Definition of a Bad Girl

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Definition of a Bad Girl Page 12

by MìChaune

  While the rent going to the lodge took money out of her coffers, it made more sense to host the party at the lodge than at Dom Paradice. For starters, the party was low-key. No one knew she was the host except those who’d received invitations through Facebook or Instagram. Leshaun learned early on never to mix her business and pleasure.

  “Hey, Elle, what do you have for me?” A john called her by her nickname. She remembered the straight-laced teacher who was single and lonely after devoting most of his life to taking care of his ailing mother. She took special care not to turn him over to one of her wild whores.

  “What do you need? Where’s Gogo?”

  “She stepped away for a moment,” the john whose name she could never remember replied. “I wanna try something different tonight.”

  “Okay.” Leshaun thought quickly. She needed to get rid of him. “I believe I have someone who can be on your speed.” Leshaun was about her business, and she wasn’t going to turn down no dollar just because it came from some dork.

  “Let me take care of him?”

  Leshaun turned toward the masculine voice, unaware that he had been in her presence. She looked at the man. “Yeah, if the money is right!” she responded sarcastically. She didn’t expect Lloyd to be so brazen as to show his face at her party. But he was here, and she wasn’t going to make a big deal about it in front of her client. Leshaun needed to demonstrate she was in control of the situation.

  “Hey, Leigh Ann, take this gentleman to that room over there.” Lloyd took out two Benjamins and put them in Leshaun’s hands. “Make sure you show him a real good time.”

  Leigh Ann grabbed the nervous man by the hand and smiled at Leshaun and Lloyd.

  “When you’re finished, come find me, and I’ll show you what I have.”

  “Okay,” Leigh Ann promised before pulling the man to one of the rooms.

  “Muthafucka, you must think you slick,” Leshaun mumbled as she and Lloyd made their way downstairs. The smell of naked women and men in drug-induced orgies made her nauseated. The money the party was raising to rebuild her hotel was worth it, and Leshaun liked that she could be trusted to help some of the region’s most wealthy and professional people indulge and safely get their freak on.

  “What’s up, girl?” Lloyd called out. “You didn’t think I was going to show up?”

  “I’m not worried about you,” Leshaun responded as she held up her hand to emphasize her point. She saw Lysa and Janae making their way around the lodge, and she cracked a smile.

  “Let me see; how does this go?” Lloyd was as excited as a young child opening up a Christmas present from Santa Claus.

  “Those bitches chose you. Yeah, I know.” Leshaun was determined not to let Lloyd get under her skin. After all, he came to her spot to put in work. He was paying her taxes and, for the night, she was fine with that. On the small scale, that meant Lysa and Janae were back under her control for a moment but, ultimately, Leshaun got paid.

  “I want you to come to my warehouse,” Lloyd extended the invitation. “I got some tight gear that’s going to have these tricks standing at attention the moment they lay eyes on you. I found a black silk top that would look good on you.”

  “You say that as if you want me in your stable.” Leshaun was puzzled as she looked at Lloyd and gave him a stank look.

  “I think we’re stronger together.” Lloyd laid out his proposition: “I got the women and a wide network of clientele. Your hotel is one of the best locations in Asheville and, admittedly, where the best men are being pimped.”

  “Well, it’s good you recognize that,” Leshaun responded. “You better keep Lysa and Janae in check.”

  “I’m not worried about them two.” Lloyd leaned closer to him to whisper something in her ear. “I have a show in Houston, and I have some outfits with a lot of glitz. I’d like to personally invite you and your crew to come to the dirty and make money with me and mine.”

  “You got jokes.” Leshaun looked at Lloyd and shook her head.

  “What you mean? I’m always serious,” Lloyd responded.

  Leshaun pulled Lloyd in for a hug and a kiss. “After we take care of business, I’ll show you what I like.”

  Leshaun kept her eyes on everyone in the party. Even with Lloyd and his hoes on deck, she was determined to prove that she was in charge and that he didn’t faze her one bit.

  * * *

  “Shit!” Lysa muttered. “These Gucci heels are killing my feet!”

