Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend Page 21

by S. N. Garza

  “The guy is still back there?” Dax started walking towards the door.

  “No, Mr. Dixon. There was no one there when we walked the perimeter.”

  “That means they came back and grabbed him. It’s the MC. No doubt about it.” Dax turned his head to look at me. “You are definitely not going to work here while this shit is happening. When they figure out a way to catch them, then maybe. But not right now. Do you understand, Scarlet?”

  I didn’t like when Dax got all commanding and bossy. Well, not when it was about my life.

  “You know if it was any other girl-

  “Well, it’s not.”

  I looked at Danny for some kind of help.

  “You’re fired.”

  “What?! You can’t fire me!”

  I pushed Dax away and walked passed the detective. I wasn’t going to stick around where I wasn’t going to even have an opinion. I heard Dax call out my name, but I wasn’t having it. Fuck this. He couldn’t tell me what to do. I was my own independent person.

  I walked through the lounge to the dressing room. I gathered my stuff and ignored all the looks from the other girls and just walked away. I made it past everyone when Dax hollered my name again. The crowd in the lounge had thinned since the incident. I stopped at the cover table and was about to tell Disc bye when someone grabbed my upper arm.

  “Ah!” I whipped around with a left hook when Dax’s hand shot out and stopped the punch from connecting to his jaw.

  His hand slipped to my wrist and he pulled me right up against his body. He leaned down and nuzzled into my neck as he whispered, “I just want to protect you and keep you safe. This is the only way I know how without keeping you locked up at the house and not even let you go anywhere. The Sons of Dixon are seriously bad guys, Pixie. Please. Just do this for me. Afterwards, if you wanna work here, then by all means, work here if it makes you happy. Just wait until the cops and that agent get them. It’s time they came down. Please. For me.”

  He never asked me to do anything for him. How could I refuse him this? Especially since it wasn’t that much of a hardship.


  “Fine. But I’m not going to stop working at Chili’s.”

  His head moved in front of mine and his smile was devious and pure sin. I loved his smile.

  “That’s fine. I can hang out there while you work.”

  I shook my head. There just wasn’t anything to do about that. He would do just as he pleased.

  “You’re always there when I work anyways.”

  “Glad you see it my way.”

  Then his lips met mine.

  His tongue licked over my top lip for purchase and I opened willingly. I loved his taste. He always tasted like the peppermint toothpaste he used. He always had a peppermint in his mouth. I couldn't help but hum my appreciation.

  "I love the taste of your mouth."

  "I know, Pixie. Why don't we go home?"

  He walked me to my truck and made sure I left the parking lot before he went to his own. Before I turned out of the lot, I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw him looking over the parking lot. I guess to look for anyone suspicious. Although I think those guys were long gone for now at least.



  I was just finishing up my shift at Chili’s when the one person I really didn’t want to see, sat down at the bar top.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Can’t I get a drink?”

  I turned and grabbed a tumbler glass and filled it with ice and water. I gave it to her and said, “I’m done with the shift. If you’re wanting something like alcohol, you’re going to have to wait until the bartender comes out of the office with his drawer.”

  She took a sip of the water and bowed her head. She shook her head and looked back up to me with what looked like a sincere look.

  “I came here so I could talk to you. Without that guy around. What are you doing with him anyway? He’s bad news.”

  My hands fisted and I was getting angrier with each word she spoke. How the hell dare she think she talk to me as if I didn’t know what I was doing? Bad news? Who the fuck did she think she was? My mother? She hasn’t been that for a long damn time. If ever.

  Dax had told me he was back at The Club. They almost had the guy that was stealing from them. Dax thought it was more than one guy so he’s been there each day this past week. He was usually home when I got there or within an hour after I got to his house.

  Since I had to be out of the house at the end of this month, Dax persuaded me to just move in with him. And since the incident at the lounge last week, he’s made sure I stayed at his place every day.

