’re fighting for. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you anymore, think of your man.” He glanced over at Apollo. “Fight for him if nothing else. Fight to survive long enough to be by his side. Like your grandfather had to fight to be with your grandmother, they had to leave their home to be together but they did it.”

  “What do you mean by that?” she asked.

  Sergi smiled. “Petr and Isobel were young and very much in love. He told me she was the one he wanted to spend his life with but her father wouldn’t give his blessing to their marriage. He forbade them to be together but Isobel loved Petr too. She convinced him they could begin their lives in a new country. She loved him enough to give up her life in one country for a new start, in another. They both knew it would be hard to start over but as long as they were together, they would survive it.” Sergi again, looked saddened.

  Kitty nodded. “They were still very much in love the day they were murdered. To watch them shoot my grandmother almost killed my grandfather.”

  “And for that, I will crush Vailda Bennett,” Sergi vowed as his blue eyes lit with a fiery ice. “He gave the orders, so he will feel my wrath. We bring them here to us, and we decimate them.”

  Kitty stared at him with wide eyes.

  Everyone in the room did.

  They could all see, this would be either a harsh bloodbath or this man would take care of it in a deathly quiet way. Either option was scary as fuck.

  Jackal looked over at Roman.

  Roman met his gaze and gave him a slow but firm nod. Indicating that when this man stated something—it would come true.

  Chapter Eleven

  Later that night, Kitty laid with Apollo in their room. They had reactivated the tracking unit, hoping to bring in the killers, so they could take them out. She knew there were men in the woods and on the roof. This was all so much. After she ran and ran all this time...they were actually luring those bad men here.

  The whole place was ready and while Kitty knew it had to be done, she didn’t like it. But she was trying to do as Sergi told her. She had reached down into her soul, grabbed whatever was there and brought it to the surface. She had also begun to remember what her grandfather taught her as a child. It made her sad and it gave her memories she hadn’t thought about for years.

  “So today was a surprise wasn’t it?” she asked softly as she ran her hand up and down his silky chest.

  Apollo snorted. “I’d say it was.” He looked down at the top of her head. “How do you feel about it? I mean being related to the head of the Bratva? That’s big news, honey girl.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not talking about that, although some might think that’s a big deal. No, I was thinking about my grandparents. The family they left behind in Russia. Does that mean I’m not alone anymore? That I might have more family out there somewhere?”

  Apollo felt the blow to his heart at her softly spoken words. “You might have, but you aren’t alone anymore, little Kitty. You got me and the brothers too.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I know that. And you got me too.” Then she paused and studied him for a moment, “What’s wrong?”

  Apollo shrugged. “I don’t want to lose you,” he admitted. “Sergi might decide that you shouldn’t stay here with me and drag you back to New Orleans with him.”

  She laid her arms on his chest. “And that would bother you?”

  “Damn right, it would.” He glared at her. “You belong with me not him.”

  “You really mean this don’t you?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I do. You’re mine and that is another thing you’d best get used to.”

  “Ok, then show me,” she whispered wickedly.” Show me that I am yours.”

  Apollo growled and turned her over flat on her back. He crushed her mouth with his own and he dry humped her warm core. They were both ready for bed, so neither of them had too many clothes on, but Apollo wanted to feel her skin to skin. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and tore it up the middle.

  She gasped at the action and her heart began pounding in her chest. “Wow,” she whispered.

  “I want to feel you skin on skin, little Kitty,” he whispered. “I’m gonna make you purr.” He gave her a brown eyed wink.

  Kitty giggled. “Oh yes, please.” She could hardly breathe. He tore the rest of her shirt off her shoulders and ripped her panties off. Then he pulled off his underwear tugged her close and growled as his hard cock rubbed her hot wet core. He suckled her nipples and moaned. Then he eased a finger down to her clit and fingered her there. Her juices coated him as he did everything but enter her.

  “Please big man, I need you inside me,” she begged.

