Your Life in Color

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Your Life in Color Page 17

by Dougall Fraser


  Spiritually activating pink can be an emotional experience. If you have a history of being self-critical (and many of us do, to some extent), then steeping yourself in loving pink light can bring up all sorts of feelings. These run the gamut from relief, love, and happiness to resistance, anger, and regret. The brain and ego are very smart, and they will often use deceptive ways to deny us much-needed love. The goal with pink is to just allow the truth of your perfection to wash over you. You don’t need to do anything to deserve love; it is your birthright.

  A note on compliments: It can be easy to dismiss or reject the kind words of others out of a false sense of modesty. But this is another way for the mind to deny you love and should be avoided. If someone says something nice to you, try to really take it in and absorb what they are saying. They are sending you pink energy in that moment, and it is your decision whether or not to allow it in. Accepting compliments helps to reorient and retrain your mind toward loving yourself.


  For this exercise, find a close friend or relative with whom you feel safe. Explain the self-love process you are working on so they can understand your goal and serve as your supportive mirror.

  Sit opposite your partner and do the spiritual activation process for pink with them. (It will be helpful to explain spiritual activation and how to ground pink energy through the body.)

  When you both feel ready, ask them to specifically state their favorite qualities about you. Make sure to give them enough time to answer. Don’t rush this process.

  As they begin speaking, look them directly in the eyes and do not interrupt them. Self-criticism sometimes causes us to interrupt a compliment because we are uncomfortable with receiving love. Make sure you do not block yourself from pink energy in this way.

  To help with this process, continue to ground pink energy throughout your physical bodies by picturing yourselves enveloped in pink as your partner speaks. Allow and intend for the pink light to fill you with a loving self-acceptance.

  Then you must accept the compliment. Once they let you know they have finished answering the question, say only “Thank you.” Do your best to absorb the love that has been directed at you. It can be helpful to close your eyes for a moment after they finish and do some deep breathing as you absorb the information. Allow the pink energy to fill you with love that you can use. Do not deflect the compliment or change the subject. If they love your beautiful eyes and great sense of humor, try to absorb this as deeply as you can. If they are open to it, you can repeat this process by trading places and then complimenting them.



  Many of us are so used to negative self-talk that we are not even conscious of doing it. Do you know whether your inner critic behaves like a snarky teenager or more like Joan “Mommie Dearest” Crawford screaming “No wire hangers!” at your inner child? Either way, you can help yourself immensely by becoming fully aware of how often these thoughts are floating around in your consciousness.

  The ironic thing about negative self-talk is that we even use it to bond with other people. This is pink’s shadow side sneaking into our consciousness. It is not uncommon for friends to commiserate about the things they hate in themselves in a misguided attempt at connection. If your sister says, “I hate my thighs,” you do not need to criticize your own body in order to feel closer to her. It is much more powerful to harness pink energy and send it to your sister in the form of “You, and your thighs, are beautiful!”


  For those of us who struggle with self-esteem, the habit of negative self-talk is so ingrained we don’t even realize we are doing it. We tend to be so much kinder to other people than we are to ourselves. But, in my experience, it is a waste of time to try to silence that inner voice because it is a part of us. I find it is much more effective to bring these thoughts into the light by consciously adding positive messages into our consciousness. In this exercise, you will harness the power of pink throughout your day by consciously infusing your consciousness with a message of self-love.

  Set an intention that you will notice whenever pink presents itself to you throughout your day. Sometimes we miss messages from the universe because we are not able to recognize them. You can utilize a color prop as a reminder of this exercise.

  Whenever you notice pink, take a moment to acknowledge something you did in the last few days that you are really proud of. You can do this by repeating it to yourself silently like an affirmation, or you can write it down. For example, I have been studying diligently for my finals and am really proud of my commitment.

  A variation of this exercise would be to repeat the pink affirmation listed below anytime you spot pink in your life.

  The point of this exercise is to redirect your critical thoughts toward more productive and positive areas of your being. The more you activate pink, the more you will get used to diluting your negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you get used to the habit of activating pink in this way, seeing it should immediately trigger a positive thought in your consciousness. This exercise will help counteract the urge to obsess over something you don’t like about yourself.

  Here is a very real example of this exercise in action: Weight has been my personal struggle in life, and I feel the shadow side of pink most consistently when it comes to my body image. If I am having an off day, when someone snaps a photo of me with their phone and shows me the image, my immediate thought is, Well, look at you, you big ol’ heifer! My ego usually tries to convince me I am just being funny, but self-deprecating humor can be just as destructive as negative self-talk. This would not be a shining moment for me, but I’m just being totally real with you here. Spiritual teachers: they’re just like us!

