Search for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 2)

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Search for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 2) Page 2

by PP Corcoran

  The other intruders parted like a wave in front of him. Could this one be the leader? Richard's brain finally caught up, and as he drank in the shape and colors of the armor, recognition slowly dawned. Images of these suits had been carried by every media channel throughout the Commonwealth.

  Richard furtively glanced at the large red button protected by the clear plastic cover on the arm of his command chair. The button that would purge all the navigation computers aboard the Happy Wanderer, denying an enemy the locations of the Commonwealth home systems. Richard tried to calculate the time it would take to get to the chair before the intruders either cut him down or beat him unconscious, like the bleeding Robards.

  The alien commander caught Richard's gaze and followed it to its target, the captain's chair. It turned back to Richard, lifted its right hand, and without hesitation shot Richard and Lorna with two easy jerks of its armored fingers.

  ‘The Others’ were in command of the Happy Wanderer and its navigation computer. The Others' had every coordinate of every world known to man.


  The Shrine


  As his ship entered orbit, Narath gazed lovingly at Durav, the planet of his birth and home of the Chosen People. In the 2500 cycles since the Creator had gifted them with this new home, they had worked tirelessly in his name. The dark rings of the massive orbital structures supporting the shipbuilding yards contrasted starkly with the bright white clouds that covered most of the planet. Durav was a cold and harsh world. The people overcame all the odds and considered it a testament of their strength of faith in the Creator.

  With his guidance, the people overcame all that nature threw at them, he endowed gifts on them that allowed their population to rapidly expand and spread across the surface of Durav. The Creator needed warriors to fight against the spawn of evil. Engineers to build the ships to carry them and the weapons for them to use in his name. Females to provide the young to be trained as the Creator saw fit.

  For as long as he could remember, Narath had trained as a warrior and had risen steadily through the ranks. Until now.

  A twin tone sounded throughout the ship, the surface shuttle departure was imminent. With one final look at the cloud-covered world below him, Narath headed for the waiting shuttle and his fate.

  On the journey to the surface, Narath didn’t bother to activate his viewing screen. He knew from long experience that the thick clouds obscured everything. The pilots were completely reliant on their instruments, having no visual references to guide them. Through his seat, Narath could feel the vibration of the shuttle engines increase in their fight to slow the rapidly descending shuttle as it closed on its destination. With a sharp jolt, the shuttle touched down and Narath released his restraints and headed for the door. It opened at the touch of a control from a crew member, allowing Narath to step out into a driving snowstorm.

  The snow flurries reduced visibility to just a few feet, though he barely noticed. Narath pulled his blood-red warrior’s cloak closer around his shoulders more out of habit than because of the cold as his battle armor was as comfortable to him on this bare, windswept mountain as in the vacuum of space. He wasted no time moving from the landing pad to the ancient beaten path that ran along the steep mountainside leading to the High Coltus; the place where the Chosen People received physical and spiritual guidance from the Creator in their “Ehita,” their holy mission to hunt and exterminate the spawn of evil and make the universe pure enough for the Creator's return.

  Narath felt a renewed surge of pride in his warriors' recent success, despite suffering heavy losses in their attempt to eradicate the heretics in Sector 14. The small flotilla he’d initially sent to the sector’s life-bearing planet had never returned. The ships he’d sent to investigate brought disturbing news. A new enemy had entered the fray, one with sufficiently advanced technology to rival that of Durav.

  In response, Narath had sought out the council of the Lesser Coltus, a smaller shrine to the Creator that every Fleet Base and Command Ship carried to allow the faithful to hear the Creator’s wishes and with this guidance, Narath formulated a plan to send the full force of the Sector 14 fleet against the heretics.

  The fleet was to slowly gather its strength while hiding behind a small dwarf planet in the heretics’ system and arrive in small groups to prevent detection from their surveillance platforms. The initial stages of the operation went well, but a ship belonging to the heretics discovered the fleet and transmitted a warning signal before they could be destroyed. The fleet was forced to attack before Narath arrived with the final battle group. On his arrival, Narath found the heretics had been engaged in battle and, to his despair, the Lesser Coltus commanded him to remain at a distance as he watched his fleet's annihilation.

