The Sizzle Saga

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The Sizzle Saga Page 27

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “And don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out,” Molly mumbled, jerking out of Devil’s arms as the other woman quickly nodded and disappeared. Stomping toward the floor to ceiling windows lining one wall, Molly wrapped her arms around herself as the door closed.

  Damn it all to hell, Devil thought as he watched Molly’s shoulders shake with anger. “Molly,” Devil said softly, taking a step toward her.

  Shaking her head, Molly held up a hand, never taking her eyes off the window. “Do. Not. Speak.”

  “But, sweetheart…”

  “Devil, I’m warning you, if you open your mouth one more time before I tell you to speak to me, I’m going to find a way to push your body off the roof of this building. It’ll be very hard for Nana to bemoan our missed wedding when she’s distracted by mourning your passing, won’t it?”

  Sizzle: Chapter Forty-Four

  Devil remained silent for several minutes as Molly stood stiffly at the bank of windows that overlooked the city and wondered how in the hell he was going to undo the damage some catty temp had inflicted on what had, up until now, been a perfectly good day. Meeting her brilliant emerald eyes as she turned to face him, he could see the anger seething just below the surface of her gaze.

  Inelegantly stated, his woman was pissed.

  Holding up his hands, he immediately began to shake his head. “Before you explode, let me just say that I did not choose that woman, Molly. I called down to Human Resources and asked them to find me a temporary replacement since I knew your schedule has been packed with wedding preparations. That,” he said, jabbing a finger toward the closed door, “is what they sent me.”

  “A beautiful, willowy woman with poise and style. I’m shocked,” Molly bit out, tapping her foot against the oriental carpet. “They sent someone that appears to be exactly your style. She looks like Twiggy, but comes with the bonus attachment of a razor-filled mouth. Somebody down there in HR knows you pretty well, Mr. Delancy. I’d think you’d be thrilled.”

  “That isn’t fair and you know it,” Devil retorted, his face turning thunderous at her implication. “I don’t know what you’re thinking over there, but the only thing I expected from that woman was for her to get the damn filing caught up and get out a few letters that I’ve dictated. Nothing more.”

  “You think I’m jealous?” Molly asked, her teeth clenched.

  “It crossed my mind,” Devil returned simply, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Molly begin to pace.

  “You conceited, egotistical ass,” Molly growled, throwing her purse down on the nearest chair. “I’m not jealous. I’m pissed. You replaced me, Devil? Without even talking to me first?”

  “Temporarily,” Devil stressed, watching her tense even more. She looked flushed, but he wasn’t sure that was anger or embarrassment flooding her cheeks with color. “I was going to talk to you about it when we had lunch today.” Sighing, he moved toward her and frowned when she took a step back from him.

  Shaking her head, Molly glared at him. “No closer, Dev. I really don’t trust myself not to rip out your eyeballs right now. Momma would be disappointed if I marred your pretty face and ruined the wedding pictures,” she sneered, turning on her heel and pacing away from him.

  “Molly, I was trying to do a good thing. We both know that you’re exhausted. You fell asleep twice on the way home from the cancer benefit last night. You could barely make it to your bedroom when I got you home. You begged me to let you collapse on the couch. Damn it, I will not apologize for trying to take care of you!” he argued, growing angry himself. He hadn’t done anything wrong. His behavior had been above reproach. He refused to allow Molly to run herself into the ground. Between the wedding preparations, his social commitments and her job here with him, she was running on fumes – existing on high quantities of caffeine and nerves. He couldn’t allow that to continue. And since the wedding preparations were necessary and there was no way in hell he would tolerate the company of another woman during the various social obligations he had to attend, it was the job that had to go. She was an intelligent woman; she should be able to understand his motivation.

  “I can’t do this, Devil,” she said so softly that he had to strain to hear her.

  “Molly, after the wedding, we’ll revisit the whole job issue. I thought you’d prefer to concentrate on finding something in your own field once we were married. If you won’t consider letting me stake you in opening your own art gallery, you could consider one of the museums in the area. I know the curator at…”

  “Not the job, Dev. The wedding,” Molly clarified huskily as she stared out the window again. “This isn’t going to work for either of us.”

