Your Life in Color

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Your Life in Color Page 7

by Dougall Fraser

  In ancient Egypt, the color blue was associated with divinity. The Egyptian god Amun was said to have made his skin blue so he could fly, invisible, through the blue sky and see what people were truly up to. The Hindu god Vishnu, who appears strikingly blue in artwork, was said to be preserver of the world and possessed the power to know about all beings simultaneously.

  In many parts of the world, blue is also thought to protect us against evil. People in Turkey and Greece wear a blue nazar—an eye-shaped charm, representing the eye of God—to ward off the “evil eye” from those who wish us harm. In the Middle East, a hamsa—a hand-shaped amulet with a blue eye in the center—is often hung in homes to protect against the jealousy of others. This is relevant because jealousy and envy are often the mind’s way of distracting us from facing a truth within ourselves.

  Blue is often associated with trustworthiness, which could be the reason why many law-enforcement agencies use blue for their uniforms. In this context, blue is used to symbolize a feeling of good faith. Blue is the color of the daytime sky and the ocean, so it is naturally one of the most prevalent colors we see anytime we step outside or are near a body of water. I find this to be meaningful, as the color of truth and wisdom literally blankets the earth in such natural abundance. And on the topic of symbols, what is a more profound symbol of truth than the fidelity of marriage? We take vows with the intention to “be true” to each other. Brides often wear something blue (along with something old, something new, and something borrowed) as a traditional sign of loyalty.

  When we come to the planet, I believe we are meant to learn certain fundamental truths. Gratitude, strength, compassion, and compromise are just a few of the life lessons that we may be challenged to learn. However, we have control over the day-to-day decisions that determine our specific path toward acquiring this wisdom. This is why free will exists. We must make our own choices (and mistakes) so that we are given the opportunity to evolve.

  No matter what plan or goals we set for our lives, every decision we make guides us toward learning our own series of personal truths. In my view, this is why we may experience pain or loss at certain points in our lives. Those moments help clarify the element of truth and provide us insight that we need to move forward. The honesty of blue lifts the veil from our consciousness and reveals the truths of the universe.

  I have a very special relationship with the color blue, as it prompted me to come out of the closet and tell my family that I am gay. I first began studying color energy at the age of 15, and once I reached blue, I was flooded with a desire for honesty in all areas of my life. Blue helped me realize I could not live a truly authentic life without embracing the truth of my sexuality. I grew up in a conservative town, and, like many gay kids, I was hesitant to own my truth for fear of rejection by my family and community. Living in the shadow side of blue caused several adverse effects in my life.

  I had been giving readings professionally from the age of 18 and doing a decent job, but harboring this secret was blocking me from accessing deeper insight for others. Avoiding our personal truth causes shame that can lead to a variety of other issues. Aside from affecting my readings negatively, my avoidance of the truth caused me to use emotional eating to fill the emptiness it created.

  We are all looking for answers in life, to understand why we are gifted with some situations and then challenged by others. Almost everyone has a “why me?” moment when struggling with a personal issue. Although I know it is a blessing now, being gay was a challenge early in my life. Some of the kids in my school used derogatory gay slurs, and it scared me. I knew the reality that not everyone would connect with my vulnerable honesty, particularly if it conflicted with their religious beliefs. It can also take time to understand that other people’s judgment often says more about them than it does about you, especially if they themselves are in denial about something.

  I continued my search for answers, and this included activating blue light. I was enamored with healing crystals at the time and carried a small bag of gemstones around my neck every day for weeks or months at a time. For many of us on a spiritual journey, healing stones awaken us to the power of physical activation. When I decided to come out of the closet at the age of 19, I first told my family and circle of friends. And the truth is, some of my loved ones did have objections to my being openly gay. Not everyone accepted that truth, and some people in my life really struggled with it. However, any rejection others may have felt toward me was really none of my business. Instead, the depth, power, and love I felt from my core supportive soul group members far outweighed any rejection I have ever experienced.

  Once I acknowledged this truth to my loved ones, a variety of blessings came rushing into my life. I established a much closer relationship with my family. The emptiness inside of me was instead filled with love, and I lost about 80 pounds within the year. It was as though a literal weight was lifted off my shoulders. This newfound freedom also cleared my intuitive abilities, for seeing our own truth makes it that much easier to see it in others. Blue freed me to come from a truly authentic place of loving guidance. To me, it felt like the world had finally opened up. While my personal journey and experience may be different from yours, we can all benefit from a boost of truthful blue energy in our lives.

  As an intuitive life coach, I am honored to regularly take a glimpse into the life journeys of people all over the world, and I use blue to help facilitate this process. I do this by stepping into the energy of the person I am working with. When I am asked for guidance on a life decision, for example, the first thing that I do is see how truthful that decision feels within their energy. If it is in their best interest, the energy will expand and feel good. If it is not the best choice, it will just feel wrong and the energy will contract. Blue increases my ability to speak the truth no matter what the client may want to hear.

