Lessande D'Aramitz

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Lessande D'Aramitz Page 2

by Unknown

  "I promise, but you too...” I say shyly.

  "Without a doubt, princess, just you. " and he kisses me.

  His lips, feather like onto my own. First, he slowly coaxes my lips apart, his tongue caressing them, and after he's been granted full access he starts exploring my mouth. I revel in this sensation, like no other. Our tongues touch and they slowly begin to tango in a rhythm of their own. Jolts of electricity shot through my body and I cannot get enough. I want him all. Mine


  The memory of our last kiss is enough to make my eyes fill with moisture. Gregory kisses me like he's been starved for days, and I try to enjoy the kiss. He slips his tongue into my mouth and the kiss becomes wet and sloppy. From the corner of my eyes I watch him. He is still looking at us attentively. I end the kiss and Gregory looks at me stunned

  "Wow Kate, that was...wow” I smile at him and pat his shoulder.

  "I'm getting another drink." I tell him and head back for the bar .once I am there I take a moment to calm down. Hell what is wrong with me, I am not like this. Poor Gregory.

  "Boyfriend drama?" I hear a voice behind me.

  "He's not my boyfriend.” I snap. Turning around, I am once again captivated by those eyes. He smiles at me and politely hands me a glass of whisky.

  "I am Aiden.” he says and I take a moment to process. What the hell, does he really not recognize me at all? Why does he act like we are two strangers? He has his hand outstretched and I realize he wants to shake hands.

  "Kate." I answer and I keep playing his game.

  "And you, girlfriend drama? “. He looks at me for a second and then he starts laughing .God missed his laughter.

  "Not my girlfriend.” he answers. Then it hits me. Aiden, the host.

  "So you are the owner of the house”

  "Yes” he answers simply.

  "It's beautiful.” I tell him and there is something that's changed in his eyes. Recognition?

  "Do you think we have met before?” I ask him

  “You just seem very familiar. “He looks a bit taken aback at first but then he grins at me and says

  “They all say that don't they? Sorry princess, I would have remembered you “Princess... I want to go home, curl up in a corner and cry. I gulp down my whisky and excuse myself. He grabs me by my elbow and in the most seductive tone he asks

  “Do you want to see the rest of the rooms, Kate?" What? Of course I got the innuendo. Would you like to go upstairs and fuck, Kate? Hell no!

  "I have better things to do” I wink at him and leave. After wondering around I find Sarah and tell her I have a headache and that I am going home. She looks a bit dejected but we will talk later. Arriving at home, I finally let myself think about the night. He doesn't remember me. I was just a fling, but then why ... why? I change into my PJ’s and curl up in bed. Tears are running down my cheek and I feel like dying. Fuck. He still affects me. He did not keep his promise. “He’s quite the ladies’ man “I can't believe it. Although I knew by the time two years had passed that he would not come for me, I could not do anything. That's why at twenty years old I am still a virgin. Every time I kissed someone else it just felt wrong. I felt like I was betraying him, and he ...he's been sleeping around with countless. I wish I could just tear my heart out of my chest, to remove the feelings I still, obviously have for him. And just like that I cry myself to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  "Alice, come out!”

  I hear him outside the cabin's window.

  “Don’t want to!" I yell and pull the covers over my head. I have been to this camp for three days now and I already want home. Of course there is the gorgeous Aidan , but I know he must pity me , that's why he talks to me at all , and I hate pity . I can't believe my mum would send me here for three months. I won't be able to bear it. The door of the cabin opens and Aiden walks in

  . "Besides being a cry baby you are also lazy? He asks and he throws the covers on the floor. Now that my little lair has been demolished I am obliged to face him.

  "What do you want?” I ask him rather harshly. He gives me one of his trademark smiles and says

  "You can't stay all day in bed”

  "I can and I will” I tell him and get a hold of the covers and pull them again over my head.

  "If you want to play like this”, he smirks, and takes a few steps towards the bed. He then, out if the sudden starts tickling me and I burst into a fit of laughter.

  "Stop, please, stop" I continue moving, in hopes of getting him off me but somehow I end up on top of him. The first thing I notice is his plump and soft bottom lip. In response I lick my own. I hear a sound coming from his chest that sounds like a groan. I blush and stand up quickly.