  “Girl, hush!” Janae nudged Lysa through the crowd in front of the convention center.

  “I told you not to get this pair!” Lysa complained as she brushed by a group of older women, all fixated toward the roped-off valet parking area. Lysa didn’t get the buzz about what was so special about Bryson. She was only kicking it with them while waiting to see who Lloyd was gonna trick her off on.

  “We need to hurry up and get up front so I can see who is all here!” Janae craned her neck over the crowd of mostly women who waited to catch a glimpse of Bryson. In Janae’s case, she wanted to put a mark on tonight’s lick.

  The two looked their best on this warm summer night. Lysa’s hair framed her beautiful face with blond highlights. The red body dress magnified her thickness, wrapped around her large breasts while embracing the shape of her hefty ass. She was on her diva shit tonight, and no bitch could tell her otherwise.

  Janae rocked a black backless dress that ended high above her knees. It clung to her curvy figure, and tonight she would flaunt all her physical assets.

  “Damn!” Janae stomped when she reached the red velvet rope. “They already started coming in.”

  Around them nearly everyone in the crowd held up a smartphone, taking pictures. A line of expensive cars and SUVs snaked in front of the lodge as Bryson and the other players for the Charlotte Hornets made their red-carpet arrival. They’d made the trek to the mountainous city to support a local charity that helped young black men thrive in mathematics and science and pursue STEM-RELATED college degrees in several of the states historically black colleges and universities. The team received a lot of respect in Asheville for some of the various events they did for a variety of organizations across the Carolinas.

  “Mmmm! Who’s that fine brotha?” Lysa tapped Janae’s shoulder as a tall, suited man stepped out of a black Mercedes-Benz SL600.

  “Nobody for us.” Janae shook her head. “He’s rich, but he’s gay.”

  Lysa rolled her eyes, thinking it was a waste of some good dick. “Who are we looking for?” Lysa asked as the valet drove off in the topless Benz.

  “Anyone who’s riding solo. Ain’t no need to waste any time if any of these dudes got a bitch on their arm,” Janae whispered. “These players got an ego, and that’s how we pop dat ass tonight.”

  Lysa nodded as a pearl white Toyota Avalon with gold trim cruised up to the flashing lights and red carpet. “Yo, don’t he play for the Asheville Tourists, whatever his name is?”

  “Quincy Cisneros.”

  “Yeah, him. What if he has a date?” Lysa asked with her eyes on the Avalon.

  “He’s single.” Janae grinned. “And you know damn well he wouldn’t bring a bitch here when all this pussy is gonna be thrown at his feet.”

  “So that means I’ll have to gain his attention.”

  “That’s what this is for.” Janae grabbed Lysa’s ass and squeezed.

  “Stop playing!” Lysa shoved Janae’s hand away as a handsome, bald-headed black guy with glasses exited the Avalon. The sight of him caused Lysa to stare. Damn, he’s fine! “Who’s that guy?” Lysa asked Janae, hoping like hell that it was Quincy.

  Janae adjusted her bra strap. “That’s Brenton Guldenby. He’s the son of the owner of the Hornets and the Tourists. In his own right, he’s a tech nerd who’s part of a small black-owned startup in the Research Triangle. Remember his face because he’s on our list.”

  Lysa nodded as she eyed her prey. She wouldn’t mind throwing her ass his way, and she hoped he’d be d
own to catch it.

  After eight more basketball players arrived, Janae’s impatience got under her skin. The lure of tonight’s stickup made her palms itch, and tonight she was ready to do the damn thang.

  “Let’s go inside,” Janae said as she smoothed her dress out. “I think we missed Quincy and, plus, we need to make our move before another thirsty bitch beats us to the punch.”

  * * *

  “Let’s split up and mingle with the crowd,” Janae suggested once they were inside the convention center.

  “Mingle?” Lysa frowned. “I don’t know shit about any of these athletes or other wealthy guys up in here. What are you going to do?”

  “I’ma go find Quincy Cisneros. I overheard some bitches in the bathroom talking about seeing him up on the second floor. If I find him, I’ll send you a text.”

  “I hope this works,” Lysa mumbled with little hope.