  He entered her slowly, softly, stretching her to fit around his girth. Once there, he wasn’t in any hurry, as he just wanted her to feel how right they were together.

  She groaned and whispered, “You fill me up so good.” She swiveled her hips.

  Apollo groaned. “Girl, you’re pushing my buttons, here.”

  “I wanna play with my Apollo toy,” she teased him as she moved her hips again.

  Apollo paused to meet her eyes. “This toy is gonna explode if ya don’t slow down.” He began stroking her more depply.

  She moaned as he filled her up time after time.

  He moved slow and steady but that’s not what she wanted. She wanted hard and fast. She flexed her core muscles and he groaned.

  “You got issues woman.” He began to move a bit faster.

  She tightened her muscles again, and began to move her hips proactively again.

  He growled and began to stroke her harder and deeper. “Is this what you want honey girl?”

  “Oh God, yes.” She moaned as he finally began to really move. “I’m not going to break you know.” She wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to pound her. “Oh yeah...” she whispered in his ear. Her teeth nibbled on his neck.

  Apollo shivered at her touch as he felt her breath on his neck and it gave him even more power of her, power he would never abuse but instead he would use it to give them both pleasure. His strokes were deeper than before and soon, he was pummeling into her and she was lost in the pleasure of the moment.

  As they inched closer to the crest of the abyss, Kitty actually did make a purring sound in her throat.

  She gave all of herself to him and Apollo felt it. He reveled in the trust she put in him and he vowed to never abuse her trust. Then he pushed her over the top and watched her face when she flew. It was the most beautiful sight he thought to ever see.

  He felt the zing at the base of his spine immediately and he joined her. His cum flooded her core as he roared her name. He collapsed on top of her briefly and then when he tried to move, she wouldn’t let him go.

  “I’m too heavy for you, Boo,” he murmured against her throat.

  “I know but you feel so good right where you are. I feel safe when you surround me. You feel so warm and satiny. Like one of those blankets that have the softest threads.”

  He gazed down at her. “I don’t care if I’m just your toy or your blanket as long as you stay with me. And I ain’t going anywhere.” He growled in her ear. He tapped her leg and she releas
ed him reluctantly. He slid to her side and wrapped her in his huge arms.

  Kitty let out the longest sated sigh as she snuggled into him and they were almost asleep when she whispered, “Will this mess ever be over, so I can live without this fear inside me?”

  Apollo exhaled deeply. “I’d like to say yes, we will win against this bastard which is something I never thought I’d say this soon into it. But I think we can win this war now that we have the Bratva behind us. Bennett is Russian like them and they won’t stop until he’s no longer a threat to either of us. Not you and not them either.”

  “Why would he be a threat to the Bratva?”

  “He’s the son of an important man over there. A son he didn’t want, didn’t ever acknowledge and he walked away from when he was a kid. Now the man thinks he has to compete with his father in the business world. The only problem is his father’s business is legit and Bennet’s isn’t. He’s running a string of fight clubs that could get him tossed in prison, he’s also running a ring of prostitution and possibly a skin game. All of which he could be busted for. But his games bring him in a lot of money and that’s what he thinks he needs right now.”

  “Not to mention, he’s a killer in a suit.” She shook her head. “Wrapping himself in a cloak of respectability that barely covers his body.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Apollo told her. “Sergi and the Bratva will strip him of everything he holds dear. That man is going to learn the hard way, that you don’t go against the Bratva and come out the winner.”

  “That won’t exactly break my heart.” She snarled. “I’d like to leave him raw and bleeding in the dirt.”

  Just then, the stillness of the night was shattered by gunshots. Apollo froze then patted her butt. “Come on. Let’s go see what’s up. I think they caught your stalkers.”

  They hurriedly pulled some clothes on and joined the rest of the club in the main room.

  Sergi, Yuri, Mikial, and Roman were waiting, along with most of the MC.

  Finally, the front door was thrown open and a small group of men dragged in two men.

  The men being dragged were bloody and beat up. One of them had blood covering his shirt from a bullet wound in his shoulder.


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