They do! Beamon is willing to give up his control but he needs our help.
Then why let him into the group now? Wouldn't it have been better to stabilize the two first?
No. Although Lumiere didn't give a reason, her answer was enough. Sylvie trusted her life partner.
* * *
"I guess we might as well get started," Belle said, motioning for Sylvie to sit. "Anyone have anything new to report?"
Sylvie quickly described the suicide situation she had encountered. Cheryl had nothing to report. When it came to Belle's turn, she hesitated and then told them about Sammy.
"You've got to be fuckin’ kidding!" Randi exclaimed, angrily. "Belle, how could you put yourself in that position? You could have been attacked... or worse, killed."
"What the hell were you thinking?" Cheryl piped in.
"Come on, ladies. You know Lunara wouldn't put me in danger."
"Even she can't predict how de-syncs or the detached will act. That was irresponsible of both of you. I think I'm going to have Solana have a few words with Lunara. This is totally unacceptable," Cheryl admonished.
Like that's going to do any good, Cheryl's life partner, Solana, interjected. Lunara can be just as stubborn as Belle.
Maybe so, but neither of them would like it if we had done that, Cheryl said, exasperated.
Well Belle wouldn't, but my people are more adventurous.
Even with your life partners' lives?
The question caught Solana by surprise. She had never doubted her ability to protect Cheryl. Then again, she had never done anything that had placed her life partner in serious harm's way. Humans were fragile, making them the weakest link in the union under normal circumstances.
Lunara and I will talk, she promised, conceding to Cheryl's point.
* * *
"Honestly, Belle, I'm beginning to think this is a lost cause," Sylvie said, deciding it was time to change the direction of the conversation. She knew nothing anyone said would stop her friend from trying to save the Les Gris and their humans. "Today a woman jumped from the fourth floor of her office building. She was barely alive when I arrived. Lumiere said she was detached from her life partner. Apparently they had been separated for several months. Something is causing this. It's like a fuckin’ plague."
"I agree," Cheryl replied, "but until we find out where the Les Gris are disappearing to, there's not much else we can do other than try to handle each de-sync case by case."
"Yeah, and it's getting more dangerous with each one. It's only a matter of time before one of us gets hurt."
"Or worse!" Sylvie interjected. Glancing at Thomas, she wondered what he was thinking. He hadn't spoken since the meeting had started. "What have you heard from the other groups?"
"They're experiencing an unusual amount of de-syncs and detached people. The Les Gris are disappearing without a trace," Belle continued. "You may be more right than you realize. Something is happening to them and we need to find out what. That's why I called this meeting. I want each of you to be especially vigilant. See if your life partners can learn anything from any Les Gris they come in contact with. It's crucial we get to the bottom of this."
"I'm meeting up with a few friends next week. I'll put the word out," Cheryl offered.
"Good, and make sure they understand the seriousness of this. All of you be extra careful, too. Now, is there anything else we need to discuss?"
"Well," Cheryl said hesitantly. "I didn't want to say anything but... well, Kenny's been locked up."
"For what?" Sylvie exclaimed. "What did he do now?"
"He assaulted someone for flirting with his couch."
"Jesus Christ! I thought we had convinced him that thing's Les Gris wasn't compatible with him."
Cheryl shrugged. "Who's to say? Just because the object isn't alive doesn't mean its Les Gris isn't."
"Oh, please, Cheryl. Let's don't have that discussion again. Our own Les Gris have said they aren't. They should know."
"They don't know everything," Cheryl retorted and then apologized to Solana. I just don't write things off so easily.
Not a problem. Objects do have Les Gris. Anything is possible, Solana conceded.
"Well, I'm for leaving him in jail for awhile. Maybe we can talk the store owner into getting rid of that couch. Hell, I'll buy it myself."
"You know, Randi, that's not a bad idea," Belle said. "It's more than he can afford. If we have it moved to his apartment, he'll be able to have it to himself. Maybe it will stabilize him enough to keep him out of jail."
Randi shook her head.
I agree, Lighthra said. Whether the couch's Les Gris is a living entity or not isn't important. Kenny thinks that damn piece of furniture is alive and he's in love with it. Isn't that really what we all are looking for?
"I guess," Randi said reluctantly. "Okay, how about we all chip in and get it delivered while he's in the brig. Then I'll go and bail him out. You all realize this feels pretty stupid, though. And one more thing! I'm never going to sit on that thing after Kenny gets home. Lord knows what he might be doing with it." Randi shivered at the visions flashing through her mind.
"Oh thanks," Cheryl exclaimed. "I really needed that image."