  One of the things I love most about my work is how much I learn from my clients in the process. I believe every soul on this planet has their own wisdom to offer, their own unique perspective, and their own obstacles to recognizing that wisdom. Part of the challenge is in understanding why we are here and what the blocks we need to overcome are. Blue reminds us not to feel daunted if there are a lot of life issues that need to be dealt with. That is the whole point of our journey through life! There is an element of truth in every situation that must be accepted before we can evolve or change in any way, and this is not always easy for us to do. Blue gives us the strength to tune in to our inherent wisdom and truth, even if that truth is painful.

  One of my clients, Erica, used blue energy to help her with a major phobia. She was agoraphobic, having a fear of public spaces. It had gotten so bad that Erica only left her apartment to go food shopping once a month. And with the advent of online grocery delivery, even that outing was at risk of being eliminated. Erica’s mother, a client of mine, had gifted her daughter with a coaching package for her birthday. We began working together over the phone, and I suggested blue as a tool to help give her the courage to face her situation.

  I also asked her, in addition to activating blue, to try a “worst-case scenario” exercise (outlined below in the spiritual activation notes). Erica wanted to overcome her fear of public spaces but felt like it was out of her control. She knew logically that nothing bad would happen by going out in public. But the pattern of staying within the safety of her home perpetuated her irrational fear. Together, we decided that the best way to proceed would be to invite members of her soul group to help out.

  As part of the exercise, Erica contacted her older sister, Julie, with whom she was very close. Her sister suggested they meet at a coffee shop, but only for five minutes, which Erica immediately dismissed as too far outside of her comfort zone. Julie then suggested they make a weekly date to see each other at Erica’s apartment. After doing this for a month successfully, Erica agreed to sit on a park bench outside her building for five minutes. It was not easy for her, but every few weeks, they continued trying so
mething new.

  Activating blue also helped Erica finally admit to her sister and to me that she had secretly stopped taking her anxiety medication. Although it had been working, Erica felt that taking medication was a failure to overcome this issue on her own, so she made the decision to stop. While I think that medication should be a last resort, I completely support it as part of a whole-body approach to overall health. Far too many people who suffer from depression think they should be able to deal with it on their own. We would never question the need for insulin or heart medication, so why do we treat depression any differently? Addressing our mental health is something to be proud of, as it means we are taking care of ourselves.

  After a few months, Erica felt strong enough to meet an old friend for a meal. This was an ongoing process, but she now makes sure to leave her apartment at least once a day as part of her self-care. I don’t mean to make it sound like blue was some kind of magic pill. She did the work. But activating blue served as a useful tool to show her when to ask for help.



  Blue is what I would describe as a “prickly” color for some people to activate. If I tell a client that I’m about to say something prickly, it means they may not like what they are about to hear. But the message is intended to help them learn the lesson of a situation so they can move forward. Since blue is the color of truth and wisdom, it will open your eyes to areas of your life that need attention. This may bring up difficult feelings if you don’t want to accept the truth, but that is where the wisdom part comes in. Using blue brings you the courage to see things clearly and the wisdom to release your attachment to the illusion that truth reveals. I encourage you to experiment with it and see what comes up for you.

  Oftentimes in life, we become so immersed in our daily routine that we forget whether or not we are being true to ourselves and actually aligned with the life we want. This can occur in any area, but nowhere is this more apparent than in relationships. Most of us spend our lives searching for a soul group that makes us feel safe. But then, once we are lucky enough to find them, we sometimes forget to be our true selves. No one intends for this to happen, but if we are not careful, little by little, we begin to hold back from expressing our true feelings. This is usually because we don’t want to be misunderstood and would like to avoid potential conflict, but there is also another reason. True honesty requires us to be vulnerable, and sometimes it is just easier to bottle up that blue energy at the end of a long day.

  Countless issues would be healed if we could let our guard down and allow the truth to be reflected back to us. Perhaps your partner feels insecure, neglected, or misunderstood, and they need to express this. But what tends to happen is that the shadow side of blue prevents us from hearing that truth, and instead we become defensive. Rather than receiving the underlying truth of the message, we hear it as criticism. If you have ever had a difficult but honest conversation with a loved one that resulted in mutual understanding and resolution, you know the feeling of balanced blue energy.

  Blue has the power to enable real change in your life. Allow it to show you that you are strong enough to accept any difficult truths and move past them.


  Fear is a completely natural part of human nature. Its purpose is to protect us from harming ourselves (keeping us from things such as touching a hot stove or crossing the street before looking both ways). However, unchecked fear can hold us back from stepping out of our comfort zone and pursuing our passion. Spiritual activation can be a powerful way to release us from the grip of fear and transform it into truthful abundance.


