Wolf's Ascension

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Wolf's Ascension Page 7

by Lauren Dane

  “Yes, but that doesn’t matter to her. I hope there won’t be trouble,” she said.

  His smirk told her he’d pretty much only heard the part where she’d agreed he was taken.

  They walked arm in arm awhile longer, until Kari got tired and they went back to the house so that she could take a nap.

  “Shall we nap together?” Andreas asked, standing outside her bedroom door.

  “Well—” she arched against him, unable to resist touching him “—I’m not going to sleep with you but I wouldn’t say no to some snuggling.” Kari’s voice was teasing until Phillip sat down outside of her door.

  “What’s this?” she asked, face hardening.

  “Kari, he’ll always be your bodyguard.”

  “You don’t trust me. You think I’m going to run. I gave you my word and clearly that’s not enough.” Her arms crossed over her chest and Andreas felt that wall start to build back up between them.

  Praying for patience, he sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t think you’ll run. I just want you to get used to Phillip at your door.”

  Kari raised an eyebrow at him. “Prove it, then. If you lock that door, all bets are off. You got me? If you treat me like a prisoner, I will not feel like a member of this family.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of locking you in, sweetheart. Now, will you let me at least lie with you for a while until you fall asleep? I want you to rest. Laurent says that several more Pack members will be arriving by dinner.”

  She looked up at him through her lashes and stepped aside, motioning him into the room. He nodded once at Phillip, then closed the door behind himself.

  Kari kicked off her shoes and noticed the room had been tidied for her. Bed made. The flowers made the room smell springlike. She’d worked hard for most of her life. Even when she was a very young child she’d had to take care of herself or Jack did. Just having someone taking care of the basics was luxurious, but slightly uncomfortable all the same.

  “Is something wrong?” Andreas moved toward her as she backed onto the bed.

  “I...uh, no. I was just surprised to see the room cleaned up and the bed made and stuff. You know, I may have lied about not having sex with you.” She blurted it out, but looking up at him as he loomed over her, she couldn’t help herself.

  He stalked to the bed, his body pushing hers. The mattress dipped under his weight as he followed. The way he moved—crawling to her, eyes locked on her—was feral and all barely leashed sexuality. It rendered her speechless, dry-mouthed and wet.

  Stopping when he was over her on all fours, he looked at her without speaking for long moments. “I want to kiss and lick and bite and rub all over every inch of your body. I want to possess you and make you weep with desire. I want to make you beg and watch your face when my cock is deep inside you and I make you come so hard you scream.” He paused, a smile curving his lips. Her heart stuttered and a hot flush worked through her.

  “But for now, you’re tired. You ran eight miles just a few days after being bitten.” Disappointment tempered lust for a moment until he moved again, leaning down and kissing her. Softly at first, gentle and slow, then deepening in intensity and pressure as the time passed.

  All she could feel, sense, was him above her, over her. His lips were on hers, and then, with consummate skill, he opened her mouth under his. His tongue swept inside and he possessed her. There was no touch of his body to hers other than there. But it was more than enough to make her weak with want.

  This kiss was much more than the one outside by the lake. This kiss was the kiss of a man who knew he was going to get naked and hot and sweaty with the person he was kissing. It was a sex kiss, plain and simple. His tongue slid along hers, caressed the inside of her mouth, moving in and out in a mimicry of what she prayed he’d be delivering with his cock and, like, in thirty seconds. Sharp white teeth nipped at her bottom lip.

  He sat back up and she stared at him, dumbfounded and tingly all over. Taking one arm and then the other, he stretched them up above her head. “Keep these here.” He grabbed her wrists and held them in one hand, and a dark thrill rushed through her as he clasped her there. “I like the way your breasts are thrust up in this position.”

  He lay down beside her, his cock hard and pressing into her thigh, the heat of him burning into her through the material of both of their pants. It was a hot reminder of what would be between them.

  Still holding her wrists, he kissed down her neck and breathed in deeply at that sensitive spot where neck became shoulder. His tongue, hot and wet, licked over her pulse point and she gasped at the unexpected sensation that rocketed straight to her clit. She felt his mouth curve into a smile at her reaction.