  The Lesser Coltus decreed they must return home and seek the Creator's personal guidance. Accordingly, Narath ordered the remaining ships to return to the naval base in Sector 14 and continue harassment operations against the heretics’ star system. It was while Narath was en route that the Creator intervened and presented him with a chance to redeem himself.

  They detected a heretic's cargo ship and Narath saw his opportunity. He led his warriors in their assault of the ship and managed to capture it and its valuable computers intact.

  Through a break in the falling snow, Narath caught sight of the cave’s entrance, an impressive sight that never failed to fill him with awe when he considered that this unassuming crack in the mountainside was actually the entrance to his people’s most holy shrine. The entrance was flanked by two warriors in battle armor. Their cloaks, the same color as Narath’s, whipped in the wind, their ancient targath blades rested point down but were ready for instant use. The Guardians of the High Coltus. Day and night these dedicated warriors stood ready to challenge anyone approaching the High Coltus. At Narath’s advance, a Guardian’s sword swept up and an evil-looking blade pointed at his chest as the warrior called out his challenge.

  “What do you seek, pilgrim?”

  Narath removed his helmet and cradled it under his left arm, he felt the frozen air batter at his face, the breathing slits on his neck automatically closed over as the driving snow attempted to force its way in.

  “I am Ipes Narath and I come seeking the guidance of the High Coltus.” Narath spread his cloak to reveal his armored chest adorned with a simple black circle and a red X at its center.

  The guard took a moment as his suits' systems interrogated Narath’s and confirmed that he was indeed an “Ipes,” a warrior in command of one of the fleets of the Chosen People in their Ehita of purification.

  The guardian's targath resumed its point-down position. “Enter Ipes and may the Creator’s blessings be upon you.”

  “And on you.”

  Narath stepped past the guards and entered the dimly lit cave, the electrostatic field that kept the weather at bay washed over his body.

  The rise in temperature was tangible as Narath made his way to the rear of the cave, passing the sacred reliefs on the walls that told the familiar story of the Creator's return to Balach, the original planet of their people.

  The Creator had intended to bring his people to Aseena, the land of the bountiful and never-ending beauty, but on his return to Balach, he found the Chosen People had fallen from grace under the heretics' influence. He unleashed a pestilence on Balach and only those of a pure heart survived. The Creator demonstrated his love and compassion for those found to be pure and brought them to a new world, Durav, to start afresh. The Creator set them a task to test their faith and physical bodies, but in his generosity he also gave them the High Coltus, where they were welcome to commune with him and seek his guidance. He proffered gifts that allowed them to travel amongst the stars, seeking out the spawn of evil and purifying the universe. When the Ehita was complete, the Creator would come again and take his people to Aseena.

  As he passed the reliefs, Narath reverently ran his armored fingers over th

  Narath was forced to duck his head slightly as he entered a narrow tunnel at the rear of the cave, which sloped sharply downward into the heart of the mountain. Its walls were so smooth, they could have been cut with a modern laser cutter. He marveled at the greatness of the Creator.

  The tunnel leveled out and Narath made out the slow melodic tones of people at prayer. The tunnel opened into a large chamber lit by flickering candles.

  By the dim light, Narath saw almost 100 people spread around the chamber, kneeling with their foreheads resting on the chamber floor, hands locked behind their necks softly touching the small amber gem at the base of the skull, the symbol of the Chosen People. When a female discovered she was pregnant, she attended the local Atistes, house of the Creator, where the house leader passed a Gift Stone, the Creator's blessing, over her womb. If the child was pure of heart, on its birth a small amber gem would glint at the base of its skull. If, however, the newborn had been tainted by the spawn of evil, the gem was missing and the child was put to death immediately. A rare occurrence, but not unknown. A reminder to the Chosen that the spawn of evil was still attempting to bring about their fall from grace and tempt them away from the path of Ethita.