  I tried to explain to him yesterday how I needed to find my own place. I needed to be independent and live on my own for a while before just hopping from Nana’s house to his. I was about to start school again.

  That conversation had been fun. I had just finished making dinner and serving us when I opened with-

  “Dax, I only have until the end of this month before the bank takes the house. I should start looking for an apartment.”

  His fork stilled in mid-air. He set it down and rested his chin in the crook of his fingers and tilted his head.

  “You should, huh?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I can’t live here. I should have a place of my own and be independent, right?”

  “Right. And why can’t you live here? What’s wrong with living here with me? You don’t like the house?”

  “Whoa. No. I shouldn’t live here because I’ll become dependent on you for everything. I should have real bills and be an adult. There’s nothing wrong with this house. I love this house.”

  “So, that settles it.”

  “Settles what?”

  “You’re moving in.”

  “Ugh. Dax, did you not-

  “Scarlet, shut up. You wouldn’t become dependent on me. It’s called being my girlfriend. The girl I love. I love you. Move in and make this your home.”

  “It’s not! Don’t you see that?”

  “No. You’ve stayed here every night this week-

  “At your insistence with the shit that’s going on with Saints. You’re acting like a total asshat. I just want to live alone. I need to be on my own two feet.”

  “Rule number one, Scarlet.”

  He stood up, walked over to the chair I was sitting in and pulled it out. We had only ate half our food and he knelt down and picked me up. Caveman style. He really had to stop that.

  “You really should stop carrying me like that.”

  “Why? Are you pregnant?”


  At least I didn’t think I was. I haven’t skipped a period yet and although we’ve had sex several times without a condom…well we’ve never used one. But I had birth control. Not that it’s sure-proof but it’s birth control. What could go wrong?

  “Then I’ll carry you as I wish.”

  Then he spanked my bottom. He carried me out of the dining room. When I cooked a meal that took me a few hours to prepare, I usually set up the plates in the dining room.

  I just let him do as he pleased. He always did, anyway. Not that I ever had a problem with that. I loved how he took charge. It was sexy. I wanted to stay irritated, but he always seemed to just know what to say to me.

  He walked us into the living room and shifted an arm underneath my bottom and as he sat down, he moved me so I was straddling his legs.

  “Our dinner, Dax.”

  “Don’t you worry about dinner, babe. This is way more important, Scarlet. Okay. You love me?”

  Without hesitation I said, “Yes. I love you.”

  “Let me tell you something. I love you. I love you more than life. Every breath I breathe is for you. I never thought I was meant for marriage. Never thought I was a one-woman man. I was happy being single and just fucking whenever I wanted it. Any girl I had knew the score. I like sex a little on the wild side. As you’ve seen my trunk upstairs. One thing about those
items though. I’ve never used those on any woman. The stuff I have at The Club has been auctioned off and although I’m still a member there, I do not have a room. I’m friends with Dorian, the owner. You know he’s one of my clients. I know I fucked up at the beginning. It was a huge fuck-up. I felt like gutter shit and I had to think of something so I wouldn’t lose you right off the bat. I never thought like that. I never thought a woman could make me feel like without her, it would be the biggest mistake of my life. Yeah. That shit happened. You don’t have to prove anything. I’m pretty sure you’ve been an adult for a while. Without you Scarlet, I’m just a broken man. All alone. Babe, when you fall, I’ll be there to catch you. I’m with you. Forever. There isn’t a reason why you should live alone. You’re independent. Strong. Beautiful. I want you, always. I want you to be safe and secure. This house is that. It’s just a roof over our heads, babe. You want bills? Go get credit cards or a car or something expensive and pay on it. Although I have enough money for us. Your money should go towards all that supplies you’re gonna have to get. I bet that will probably cost a pretty penny. If anyone is dependent on the other, it is me. I want to always be with you. I love every single piece of you. You might not be ready to hear it, but I want to marry you and I want to see my baby swell and grow within your tummy. My very own fairy-child from my Pixie. I want that. I never realized what living really was. I want to start my life. Don’t you?”