Everyone laughed but agreed. Kenny and his Les Gris had detached several years ago. Since then, although he was functioning fairly well at the furniture store, he had become attached to a full sized sleeper sofa. Had it not been for his ability as a salesman, the owner would have gotten rid of him. As it was, his obsession with the couch occasionally made things awkward. Although he allowed people to sit on it, he became jealous if they started running their hands over the arm rests as they enjoyed the soft microfiber material.
In the last six months it had been escalating, but no one imagined it would reach the point of violence.
We're all in agreement with you. This may solve the problem until we can figure something out, Lunara said.
"Well, I guess that's that, then. Anything else we need to talk about?" Belle asked.
"I think we've pretty much covered it," Randi replied, speaking for the others. Looking at her watch, she quickly stood up. "I've got to run. Wendy's meeting me at Quentin's Steakhouse for dinner and I don't want to be late. I'll take care of Kenny tomorrow."
"Wendy?" Cheryl asked, raising her eyebrows. "What happened to Rachel?"
Randi gave her a mischievous grin.
"Nothing. I'm just testing some new waters."
"Slut! You're always testing new waters. One of these days..."
"Yeah, yeah. Well, I can't help it if the ladies think I'm hot."
Everyone laughed – everyone except Thomas. He had been quietly listening to the conversations without commenting.
What's wrong with him? Sylvie asked Lumiere.
Wait until the others leave. Belle will tell you, her life partner answered.
Aren't you being the mysterious one! Sylvie teased.
Belle escorted Randi and Cheryl to the front door, giving each a fond hug. Watching her, Sylvie couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for the blind woman. She suspected that even if Lunara wasn't there for her, Belle would still have managed to live her life productively and independently.
"Are you alright, Thomas?" Belle asked, returning to her chair. Nodding his head, he gave Sylvie a nervous glance.
"Has Beamon told you about the other life partners he's met tonight?"
"Yes. He assured me they were okay with everything."
"I told you it would be fine. You just have to believe in yourself."
"Beamon has been telling me that for years."
"Then listen to him. He's been a good life partner for you. Now, go home and let him tell you what he's learned tonight. This is new for him too. He needs your help as much as you need his if you're to become balanced."
Thomas grimaced.
"Beamon doesn't need my help. He's taken care of me all of my life."
"Exactly! He's shielded you against eve
rything. That means he hasn't had an opportunity to interact with the Les Gris. You can't imagine the effect that has had on him. Such isolation can be devastating for both his kind and ours. It's time you gave him his life back. Quit being selfish."
Belle knew she sounded harsh, but shaking Thomas from his apathy was crucial if he and Beamon were to become balanced.
Don't let her upset you. She only wants to help us, Beamon advised.
I know. It's just that... well... she's right. You've guided me all my life... made decisions for me. I've grown used to doing what you tell me. Why does it have to change?
You know why, Thomas. I've done all I can for you. We have to become more balanced if we're to survive. I know you're scared. So am I, but...
It was the first time Thomas felt the fear in his life partner. Beamon had always been strong – strong for the both of them.
What's wrong, Beamon?
When his life partner didn't answer immediately, Thomas grew more afraid.
It's okay, Thomas. Don't worry. We've come this far together. Just trust me on this.
Thomas felt relieved. As always, Beamon would handle everything.
Why didn't you tell him? He needs to understand how serious this is, Lunara said. It was obvious from her tone that she was exasperated.
I know, but not yet. Soon, though.
It had better be, otherwise I'll have to do something. We can't let you isolate yourself again. How you managed this long without us is beyond me.
We do what we have to, but don't threaten me, Lunara. I may be tired but I'm not weak.
It wasn't a threat – just good advice, and we both know what I can do.
And he did. The Les Gris could be quite determined when they wanted to be. Still, it was rare that they formed such strong ties with each other in groups larger than three or four. Contact was normally fleeting because they were dependent on their life partner's lifestyle. Humans, for all their socializing, rarely formed long-term social groups in large numbers. This limited the ability of the Les Gris to interact with their own kind.
* * *
After Thomas left, Belle invited Sylvie to stay for a cup of tea. Knowing Angie was working late so she could attend the meeting, Sylvie was more than happy to sit back and relax for a few minutes. Besides, she still wanted to know more about Thomas.
Sitting down at the kitchen table, she watched Belle moving flawlessly about the kitchen. Minutes later, Belle placed two cups on the table, followed by a steaming teapot.
After plopping down on the chair, she picked up her cup and draped her finger over the edge, barely touching the hot liquid inside. Taking a sip, she leaned back and sighed. Sylvie watched, fascinated.
