The Devil's Highway (Journeyman Book 4)

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The Devil's Highway (Journeyman Book 4) Page 10

by Golden Czermak

  Marcus continued to look him over; he was definitely alive but incredibly weak. Glancing over to his missing digits, they looked infected, giving off the same smell as creature in hall. Marcus sensed something, recalling a few little things from his brother.

  “This looks like some some kind of poison or toxin,” he told Ady.

  She sniffled. “That changes our plans a bit.”

  Joey fluttered into consciousness, hearing their voices.

  “Marcus… is that you?”

  “Yes!” he whispered loudly. “It is J. We're all here for you.”

  “I knew it,” he said. “I knew you would come for me despite what they told me.”

  Adrienne looked to Gage. “We need to get him out of here and to safety…”

  A loud noise came from outside the kitchen, the sounds of Brandon and Hammer fighting in the living room.

  “Keep cutting him loose and ready him for a jump,” Gage commanded, reaching into the backpack to get out a glass container with three chambers. Ingredients were stuffed inside each one along with a rolled up piece of parchment.

  Marcus knew exactly what was about to happen as the sounds of many footsteps raced down the hall and into the room.

  At least ten demons had entered the kitchen and no telling how many were engaged in the living room.

  Despite the overwhelming odds, Gage stood confidently like a wall ahead of Ady and Marcus, who at last had freed Joey from his bondage.

  “Hey there, fuckers,” said Gage. “Y'all know who I am so what's takin’ ya so long? Bring it bitches!”

  All the demons screamed and shouted, rushing Gage with all their might.

  He remained perfectly still until they got within feet of him.

  “Bye bye now,” Gage said with a smirk. “Eradico.”

  The container began to vibrate wildly and he threw it to the floor where it shattered, releasing a shockwave that propagated throughout the entire house, liquefying every single demon it touched.

  Even Gage wasn't prepared for the potency of the bomb. “So yeah,” he said to the sight of smoking blobs on the walls. “We can tell Henry he did good.”

  “For sure,” Adrienne said with relief as she and Marcus approached his side, Joey in between.

  Brandon came running into the room, Hammer behind him with a very worried expression.

  “So two things really quick. One: holy shite that weapon was brilliant! Two: we managed to place the stones by the gas fire and I tried to apply warming spell for a slow burn… to give us some time.”

  Marcus rolled eyes. “Lemme guess you couldn't get it up.”

  Brandon shot him some side eye. “I'll have you know that I actually cast a successful fire spell.”

  Hammer stepped forward with a transportation stone. “Suffice to say the fuse is burning much faster than we'd like.”

  “How much time?” asked Gage.

  Brandon clasped his hands together innocently. “Like right now.”


  “Shit! Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Gage shouted as the others huddled around him. Hammer slammed the stone into the kitchen tile and it shattered with a loud bang and a rush of air.

  In an instant, the group disappeared just as a blaze raged across the property, consuming it and all its horrors in raging flame.

  ST. FRANCIS SAT amidst the dark countryside as gentle flurries of snow fell from the black sky, invisible until they caught the light off of dim lamps lining the small parking lot. The pavement itself was cold and empty, except for two vehicles that had parked on it, close to the gray walls of the Catholic church. Separated by a single parking space, their shape indicated that the cars were at least two decades old, yet both were in pristine condition – something that could not be said for most Journeymen and their vehicles but apparently Brandon and Hammer took more pride in things.

  Suddenly, the air in between the cars rippled, shimmering in a spiral before blowing back out with a boom. The vehicles trembled as the rumbling faded, six figures now crouching in the tight space. Twirling smoke and sparks dwindled into the night, hitchhiking from Eaves Green with the transport spell.

  “Glad we managed to make it out of there in one piece,” Adrienne said, panting. There was a pang in her right elbow calling for attention and she rubbed it tenderly to appease the pain.

  “For the most part,” Hammer grunted in reply, a grimace across his face. He grasped at a large slash in his left forearm that was bleeding profusely, the sting intense as he attempted to wiggle his fingers. “Damn debris. That's going to throw off my training for a while.”

