Tainted Crimson

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Tainted Crimson Page 7

by Tarisa Marie

  “It was D,” my father says. While turning on the air conditioning. “Are you hot Ariella?”

  “I’m fine,” I say blankly and stare out the windshield. This is going to be the longest drive of my life.

  After a few more silent, awkward minutes, Jacob glances at Daymon and me in the back seat. “You should put your seatbelt on,” he says eyeing D.

  “I’m fine,” D scoffs.

  Jacob merely shrugs and then turns the music up a notch.

  “I like this song,” he says as if also wishing the awkwardness would end.

  “Me too,” my father agrees.

  D rolls his eyes, “Sounds sappy to me.”

  And then the song changes abruptly and an old rock song is playing. I glance confused at the radio screen and see the channel has switched without anyone moving. A chill runs up my spine.

  “Stop being an asshat,” Jacob cries out and is suddenly out of his seat and climbing into the back seat. He lands a punch on D’s shoulder and then gets back into his own seat.

  “I’m going to kill you,” D warns and then he is wrapping his burly arms around Jacob’s neck as if to choke him. My dad chuckles in the driver seat and changes the station back.

  “Stop!” I cry wondering why my dad isn’t doing anything. Then I remember that no matter how hard D chokes Jacob, he can’t really hurt him. The reality hits me a little stronger now, sinks in a little deeper.

  Everyone stops what they’re doing and stares at me blankly as if waiting for me to say something further.

  I stare back awkwardly. God, I can’t wait for this car ride to be over.

  “So where in Canada are we going?” I blurt suddenly.

  “A small town where there’s no supernatural people. D and I are going to put a cloaking spell on the town so no one can track us there. They could still find us but it’ll buy us some time to figure things out,” my father answers.

  “You haven’t decided on which small town?” I ask.

  “I have an idea. There’s one in the province of Alberta that I think will be perfect. You can even take your finals there and graduate high school,” he promises.

  Ha. Like that’s even on my to do list right now. Like that’s even on my mind.

  My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings. I see Mindy’s name on the screen. I click ignore.

  “Who was it?” my father asks with hostility.

  “Mindy…” I say. Since when does he care who calls me?

  “Give me your phone,” D demands lightly and extends his hand.

  I reluctantly place it in his palm. Why does he want to see my phone?

  Suddenly all that’s in his palm is a pile of black dust where my phone used to be. A quick sob escapes my lips. Oh my god, my poor baby.

  I feel like I’m about to cry. That was my only link to normalcy.

  “Seriously? I hold up a barrier to keep your emotions in check while we tell you all this stuff about supernatural creatures and how some crazy dude wants to kidnap you and use you and it’s me disintegrating your cell phone that causes you to snap through the barrier? For Christ sakes,” D cusses and runs his fingers through his black hair.

  “You lost hold of the barrier?!” my father shouts angrily.

  “I wasn’t paying attention and her anxiety spiked. Not my fault,” D defends himself. What is he talking about? He was controlling my mind or something?

  “Idiot,” Jacob sighs.

  That’s when it all finally hits me. It’s like the air has been knocked from my lungs. I can’t breathe. It all sets in. I wasn’t crazy to think that I should be freaking out more. D had somehow been stopping reality from setting in. Suddenly I’m balling, my heart is racing, and I can’t seem to bring in enough air. Then everything goes black.

  Chapter 7

  When I wake up I’m no longer in the vehicle. I am sprawled out across a hotel bed. I sit up quickly as my memory returns to me. I scan the room for other people. I notice multiple shopping bags at the foot of my bed and peak inside. Clothes. Girl clothes. For me? I assume my father picked them up for me since I didn’t have time to pack anything.

  I reach for my pocket to get my phone before remembering that it is only dust now. I curse at the memory and then pull out the first top and pair of jeans I can find from one of the bags. I slip them on and then open the hotel door. To my complete and utter shock, I am looking out over palm trees and breathing in humid air. This definitely isn’t Canada.

  “Hello,” a voice I don’t recognize says and I whirl to see a young gentleman leaning against the railing a few feet away from me.

  “Hi,” I say back only to be friendly. Where is my dad?

  “How are you this morning?” he asks.

  I glance at the boy. He’s rather cute. Again, I wish I could curse my hormones, I have far more things to worry about right now.

  “Fine,” I answer with a shrug. “And you?”

  “I’m fantastic.”

  “That’s great. How long have you been standing there? Have you seen anyone else leave my room?” I ask just realizing that I’ve locked myself out of my room and will now be forced to stand here and wait for them to return. Where could have they went? I should’ve looked around the room for a note.

  “No,” the boy says and takes a step closer.

  I sigh in disappointment. How long will I have to wait for them out here?

