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College Page 8

by Brianna Blake

  “Which one do you want?”

  “I’ve always wanted to put three at a time,” Dylan confessed, amused.

  “Three?!” Natasha exclaimed, but then she turned the whole basket in the tub, five at once. The water started changing to a fruit-scented blue. Natasha returned there, shivering with pleasure.

  She went to Dylan’s lap, and they hugged, feeling the lightness of the water for a moment.

  “I don’t want a relationship because of that,” Natasha said, suddenly. “I don’t want this commitment. I don’t want to be a domme, a sub, a top, a bottom, or even a switcher. I want to be nothing. I don’t want the government to determine that I have to stay in a relationship.”

  Dylan got silent for a second. He had thought he didn’t want a relationship but lately he had changed his mind. It could be cool, especially if it was with a funny and witty girl like her.

  “We could agree to just have domination in bed since we both like it. It doesn’t have to be like Lucy and Oliver. They’re like that because they want to. We don’t need to label everything.”

  “Yeah, but every relationship has some domination, even the supposedly vanilla ones. I want to be free. Maybe I’ll have to run away from the country,” she said and turned her head to meet his eyes, smiling.

  Dylan again said nothing. His phone started ringing. Glad for the awkward moment to be over, he stepped out of the jacuzzi, grabbed a towel, and told her it was the pizza. Natasha nodded.

  Dylan put on underwear and shorts to answer the door. He jumped down the stairs two steps at a time. He had grown up seeing his parents’ unhappy relationship, but he always wanted not to repeat the story. Oliver had met Lucy when they were just kids. It was a love story right away. They knew they didn’t want to try another relationship with anyone else, they were fully satisfied there. Dylan had always been jealous of that.

  He took the pizza, tipped the delivery man, went into the kitchen to get more champagne, deciding he wouldn’t think about that. He would enjoy the moment he had with Natasha.

  When he opened the bedroom door, there she was. On the bed, lying, smiling, teasingly, as if inviting him, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling, and her long wet golden hair cascading over the duvet cover. The room was cold because the window was open.

  God, he was crazy about her.

  Chapter 13. Apartment 15

  “You said you were taking me there today!” Natasha protested.

  “Where?” Oliver asked, sipping is coffee at the dining table. Natasha and Dylan were on the couch, the girl on his lap.

  “His apartment,” Natasha replied.

  “Well, you two could use a room,” Oliver said because Dylan had started kissing Natasha’s neck. They hadn’t stopped making out since their first date over a month before.

  “Shut up, I have to watch Lucy and you all the time,” Dylan said. Lucy was sitting on the other couch next to Julian.

  “What do I have to do with it, Dylan?!” Lucy protested with a shrill voice.

  “Sorry, baby, I’m attacking your husband, not you,” Dylan said, and Lucy snorted. “And, Natasha, I told you don’t want to go there. The Elite will go crazy.”

  “That’s why I want to go!” Natasha said, amused. “Are they home now?”

  “Of course, it’s Friday night. On Fridays they stay home studying,” Dylan said, rolling his eyes. “And I’m banned from my apartment because of it.”

  “This should be fun,” Julian said, joining the conversation and blushing. They laughed. Usually, Julian just kept staring, saying nothing.

  “You said you’d take me there, so we could disturb them and if you don’t, I’m going on a sex strike,” Natasha said, and Dylan laughed and bit her neck. She moaned.

  “Oh, will you?” he whispered.

  A pillow landed on them. They looked up and Lucy had thrown it. They both laughed. If it were Oliver, Dylan would retaliate, but Lucy could do whatever she wanted.

  “Do you all want to go there?”

  “It’s your apartment too, man,” Oliver said. “You have the right to stay there as much as they do. And you have the right to take your friends.”

  “It’s midterm already and we’ve never been there.” Natasha protested again. Dylan sighed.

  “Okay. Let’s do it. But if they use their nerd mental powers to melt our brains, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Natasha celebrated, jumping off Dylan’s lap. Lucy also got up, followed by Julian.

  “Can I go too?” Julian asked. Dylan frowned.