  “Give it here,” Adrienne said, removing a small spray bottle from her pocket; there was a milky liquid inside. Guiding Hammer’s veiny arm toward her, she gave the wound three spritzes and the blood immediately flowed back into the gash, which remained open but wasn't bleeding anymore. “There we go, nothing beats that concoction, it should take some time off your wait,” she stated with a proud smile. “It's always good to be prepared, but make sure you get it looked at as soon as possible – it is pretty deep.”

  Brandon chuckled, half of his face still clinging onto the goblin features while the rest was just stretched with exhaustion. Despite his ghoulish appearance, he was still his same, comedic self. “Yeah Dax, because you’re going to shrivel away and end up looking like me in the days it takes to get that fixed. Come off it you git, like you couldn't do with a few days off from the gym. If you looked at yourself in the mirror without taking a selfie for once, you'd see. I mean look at it this way,” he continued with animated hands, “if that place was a brasser, you’d have her wobbling for weeks with how intensely you grind.”

  A wink came Hammer’s way as he slowly got up to survey the area. The tank-like man found nothing out of the ordinary, so signaled the rest to stand. All of them did so but Marcus, who stayed down close to the ground with Joey.

  Gage glanced down at the both of them, thankful and sad, then to Brandon whose face had returned to normal. “The plan was to take Joey back to Kennedy’s and recuperate there,” Gage said soberly, “but given his…condition and the serious funk he’s in, I think that would be a waste of time – something we really don’t have.”

  “Aye,” Brandon agreed. “In my time I’ve never seen something like this. I think he needs more advanced treatment, much more than we could find for him locally or anywhere else in the field for that matter – well, kosher places that is.”

  “I wouldn't trust any of those places right now, at least not with someone this special,” Adrienne muttered, her eyes unable to look away from Marcus and Joey still close to the pavement. Why did her heart find itself breaking, despite the success of the mission? “Ulterior motives would be the absolute least of our worries. Okay, so it's clear to everyone else: we have to get back to New York. Henry can help us figure this thing out, not to mention the medical teams at HQ with Jane’s blessing. All of that is after we get back of course. So, how are we planning to get back now that we've altered our plan? J is in worse condition than we thought, and demons will be scouring this area and beyond for our hides.”

  Hammer threw out a suggestion while flexing his forearm – still amazed that he was nearly healed. “What about heading to Blackpool and catching a commercial flight? It's inconspicuous enough that it should keep you well below demon radar, so to speak.”

  “I hear ya,” said Gage, “but that’s gonna be too long of a trip, or am I seeing it wrong? We gotta wait for it to open, then the flight times from Blackpool to London then to New York, not to mention layovers and customs bullshit. Plus, my personal experiences with airports ain't full of fond memories… more like fondling memories…”

  Adrienne interrupted his flow with a snort and he gave her a look that said punishments were in order later.

  “Anyway,” Gage carried on, “and I mean this with no offense to Marcus, but J looks like a leper right now. Downright biblical and contagious as fuck. In that state, who's gonna let him board a p

  “Yeah, you're right about that big man,” Brandon mumbled while everyone nodded halfheartedly in agreement. They were out of most available options, Joey’s condition being a huge limiting factor. The few that did remain, though viable, would still be quite hazardous for him. As he paced, a thin smile appeared on Brandon's lips. “Dax, do you think the stash is still in Blackpool, over by the…”

  “South Pier?” Hammer asked.

  “That's it!” Brandon acknowledged.

  “They're still there; I placed them after all.”

  “Ummm, stash of what exactly?” Marcus interjected, looking up worryingly. Nobody answered right away, which made him even more nervous.

  “Why, your absolute favorite method of transit lad!” Brandon was beaming, his massive grin running ear to ear as he looked down at Marcus. “I hear that you get wet at the mere mention of those transit stones. Well we've got a few high octane editions of those that'll get you there quick and make interceptions nearly impossible. ” He snickered with glee before looking down one last time.