  When I use this exercise, I allow pink to remind me of the positive ways in which I care for my physical health. If I go to the supermarket and see someone wearing a pink blouse, I might remind myself I am proud of exercising that morning. I might congratulate myself on the healthy dinner I was planning to make that night, or I might just use the self-love affirmation for pink. I might not be able to silence the voice that wants to criticize my body, but I can choose where to place my focus. I have managed to lose and keep off a significant amount of weight in my life, and I will not allow negative self-talk to minimize that achievement.

  This approach does not focus on removing the negative thought completely. Rather, it is all about adding a dose of positive pink energy to balance and redirect the thought.




  Just as a reminder, a color prop is any physical item you will use to activate the color you’re working on (in this case, pink). You will want to find various pink items to remind you of pink energy every time you look at them. Once you select your items, you will infuse them with the intention of increasing your self-acceptance and unconditional love.

  This is a perfect time to get creative and pick props that really inspire you! When you notice these items throughout your day, let them be a reminder of your innate perfection and self-love. I like using the following affirmation when I infuse a color prop with my intention: Let the light be the source of the healing. This is a reminder to remove any pressure from myself and just allow the color to do its work.

  Some pink color props you could incorporate into your day include:

  Pink nail polish. This is an easy one if you enjoy wearing nail polish, because you will notice the color every time you look at your hands. However, feel free to adorn your body with anything pink. I often wear a pink shirt when I want to be extra loving to myself. I also notice that me wearing pink seems to make other people happy as well.

  A pink pen or highlighter for notes. For journal writing, I like to use pink ink as a visual reminde
r to love myself unconditionally.

  Pink lightbulbs. Although you wouldn’t normally touch a lightbulb when it is on, I included this because it is a great way to weave color energy into your physical space. Many hardware stores sell pink lightbulbs, and using one in a lamp will bathe any room in pink energy. It also has the added benefit of making your skin look great!


  Keeping a gratitude journal involves listing the good things in our life that we are thankful for. With a self-gratitude journal, we magnify pink’s positive effects by refocusing this list only on the good within ourselves. We increase the positive effects of a gratitude journal by linking those feelings to our color prop so that we can be reminded of our gratitude throughout the day.

  While touching your color prop, think of something about yourself that you love and write it down in your journal. When you “pat yourself on the back,” pink energy reminds you to step back and observe how far you have come. Try to be really generous with yourself here. If you have difficulty coming up with an item to list, it is a clear sign you are working through pink’s shadow side. I will speak for pink here and remind you that you are lovable, valuable, and perfect exactly as you are.

  Keep your color prop with you for the rest of the day, and remind yourself of the item on your self-gratitude list every time you touch it. The goal of this exercise is to rev up your self-love engines and get them accustomed to running at full speed. You might love your sense of humor and artistic ability, or perhaps it’s something as simple as having a great hair day! With the pink light, you are empowered to honor and attune yourself to your own one-of-a-kind perfection.

  Here are some questions to help with this exercise, but feel free to list whatever comes to you. Ask yourself:

  What parts of myself am I most happy with?

  What areas of my life are prospering?

  What makes me special?

  What am I talented at doing?

  What can I offer the planet?

  Am I compassionate? Do I have a knack for making others feel good?

  Remember, the shadow side of pink may try to prevent you from honoring yourself in this way. You don’t need to fight or silence it; just be aware it is not your highest self talking. Each person is a unique expression of energy. With pink, you take the time to love all of yourself and recognize the perfection in your individual “snowflakiness.”


  The shadow side of pink is self-criticism and can also manifest as being judgmental of others. There are many physical signs someone is struggling with pink energy, including depression, eating disorders, or addiction to plastic surgery. If you lean toward the shadow side of pink, you will resist acknowledging your own strength, beauty, and power. Some of these exercises may trigger you, and your mind will think you are not being authentic, that you are ignoring your “flaws.” Resistance is common when you are trying to access self-love. The mistake many people make is trying to disagree with this negativity. The secret is in knowing that it only thrives when you engage with it.

  It is important to remember a core truth of your being is a deep sense of calm, peace, and serenity. Self-love doesn’t mean you are devoid of any negative thought. Rather, pink will help train your dominant voice to be more loving and positive. If you are leaning toward the shadow side of pink, be patient. Pink will first highlight some of your critical thinking if there is an abundance of it, and then, with calm awareness, replace those thoughts with something more positive.

  If you do notice negative thoughts popping up as you activate pink, don’t fight them or criticize yourself for having them. Simply keep reminding yourself that you are exactly who you are supposed to be, where you are supposed to be, and that you are doing a perfect job on your journey. Allow the loving, nurturing energy of pink to wash over you.

  This week, try to focus on “patting yourself on the back.” Pink light reminds to us to step back and observe how far we have come. Give yourself permission to be happy with who you are.