  “But of course, bro. You’re part of the team,” he said, and Julian smiled, shy. Oliver slowly finished his cup of coffee and stood up too.

  A small layer of snow covered the landscape outside. It had snowed for the first time the night before, but everything was melting already. They had to wear thick coats and scarves. They crossed the lawn out of apartment block 08 and into block 02, where Dylan lived. It was a ten-minute walk, but it seemed longer in the cold. Dylan hugged Natasha while Lucy walked holding hands with Oliver. Julian didn’t seem to mind following the couples. They stopped when they reached apartment number 15.

  “Okay, now get ready for the drama,” Dylan warned. He took his key and opened the door.

  There was no one in the room. The interior was pretty much the same as apartment 39. Fabric couches, shutters covering the window, a dining table, and the kitchen. It had a funny smell, like it needed fresh air. But the biggest difference was that no one seemed to live there. In apartment 39, couches were covered with pillows and blankets, pictures filled the walls. But nothing was there. Not even a cereal box on the fridge, not even a spoon in the sink.

  “Are you sure you live here?” Natasha asked, looking around. The apartment was warm, but not warm enough to be comfortable.

  “Come in,” Dylan said, but he was still by the door himself.

  “Hey, is anyone home?!” Natasha said, loudly.

  “Shhh!” Dylan said, putting his hand over her mouth, a little panicky. Natasha laughed. Oliver rolled his eyes and entered the room, pulling Lucy by the hand.

  “So, where’s your room?” Oliver asked.

  “The one behind the couches,” he said, taking a deep breath, and walked to his bedroom door. He knocked and waited.

  “For god’s sake, it’s your room,” Oliver said, without patience. “You can’t let these bullies do this to you, Dylan. Do you want me to talk to them?”

  “No need, bro. It’s not like we are ten.”

  “But it feels like. Nothing has changed since the fifth-grade bullies.”

  Dylan’s roommate opened the door at that moment. He didn’t look friendly. He was tall, bigger than Oliver, dark skin. He wore glasses, black hair, and a perfectly trimmed beard. Even though he was in his room, he was still wearing the uniform.

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Natasha, Dylan’s girlfriend,” she said, taking the lead. “I’m here to see his place.”

  Dylan blushed. Girlfriend?

  “Oliver. Nice to meet you.” Oliver said. Generally, Oliver didn’t agree with Natasha. Most of the time. But in this matter, they both had the same opinion. He always had to protect Dylan, who was always shorter and sillier. It would be no different now just because they were adults.

  “Natasha... I know you,” he said, scornfully.

  “Of course you do,” the girl returned, blinking. “And who are you?”

  “Carl,” he said and stared at Dylan. “You could have warned me that you were bringing people over. Samantha and Thomas are coming from the library. We’ll study today, we can’t have noise.”

  Dylan said nothing, but Natasha stepped forward to face him, only Oliver was faster and said:

  “Wow, what a pity. We’ll watch a movie and order pizza. Maybe it’s better if you tell them to stay at the library and meet them there, how about that?”

  Carl stared at him, not believing that was happening.


  “You heard me. We
’ll watch a movie and order pizza. Lucy, turn on the TV, Julian, you can order the pizza.”

  Natasha laughed and took Lucy by the hand, heading for the couches. Julian hesitated but pulled the phone from his pocket, also defiant. Carl looked around, snorted, adjusted his glasses near his eyes, and stared at Dylan.

  “Whatever. I’ll be in my room. A letter has come to you. It’s on the kitchen counter,” he said, going into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

  They celebrated. Natasha and Oliver exchanged a high-five.

  “Thanks, man,” Dylan muttered to Oliver.

  “I’ve never allowed people to bully us, I won’t allow it now,” Oliver said, sitting up while Lucy nestled her head in his chest.

  Dylan went over to where Natasha was sitting and kissed her.

  “You’re so brave. That’s what I like the most about you,” Dylan whispered. Natasha smiled, and they hugged. “Girlfriend, is it?” he asked after hesitating. Natasha said nothing, but smiled, her pearly teeth sticking out. They kissed again.