  Marcus wasn't amused, his expression hot enough to warm all of them that bitter night. The thought of traveling by inter-coastal bubble again did make him wet – in fact the entire process guaranteed it. Now Brandon was promising an even faster ride? “Whatever,” Marcus grumbled deeply, “tosser.”

  Brandon shot both of his arms straight up as if surrendering. “Whipping the ol’ slang my way now are we. I'm just trying to ease the tension!”

  “We’re good Brandon,” Marcus replied with a slight smirk. “All's good. Nothing I'm sure some rest won't remedy.”

  “Aye, agreed there.”

  They all realized it was time to head out, Hammer motioning toward the white Triumph 2000 saloon parked behind Brandon. The Irishman moved himself out of the way as Hammer stepped over, patting this shoulder, before taking his large hand to open the passenger door. Brandon retreated toward the other vehicle – a dark Citroen 2CV.

  Adrienne bent over, wrapping an arm around Joey before helping Marcus lift him from the ground. Gage then scooted into Marcus’ place. At first Marcus was unwilling to let him go, but with a little coercion the weary Sheridan climbed into the back seat of the car.

  Gage settled and glanced over to Ady, Joey tucked in between them. For the briefest yet longest of moments, they were both reminded of that night in Houston after the clearing as they trekked back up the hill from the warehouse. She was still as beautiful as he remembered in the moonlight and he was just as grizzly, though a gentle snow now replaced the gloomy fog. Gage realized, as did Adrienne likewise, that they may have journeyed far down the road of changing the world’s doom, but that night in Houston changed their own destinies. Forever.

  Snapping back to the present, they continued with the task at hand, gingerly placing Joey’s body in the backseat, his head settling into Marcus’ lap.

  “Thanks you two… for everything,” Marcus whispered, closing the door to wait on them.

  Gage turned to Adrienne and before she had a chance to say anything he had drawn her in close and stolen a kiss.

  “I love you, darlin’,” he told her softly, their puffs of breath mingling together.

  “Always,” she said, resting her head on his firm chest for a moment before pulling away to get in shotgun position. “See you soon.”

  As she walked away, Gage wondered how in all the worlds he ended up with a woman like that in his life. She had a taken a large part of him already and with each of her swaying steps, another small part of him joined her, never wanting to let go. That resolve would get them through the difficult times ahead and the Journeymen would need everything and everyone they could muster to have the same.

  The sound of a door closing came from behind Gage and he turned around, seeing Hammer struggling to fit himself in the Citroen’s driver seat – well, stay there – since his massive shoulders and wide back were spilling over onto the passenger side. God how Gage could relate to that and he also couldn't help but laugh when he noticed Brandon sprawled out comfortably in the back seat, already fast asleep.

  Gage approached and Hammer lowered the window, Gage placing his hands in his pockets as he leaned over. “I just wanted the two of ya to know before we all head out: thanks.”

  “It's all part of the job man,” Hammer replied humbly. “Our pleasure to help.”

  “Nah, it's more than that,” Gage stated. “I know we're in this together as JMs – duty and all that – but ya both went above and beyond for my team, my family. That's priceless, Hammer, and I'll be forever grateful.”

  Hammer coughed nervously. “I… appreciate that Gage, especially from someone with your reputation.”

  “All a matter of being in the right place at the right time, brother. Renown does nothing for the actual deeds done and from what ya both did in there, for us, you’re on equal or better footing big guy.”

  Hammer was quiet, unsure of what to say, so Gage helped him out. “So heading to Blackpool then, meeting you two at South Pier?”

  “That's the plan,” Hammer acknowledged. “You'll want to take the A583 west, which should bring you all the way to town in a half an hour or so. The sleeping princess and I will need some extra time pulling the stones, but in case you wanted to get there early you can take the B5213 just outside of Kirkham. Use the obviously out of place orange button that's there on the dash to activate a shortcut that'll shave maybe ten minutes off the trip.”