  "I am sick go away! “I say, faking a cough.

  "Sure thing princess" he grins at me and picks a book from the floor.

  'What's this?"

  "Jane Eyre” I answer him.

  “Really? I never liked Mr. Rochester”

  "You've read it?” I ask him, sounding rather incredulously, this isn’t exact something I had envisioned him reading. “And why not? This book is my particular favorite. I would read and re read it every time I get the chance. "He looks at me and smiles.

  "Well yes I have read it and let's just say that by co splaying you doesn’t seduce a girl"

  “Oh, I'd say it was quite romantic, but tell me, in your opinion, how do you seduce a girl?" He comes and sits next to me on the bed, tucking me in.

  "You can start by reading to her when she is sick” he winks at me and starts reading out loud. I can't even focus on the story. Instead I take in his handsome face, his hair, and the way his voice makes my heart skips a beat. What is wrong with me?


  I wake up the next morning with a hell of a headache. Damn I should not have drunk so much. I hear the door closing and I look at the clock 6:43. I get up and meet a quite ravished Sarah in the hallway.

  "Where have you been?" She smiles apologetically at me

  ."Or should I ask where have you slept?

  "Oh Katy you have no idea! Thomas...he is so nice and thoughtful and he's asked me out.”

  "After or before scoring” I say and bite my tongue. That was harsh and I can see it on her face.

  “Oh sweetheart I am so sorry, I am such an idiot, that was so thoughtless of me, I had a terrible evening and the effects don't seem to have worn off." Her face immediately softens and she warily asks "What happened? Before we left we bumped into Gregory and he was beaming. He told us how you finally caved in. Kate, I know you, and you would not have gone for Gregory without a reason. What is it?”

  "Oh Sarah, it was him. He was there “I say in between sobs

  "He?" She asks and her eyes widen in realization.

  "What did he say to you?”

  "Oh nothing besides introducing himself and asking if I wanted to sleep with him ... He didn't know who I was ..."I choke on the words.

  "Oh sweetheart, he's not worth it.”

  "Sarah, can't you see? I saved myself for him and all this time he's been sleeping around not even remembering I exist. He promised me." I was already hysterical, I know, but it hurt so much.

  "Wait, what, you saved yourself for him? As in you are still a virgin?" I nod

  "I think you forgot to mention that. Oh my God. I can't believe. Wait, how far have you gone with a guy? "

  "H was the only one I have ever gone further than kissing... I... before the end of the program...I threw myself at him, but he didn't want to sleep with me. He said that it wasn't proper to take advantage of the situation.”

  "Anything oral?”

  "God Sarah no, I was fifteen for God's sake. Just...touching and we almost got naked."

  "Oh my God, I still can't believe this. I thought I was a 'good girl' having slept just with three guys, but you..." she stares at me as if I were an experiment. “You are practically a nun “ok, that was unexpected

  . "Sarah you have to u
nderstand that it's not for the lack of opportunities but from the lack of feeling. I loved him so much, and no crush ever got anywhere near.”

  "You still love him” she says as a matter of fact.

  "I...I don't know...but seeing him with that girl and finding out that he's a ladies’ man , just hurt too much ..."

  "Wait, so your Romeo is actually Aiden? Oh my, Brad introduced us last night, he is so hot! And a dick" she adds and I manage to laugh a bit

  ."I still can't believe he's the one that has been haunting your dreams”

  "It's ok Sarah , now that I at least know I didn't mean anything to him I can move on...it's just that ...he could have taken me then , you know , no reason to be all noble. Maybe it was pity after all ..."

  "I know exactly what can heal a broken heart sweetie ..." she grins at me

  "Shopping" we say in unison.

  "And tell me about your night with Thomas"

  "Well I don't know if it's alright, with you being so innocent and all " I punch her in the arm and we both start laughing.

  Chapter 5

  The week passes quite quickly, classes in the morning, homework and reading in the afternoon and the usual sulking.

  "That's it!" Sarah says as he drags me out of bed.

  "Tonight we are going out!”.


