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The Sizzle Saga

Page 51

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Watching him slowly pad across the carpeted floor, the soft grey towel he wore slung low…so very delectably low on his hips, she struggled to remember what she wanted to yell at him about. Oh yes, she recalled… his asinine plan. She tried not to get even angrier when he barely looked her way, instead grabbing another towel and patting it against his damp dark hair as he stood in front of the long his and hers vanity. Meeting his eyes in the reflection of the mirror when he finally looked up, she narrowed her gaze.

  “Your hearing is just fine, babe. I know you heard me earlier. You already know what I’ve done,” Devil returned with a lazy grin.

  You cannot scratch your husband’s eyes out. You cannot rip your husband’s dick off, she kept reminding herself as she met his eyes when he turned to face her. You love his eyes. You adore his dick, she reminded herself as her fingers curled into fists at her side.

  “Devil, I’m tryin’ real hard not to lunge across this room and cause you irreparable harm, honey, but it’s gettin’ harder and harder.”

  “So’s my dick, but you don’t seem to care about that at the moment,” he muttered aloud as he hung the towel he’d been using on his hair around his neck and held on to either end of it with a white knuckled grip.

  “Darlin’, if you ever care to have me on my knees again, you’ll tell me this is all one big cosmic joke and you did NOT invite those horrid people here to see us. Really, Devil….what the hell were you thinking?” she asked, shaking her head. Honestly she wasn’t sure if her husband had lost his patience or his mind. Either way, his so-called plan had disaster written all over it.

  And when Armando found out?

  Let’s just say that the burning of Atlanta would look like a mere redecorating project compared to how Mannie would tear up the town once he found out what Devil had done. Thank God he’d been out with Vivian and Sami when Devil and Grant had brought Nick by earlier. At least now she’d either have time to undo what Devil had done or at the very least prepare her poor Mannie for what was coming.

  Today had been horrible for him…hell, for all of them really. Because watching their normally happy, joy filled friend unravel had to be one of the hardest things Molly had ever witnessed. And she knew that Vivian and Sami felt the same way. Not even her mother, Anne, or Devil’s Nana had been able to comfort Armando. They’d tried, but the brokenhearted man had only brightened – albeit briefly – when Nana had threatened to beat Nick to death with her trusty wooden spoon for the misery he’d brought Mannie. Molly hadn’t been surprised in the least; her entire family saw Armando Savage as one of their own since practically the day they’d met him.

  When Mannie had finally awakened this morning somewhere around eleven, he’d been disoriented and hung over. Overindulging in Devil’s bottle of Crown Royale the previous night and a hard, deep sleep had combined to dull her friend’s senses for a few moments just as he’d risen. It had been heartbreaking to watch Mannie remember all the events that had brought him to Molly and Devil’s home in the middle of the night. At first, there’d been tears and curses as Mannie’s memory had sharpened, becoming clearer with the aid of a strong cup of Nana Delancy’s coffee. Then ice cold anger had set in, morphing Armando from a sweet, heart sore gay man into a fire-breathing Groomzilla intent on terrorizing the villagers of Atlanta, Georgia.

  Yeah, he’d been determined to cancel as many wedding arrangements as he could. It had taken the combined efforts of her, Sami, Viv, Grant’s wife, Karen, Molly’s mom, AND Nana to stop Mannie from singlehandedly annihilating every painstaking wedding plan Molly had made over the last few months. Thank God Sami had been carrying around that bottle of unused valium in her purse. They’d crushed two of those bad boys and mixed it with Mannie’s mimosa before he even realized what was happening. Thankfully, he’d spent the better part of the afternoon napping.

  When he woke up, Vivian had insisted on treating him to dinner and a movie so that Molly could spend some time with her daughter. Luckily, she’d been able to eject Nick from her house before Mannie had gotten home. It had hurt her to throw out the older man, but she’d known down to her soul that if Mannie had seen him in the frame of mind he was in that there wouldn’t have been enough of Nick left to fill a Ziploc bag.

  And damn it, she still had a small sliver of hope that there’d be a wedding in just under a week and she didn’t want the photographs marred by bruises on one of the grooms. After all, that well-known photographer had demanded one hell of a sizeable non-refundable deposit on his services (not that she’d be sharing that information with her hubby).