  Shocked as he finally comprehended her sudden words, Devil stared at her stiff back. “You’re trying to break off our engagement?” he asked tightly, his own fist balling at his side as he posed the question. “What the fuck did that bitch say to you?” he questioned harshly, grabbing her arm and spinning her to face him as white-hot rage burned in his gut.

  “Nothing I didn’t already suspect,” Molly mumbled, avoiding his gaze and focusing on the embroidered monogram on his spotless white shirt. “Let me go, Devil. This was a foolish idea. We need to cut our losses, come clean with Nana, and…”

  Devil cut off her infuriating diatribe with his mouth, cupping the back of her neck and tilting her head as he possessed her through a kiss so deep that he thought he glimpsed Molly’s soul. Nipping her full lower lip, he waited for her gasp before quickly sliding his tongue between her parted lips to tangle it with hers. Backing her into the glass window, he plastered his body against hers, holding her captive with his superior weight.

  “Devil, don’t. This won’t help anything. You already know I’m attracted to you. You aren’t proving anything here,” Molly moaned, tearing her mouth from underneath his as his hand traveled down her body, pausing only when he reached the curve of her ass. She squeaked when he suddenly lifted her against the window until they were nose to nose.

  “I’m not letting you go, Molly,” he replied calmly, tightening the hand that cradled her ass. “We’re going to be married in less than a week. Nothing is going to change that - certainly not some catty bitch that crossed your path this morning. I’m sorry that whatever she said upset you so much, but I’m not going to allow her or anyone else to come between us.”

  “You can’t force me to say I do,” she retorted, trying to ignore the heavy length of his arousal as it prodded her through the thin silk of her skirt. She could feel him, hard and thick against her waist as he pressed against her, and the flare of need she felt made her want to weep...mostly because she knew she shouldn’t want this. Deborah had been utterly correct; she wasn’t Devil’s type of woman. She’d never be the classy woman that should be attached to his side.

  She was just ordinary, passable Molly, the woman that agreed to do monumentally stupid things like marry a man who didn’t love her in order to make his grandmother feel better. She had to stop this madness now.

  “Don’t do this to us, Molly,” Devil demanded harshly against her lips.

  “There is no ‘us’, Devil,” Molly whispered, finally staring into his turbulent sea blue eyes. Her heart clenched even tighter as she fought the emotions that were threatening to overtake her, but she forced herself to continue. “That’s a lie we’ve told together so much that you’re actually beginning to believe it. I’m not what you want. I’m certainly not what you need.”

  The muscle in Devil’s jaw clenched and released as he listened to her words, determined to dissuade her of this current half-assed notion in any way necessary. “There’s an ‘us’, Molly. That is not a lie. Perhaps we haven’t had a typical courtship, but there’s very definitely an ‘us’ here. And you’re right, I can’t force you to say ‘I do’, but I can do my damnedest to make you want to say it.”

  That was the problem. She did want to say yes to him. Only she wanted it to be real. “You need to put me down,” she ordered huskil
y as his bigger body settled more firmly against hers and his head bent to nuzzle that vulnerable spot beneath her ear.

  “I like having you right where you are, Molly,” he replied, licking the throbbing pulse point in her neck as he rocked his hips against her. Drifting one hand over her breast, he found her nipple hard and erect behind the bra and filmy shirt. “It feels like you like it, too,” he murmured, strumming his thumb against her beaded nipple. “In fact, I think you love having my hands on you,” he whispered against her ear, squeezing her ass. “Wrap your legs around me, Molly,” he urged, moving his palm to her bare thigh and lifting one leg around his waist.

  “Devil,” Molly groaned as the small movement brought her in stark contact with his growing erection.

  “Do it,” he growled impatiently against her mouth. God Almighty, it was almost impossible to keep his hands off of her now that he had her. “Now.”

  It was that urgent edge in his voice that had her obeying his command. Gripping his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together, she met his darkened eyes. “Now, what?” she asked him breathlessly.