  The pizza soon arrived, and Dylan got up. He took the letter Carl had mentioned from the kitchen counter. He returned to his seat, placing the pizza on the coffee table.

  “I got one of those today,” Julian said.

  “What is it?” Lucy asked, curiously. “I didn’t receive it.”

  “It’s a letter from the government warning us that we are halfway through the school year. They’re talking about striving academically and also telling us about the Junction Year.” Dylan said, rolling his eyes, and tossed the card on the sofa.

  “You’re already officially together, so you didn’t get it,” Natasha said to Lucy and Oliver. “Well, I just ignored mine. I won’t have a relationship.”

  Dylan immediately felt his heart rushing.

  “Me neither,” he said, just to point it out. Natasha didn’t say anything.

  “I’m incredibly screwed,” Julian muttered. Lucy patted his arm.

  “Man, don’t you have a crush?” Dylan asked.

  “I don’t know anyone else vanilla...” Julian muttered.

  “Okay, but are you into someone?” Natasha encouraged him.

  Julian shrugged but smiled, blushing.

  “Yes, you are!” Lucy exclaimed, laughing. Julian turned redder than pepper but didn’t deny it.

  “Who??!” Natasha exclaimed, loudly.

  But he couldn’t answer, because Carl left the room and faced them. They stared back at him.

  “What’s up, are we talking too loudly, sweetheart?” Natasha asked, defiantly. Carl just looked away, ignoring her. He headed for the kitchen, opening the empty fridge.

  “Want some pizza, man?” Dylan asked. Natasha squeezed his arm. Oliver stared at him, shaking his head. Carl shrugged and walked over, accepting a slice. He stayed around for a while, looking at the TV. No one said anything.

  “Samantha and Thomas are taking too long,” he commented. Dylan nodded, still saying nothing. Carl ate the pizza slowly, still staring at the movie. “Is this movie any good?”

  “Yeah,” Dylan said.


  He finished eating the slice of pizza and took another one to eat in his room and slammed the door behind him.

  “Wow,” Natasha said, blinking and shaking her head in disapproval.

  “He didn’t even say thank you,” Oliver said, also disapprovingly.

  “We should plan revenge!” Natasha told Oliver, who smiled.

  “Yeah, let’s do it because Dylan is too soft to put him in his place.”

  “It’s him,” Julian blurted. Everyone turned to him. He was, again, the color of pepper.



  “It’s him. My crush. I like him.” Julian whispered. Natasha widened her eyes and covered her mouth with her hands, Lucy squealed, Julian put his finger in front of his mouth, asking for silence, urgently.

  “He’ll listen, he’ll listen, keep quiet!” Julian said, panicking. Everyone was laughing now.

  “How can you like him? How do you know him?” Natasha asked, shocked. “I’m feeling betrayed by my best friend.”

  “He’s from the algebra club... I met him there.” Julian said. “I had no idea, Dylan.”

  “I always forget that you’re a good student...” Natasha sighed, disappointed.

  “I’m sorry…” he said, but Natasha laughed.

  “Just kidding, silly.”

  “Julian, but I’ve got some bad news, man,” Dylan said at once. “I’m sure this guy is a dom.”

  “You can’t be sure just by looking at him,” Lucy said, but Dylan raised an eyebrow.

  “Believe me, I live with him, he’s a dom for sure.”

  “Well... that’s fine,” Julian sighed. “I didn’t expect any different...”

  “Can I say something? Aren’t you going to hate me?” Dylan said.

  “Sure. Go ahead.” Julian said, but his voice shook a little.

  “Julian... are you sure you’re not a submissive or a bottom?” Dylan said at once. Julian blushed again.

  “Dylan! You can’t say that!” Natasha exclaimed.

  “It’s alright... I don’t know. I have no idea. I’m afraid.” Julian said, firmer than he usually was. “Of getting hurt.”

  “And that’s right. You should only do these things with people you totally trust.” Oliver joined the conversation. “Set limits, create a safe environment...”

