Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend Page 9

by S. N. Garza

  What I wouldn’t do to shove my face between her thighs and munch on her pussy like a starving man. No one’s ever saw that part of her before and I couldn’t wait to see how she would react when I got to suck her pretty, little clit in my mouth, push into her pussy with my tongue until she came on my tongue. I knew I could get drunk on her taste. I wouldn’t stop until she couldn’t take it anymore then I’d fuck her hard until I busted my load straight up into her.

  It didn’t take me long, pulling and jerking on my dick with hard strokes before I was shooting thick, hot, jets of cum to the wall.

  Sweet mother of God.

  And she wanted to be just friends? Fuck my life. I washed my body and got out of the shower.

  I dried off, threw the towel in the hamper and went to bed. I didn’t sleep with anything on. I got comfortable and started thinking.

  Thinking about not talking to Scarlet? Not seeing her? Thoughts like that made my heart clench tight with an uncomfortable feeling. It literally hurt. That thought of never being around her. I rubbed at my chest, just over my heart. She was right, I barely knew her. I wanted to know more. Of course I wanted in her pants, what guy wouldn’t? She’s like a short, stick of dynamite, but I wouldn’t treat her as if once I had her, I’d move on. I knew once would never be enough. The thought about moving on made me feel seriously unhappy.

  How could I feel so strongly about this girl after only seeing her twice?

  I felt propelled in her direction. It was like she was the light in a seriously dark fucking tunnel. Not that I didn’t like the dark. It was actually pretty fucking good there. I was a solitary guy, got what I wanted, when I wanted it. Yet, what I wanted right now, was refused to me.

  I’m done thinking about this. Tomorrow Danny had those stupid try-outs for a new dancer. Some poor sucker was going to have to be desperate to work there. Danny said she already had a line of fifteen girls signed up. She wanted me there to look at them. I planned on staying an hour, and that was it. I hated watching the girls dance. I made it a rule to never get with SnS girls. That’s why I worked only Monday through Friday, during the day. I knew the weekends were packed and made the most money. I only went there during working hours and weekends if I absolutely had to. God knows if I worked from home, that’s the only place I’d be. I’d never leave.

  That’s why I opted to work the books there during the morning and sometimes after hours. I guess what you could really call me besides the accountant was a manager of types. I did all the inventory, ordered whatever equipment Danny needed replaced or whatever. The bar was handled by our top bartender, Chris. I did the inventory and he told me what we needed and so on.

  I really hoped tomorrow was not going to be a disaster. Maybe Scarlet will go out to a movie with me. That would de-stress me. Yeah. I’ll give her a call tomorrow, see if she wanted to hang.

  See? I could do this friend shit. I’d be a damn good friend.

  Before shutting my eyes, I thought, I’d be the bestest damn friend she’d ever have, until she wanted more, that’ll have to be enough.


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Danny. This girl has two left fucking feet.”

  Did I say that out loud and loud enough for the girl auditioning to hear? Yes. Insensitive? Probably. Did I care? Not really. I might not care about what happens during working hours, but the last few girls who danced were not cut out for the dancing routines I knew Danny would put them through.

  “Dax, that’s number seven. Do you want to do the hiring?” Said Sebastian, mom’s right hand man.

  I grew up knowing him. He’s been mother’s best friend since high school. They separated ways when he went to get a degree in fashion and she got with Mike, but reconnected when I was about five. When Danny took over and changed Saints and Sinners around, she got him to come work with her and be a partner.

  Sebastian Black was a little over six feet, bald, lean and muscular. He was sarcastic, funny, and more loyal to my mother than any other person. Mike Dixon included.

  The only smart thing Mike did was will the strip club to Danny instead of giving it back to the MC. They tried getting it back, but with mother’s trust fund, she paid them off to stay away. Not only from her and the club, but me also. I was grateful for that. I only met my paternal Grandfather a handful of times and what I saw, I didn’t care for. I actually hated it.

  “I wouldn’t even be here if Danny didn’t insist. I hate watching this shit. Not really my style.”

  “Ha. Not your style? You go to The Club, Dax. It’s not too big of a difference.”

  Now, how in the world did he know that? When I glared at him he just shrugged. “How do you know I go there?”

  “You’re not the only one who goes there, let’s leave it at that.”

  “What’s the club?” Danny asked.

  Shit. My mother didn’t know about my private life and I wanted it to stay that way.

  “Don’t worry about it, mother, but I’m tired of watching girl after girl, try and dance to one of the routines you showed them. I’m gonna get out of here and hit the gym before I have to fucking asphyxiate myself.”

  “Okay, Dax, thanks for your valuable input.” She smiled at me and turned to the girl on stage who had a look of trepidation on her face, “Thank you for coming. We’ll give you a call if we’re interested.”

  The girl on stage sniffled, then flew from the stage.

  “You see that, mother? That girl wouldn’t have lasted a week here. What if she had been drawn to go to one of the back rooms? She’d probably cry. Look for that when you’re trying to hire these girls. I’ve told you before. You need to tell them ahead of their audition that if they’re picked, what the details, in fact, are.”