  It was her husband’s long-suffering sigh that brought her out of her worried thoughts, and she narrowed her eyes as he stalked in her direction. Even still half angry with him, she couldn’t help but admire the fluid cat-like grace with which he moved toward her. Talk about poetry in motion…. Even after being married and sharing a child together, she still believed her husband’s body was the stuff poets wrote their sonnets about.

  “To answer the question you posed just a few moments ago, Molly,” Devil began as he dropped the towel from his shoulders into the wicker laundry hamper by the sink, “What I was thinking, babe, is that I’d like to see my amazing wife naked again on a regular basis without the vocal accompaniment of a jilted he-devil, thank you very much. Call me crazy, but the moaning and caterwauling that Armando does just really isn’t conducive to the mood I’m trying to create with you. And trust me, darlin’, the only way to make that fantasy into reality without moving the entire country to DefCon 4 and launching the nukes toward Nick’s head is by doing exactly what I’ve done.”

  Molly rolled her emerald eyes at her husband’s theatrics. Honestly the man missed his calling on Broadway, she thought wryly. Smacking one hand against his bare chest, she silently luxuriated in how his muscles leapt underneath her fingertips even as she snorted at his previous statement. “Trust you? Seriously? You want me to trust you and your better judgment here? Devil, sweetie, have you taken leave of what little senses you had left? Trust you, my ass.”

  “My somewhat limited senses are about the only thing I’ve got going for me right now, woman,” he grumbled, grabbing her by one shapely hip and yanking her body against his, nearly groaning when her curves came to rest against his aroused body.

  Sliding her hand over his naked chest, her nails scratching lightly at the hair on his chest, Molly forced herself to remember that she was truly and honestly mad at her gorgeous husband at the moment. That wasn’t to say that she didn’t enjoy the way his body felt against hers or the way he could make her forget her own name with the way that body made her feel, but she was honor bound to hold onto her ire right now. It was part of the best friend code of conduct. There was even a chapter on sisterly solidarity. She couldn’t allow her very handsome husband to distract her now.

  Biting her lip as his warm hand palmed her hip, massaging her skin in a way that invited her to sink into him and never come up for air, she knew she was in big, big trouble. Dragging in a ragged breath as she felt his cock lengthening beneath the towel and prodding her abdomen, she shook her head and tried desperately to clear the sudden cobwebs that had overtaken her thoughts. “Listen here, you evil thing, you can’t distract me. I want answers, Devil. Real ones.”

  Devil grinned wickedly as he looped a hand around his wife’s waist, holding her closer as he rocked his terrycloth covered hips against her. Leaning down, he nipped her ear lobe before whispering in her ear, “Damn, baby. That sounded like a challenge to me, and you know how much I love a good challenge. How much you wanna bet that I can’t distract you right now?” Inching her short, silky robe up her thigh with one hand as he murmured against her ear, she shivered against him. “I think I’ve got something a whole lot better to fill your thoughts right now,” he promised, guiding one of her tiny palms between the folds of his towel over his cock. “I’m pretty sure you’ve got at least nine inches worth of something better to think about right now, don’t you?”

“Devil,” Molly whined, wondering how in the hell she could be this turned on while simultaneously being this aggravated with the man she married. “Seriously, you owe me answers,” she insisted, the fingers of her hand tightening around his manhood.