  Well, when he put it like that.

  I leaned in close to my mother. She was the only bar guest at that time and I told her exactly how I felt.

  “You abandoned me when I was four fucking years old, Marybeth. You never get a say about how I live my life. Bad news? Lady, have you looked to see who you run with? A bunch of bikers that would probably end up getting you killed one day. Didn’t you know they like raping and pillaging? I work at Saints and Sinners Lounge. One of your disgusting old man’s buddies were there drugging a woman and almost kidnapped her if I hadn’t intervened. So I suggest you keep your nose and everything else out of my business. It’s my life. It has nothing to do with you. I want nothing to do with you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Scarlet. Please. I just want to talk with you. Privately. I know things at the cemetery were intense and uncomfortable. I would really like it if we could just talk. Like civilized people. I am sorry about Nana. She was my mother. I do feel saddened about her passing.”

  “Do you even know why she died?”

  Finally. She looked contrite and sad. She shook her head.

  “No. That’s one of the things I’d like to talk about.”

  “Alright. Dax has to leave for work in the morning. If you want, you can come over and we could talk then.”

  “Thank you, honey.”

  “I’m not your honey. I’m pretty sure if you could have, you would have gotten rid of me a long time ago. Oh, yeah. You already did. Don’t think this will be a way for you to get back in my life.”

  She just nodded and I gave her the address.

  “What’s a good time for you?”

  “Come over around noon.”

  She nodded again and left.

  Great. What did I get myself into?


  By eleven thirty the next day I was somehow really nervous. Besides seeing her at the funeral and yesterday, those had been the only conversations I’ve had with my mother. I didn’t tell Dax about her coming over, either. He was going to be so mad at me.

  I knew though, if I had told him, he wouldn’t have allowed it. He didn’t want me involved with anyone that had to deal with the MC and I understood whole-heartedly. Including Marybeth. Some sick, twisted part of me told me I should give her the benefit of the doubt. Even though she abandoned me and apparently wanted nothing to do with me, she was my mother.

  Dax had left a little bit ago. Dorian from The Club called him and told him he found the two ‘fuckers’, his words, and he wanted Dax to come and redo all the books. I didn’t know how long he was going to be gone, but I prayed it would be a couple of hours.

  Not that expect Marybeth to stay for that long, but I knew I’d probably feel like shit after she left. In case I needed to have a good stiff drink. I had to steel my heart. This wasn’t going to be a reunion.

  My phone beeped with in incoming text

  Dax: Hey Pixie. ILY <3

  ILY2. Don’t get mad @ me.

  Dax: …What do you mean? RU OK?

  Yes. But Marybeth is coming over.

  No response. Shit. My phone then started ringing Breaking Benjamin’s Without You. Yeah, sue me, I’m sappy.

  I didn’t answer though. Nope.

  Dax: I’m not mad. Answer your phone. Now.

  It rang again and I answered it quickly.

  “Dax. I know what I’m doing. I’m not going to do anything stupid. She is my mother.”

  I heard a heavy sigh in the background.

  “Dammit. Scarlet. Go into the bedroom, into the closet.”

  I did as he asked and said, “Okay. Now what?”

  “Push my dress shirts to the right.”

  I moved his shirts and a huge, like six foot, safe was hidden behind his clothes.

  “Whoa. I never knew you had this in here.”

  “Sorry, babe. Haven’t really had time yet. The combination is 23-11-46.”


  When I got it open…holy mackerel.

  “Uh. Dax. There is some massive guns in here. And cash. I don’t think I like seeing this.”

  “Don’t worry about those. There is a small case at the bottom. Get out the small gun and take it with you.”