  “So that’s why I don’t think I’ll ever make it,” Julian added, upset.

  “If you want, we can help you get started,” Dylan said. “It’ll be much better for you to start with help than out of nowhere and get hurt.”

  Julian smiled.

  “But how? Where?”

  “Usually, BDSM events are good for that,” Oliver said. “Research too. How you do stuff.”

  “Yeah... I don’t know, guys” Julian said, but he was smiling.

  “It’s all right if you don’t wanna try it.” Lucy added.

  “I might want to…” Julian whispered.

  “I knew you couldn’t be vanilla!” Dylan exclaimed.


  Oliver and Lucy said they had to leave after the movie. Julian widened his eyes and said he would too.

  “I don’t want to stay here with… you know who.” Julian said, looking around. They laughed.

  “It’d be good for you two to start bonding…” Dylan said, “bonding, got that? Bondage, bonding?”

  “For god’s sake, Dylan, that’s the worst pun ever!” Oliver exclaimed, getting closer to the door, “see you all later.”

  “Bye!” Lucy said.

  “Wait for me!” Julian exclaimed, getting out too.

  Natasha looked at Dylan, smiling.

  “It’s just the two of us now. But Carl is in my damn room.” Dylan said, rolling his eyes. “Should we go out for dinner tonight?”

  “Sorry, baby, I also have to go. I’m going to karaoke night downtown,” she said. Dylan frowned.

  “But you didn’t even tell me anything...” he said. She shrugged but gave him another peck.

  “I must have forgotten to comment.”

  “But who are you going with?”

  “Some friends. Why?” she asked and got up.

  “I don’t know. Can’t I go too?”

  “Baby… I want to go alone if it’s okay with you,” Natasha said, trying to choose the right words. What she really meant was that he wasn’t supposed to go, because she didn’t want him to go everywhere with her.

  “Fine,” Dylan said. He felt his chest tighten and his face flush. Jealousy. Irritation.

  “You remember that we agreed… no controlling each other, right?”


  “Are you mad?”

  “No.” Dylan said, clearly mad.

  “Talk to you later, love.” Natasha said, getting closer to the door, leaving Dylan there, upset and alone.

  Chapter 14. It Hurts

  “Hey, w
hat are you doing here?” Dylan asked. He saw Julian almost in the stairs, when he was leaving his apartment to go to class. Julian looked at him like he’d seen a ghost.

  “Hm, nothing, I just passed by.”

  “Is that really it?” Dylan asked, raising his eyebrows and getting closer. He rested his elbow on Julian’s shoulder, who got red, as usual. “Weren’t you looking for Carl?”

  “What makes you think of that?!” Julian exclaimed, widening his eyes.

  “Well, you know. Last week you told everyone that you had a crush on him. Now I see you talking to him in the halls. And then I find you here.”

  “Did you see me talking to him?!” Julian asked in the same shocked tone. Dylan laughed.

  “Relax, man. It’s fine.”

  “I was talking about algebra, you know.”


  “It’s true!” Julian exclaimed. Dylan smiled.

  “Let’s go to classes, you kinkster.” Dylan said.

  They started walking side by side through campus, that got colder with each passing day. They were chatting lightly about classes and being stressed. Julian was always stressed about grades and being good.

  “That’s why I do all those sports. It helps me to vent. Also… the tattoos…”

  “The tattoos! This’s a mystery to me,” Dylan said, pointing to Julian’s arms.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, smiling.

  “Why do you have so many tattoos?”

  “Well… you won’t believe it,” Julian said with a mischievous smile. Dylan raised his eyebrows, “I didn’t believe it as well until you pointed out. I like the pain of it.”

  “You’re kidding me!” Dylan exclaimed.

  “No. It’s true. I like how it feels when you’re doing it. I love to do intricate tattoos that take many sessions for many hours. It makes me feel less stressed.”

  “Gosh, you will love BDSM.” Dylan said, putting his hands on his head, shocked. Julian laughed again.

  But as they kept walking, Dylan appeared more and more upset. He eventually looked down. Julian frowned.


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