  Devil moaned low in his throat as Molly’s grip threatened to strangle his dick. Biting the inside of his cheek, he silently recited the names of several Catholic saints until the urge to come against her hand began to pass. Inhaling deeply, he quickly tried to give her the explanation she wanted. “Look baby,” he murmured, rubbing his nose against her neck as he spoke against her warm, fragrant flesh, “I saw a problem and took measures to find a solution. As far as I can tell, the problem here is that Mannie feels like Nick is ashamed of him and that’s why he was not only hiding his sexuality from his parents, but Armando’s existence, too. I knew Mannie refused to talk to Nick right now so I decided to attempt to bring in people he will at least hear out. Nick’s parents arrived tonight. I’ve put ‘em up in a very nice hotel in downtown Atlanta, and tomorrow, we’ll have them over for lunch. Then, after the dust settles and if God is smiling on me, Mannie will see that Nick wasn’t ashamed of him at all….he was ashamed of his parents. He was trying to protect Mannie from them and their judgmental attitudes. Now, for tonight, you don’t have to believe Nick or even me. Tomorrow, you’ll see for yourself what Nick was dealing with at home and why he made the choices he did, however unwise and misguided they were. For tonight and just tonight, try to shove all of the drama surrounding us out of your mind,” he continued, dropping a long, lingering kiss against Molly’s throbbing pulse in her neck, “Please, sweetheart, believe that I have everyone’s best interests at heart and am doing everything I can to see our friends happily reunited and committed to each other in less than a week. Hell, even if I hated them both, I’d do whatever I could for no other reason than I know it’s important to you. And you, my love, you make my world go round. I begin and end with you, Molly. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to see you smile.”

  Releasing a shaky breath, Molly leaned more heavily against her husband. “When you say things like that, you steal my breath.”

  “I’m just telling the truth,” Devil returned, his hand stroking her from hip to breast and back again. “You and our daughter are my driving force, darlin’. My heart beats because yours does, too. And when something makes you hurt, it hurts me as well. We’re connected. Always and forever.”

  “I hope your plan works,” Molly whispered, her fingers slowly sliding up and down his length. “But even if it doesn’t, I know beyond any shadow of doubt that you tried your hardest to solve things for Armando. And for me.”

  “I love you, Molly. I’d do anything for you,” Devil replied quietly, rocking her in his arms as her hand moved up and down over his length.

  Exhaling a long breath, Molly groaned. Snuggling against him, Molly murmured, “Do you ever wish that our family was more – I dunno - normal?

  “Hell, babe, there’s no such thing as normal. What the hell is ‘normal’ anyway? As far as I know, it’s just a setting on our washing machine,” Devil chuckled. “It’s one of those meaningless words that people toss around to feel better about themselves. It doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing. We are what we are, and anybody that doesn’t like it can go to hell.”

  Those words…gruffly spoken, but deep and meaningful, reminded Molly just why she loved this man so much. He didn’t sugarcoat anything. He didn’t say what was guaranteed to make her melt. He simply told the truth – however he saw it. “I love you, Devil,” Molly murmured, lifting on her toes to brush a kiss against his lips.

  “Do you?” Devil asked lightly, thrusting against her hand. “Exactly how much do you love me? If you had to put a value on it?”

  Molly giggled. “Hmmmm, that’s a tough one,” she teased, slowly sliding to her knees in front of him. Releasing his cock long enough to tug the towel still around his hips off, she slowly lifted her head and blinked up at him. “I suppose I could try to show you. Would you be okay with that?’

  “I suppose. If you must,” Devil replied with a twinkle in his eyes as he tangled one hand in her loose wavy red hair. “I won’t stop you, babe,” he offered huskily as his wife offered him a slow sultry smile.

  Licking her lips, Molly shifted her gaze from her husband’s mesmerizing eyes to the swollen cock jutting toward her. “Mmmm,” she hummed, slowly and lovingly stroking the hot, turgid flesh, “This looks painful.”

  “Yeah, try packin’ it around with you day after day in this condition,” Devil returned, hissing air through his teeth as Molly’s tongue darted forward to swipe the tip of his dick, stealing the small bead of pre-come that had collected there.

  “My poor husband,” Molly purred. “Have I been neglecting you?” she asked, unable to pull her eyes away from his hard length. He felt like hot steel encased in silk against her palm. So red that it was almost purple, it appeared almost angry in her hand.

  “No, not me. Just my cock,” Devil corrected gruffly, growling as he watched her tongue slowly flick out again, this time tracing the ridge of his penis as she held him firmly by the root. “Fuck, Molly. Put me out of my misery and just suck me, babe,” he managed to order roughly.

  “Haven’t you ever heard that anticipation only heightens the pleasure, Devil?” Molly queried flippantly as she wriggled her tongue against the tip of his penis, playing with his slit in a way she knew would drive him insane with pleasure. If there was one bedroom activity her husband adored, it was a good blowjob right before going to bed.