  “I like your taste,” he murmured.

  Damn, the man was a lethal weapon.

  His free hand skated over her breasts and down her belly. His fingertips brushed the flesh of her stomach as she felt him unbutton and unzip her jeans. Oh dear god, yes! His hand slipped into the open vee of her pants, sliding down to cup her pussy. With a gasping moan she arched, utterly wanton. Desperate for more contact. At that moment, Kari was fairly sure she’d never wanted to come more in her entire life.

  Clever fingers delved between slick labia and through the folds of her cunt and she cried out at the intensity of the contact.

  “Damn it, you’re so fucking wet and hot,” he hissed, mashing the heel of his palm down over her mound and clit as two fingers slid up into her pussy.

  Kari writhed, wanting more, but his hand held her wrists and her jeans held her legs. A low moan broke from her as he began to finger her, pressing his palm over her clit at the same time.

  “So close already, little wolf? You don’t know what it does to me to feel your pussy fluttering and clenching around my fingers while you rain honey on my hand. Oh how I want to be fucking you right now.” His lips were at her ear as he spoke.

  Moving his mouth to her breasts, he sucked and bit her nipples through her sweatshirt as she rode his hand.

  Looking down her body, it was like seeing someone else, like a movie. This incredibly gorgeous, totally sexy man with his mouth on her breasts, one large hand inside her jeans as he fingered her pussy. Unreality slammed into her. The werewolf thing was nothing compared to this mystery woman moaning and getting off in the bed of a near-stranger.

  “Oh, Andreas, I...” Her words bled into a long, low, breathy, gasping moan as orgasm shot through her body, wringing out each and every cell.

  “Yes, little wolf, come for me now.” Andreas continued to work her with his fingers as she arched and pulled against his hold until she finally slumped back against the bed, sated and sleepy.

  “Now you,” she murmured, and reached for him.

  “Let’s lie here for a while,” he said, turning her and bringing her back into the curve of his body, where he slowly stroked her belly with his fingertips until she fell asleep.

  Taking one last look at her and tucking the blanket around her, he kissed her temple and quietly left the room.

  Chapter Four

  Sitting in his study, Andreas stared out the window at the shimmering gray-blue water of the lake. The yawning emptiness he’d felt for the last two and a half decades had finally eased.

  The search for his other half had occupied so much of his existence that at times it’d felt like another person in his life.

  He was a commitment kind of man. He’d dated many women but only in the short term, because they weren’t his. Aside from a short period in college, he had been very discriminating. He tried to always make it clear that he was only interested in a casual relationship. That hadn’t worked with Johanna. Kari, clever wolf that she was, figured that one out right away.

  That emptiness—that constant search—was finally over and the relief was welcome. The chance to finally let go and love someone in a deep way burned like an ember inside his soul. The arrival of his true partner and equal made him whole at last.

  He’d done his s
hare of fucking and rutting. But in the end, he’d realized what every other wolf male does when he reaches maturity—a warm bed is no substitute for a Mate. Andreas felt that more acutely than most because finding a Mate was necessary not only to the Alpha but to the future of the Clan.

  Laurent tapped on the door, cocking his head to take Andreas in. “Seeing this Andreas—the Andreas who knows his Mate is upstairs readying to join the Clan and his life—makes you different.”

  “She makes me a whole person,” he said, reading Laurent’s look. “All of the responsibilities that buried me to the point where all I was doing was going from task to task, day to day—they feel lighter now. She did that. That searching, the emptiness—it’s gone, Laurent. I’m warm inside. Complete.” Andreas said it in a tone Laurent had never heard from him before, and his chest tightened with longing. He wanted that wholeness too. He was happy for his best friend and Alpha but he wanted that warmth for himself. With his own Mate.

  * * *

  Kari stirred when Anna came in to wake her gently. Sitting up slowly, she saw that the light was lower. It was nearing dark. She also realized her pants were still unzipped from her nap with Andreas earlier. A twinge of guilt hit her when she realized she’d fallen asleep without making sure he came too.