  Mother liked getting away with doing that. Waiting for the girl to try out, then if they make it, then give them the rules and shit. I think if the girl who can take all that and still try out and dance, should get it. But like Sebastian said, I’m not the hiring partner in this trio. I’m just the nerd. Which is fine for me. I had my life away from this place.

  Did that mean Seb was a member at The Club, too? Great. I’ve never seen him there and I didn’t want to start. Maybe a few hours at the gym would relieve all this fucking tension.

  My frustration at myself for being a colossal fuck-up with Scarlet made me work-out harder than I usually did and after an hour I was soaked with sweat. I had started with upper body workouts, and I normally didn’t work on anything else, but I decided to do a full body workout. I had added more weights on, the concentration making me thoughtless. The counting repetition helped me relieve stress. I’ve always liked numbers.

  That was one thing Scarlet and I had in common. We loved numbers. She said she loved dancing more but math was second best. I liked that. It was a start. I knew when I went to college I wasn’t ever going to do anything like teaching. That felt way old-manish to me. Thinking of Scarlet teaching? Now that was hot.

  Scarlet in maybe short skirts, tight blouses and heels would definitely be nice to see. I wonder what grade she was going to teach. Then I thought if it was high school, I really hoped she wore like baggy, ankle length dresses. No teenage boy needed to start lusting after the hot math teacher. I’d really have a problem with that. Maybe she needed to be an elementary teacher, who wore those long, jumper dresses that reached her ankles. That would keep all the mystery for me and me alone.

  Damn, I was thinking about a future with this girl. Was I falling for her? I wasn’t getting into that right now. Way too fucking soon for that shit. For now, I was gonna take this day by day. I did want her. I wanted to pursue more than just a friendship, but I guess I’d deal with whatever came my way.

  I had worked out for longer than I usually did. I took a quick shower in the gym shower rooms, dressed and made my way out. I was curious to see what Scarlet was up to, and when she didn’t answer me, I wondered if she was at work. I didn’t know if she could text, but I did anyway.

  You work
ing right now?

  After ten minutes of waiting, she texted back.

  Scarlet: No, I’m at the library.

  Meet up with me?

  When she agreed, I told her to meet me at this mom and pop diner. I gave her directions and told her I was on my way from the gym. It was close enough that I was there within fifteen minutes and waiting for her.

  It didn’t take her long and when she got out of the truck, she was wearing torn up jeans that hugged her body like a glove, (it might be winter season but still, in Texas there’s no telling what temperature we’d get), and a red thermal tee with a hoodie that stretched nicely across her tits and red Converse shoes. Her hair was piled high in a messy bun thingie, which in a way looked sexy and sloppy. More sexy than sloppy though. There were errant curls framing her oval face and a few wild curls at the back of her neck.

  Damn, I seriously wanted to kiss the fuck out of her.

  When she walked up to me, the look on her face was downcast.

  “What’s wrong? You look sad. Not happy to see me? Or did something happen?”

  Her face blushed just a little bit and she shook her head.

  “Oh, no! I’m actually really happy to see you. Nothing’s wrong. Just been a long day.”

  I stuck out my elbow and she cupped her hand on the crease and I walked her into the small diner that was near the neighborhood where I lived. I had discovered this little country diner when I moved here.

  We sat down and ordered dinner. The whole time during the meal we talked about general stuff and I never ventured into the argument we had. She wasn’t a big talker unless it was a topic she felt passionate about. Anything about reading, dancing, singing and Nana.

  I loved hearing her voice. It was soft, melodic and soothing. Since I knew she could sing, I asked her if she could sing me a song and her face bloomed red and she shook her head.

  “Why not? There’s no one other than those two guests and the owners. You sing really well.”

  “I couldn’t. I’ve never sung in front of anyone except Nana and well when I sung that chorus to you.”

  “Okay, so just in private. I can dig that. Are you done eating?”

  “Yes, Dax.”

  I paid the check and since it was only about six, I told her to follow me. I went ahead and drove home. She parked behind me and she had this shocked look upon her face.


  “You live here?”

  She said that as if it was a mansion, instead of the two story home I lived in.

  “Yes, don’t freak out. I’ve only lived here about four years or so. After college and getting myself established, I got this house. I like the area and I don’t plan on ever moving. Texas heat sucks sometimes but there’s no place on earth like it. Come on. Don’t judge me, Pixie. I didn’t use any money from my parents or borrowed. I lived in an apartment in The Heights when I figured I could live in a damn house for the exact same price I paid for rent.”

  I opened the door and gave her the grand tour. Only a few people have been in the house.


  “No, thank you. I’m good right now. Why did you bring me here?”

  I walked to my liquor cabinet and poured me a thumb of whisky. I looked her over, took the shot quick then I brought her back to the living room before answering.

  “Sing for me.”

  Her eyebrows raised high at the command. Yeah, I could’ve asked her. But then she might’ve said no. I wasn’t going to give her a way out.