  “It will. Now go and pop that ass and show these athletes the difference between cornbread and silicone.”

  Lysa had no idea where to start. Everywhere she looked sat a small booth with different athletes signing jerseys or other paraphernalia, and talking to their fans. Stacks of new calendars, souvenir books, and other goodies covered the tables from end to end. Shirts were sold, pictures were taken, and at one booth stood a line thirty deep, waiting to have a book signed. Lysa hadn’t read a book since high school. Reading is boring as hell! Fuck I look like reading a damn book!

  Lysa made her way across the packed floor on the prowl for a lick. Three times she was stopped by different folks handing out flyers and postcards. As soon as she left their sight, she dropped the promo items on the nearest table and kept it moving. She had no intention of buying anything. Her motive was to take what she wanted and it sure as hell wasn’t a bunch of flyers.

  A round of applause gained her attention as she entered a new section on the first floor. Her heart skipped a beat when she spotted Brenton Guldenby standing up on a small stage. Lust spun around Lysa’s nipples as she thought about testing Brenton’s dick game. She didn’t see no wrong in tricking and licking in the same night. As she eyed Brenton’s crowd of fans, she realized that it wouldn’t be an easy task to gain his attention. She noticed a few attractive females who could steal her shine with little effort. Lysa’s drive to get paid forced her to stay on point.

  “You’re a fan of Brenton?” a deep Southern voice caught Lysa off guard.

  She turned and, from her five foot three stance, looked up at the man behind her. She blinked twice and took in every detail. Damn! This muthafucka is fine! Lysa took a step back to view all of him. She had a license in being hood. She didn’t know how to appreciate the man in her sight. His tailor-made black and teal three-piece suit didn’t appeal to Lysa. She couldn’t relate to a man in a suit and tie, rocking gator shoes. Hell, the only times she saw dudes dressed up was in church or at court. She dealt with the gangsters, the goons, the rowdy thug hustlers who rocked the baggy jeans, Jordans, and fresh ‘Tims”. She didn’t have the slightest idea that the platinum cufflinks on the man’s wrist were worth $8,000.

  “Uh, what did you say?” she asked with a coy smile.

  “Are you a fan of Brenton?” He nodded over her shoulder.

  Lysa fingered a strand of hair over her bare shoulder. “Not really,” she answered as lewd thoughts kept jumping in her head. Going without any dick for two days had Lysa itching for some pipe. “Are you a software developer?” she asked, sticking to the lick.

  “No,” he replied after a moment’s pause.

  Lysa remembered what Lloyd told her a few days ago. The charity event would draw in athletes, local celebrities, a few hustlers, and unknown men with major bread. She eyed him up and down. “Do you have the time?” she asked just to see what kind of watch he had.

  He slid his left sleeve back and glanced at his rose gold timepiece. “Six minutes to eight,” he informed her.

  “Thank you.” She nodded, making sure to maintain eye contact. “Nice watch. Is it a Rolex?”

  He grinned. “Nah. It’s a Patek Philippe.”

  Lysa didn’t show any reaction because the brand of his timepiece didn’t click. If she’d known the worth of the Patek Philippe, she would have robbed him for it on sight. “So, what’s your name?” she asked with her eyes on his suckable lips. Mmm, I bet he could go ham sucking on my kitty!

  He adjusted his solid white silk tie and appeared to ponder for a second. “Liam Sachs. And yours?”

  “Buffy,” Lysa lied without blinking. I can palm that head all night!

  He smiled and fought the urge to stare at the chocolate sea of cleavage in his face.

  “Um, I assume you like to buy and sell stocks and bonds?” Lysa made an effort to get small talk started.

  “Sometimes,” he replied as he admired her curves. “I’m a darker, distant relative of the founder.”

  She nodded. “This is my first time at such an event.”


  “Yep. And it’s okay.”

  “Got any autographs from any of your favorite athletes yet?”

  “Nah. I’m just enjoying the positive vibes.”

  Liam made his move. “Uh, would I be out of line to seek your company for a drink? There’s a lounge in the back near the meet and greet area.”