  Narath’s attention returned to the many pilgrims around him. A few had noticed the arrival of an Ipes and moved a respectful distance away. Some had come of their own free will to commune with the Creator, while others had felt the Creator call to them. No matter the reason, the Creator, through the High Coltus, spoke to their minds directly, filling them with either guidance to aid their daily lives or knowledge to aid them in their holy mission. A warm, pleasant feeling spread through Narath and he let out a small gasp as the strong, fatherly tones of the Creator spoke to him.

  Blessings be upon you.

  Narath dropped to his knees, assuming the position of apostasy, his fingers lightly touching the gemstone at the base of his skull. He closed his eyes and concentrated on formulating his reply. I am Ipes Narath. Warrior of the Creator. I bear news of the Ehita.

  Continue, Ipes.

  Narath's nervousness grew. The Creator was loving but strong. Failure in the Ehita could be met with instant execution. Only the spawn of evil could hide from the all-knowing Creator, hence the reason for the Ehita – to eradicate the heretics.

  Narath confessed: I have failed you. My fleet was destroyed at the hands of a new and powerful group of heretics. I can ask only for your forgiveness in the hope that you will allow me to continue to serve.

  Failure is unacceptable, Ipes!

  Narath's muscles spasmed as pain spread through his skull to the tips of his fingers and toes, he rolled on the cavern floor before the pain began to subside. He lay gasping for breath as images flashed through his mind. The dispatching of the battle group to destroy life on the planet. The news of its destruction at the hands of the new heretics. His consultation with the Lesser Coltus and the plan to mass his forces for another assault on the planet. The subsequent battle. The destruction of his fleet and finally his capture of the heretic cargo ship and its computers.

  Maps of star systems flew by at a rate that Narath could not hope to follow. The complete contents of the ships navigation computers swiftly followed by schematics from the engineering database.

  You are redeemed, Ipes. You followed your guidance correctly, albeit the heretics hid from my gaze.

  The warmth of the Creator once again flowed through Narath as he felt the Creator's satisfaction.

  The heretics’ reach is further than expected. The Chosen must be resolute and focus on the Ehita more than ever. However, I shall provide. You will have the tools you need. You will strike at the heart of heretics and you, Ipes, with my guidance, shall lead the Chosen to victory.

  Narath felt tears of joy as once again the love of the Creator flooded him.

  Henceforth, you are known as Tama Narath, the Hand of the Creator. You will recall all the fleets of the Chosen, for there is much to be done. I shall bless you with knowledge. You will defeat the heretics and clear the way for the Chosen to enter Aseena.

  Images of new engine designs and weapons flooded into Narath’s mind. In his periphery, he was aware of the Creator speaking to others. Weapons engineers and shipbuilders received their own gifts.

  Go now Tama, you have much to do and time is short. The Creator’s return is at hand.

  Narath got to his feet, filled with a newfound sense of purpose. He bathed in the Creator's love. The Creator would use him to crush the heretics once and for all.

  Narath made his way back up the tunnel to his waiting shuttle, his head filled with images of the nuclear fire that he would bring to the home of the heretics. A predatory smile appeared on his lips.


  Let the Journey Begin


  Rear Admiral Christos Papadomas, commander of Survey Flotilla One, or SurvFlot One, sat in the main briefing room of Charon Base. He let his mind wander as he reflected that this is where it all began. Just a few short years ago he’d sat in this same briefing room as an ordinary captain.

  Christos shook his head slowly. Five years? Only five years since he and his colleagues, the other three captains and four marine majors, were ignorant of what was to bring them to Charon, the largest satellite orbiting the dwarf planet Pluto at the outer reaches of the solar system. They had no idea they would go on to command Earth’s most advanced ships, the Vanguards, and visit stars that scientists had until then only dreamed of; discovering new friends and new enemies in the process. Christos felt a level of satisfaction as he thought of his own role in it. He’d concentrated his efforts on saving the memory of a dead civilization on Delta Pavonis, which ultimately aided the discovery of what was to become Earth’s first colony amongst the stars, Janus.