  “Now, I show you just how much of an “us” there really is and you learn exactly how good it is when we’re together,” Devil bit out before covering her lips and kissing her hungrily. Pressing his hands against the rounded spheres of her ass, he pulled her away from the window and carried her effortlessly across the room to drop her on the edge of his desk.

  Sizzle: Chapter Forty-Five

  Molly’s whole body tingled as her ass met the polished surface of his cherry wood desk. She nervously watched him as he pulled back long enough to drag his tie from around his neck and drop it carelessly to the floor. Licking her dry lips, she gazed at him as he unbuttoned his shirt with determined flicks of his fingers. “Devil, what the hell are you doing?” she asked huskily, curling her fingers around the edge of his desk as he roughly pulled his shirt from his slacks and shrugged it off his broad shoulders.

  “I already answered that question,” he replied smoothly, reaching for the silver buckle of his belt.

  Molly’s panties dampened and her nipples hardened to diamond-hard points as she watched him strip. Her core clenched as her eyes raked his sculpted chest and drifted down to the hardened eight-pack that made up his perfect abdomen. A fine mat of hair trailed down his chest and her fingers itched to touch it. “We can’t do this here,” Molly groaned, watching as his slacks sagged when he flicked open the button of his slacks. Her mouth watered, imagining what the material hid from her eyes. She could see he was hard, the material tenting over his arousal left little to her imagination. “Anyone could come in here. You didn’t even lock your office door,” she worried out loud, looking over her shoulder toward the entrance to his office.

  Reaching around her leg, Devil jerked open a desk drawer and depressed a button inside before slipping one arm beneath Molly’s legs and the other behind her back.

  Molly stared in stunned amazement as the wall behind Devil separated to reveal a hidden bedroom. She’d heard that he had a corporate suite in the building where he stayed overnight whenever there were ongoing heated negotiations overseas. With the time difference between here and many of the countries in which he held interests, sometimes there were meetings in the middle of the night. He’d never expected her to attend before, so she’d always assumed his suite was on another floor since she’d never seen it. It appeared the location of that suite had been underneath her nose all along. “You’ve got a secret hidden room?” she asked faintly as he moved through the gap in the wall, pausing only long enough to hit a button on the other side of the wall with his elbow. “Devil, if this is some Fifty Shades of Grey shit, I am soooo not interested,” she warned, scanning the small room for any sign of whips or chains while the wall slid closed behind them. Finding nothing but a king-size bed, simple nightstand, and wall-mounted flat-screen television, she decided that it might be okay. Maybe.

  Devil’s chest rumbled as he laughed, grateful that she was at least capable of coherent thought again. Dropping her in the center of the bed, he grinned as Molly came immediately to her knees. Toeing off his loafers, he shook his head. “I promise, Molly, it’s a perfectly normal bedroom. No kinky goods to be found. Unless you count me, that is. I’ve got a couple of incredibly X-rated thoughts on what I’d like to do to you.” He winked at her playfully as he pushed his slacks over his hips.

  Oh, wow. Biting her lip as she eyed his muscular body, she shook her head. Just looking at his chiseled body was enough to give her a mini-orgasm. Lean, corded muscles rippled as he approached the bed. His silk boxers did nothing to hide his arousal, and she couldn’t help staring at the tip of his cock peeking out behind the elastic waist. She had to find a way out of this room before she threw herself at him and demanded that he ease the ache building between her thighs. “Devil, this won’t change anything,” she denied as he neared, his blue eyes darkening like a storm on the sea. He looked like the predator he was - big and hungry for the taste of flesh. Her flesh. “We already know that you can make me want you. It’s a physiological response that I can’t do anything about. Believe me, I’ve tried. When all is said and done, though, we’re still going to be incompatible together.”

  “Take off your clothes before I rip them off, Molly,” Devil replied silkily, not bothering to acknowledge her argument. “The outfit is pretty; I’d hate to ruin it.”