  Lysa had to let his respectful request sink in. She wasn’t used to being treated like a woman. From her countless nights hitting the clubs, hustlers would step to her on some hood shit: “Yo, shorty! Lemme holla atchu!” or, “Hey, ma, whut you tryin’a get into tonight?” On looks alone, Liam could get it! Lysa’s pussy begged for a nice big pipe to stroke it. Through the lust, she stuck to her predator instinct and placed a mark on him because he smelled like that item she had to have: money.

  “That sounds like a bomb idea.” She boldly reached for his hand to start the hunt.

  * * *

  “Excuse me. Are you a model?”

  Janae lowered the souvenir book she pretended to read and turned toward the voice. To her surprise, it was the man from the motherland who owned the SL600. “Uh, no, I’m not,” she told him.

  “Maybe I can change that.” He grinned confidently.

  “How?” Janae lifted an eyebrow. “I gotta hear this.”

  He held his hand out. “My name is—”

  “I know who you are.” She smiled and accepted his hand. “You’re Suwali Zaire.”

  “I guess my name precedes me.” He chuckled.

  Janae forced a fake smile. Conceited ass! she judged easily.

  “And your name is?” he asked as he released her hand.

  “Chanel.” She threw out the fake name.

  “Okay, you know who I am so I’ll cut to the chase. How would you like to be featured in an ad for one of my stores in South Africa?”

  Janae blushed, totally caught off guard. “Me!” she gasped. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes! I need a new, fresh face and, when I saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight of you.”

  Janae couldn’t hide her excitement. “Stop playing!”

  “I’m serious. My ad drops next season, but I have to be ready to show it to my marketing team in two weeks.”

  “Why me?” she asked.

  He took a step back and held up his hands thumb to thumb. “Your face is flawless!”

  “Well,” she said, giggling, “I woke up like this.”

  “I bet you did.” He lowered his hands and stared at her with a lustful intent. “Are you here with your boyfriend?” he asked like he had something to hide.

  Janae kept it hood. “Nope. What about you? You here with your wife?” She went ahead and put it out there that she knew he was married.

  “I’m solo tonight. My wife isn’t much of a public person.” He showed no shame about being taken.

  “And I bet she’d be pissed to see you flirting with me, right?”

  Suwali grinned. “Is that what you think?”

  “No.” She stared at him. “It’
s what I hope.”

  “And it doesn’t bother you that I’m married?”

  “What bothers me is if you’re playing games with me. Be straight up with me and don’t shoot me any bullshit. Now what’s up?”

  He sighed and slid his hands in his pockets. “Here’s the truth. It’s no secret that I’m married, and I have no shame of it. But here’s my twist. I, uh, have a secret that I do have a bit of shame behind.”

  “And it’s what?”

  “I still enjoy doing certain kinky things my wife don’t do from time to time.” He shrugged and waited to see how his words would be taken.

  Janae returned the book to the table and gave her full attention to Suwali. “What is this certain thing or things you enjoy women doing to you?”

  “Can I be blunt without you going off on me?”

  Janae crossed her arms. “Say what you gotta say.”

  “Domination from a woman has a certain whip appeal.”

  Janae smiled quickly. She found her lick, and it was more than she expected. The rape scheme wouldn’t be needed on Suwali. Janae had something more devious for Suwali and his secret cravings. “So the model talk was bullshit?”

  “No bullshit.” He shook his head. “If anything, it will give me a reason to have you around as long as you can keep a secret.” He winked.

  Janae didn’t give a flying fuck about being on an ad for some store in South Africa. Her mind raced with ways to take his ass down for everything she could get. Off the top, she would relax him for the keys to that drop-top Benz, his cash, and the PINs to whatever credit cards he carried.

  “And what will our secret be?” she whispered, reeling him in.

  Suwali slid his tongue across his bottom lip. “The secret of me tasting you tonight.”

  Janae tracked the path of his tongue and wondered how it would feel on her clit. The thought alone caused her pussy to heat up. I’ma get paid and get some head. Damn, this shit is so fucking easy! I’ll have to tell Lloyd good fucking job on this one. She turned on the enticement by tugging at the hem of her dress.


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