  Her stomach growled loudly and she realized that on top of being a selfish girl in bed, she’d slept right through lunch.

  Anna laughed as she heard. “Dinner will be ready in about half an hour. But I brought you some apples and cheese to tide you over. You’ve probably noticed you’re hungrier now. We’ve got a much faster metabolism. You’ll need to eat more food daily just to keep strong and healthy.”

  “Cool.” Kari grinned.

  Anna bustled about the room as Kari snacked. “We’ve got a near-to-bursting house. Everyone is here now except for Jade and Tomas. They’ll get here tomorrow morning. They all want to meet you. Why don’t I help you get dressed?”

  Kari stood up and dusted cracker crumbs from her hands. “That’s okay, really. I can get myself dressed.”

  Anna looked back at the door before moving to close it. “Listen, I don’t want to talk out of turn or anything but well... I think you should get very dressed up. Do the makeup thing. I can put your hair in curls. You’re already beautiful, this will only accentuate it. It’ll help make the right kind of statement.”

  “What aren’t you saying?” Kari eyed the other woman shrewdly.

  “There’s a female down there who wants you to fail. I think she needs to be put in her place.”

  “Ah. Johanna?”

  “He told you about her? She’s trouble, she is. Three or four dates and she was already acting like she was queen. When Andreas saw that, he backed off in a hurry. Told her up-front that she wasn’t his Mate. It was just a casual thing, but she’s been sniffing around ever since.

  “You’re a beautiful woman. It’s clear as day that Andreas thinks the sun rises and sets with you, but I don’t know... Why not just make it really clear to anyone who’d make trouble?”

  “You don’t like her, do you?” It was nice having an ally like Anna.

  “No I don’t. She was less than nice to Sean and Ryan and put on airs. Caused bloodshed at a Gathering. A true queen doesn’t need to act it, she is it. You are a true queen.”

  “Flatterer.” Kari smirked at the older woman.

  Anna laughed at that. “You bet! Now, let’s see what you’ve got in that closet.”

  She allowed Anna to pick out a pair of charcoal-gray pin-striped slacks with billowing legs and a pair of cream-colored suede heels to go with. To top it off, she added a bloodred silk blouse with a heart-shaped neckline and pearl buttons. Anna put her hair up so that it spilled down her back in riotous curls, pinned with little amber clips that complemented the gold in her hair.

  Kari stood back after putting on ruby earrings and blotted her lipstick. Anna smiled approvingly. “Perfect. You’re a vision. A queen. Andreas will be by in a moment to escort you down. His jaw is going to hit the ground when he sees you.” Anna chuckled at the thought. “Oh and, Kari, remember that a queen never bows or shows fear. Hold your chin up and keep your gaze steady.”

  Anna left the room, stopping to chat with Phillip for a moment. Kari waited for Andreas, who knocked on the connecting door only moments later.

  At her “come in,” he stalked into the room and stopped, astonished, when he saw her. “My god, you look beautiful. Red suits you.” He dropped to his knees before her. Of course being nearly a foot taller than she was, he was just about eye to eye. “You make it hard to breathe.”

  He might have been nearly speechless, but she was entirely without words as she took him in. The man was flat-out beautiful. A masculine work of art. His hair was a river of honey rolling over his shoulders. A black turtleneck stretched over the broad expanse of his chest. He was a tall, wide, big man and although cultured, clearly a predator. The barely leashed animal lurking just below the surface turned her on immensely. Thrilled, excited and frightened her just a bit. Just looking at him made her light-headed.

  Unable not to, she ran her fingers through his hair. The cool silk of it felt luxurious against her hands. “Oh my, such flattery,” she said coyly when she got her voice back. Her nervous laugh died in her throat when she watched his face change at her touch. There was raw greed there and a gasp sounded from her lips.