  “Whoa. Whoa. Wait a minute. I can’t do that. I can’t-

  “Scarlet Kristen. You take that with you. If something happens to you, I-I don’t know what I’ll do. Just take it as a precaution. I’ll do my best to get there ASAP. Okay?”

  “I didn’t tell you so you’d have to come home as soon as you could. I wanted a chance to at least hear her out. I sure as hell do not want her here for very long. Hopefully not even an hour.”

  “Still. I don’t like the thought of you and her alone together. The shit that’s going down with the MC and the lounge-I don’t want to risk you getting hurt, baby. I love you. I want you safe and protected.”

  “Okay. Alright. I’ll hide the gun so she doesn’t see it.”

  “Within reach.”

  “Yes, Dax! Within reach.”

  “Scarlet, I love you.”

  “I love you, Declan. I’ll see you soon.

  “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  We said I love you once more and I hung up the phone. Then the doorbell rang.

  Here it goes.



  I set my phone down on the counter and went to let her in.

  “Hi, Scarlet.”

  “Hello. Please, come in.”

  I shut the door behind her and walked into the living room. I gestured to the love seat opposite of the sofa, where I sat. I hid the gun between the cushions. I prayed I didn’t have to use it. Or scare her with it.

  “Scarlet. I hope you know I never meant to just leave you.”

  Whoa. Went right into the heart of things, didn’t she? I had no idea how to respond to that.

  “Then why did you?”

  “I didn’t want to just leave you, but I felt like it was the best thing to do in that situation.”

  “What situation? Having a child that you’re responsible for?”

  “Scarlet. That’s not-

  “Nice? Ha. If you’re expecting me to just welcome you with open arms, you should have listened yesterday. This isn’t about getting to know each other. To know what we each did in the past two decades. As you can see, I’m doing quite well. I don’t need to know or hear your excuses for why you abandoned me. Yes, I sometimes feel angry at you. For the most part though, I just feel sorry for you. You missed out on a lot of good things. Nana was the only mother I ever k
new. I didn’t need anything else.”

  My mother sat back straight. I could just feel the anger pouring out of her. What did she expect? That I wouldn’t say just how wonderful Nana was? How she raised me?

  “You lived with me for four years. I am your mother. Not her.”

  “Ha. Yeah. Left over shitty fucking food and soiled diapers. I was four when I got out of diapers, Marybeth. Nana had to show me. She taught me how to be a lady. How to cook, clean, take care of myself. What did you do? Huh? Not a damn thing. Maybe this was a mistake. You should probably leave.”

  “No. I didn’t mean to make you angry. Nana did a really great job raising you. I’m glad you had her.”

  “Me, too. Would you like a drink?”

  Marybeth gestured to the full glass of wine I had on the table. Well, I needed something to calm my nerves somewhat. Wine helped sometimes.

  “Yes, Scarlet. I’ll have what you’re having. If that’s okay?”

  Her voice was small and suppliant. I didn’t see the harm in at least one glass. I nodded and went to the kitchen. My phone was vibrating something crazy.

  I filled a glass and picked up my phone.

  Dax: Tell me everything’s okay.

  For now, yes. You were right. Just get here whenever you can. I’m not scared of her. But I want you here. I need you.

  Dax: Give me ten more minutes and I’ll be on my way. Keep the gun within reach.

  Yes. I will. I’m sorry.

  Dax: Babe. She’s UR mother. I get it. ILY


  I took the glass and my phone-hey! My phone! Of course. I could record the conversation. Maybe she’d say something that could damage the motorcycle club. I opened my audio recorder app and as I stepped back into the living area, I tapped the record button and set in on the edge of the couch. She was standing by the mantel.

  She had a picture of Dax and me when we went to Kemah a few weeks ago. It was one of those silly booths that you stood behind this giant wooden thing and poked your head through these holes. I was behind the guy drawing and Dax behind the girl. It was a funny photo that I really liked. He hated that I made him change behind the girl, but he said since he loved me so much he’d do whatever I wanted.


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