  QUALITIES: Enthusiasm, change, and life force

  SHADOW SIDE: Hyperactivity, anxiety, and poor health

  Mint green is associated with growth of all kinds. Just like the plant itself, mint easily grabs hold of the earth and springs to life. I find this to be quite symbolic of the way I see lighter green energy, as our physical bodies are constantly regenerating themselves. Since it is the color of new plants and leaves, lighter green is usually the color most associated with the new life that occurs in nature. The green color of plants is primarily caused by chlorophyll, the chemical that allows plants to convert sunlight into usable energy. Quite literally, green helps all living things to thrive and grow into what the universe intended them to be.

  In many languages, even the word green has the same root as the word grow, further solidifying their association. Germanic, Romance, Slavic, and Hellenic languages all contain words for green that originate from words for vibrant, living plants. The Japanese word for green is midori, which evolved from the word midoru, meaning “to blossom” or “to grow.”

  Historically, light green is associated with new life and growth. In ancient Rome, green was the color of Venus, the goddess of gardens and vegetables. Ancient Egyptians associated green with the new crops that sprouted as a result of the annual flooding of the Nile River. In addition, Egyptian hieroglyphs for green portray a growing papyrus sprout, while wall paintings of the god Osiris show him with a green face, which was the symbol of good health and rebirth. In China, green has long been considered an auspicious color that symbolizes fertility and happiness.

  “Electric mint green” may sound like a unique way to describe a color, but it is the closest I can come to explaining how I see this energy around people. Not only that, but mint green is one of the only colors I can almost hear. It is so filled with new life that it has a kind of hum to it. Whenever I teach classes on color energy, I always end with mint as the final color. Mint green represents change and new opportunities, which is why I save this color for last. This is exactly the kind of energy I want to leave you with.

  This journey through color that we have embarked upon has allowed us to explore and bring out so many elements of the soul. With this in mind, it seems fitting to now recognize the changes possible in our lives with this particular color.

  Mint green represents our life force, often referred to as chi or prana. I see this color as the life energy radiating from our soul. Mint green is a direct reflection of our health and well-being, but that is not all. It crosses the border of physical wellness and also reflects on how we approach our personal growth on the planet. Enthusiasm is such a huge element of mint green. When this color is dominant in someone’s energy field, they are the most effective cheerleader anyone could hope for and are excellent at manifesting. Mint green energy is welcome in every situation because it makes everyone feel like anything is possible. If you’ve ever turned a day of household chores into an impromptu dance party, you’ve generated a shot of this fun-loving energy. I often joke that if you tell a mint green person you are having a garage sale, they will be the first to show up at your house with coffee, signs, music, and snacks.

  In my private practice, I often see mint around pregnant women. Mint green energy is filled with so much life that it radiates from mothers-to-be as they are creating new life for the planet. Mint green feels like “cosmic caffeine.” It radiates so quickly I can almost hear it. The tone isn’t distracting in any way, but just like birds chirping or waves crashing, it’s a subtle and beautiful reminder that we are alive.

  Kenneth was a client of mine whom I had been coaching for years. Naturally energetic and highly creative, he was a hairstylist who was always doing something. Kenneth had overcome a serious drug addiction and, like many people in recovery, now channeled much of his energy into work. I had coached him into opening his own hair salon in NYC, and
he had created a very successful life for himself.

  For most clients, the colors I see around them change with time due to life circumstances. But this was never the case with Kenneth. He was constantly buzzing with the same mint green, almost like a hummingbird.

  “Dougall, I just can’t seem to calm down,” Kenneth lamented.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Things are great; business is booming. I am generally happy, but it’s hard for me to relax, and I have a tendency to worry about everything.”

  “I understand. Sometimes it can be difficult to turn the volume down on our lives. Are you meditating?”

  “Ha! Are you kidding? Anytime I try to meditate, my fingers are tapping, my feet are moving.”

  This is another interesting aspect of mint green. It is a powerhouse of energy, but sometimes it can be too much energy if left unchecked. You may remember, back in high school, looking at other students sitting at their desks with their feet tapping on the floor repeatedly. They couldn’t sit still or concentrate for very long and seemed like they were going to burst out of their chairs. This is what too much mint green feels like.

  You may have had similar experiences with people like this, or perhaps you are the one who had an overabundance of energy. Mint green is great as long as you know how (and when) to turn it off. Kenneth’s mint green energy was overflowing and the “off” button seemed to be just out of his reach.

  As with every color, there are two sides to its energy. For someone like me, finding my center in meditation is quite easy. On the other hand, I can lean toward being a bit lazy if I am not careful. A dose of mint green energizes me to partake in physical activity. I often activate this color before I head to the gym for the boost it provides. For someone like Kenneth, who has a ton of mint energy, sitting still and meditating is almost torture. His energy can lean into the shadow side of mint green, which he described as hyperactivity and some anxiety. These kinds of energy types usually have a very high metabolism. (As someone who has lost over 90 pounds in my lifetime, that sounds like a wonderful problem to have!)


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