"Does Lunara help you in the kitchen?"
"Naw, she hates housework and I don't need her to help me here. I know every inch of this place by heart. Besides, it gives her some time to herself. She doesn't get much of that, having to help me so much."
We help each other, Lunara interjected.
You know what I mean and don't deny that you do most of the work, Belle countered.
We've been over this before, Belle. We're equal. Without one there is no other.
"Did she give you a piece of her mind?" Sylvie asked, smiling slightly.
"When doesn't she? She's more hard-headed than I am."
"Yeah, yeah. So what's with Thomas? He doesn't belong here."
"Maybe, but Beamon needs our help. He's been protecting Thomas too long and is on the verge of de-syncing if we don't do something."
"So why bring him here? Why not balance them first and then let them join The Society?"
"There isn't time. If Thomas isn't stabilized soon we'll lose them."
"Okay, what's his problem?"
"He's a borderline sociopath."
Sylvie inhaled as she was swallowing and started coughing. Tea poured from her nose and mouth, spewing over her cup onto the table. Amused, Belle pushed the napkin holder in her direction. It didn't take imagination to know what had just happened.
"How the hell can someone be a borderline sociopath?"
"Beamon recognized the disorder in Thomas at an early age. If he had allowed the boy to develop in the normal manner, Thomas would have injured someone. To protect them both, Beamon became the dominant and kept the child under control."
Wiping up the spilled tea, Sylvie wadded up the napkin and stuffed it in her cup.
"And what happens when we try to balance them? Thomas will grow stronger and Beamon weaker. It could just make them worse off if we fail."
"I'm hoping enough time has passed that Beamon has modified his disorder some. Lunara thinks it's a possibility."
"Lunara may be prejudiced. She wants to help Beamon."
"You know better than that. Lunara would never jeopardize Les Gris or human if there was another way. Logically it would serve no purpose."
Reluctantly, Sylvie had to agree. A failed balancing of life partners would ultimately end in tragedy for both. Humans and their Les Gris never survived de-syncing or detachment for long without suffering severe psychosis or neurosis.
"True. Okay, I'm out of here. Angie should be leaving work shortly so I need to get home and start dinner."
Getting up, she put her cup in the sink and left after giving Belle a hug.
The Seduction
SHE CRAVED LIGHT; natural or artificial, it made no difference. Light gave her substance, allowing her to move about and touch things that normally were beyond her reach. Light was also an enemy, taking everything away as easily as it had given them – but it was preferable to the darkness.
The darkness made her invisible just as it made all of her people invisible. She could sense the presence of those around her but could not touch or feel them. Sound held no real meaning since she could neither speak nor hear. Once, a long time ago, she had been happy. That was before losing her partner. Now, she lived a solitary existence.
Her life partner! How she missed her. The detachment had been sudden, leaving her confused and lonely. There was no time to prepare for the separation. One moment she was firmly joined and the next moment ripped from the very life force that had sustained her. Had it not been for her uniqueness and strong energies, she would have faded away a long time ago. As it was, she had waited for an eternity for the reunion. Now it was about to happen and she was impatient for the joining. Like a storm brewing, she could feel the energies slowly building. Soon, very soon!
"Are you sure this is what you really want?" whispered a voice from the darkness.
"I've waited a long time for her. She is my life," the Shadow replied.
"You're mistaken. She was never that," said the voice.
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it! You have existed all this time without her. You don't need her."
"I... I..." The Shadow was momentarily confused. "Who are you? Why are you here?"
"I am your friend. We're both your friends," the voice said softly.
"Yes. But where are my manners? Rumex, say hello to our new friend."
"It is my pleasure to meet you, sister." Although the new voice was pleasant, the Shadow wasn't sure she cared for it. Something about it seemed obsequious, almost servile. She decided to ignore it.
"Go away!" she ordered, wanting nothing more to do with either of the intruders.
"If that is really what you wish, then we will leave, but at least hear me out. If, after I have spoken, you still feel the same way, we'll be gone."
Hesitantly, the Shadow acquiesced. It had been a long, long time since she had actually spoken to anyone. Her life partner was still several minutes away from being released from her banishment. Listening would pass the time.
"Speak. I warn you, though, your time is short."
"Thank you. I sense that you don't like Rumex. Why?"
"You call him friend and yet I suspect you're more than that
. He has the aura of a servant."
"Servant? That's ridiculous! Are you my servant, Rumex?"
Rumex laughed unconvincingly.
"I'm not a servant to anyone."
It was the truth. The Shadow Demon definitely wasn't anyone.
Les Gris - TI4 Page 8