  “Sweetheart, my dick has been anticipating that wonderful, wicked mouth of yours for months; put me out of my fucking misery. Open your mouth and swallow my cock like a good girl before I lose my fucking mind,” he rasped, his chest rising and falling quickly as he watched her full lips begin to descend over him.

  Molly’s gaze locked with Devil’s as she worked her mouth down the long, rigid length of his dick, taking him as deep as she could. Seeing him throw back his head and groan his pleasure filled her with pleasure, her own pussy growing wet with need. Sucking him hard, she moaned as he began to thrust gently into her mouth. God, she’d forgotten how decadent she found his taste. Earthy and rich, it intoxicated her, making her restless. Pressing her thighs together, she tried to relieve the ache between her own legs as she pulled slowly off his cock, swirling her tongue around the head as she withdrew. Feeling his fingers clutching her hair, she moaned again as she sank over his cock, letting the gentle vibrations from the sound feed her husband’s hunger.

  “Shit, Molly! God, baby, that feels so fuckin’ amazing!” Devil cursed, his legs trembling as she sucked at him eagerly, her tongue fluttering over the underside of his cock with every downward stroke. “Love that mouth on me. Suck it good, angel. Take it deep,” he groaned, fucking her mouth with long, careful thrusts of his hips. “That’s my good girl. Fuck, yeah, just like that,” he praised breathlessly, pushing his cock deeper into the hot, wet haven of her mouth.

  Humming as she bobbed her head faster, Molly could taste his excitement on her tongue. With every swirl of her tongue and pass of her lips, she could feel Devil losing control. His grip on her head was desperate, not quite painful, but by no means gentle. His chest heaved with exertion and his eyes were glued to her lips stretched around his dick.

  “Finger yourself, Molly. I know you’re wet, baby. Let me see you touch your pussy. Show me how soaked you are for me,” Devil demanded, his voice jagged in his passion. “Now,” he added with gruff impatience when she took too long to comply with his demand. “Show me what’s mine.”

  Releasing his straining cock with a wet pop of her lips, Molly tried to catch her breath as she slowly opened her thighs, pulling her short nightie up to her hips so that he could see the effect his dirty demands had on her.

  “Fuck, yeah, baby. You know what I love to see,” Devil’s pleased voice groaned as he watched her slide one delicate hand between her milky thighs to play with the barely-th
ere damp curls covering her swollen pussy. “That’s it, sweetheart. Play with your little clit for me while you suck my cock,” he encouraged her, sliding a hand under the bodice of her nightgown to play with one of her engorged nipples. Tugging it sharply, he grinned as he pulled a needy whimper from his wife’s mouth. “C’mon, baby. Give me what I want.”

  Molly felt helpless to deny him – mostly because his pleasure was hers. And neither of them had tasted that ecstasy in sooo very long. Dipping her head, she licked his shaft from tip to root, slowly drawing her tongue along the thick veins that ran along his length as she slowly flicked her clit back and forth.

  “Slide two fingers in that pretty cunt, baby. Fill yourself up for me,” Devil rasped, feeding her parted lips several inches of his cock. “There you go,” he crooned as her fingers slowly disappeared into her pussy only to reappear a moment later slick and shiny with her juices while he tugged and pulled at her distended nipples. “Fuck, that’s sexy,” he breathed, watching as she pumped those digits back into her cunt, setting a slow, sensual rhythm as her sweet little mouth surrounded his cock and suckled as though his dick was her favorite treat in the world.

  Molly relished every rough grunt and groan she heard her husband make as she continued to slide her mouth up and down his thick shaft and slid her fingers in and out of her pussy, pausing every so often to circle them around her throbbing clit. She could feel both of them dancing closer and closer toward a mutual release. Her pussy quickened around her fingers as he surged deeper into her mouth, his cock lengthening and swelling, letting her know in no uncertain terms that soon he’d be filling her mouth with his creamy essence. Excitement flooded her system, and she pulled her fingers free of her greedy pussy, circling them around her clit and pushing her body closer to orgasm. “Fuck, Molly,” she heard Devil gasp as a tremor ran through his body. Lifting her eyes to his, she knew by his dilated pupils that he was skating very close to the edge himself.


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