  A smile crossed Christos’ face as he reminisced about what he thought was his greatest achievement so far; first contact with the indigenous race of Messier 54, the Baldies. He almost laughed out loud as he pondered the slang term given to the people of Alona and recalled how much it had irritated Ambassador Schamu, the Commonwealth’s envoy there.

  First contact hadn’t gone exactly to plan, though. The Commonwealth had known the Baldies (Christos mentally kicked himself), the Alona, had space faring ability and Christos had taken Survey Flotilla One to Messier 54 to thoroughly survey the system and gather intelligence on the Alona before making first contact. Unexpectedly, he’d happened upon an Alona ship in distress and that had changed everything.

  The ship was venting atmosphere with no chance of rescue by another Alona craft, Christos couldn’t stand by and let them die. He ordered one of his own ships to intercept and rescue them. Ambassador Schamu had been unhappy with the manner in which events unfolded but understood there was little else Christos could have done. In any case, he wasn’t slow in exploiting the opening that Christos had given him by saving the stricken vessel’s survivors and returning them to Alona. An audience with Emperor Paxt quickly followed, at which he gave his permission for Schamu to establish a Commonwealth embassy and lo and behold, diplomatic relations were opened. Although some secrets had been kept from the Alona.

  They didn’t know about The Others. The top levels of the Commonwealth decided that since there was no evidence of The Others traveling the 50,000 light years required to reach Alona, what they didn’t yet know wouldn’t hurt them. This particular decision didn’t sit well with Christos.

  The briefing room doors opened and Christos grinned as he saw his former second-in-command of TDF Jacques Cartier, Bruce Torrance, sporting some new rear admiral rings. Christos bounded from his seat and grabbed Bruce’s hand, shaking it vigorously.

  “Damn, Bruce, it’s good to see you and congratulations on a well-deserved promotion! I wondered who was gonna get SurvFlot Two. You wait till I tell Kayla about this.”

  The smile on Bruce’s face was easily a match for Christos’. “Maybe the promotion will tempt that woman away fro
m you at last! You never did deserve her. I swear you must have got her drunk the night you proposed to get her to say yes.”

  Christos threw back his head and laughed. “Ha. She’s had nearly twenty years to change her mind and she’s still here, so it must be the longest hangover in history.” Another loud laugh followed, it was only then that Christos noticed the other man still standing in the doorway, also in the uniform of a rear admiral.

  Christos quickly released Bruce’s hand and stuck it out to the newcomer.

  “My apologies, Admiral. Rear Admiral Christos Papadomas, commander Survey Flotilla One.”

  The thin, slightly balding man took Christos’ hand with a surprisingly strong grip. “Gavin Glandinning. Commander Survey Flotilla Three.” Gavin gave Christos a lopsided grin. “Or what there is of it.”

  Glandinning? The name was vaguely familiar. Christos was about to inquire further when the door slid open again and in stepped a legend amongst the survey command rank and file, Vice Admiral David Catney. Now Christos was confused, and by the way Glandinning’s mouth dropped open, he was even more surprised than Christos.

  As a captain, Catney had commanded Earth’s very first interstellar ship, the TDF Marco Polo. His crew identified and located the energy source which led directly to the discovery of the Rubicon cave, home of the Saiph database. Catney went on to help design the Vanguard survey ships before becoming the personal choice of the Joint Chiefs to revamp the naval academy. The restructuring was necessary to enable the navy to cope with the huge influx of personnel who had joined up after the true nature of the Others became apparent.

  The last Christos heard, Catney had been tapped to head the working group responsible for the integration of the TDF, the fledgling Garundan navy and the small but powerful Persai fleet, into one joint Commonwealth Navy. No easy task.


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