  “Kari, you’re... God, I have to touch you.” His hands moved up her thighs and over her ass. “I can see the curve of your breasts through the silk of the shirt,” he whispered, leaning in and breathing over the thin material. Her eyelids slid closed and she gave herself over to him, to his touch, and held on. “I can’t wait to taste your skin again.” To underline that, he bit her nipple through her blouse and camisole and she arched. Her body swayed against him, dancing to a tune he created between them.

  She was so wet, so swollen and needy, that she squeezed her thighs together to relieve the pressure.

  “You smell so right. You want me too,” he said in a low rumble that shivered down her spine. Her clit throbbed in time with her nipples.

  All she wanted was to lie back and take him into her body. For him to fuck her until she couldn’t walk or speak or even think. “I’m sorry about falling asleep this afternoon. I wanted more. I hate taking my own pleasure and not giving any back.”

  “Little wolf, I wanted to make you come and then let you sleep. You needed the rest. And you did give me pleasure. Watching you fly apart in my arms like that, pulling at my hold while you arched into my hand, your pussy grabbing me hot and wet... It’s burned into my memory.”

  She opened her mouth but there weren’t words. He stole them from her with his deep, raw sexuality. She’d never met anyone like him before. On one hand he was sweet and solicitous of her, at the same time he had a dark, edgy sensuality that thrilled her right down to her toes. She’d decided to get on her knees to face him when Phillip knocked on the door.

  “Dinner is ready, everyone is waiting,” he called out, discreetly staying outside.

  Andreas stilled a moment, his head over her heart, arms tight about her waist. She bent over him and held him, breathing him in.

  With a sigh, some moments later, he stood up, his enjoyment of their moment obvious. He grinned and her pussy contracted greedily. “I’ll have to think about Margaret Thatcher for a few seconds to get rid of this.”

  She burst out laughing. “I’d suggest helping you out with it, but I get the feeling Phillip will start knocking again before we got anywhere good. I’d hate to think of you down there with blue balls.”

  Looking surprised for a second, Andreas laughed. “I’m afraid where you’re concerned, I couldn’t stop when we got near anything good.” He stole a quick kiss.

  Blushing, Kari smoothed down her clothing and went to the door. Pausing to gather herself, she joined Phillip for a few moments until Andreas came to stand beside her, holding out his arm for her to take.

  With a wink, Phi
llip moved to stand behind them both, Laurent at his side.

  As they descended the stairs, the friendly gazes of the people in the room below amazed Kari. They faced their Alpha couple on the grand staircase. The light from candles and the fire flickered, and the room took on a magical glow.

  She took a deep breath and her body responded as the scent of Pack rolled through her senses. Her wolf recognized it and stirred. It was unexpected, exhilarating but not frightening.

  She looked down, recognized those faces she’d already seen, but saw several she hadn’t met yet. Including a female who had to be Johanna. Kari was sure because hers was the only hostile face in the room.

  A few steps from the bottom, Andreas stopped, took her hand and brought it to his lips before addressing the Pack. “Thank you for answering the Call to Gathering. As everyone but Jade and Tomas are here, I’d like to formally introduce Kari Warner, la reine de loup.”

  “Not until tomorrow night,” a voice called out. Johanna. The other woman was tall, very tall. Judging from how she stood out among the rest, Kari guessed right about six feet. Her sharp features were accentuated by the way her hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck and deep blue eyes stared with hostility.

  Kari heard several people growl at Johanna as she made her way toward them. Phillip jumped over Kari and landed on the ground in front of her, facing Johanna. “You will show the proper respect,” he growled out. The energy in the room was so thick and tense it was palpable.

  Kari held her chin high and met Johanna’s gaze straight-on. She knew that if she broke or looked away, she’d be letting the other woman win. This standoff was about far more than this one moment. The others in the Clan would look to her to see how she handled herself. Weakness—she had a strong feeling—was not something that werewolves tolerated in a leader.

  “Phillip, I’m sure that Johanna means no ill will and was simply pointing out proper Clan etiquette.” Sean’s cultured voice was calm but sent a warning that no one could fail to hear. He’d stepped forward and, as a result, also stood between Kari and Johanna. Kari realized he was protecting her as well.


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