  “I was wondering what that thing was for. Okay it all sounds good,” Gage said, quickly checking to see if they had delayed in conversation too long; there was no indication of any enemies nearby. “I think we’ll just stay on 583 the whole way; too many road numbers for this tired brain to remember and I'd end up taking longer to get there.”

  Hammer laughed, noting Gage’s clearly wanted to say more.

  “Also bigger guy,” Gage continued, “I ain't gonna lie; I might be a little bit jealous of that physique you've built up for yourself.”

  “Thanks, Gage,” Hammer replied bashfully. “Maybe one day, after all this is over, we can get a workout in?”

  “For sure, as long as ya promise to eat a shit ton of food with me after. Your diet is gonna be so fucked!” Gage rounded things out with an evil bellow.

  “Deal!” said Hammer shaking Gage's hand, giving him an accepting wink.

  “Done! We’ll see you guys at the Pier.”

  With that Hammer and Brandon departed, their vehicle speeding away shimmering before it vanished entirely.

  “That fucker is huge,” Gage said as he lumbered back to the Triumph, skidding on a little patch of ice before hauling himself into the driver's seat. “I'll never get used to the steering wheel being on this side of the car,” he complained as he tried to settle. “My left arm’s my window restin’ one.”

  “Well shit,” Marcus said suddenly.

  Gage looked at him in the rear view mirror and saw him looking down worriedly at Joey.

  “What is it Marcus?” Adrienne asked, turning to look over her right shoulder.

  He sighed heavily. “While I'm sure Henry and the teams at HQ can make progress identifying what this… “poison” is. I can't shake my gut feeling that they aren't going to be able to cure it.”

  It was now Adrienne's turn to sigh as she knew where he was coming from. “That could be the case, Marcus, but at least we are giving this our best effort; Henry will be, too.”

  “Oh I don't doubt that at all,” he clarified. “It's just… I may know someone that could help us and I'm a little concerned with asking.”

  “Is it your brother?” Ady asked.

  Marcus nodded. “Yes. We have a lot of past issues, Ty and I, ever since the Incursion. From the outside a lot of it is really petty shit; I just wish I knew how to handle these kinds of situations better.”

  Gage turned on the ignition, followed by the headlights. “Ya can tell me all about that later, Marcus, but you're not getting out of at least contacting him. He
could say no – which is fine – or he may know a vital piece of this fucked up puzzle. J deserves every option investigated and no stone left unturned.” He reached for the radio dial and flicked it on, scouring the channels for something good to listen to. “But that'll come soon enough. For now, all of ya just relax, while we're able to.”

  Just then, he found a classic rock station and the sounds of music filled the cabin as the four of them set off for Blackpool.

  LATER THAT NIGHT, Marcus was looking out the window at the scenery passing by, snow now falling more heavily out of the night sky. Under different circumstances this would have been so serene; Joey’s head was nestled in his lap just like they could be doing at home. Happiness would surely arrive at some point, but for now there was just a longing for sleep, fatigue attempting to overwhelm him in his relief.

  “Hey guys, I don't know if you care at all, but I think that it could be Christmas now,” he observed, somberly shifting his eyes down to J. Marcus had already reattached his gift around Joey’s neck, fondling the wooden necklace before moving his hand to brush away his much shorter hair. Marcus actually found himself missing the length he had so jokingly asked him to cut.

  “Merry Christmas,” said Adrienne, briefly glancing to the clock in the center console and confirming it was well past midnight. “To all of you.”

  The team fell into silence, but Marcus didn’t wait long to say something more. “Weird isn’t it, how the saying goes in absence the heart grows fonder? I think for me, at least now, it’s the opposite. I've looked at him a thousand different ways and probably could a million more; each and every time I find myself loving him more. Am I crazy?”

  “Not one bit,” Gage replied at once. “Not one damn bit.”

  “I can't wait to get home,” Marcus said unashamedly, patting Joey’s head. Tiredness was going to overtake him and before long, it had.

  Home, Gage thought as Marcus nodded off, watching him via the rear view mirror. He was actually scared to apply that label to any one place in particular.


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