  "No Sarah ...you will get dressed and in thirty minutes I expect you to be ready.

  "Oh God, fine, out, I will get dressed." She smiles satisfied and closes the door behind her. I start ransacking my closet and I finally find my beloved brown dress. God have not won it in such a long time. I match it with a darker brown leather jacket and a pair of equally dark brown boots. I love dressing in just one color. I check myself in the mirror and I smile. It's going to be all right. I do my makeup, just some eyeliner and mascara since I don't need any foundation and I am done. Sarah is beaming when she sees me. She is stunning in a red tight dress, which I have to admit will have Thomas going crazy by the end of the night.

  "Where to?”

  "There is this club that my brother frequents, never land.”

  "Ok, well, here we go!”

  The club is amazing. It's like super fancy both on the outside and inside .As we make our way through the crown we spot Brad and Thomas at a table in a corner. Of course Barbie is present and clinging to Brad's arm.

  "Hello ladies” Thomas says as he eyes Sarah head to toe. The boy's got it bad! We take a sit and order. The first round is of tequila, and although I am not a tequila fan, I will make an exception for now. We drown the first round immediately and the couples head to the dance floor. I decide it's time to get another drink so I head to the bar.

  "Whisky, double"

  I pay for it and I take a sit at the bar. While sipping my drink I hear a familiar voice whispering in my ear.

  "Hey princess" my heart stops in my chest for a minute. Calm down, you can hold a conversation without sounding pathetic. I turn my head and here I am again, staring in those lovely eyes. Wake up Kate they are not lovely. He is merely trying to get you in bed

  ."Hello there, hmm, I'm sorry but I forgot your name "he frowns at me. Ha! I bet no girl forgets his name.

  "Aiden” he says.

  “Oh, nice meeting you, again, Aiden "I emphasized again, but of course he does not grasp my meaning.

  "Dance?" He smiles at me and I think my heart cannot take any more. Wait. Reality check. He's a playboy. He's a hawk and you are the prey.

  "Sorry, I am kind of tired”

  "Oh ...I see” he seems a bit disappointed, but I should not care. Oh God just being next to him takes so much of my energy. I finish my drink and realize he is still standing here, next to me. I frown, doesn't he know rejection? I guess not. Just as I try to stand up I am being pushed by someone in front of me and I am about to fall. But I don’t. A pair of strong hands has me by the waist. He helps me stand and we are facing each other, intently staring into each other's eyes. Why don't you remember me? If only my eyes could talk, that's the first thing they would say. I am being pushed again, this time into his arms. I stiffen at the familiarity of his touch "I'm sorry" I say and I look up.

  "Wasn't your fault princess” he says as he keeps on studying me.

  'I...I" I stammer. God tell him that you have to go.

  "I...” I try again, but this time the words are stopped by the sudden pressure of his lips on mine. They are hot and possessive. They are seductive and sinful ...and I succumb. This is my darkness, and he is my devil. I gasp and he takes advantage by slipping his tongue into my mouth. He tastes of brandy and cigars and ...Aiden. I tentatively meet his tongue with my own and it's all the approval he needs to deepen the kiss. His hands on my waist, he pulls me even closer to him and I can feel him hard against my hip. My hands, as if having a mind of their own go to his hair and I hear him groan. It's like he can't get enough of me. I missed this, I missed him. We continue our exploration but my conscience and ration kick in. He's lied to you. He doesn't even know you. I abruptly break the kiss and I look him in the eyes. He's as startled as I am by the intensity to which we had succumbed. I feel my eyes filling with moisture and I know it's time to go. I practically run away from him. Oh my God. Once I am outside I mentally berate myself. What the hell. When he is near I seem to forget to even breathe. God Kate, he's the one who lied and cheated. Get a hold of yourself. I take a few deep breaths of air and I think about returning or not returning, but then I think about Sarah. She must be worried. I should at least talk to her. So returning it is.

  "You alright princess?” I hear him from behind. I turn to face him. I can do it. I can tell him to go to hell.

  "What are you doing here? “He frowns at me

  "I was worried, are you ok?”

  "Perfectly fine." I say nonchalantly

  “I have a problem with crowded spaces but now I am ok.”