  Blinking, Molly tilted her head. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. Had he really just threatened to rip off her clothes? “What did you just say?” she balked as he reached the edge of the bed and stared down at her with glittering eyes.

  “Strip or I’m going to strip you,” he demanded in a low voice. “If I do it, your clothes may not be salvageable, and you’ll walk out of here naked.”

  Molly’s jaw dropped. Devil had always been bossy, but he was taking the words “power play” to a whole new level today, and her heart thundered in response. It was hot. Panty-sizzling, pussy-melting HOT. Suddenly, she wanted to push him - wanted to know what it felt like when he lost his vaunted control.

  “No, not happening” she denied cheekily, knowing what that one word would do to an alpha male like him. She shook her head as she began to crawl toward the other side of the bed. She heard his low growl a second before she felt him latch his hands around her squirming hips and pull her back to his chest. His thick cock prodded her ass as his hands tightened around her waist, and the weight of his body behind her pushed her into the mattress.

  Devil’s lips attacked her neck, nipping and sucking as one of his hands moved to her blouse. “I warned you,” he rasped against her ear, gripping the fabric and yanking it open.

  Molly heard several buttons pop as he wrenched her silk blouse open and palmed her breast through the lace of her bra, squeezing and releasing the swollen flesh. Arching her back as she tried to push her breast more firmly into his hand, her ass rubbed against his burgeoning cock. “Devil!” Molly moaned as his tongue swirled around the hollow where her shoulder met her neck and his hand released the clasp of her bra, her breasts spilling into his waiting hands.

  Molly groaned again as he captured the swollen nubs of her nipples between his fingers, pinching and releasing the swollen flesh as his teeth raked her neck. “Oh, God,” she panted as his fingers twisted and rolled the sensitive flesh between his fingertips, sending a pulse of pure desire through her aching pussy. Every pull of his fingers made her wetter… needier, and her hips rolled against his straining dick. “Devil, please,” she begged, twisting her head against the bed to try and capture his lips with hers.

  “I wanted to do this right,” Devil growled against her ear. “I tried to be honorable and wait for our wedding night, but you just had to keep pushing me away, didn’t you?” he asked in a raw voice, flipping her quickly to her back and capturing each of her wrists in his hands as she stared up at him, wide eyed and short of breath. “Now, I can’t wait. I need this. I need you,” h
e groaned, shifting her wrists to one of his hands and pinning her arms above her head as he bent to capture one strawberry nipple between his lips. “You’re like a drug. Once I get my mouth on you, I can’t control myself,” he mumbled around her breast, sucking and tugging at the hard nub of her nipple as he pulled the other sharply with his fingers. “I love your breasts. All plump and swollen for me,” he muttered, cupping the mounds in his warm palms as he licked the tips hungrily. “Your nipples are like ripe little berries just waiting to be plucked and tasted,” he breathed, nipping the tip of one hard peak with his teeth.

  Molly tried to comprehend his words, but the white-hot pleasure of his lips and mouth on her was enough to short circuit her brain. She no longer even remembered her earlier argument. His tongue toyed with her tight, drawn nipples, licking and nibbling as he shifted from one heavy breast to the other. Whimpering as his teeth closed around one turgid nub, she bucked her hips underneath him as the slight hint of pain mingled with overwhelming need. She felt her juices sliding from her pussy, coating her thighs as she squeezed them together and tried to relieve some of the pressure building in her core.

  “Fuck,” Devil rasped, dragging his tongue down her rounded belly and swirling it around her belly button as he gripped the waist of her skirt. With one hard twist of his wrist, he rent the insubstantial fabric and tore it from her body. Tossing it carelessly over his shoulder, he groaned low and deep as his eyes went to the red thong she wore. Barely a wisp of lace covering her swollen folds, it was already damp with evidence of her need. “These should be illegal,” he rumbled, toying with the hem of her barely-there panties. “I never imagined my Molly wearing anything so naughty,” he said with a faint smile as he ran his knuckle along her covered swollen lips, pulling a whimper from her throat as she lifted her hips against his hand. “I want to see you in these every day.”


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