  This exercise is useful for shining light on a fear that is keeping you from enjoying your life. Fear does not have to be a full-blown phobia. Any kind of irrational hesitation that keeps you from moving forward is worth examining. Fear can continue to persist after you acknowledge it, so it may require additional steps to recondition yourself to step past it.

  After spiritually activating blue through meditation, take a piece of paper and ask yourself the following question: What is the worst thing that could happen if I do the thing that I am afraid of? Go ahead and write down everything that comes up, regardless of how irrational the fear may seem. The answer may come to you immediately or it may take some time to surface. Either way, intend to use the blue light as a tool for your honest acceptance of the truth.

  Reach out to at least one member of your soul group and ask for their help and support. Tell them about your fear and see if they have any ideas that might be helpful.

  Outline at least one step that you can take every day toward accepting and moving past this fear. Ask your loved one to help you by accompanying you in confronting this fear. Having them follow up will hold you accountable to your plan.

  It’s important to remember everyone experiences fear in their own way. Even the most accomplished people you look up to have at some point been faced with an opportunity that truly scares them. But courageous people acknowledge the fear and then go ahead and take that opportunity anyway. Many people assume that living your truth requires monumental changes in lifestyle. But in my opinion, it’s better to take baby steps that create lasting change than to be overwhelmed by the prospect of a major change and do nothing at all.

  Examples of confronting common fears are:

  Going out for a meal or a movie alone.

  Setting up an online dating profile. This means using a current picture and making an honest effort at creating a positive description of yourself.

  Starting a new health regimen.

  Overcoming the fear of public speaking. This could include making a toast at a wedding.

  Once you have decided on a fear to confront, it is critical to declare your intention to a loved one. Allow yourself to ask for help and receive support. Try to release any shame, as enabling this kind of growth is the universe’s intended purpose for your soul group. Finally, follow up with your group or a loved one to talk about the feelings or shift in energy you had as you faced your fear. The purpose of blue is to face your truth with courage, and I know you can do it!



  Blue is one of the easiest colors for universal activation. All you have to do is look up at the sky to be reminded of truthful blue. Whenever you see and notice blue, remember what it means for your energy and ask yourself the following questions: Am I being honest with myself? Am I avoiding the reality of some situation? In lieu of an activation exercise, here is an in-depth example of how a client experienced a powerful transformation with blue.

  I was in New York City on business, and Linda came to me for an intuitive reading. Most new clients are a bit nervous at first, as they are not sure what to expect. Some people are fearful I am going to read their thoughts. Let me reassure you—I am not a mind reader. What I look at are the overall elements of your life swirling around in your aura.

  Linda had shoulder-length wavy brown hair and was in her midthirties. She sat down on the upholstered couch, with a view of Central Park behind her, and smiled nervously. As soon as I focused on her, all I could see in my mind’s eye was a library full of blue books. When I begin a psychic reading, I often start to see symbolic images in my mind. It is an experience I refer to as “cosmic charades.”

  Cosmic charades is the universe’s way of presenting me with information about my client through images that are familiar to my life. If I am with a client and I suddenly see my father, who works in real estate, then I will ask my client if they also work in real estate. In Linda’s case, I saw a library, which to me shows a strong desire for knowledge. Another intuitive might see something else that represents knowledge to them; perhaps their spouse would pop into their head if that person was extremely honest. It all depends on what image the universe thinks will get the message a

  As I focused on Linda’s energy, I saw more and more of this blue library scene. Moonlight was shining through the windows and showering the books with every shade of blue possible. For me, a library and the books in it represent not only knowledge but also a profound need for answers. In many cases, a person is craving truth because they feel someone is deceiving them. Some of my colleagues have speculated this visual might be my version of a person’s Akashic records.

  “Linda, we haven’t even started the session, and yet I am very aware of the presence of blue energy around you. Blue is the color of truth and wisdom. It also teaches us about fear and avoidance. Part of what we are going to discuss today will be the areas of your life where you aren’t living your truth. It seems like fear might be causing you to hesitate from revealing your true being in certain areas.”

  Linda stared at me for a moment, then burst out laughing. “You just get right to the point, don’t you?”

  We both shared a laugh, and I proceeded.

  When I see blue in a client’s aura, it tends to be incredibly rich and varied. Much like the colors of the ocean, there are many shades and hues of blue, depending on where you look. There is a richness to blue that envelops the room. Typically, it is seen around someone who wants to research, study, and understand every aspect of life. People with blue energy are seekers of truth. And yet, if there is a strong presence of very dark blue in their aura, I often find they have trouble accepting their own truth. They may be suspicious of people in their circle for a variety of reasons.

  “Linda, your trust issues feel like they are through the roof right now. It’s like you question everyone’s intentions and have trouble accepting anyone’s word at face value. Why is that?”


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