  “Please. Sing for me. Anything.”

  She sighed and tilted her head to the side, closing the world out. I really hoped she’d sing for me. Listening to her talk all afternoon, I wanted to hear it. Her voice drifting over my conscience. Soothing a part of me I never knew could be soothed.

  “Alright. But don’t make fun of me if I sound silly.”

  “Never. You sound amazing.”

  That was the truth. She did and then, she started singing. I had no idea what she was singing. Never heard of it, but her voice was strong and confident. Then I paid attention to the words. Damn, someone had to have hurt her in her life. When she finished, I was in awe. Her voice lilted over me and I felt it seep into my soul. It made my chest tighten and squeeze with an emotion I couldn’t describe.

  “What was that song?”

  She came over to the sofa where I was sitting and sat within a few inches from me and leaned her head back against the cushion.

  “It’s called ‘Only A Memory’ by Iron for Hire.”

  I was waiting for her to elaborate and after not getting anything else out of her, I knew she had already started raising a wall. Nope. Not happening.

  “Why that song? Did someone make you feel less than what you are?”


  Yeah, like I was really going to believe that when she was that quick to answer.

  “Pixie. I know it’s still new, but you can trust me. I see that comes hard for you, but you’re gonna have to take a small leap of faith.”

  “Fine. My mother left when I was four. She dumped me at Nana’s house when I didn’t even know of any family even existing. I can’t remember much about living with mom before living with Nana except it wasn’t great. She left me alone a lot. Doing whatever it was she was doing. It wasn’t ever for very long, but even when she was there, she slept a lot. We lived out of motel rooms and take-out. And leftover take-out. I had to be really starving to eat sometimes. She never really wanted me, I think. She would talk to me as if I was such a burden. As if I was worthless and had no use to her.”

  Scarlet angled her body away from mine, trying to hide herself. If I was going to be her friend, I needed to comfort her. I scooted up next to her, and cupped her chin in the crook of my thumb. I reached my other hand to the high knot in her hair and pulled. Her heavy mass swung down and I petted her hair down, taking the tangles out. I tilted her chin up so she was looking right at me. Her green eyes were like moss in the summer. I got lost in them. I knew then, I would be whatever she wanted me to be. Until she was ready.

  “You are not worthless. Never have you been a burden. I’m sorry you went through that as a little girl. No one should ever do that to any child. Then to be handed away like you were old news must’ve made you feel so abandoned. I think, by the way you talk about Nana, that you ended up being really lucky. I’m glad you have Nana, Pixie. You don’t have to hide from me. I’m not here to judge you. I kinda wouldn’t mind finding your mother and giving her a ‘what-for’, but sometimes people just aren’t meant to be a part of your life. Maybe she figured you deserved better than what she could give you.”

  “Ha. Yeah, I am so sure that was her intentions. Leaving me with Nana and just taking off like that. Not her. She always left me behind. She's not the type of woman who thought of others. Especially not me. She had money. Or wherever she worked paid well because she always had new clothes, shoes, handbags. Dax, that last year, I had to be lucky if I got anything new. Not out of want but needed. I had a pair of jelly sandals that she "accidentally" bought two sizes too big and I wore those throughout the winter, spring and summer. The only warm shoes I owned were tennis shoes and I wore them out and ended up wearing them until I finally cried in public about them being really tight. And she asked some old lady if she had ten bucks because she was "out of money". She hated spending money on me."

  Damn, her mother sounded like a real bitch and couche. How could a mother act like that, especially to her own little girl? Her flesh and blood. Half way through her explanation I felt my temperature rising with anger for the little girl that was neglected. This woman deserved so much more than what she got when she was a kid. Just as I was about to tell her, she put her hand up to stop me.

  "It's okay, Dax. I came to grips with any mommy issues I had a long time ago. She's not a part of my life and I never want her to be. So, can we change the subject now?"

  I didn't really want to. I felt like I should do more for her in some way. For now though,
I guess I'd leave it alone. "Yeah, let's watch a movie then. What are you in the mood for?"

  "It's late evening, how about a spooky one? You got popcorn?"

  I was not imagining that coming out of her mouth. "Spooky? You like scary movies?"

  "Not gory or anything, but yeah. I like a little spooky. With popcorn."

  "Popcorn I got. Scary movies? Let's turn on Netflix, and see what's playing." I flipped through the movies and saw one that seemed not too bad. "How about 'The Mist'? That's actually a good one."

  "Perfect. Now, how about that popcorn?"



  Hmmm…this dream sure was nice. I was so comfortable. I hugged myself into my pillow a bit more. Someone was massaging my back, petting my hair sweetly and I nudged in closer.

  A sweet, but masculine scent poured over me. It was of sandalwood and petrichor.

  “If you insist on just staying friends, you might want to move. My dick is rock hard and straining on my zipper, Pixie.”


  Crap! My head shot up with surprise and I started shuffling upwards. All I ended up doing was straddling his lap. And the impressive bugle I felt against the crotch of my jeans.


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