  "Good” he smiles and he takes a step towards me and another step until we are barely an arm apart. "Where were we?" He asks, throwing in a seductive grin. My heartbeat accelerates but no. This time no!

  "I was going back to look for my friend. “I smile and walk past

  He but he grabs my elbow. .

  "You are looking exquisite tonight.” he says, turning around. "Thank you" I manage.

  "You know…” he continues as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

  "Your hair is quite breathtaking” he says and he nears until his mouth is next to my ear.

  "But you know what would be even more breathtaking?" He whispers. I shake my head and he arrogantly continues

  “Your hair scattered all over my pillow and you beneath me. “What. The. Fuck

  "Excuse me? “I choke out

  "How do you know I would ever want to sleep with you?" Okay am beyond angry. How dare he?

  "Oh believe me princess, you want me, as badly as I want you, and that kiss was proof."

  "Stop calling me princess, I am not your princes!” I was seething but I still managed to say

  "I never was…" but more as a whisper. In the next second he claims my mouth, this time aggressively. But who am I kidding? The minute his lips touched mine I was a goner. All the passion between us ignited that very moment. My knees begun to buckle and I clung to him. He grabbed my hips and brought me closer to him. I could feel his growing erection. God, I wanted more. We began to move until I hit a wall. His mouth was hot, possessive on my own. His hands were exploring every inch of my body , and I couldn’t do anything but let him , as this euphoria was clouding my judgment .He started trailing kisses across my check and along my neckline whispering.

  "You're so beautiful"

  “Just like her” What? That was my wake up call. I pushed him off me and did the only thing I was able to do: run, but not before telling him.

  “I am no one but myself "and I left.

  Luckily Sarah was also leaving so we took a taxi together.

  "Kate” she said, a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
  "You look ravished "I knew how my hair must have looked like and my lips must be swollen, unfortunately I couldn't even smile.

  “I was almost ravished “She is beaming

  “Oh tell me everything!!"

  “There is nothing to tell. I am the most stupid person on earth. I met Aiden , I let him kiss me once , I ran , he came after me and I was about to let him take me against a walk . Sounds fun? Oh and I should add that my wakeup call was that he mistook me with someone else. Fuck. I can't believe I am so helpless when it comes to him.

  “Both Sarah and the taxi driver were staring at me

  . "Oh sweetie. I wanted to find you and tell you that this is his club. I am so sorry. I didn't even know."

  "I'm fine, glad things didn't get out of control”

  Chapter 6

  But things did get out of control .That night fell asleep reminiscing our kiss. Someone knocking at my door makes me to lazily open my eyes. Sarah stands in the doorway.

  "Sorry Kate but I wanted to talk to you about something”

  "Sure, come in!" She closes the door and takes a place next to me on the bed

  . "Promise you won't get mad at me but I asked Brad about Aiden”


  "Let me just tell you what I got”

  "Fine, spill it out”

  "Well firstly his father is a senator and he's super rich, but most of his money comes from his own business. His mother died when he was younger and..."


  "He told me there was a girl. He loved her so much that he decided to become decent for her. He began making his own money then. ."


  "Well...she died. In a car crash it seems. He was sixteen at the time." Oh God. That's it. That's why he was at the camp

  ."God Sarah... That's why...The camp, where I met him. It was for self-discovery and especially for teens that have lost dear ones. That's why he was there...That's why...He thought I looked like her ...Even then it was all...Oh my God"

  „I am so sorry sweetheart, he still loves her. He's got a memorial for her...in his house. That's why Brad says he's lady's man. After she died he got into drugs and women. Anything to numb his pain. He was sixteen and he still loves her ...." she said it with a little admiration .but I felt my world crumbling. It wasn't even real. It was all a lie. A big fat lie. At that moment calming seemed impossible. I just want to forget. God just help me forget. I am so sick of suffering like a fool. Another day of crying myself to sleep. I wish I were stronger ... I continue with a boring routine and besides going to collage I confine myself in my room, just studying and occasionally reading something. I go on like this for about two weeks. One evening I hear Sarah talking on the phone. When I realize I am the subject of the discussion go near the door to hear well.


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