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asks while taking in the scenery.

  “Yes. Speaking of which, this is going to sounds strange, but do you know where we are? Which city, state?” I ask him agitated.

  “We’re in Orlando, Florida, dear,” he tells me and then he’s suddenly handing me a pamphlet.

  “That’s Disney World just over there,” he points across the horizon.

  I follow his finger and see that he is right. I’ve never left Denver before. I always wanted to travel but my father never let me. Now I know why, I could’ve been killed by some supernatural thing. Suddenly I’m even wearier, can they sense me now that I'm not in Denver? How far away do they have to be to sense me? I take a deep breath and take in my surroundings. I always wanted to go to Disney World when I was little and even when I grew older. Now, here I am. Only I won’t be riding any rides. Then my thoughts return to the question of why we are in Florida, the opposite direction of Canada.

  “Did you like your clothes?” he says finally and eyes me skeptically.

  “What?” I say wondering if I’ve misheard him.

  “Those clothes you’re wearing, do you like them?” he asks again.

  My heart leaps in my chest.

  “You don’t know who I am, do you?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “No. Should I?” I ask nervously.

  “We’ve met before. It was quite some time ago and come to think of it, I probably looked a little different,” he explains.

  I look at him again. I don’t recognize him. Oh my god, where is dad? Who is this guy and what does he want?

  “Who are you?” I demand and take a few rapid step back. He doesn’t try and get closer.

  “My name is Marco, you probably remember me looking more like this,” he says and suddenly I’m staring at the elderly man who murdered my mother.

  I shriek and freeze to the spot.

  “Ah, so you have heard of me.” He smiles and then he’s back to the boy he was when I first laid eyes on him today.

  “Don’t worry, dear. You’re not really here. You’re sleeping. I’m only in your mind. Though soon you will be with me. Tell me, where are you right now in the real world? Tell me, and all this can be yours. You will be free to travel the world, under my protection. I know that’s what you want more than anything. You can buy whatever you want, clothes, jewelry. Would you like a car?” he rambles.

  I realize I’m shaking.

  “You don’t need to be scared of me, Ariella. You can trust me. I only want to protect you. The light witches will kill you if they find out you exist, a spawn of light
and dark, that is taboo and against the most enforced rules. I want to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He sighs. “Also, it turns out that my inside man isn’t so much help. Your father must have killed him when he realized that he was my minion. Oh well. With or without him I will find you.”

  I try and take control of my breathing.

  “Where are you?” he asks again.

  “Don’t you know?” I mutter and pinch my arm trying to wake myself up.

  “I’ve been watching you since the day you were born. You’ve always been right where I wanted you. You were well protected by your father and your brother in a city where supernaturals can’t sense one another. I never had to worry about losing track of you because I knew your father would never risk moving you from that place. And even if he decided to switch houses or some damned thing, I could track his cell phone. It’s not rocket science, this is the 21st century. Only it seems that both your phones have been disconnected now. I should have put a tracker in that truck of yours but I must admit that I never expected you to travel by vehicle. I also wasn’t expecting your father to catch me in the act of trying to scoop you up at the school. I thought it would be easy. Oh well, I have nothing but time. I will wait, eventually your father or you or your brother will muck up and I’ll find you. I love a good chase.”

  He must be talking about Nathan. Nathan hadn’t reported back to him after D let him go? Maybe he decided to make a run for it and find freedom. I sure wouldn’t want to be this guy’s minion.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I say with a shaking voice.

  “Very well. Like I said, I have nothing but time. Tell your father that I will see him soon, will you?”

  Then I feel a strong grip on my shoulders and I’m suddenly back in my father’s truck feeling groggy. The truck is pulled over on the side of the road and three sets of eyes are on me. Jacob lets go of my shoulders. He must’ve been shaking me awake. How long have I been out?

  “Oh thank god,” my father says excitedly.

  “What?” I demand. Why are they all staring at me? Was I talking in my sleep?

  “You were screaming bloody murder in your sleep for fifteen minutes,” Jacob says gaping.

  “Nightmare?” D asks with his usual teasing smirk. Only this time it’s only half-hearted. He looks...scared? Worried?

  “Y-yes,” I stutter recalling the dream I’d been having. “What does Marco look like?” I ask.

  “Depends on how much power he has at that moment. The more power he has the younger he looks. If he’s running low he looks older. When we saw him in the park years ago he wasn’t very strong because he’d wasted all his power on killing my parents he looked about eighty. He can look as young as you at times if he has enough power,” D says quickly. “Why?” he asks abruptly.

  My eyes widen. There’s no way I would’ve known that. Is it possible that he could’ve actually hijacked my dream? I shake my head to help clear the grogginess. Of course it’s possible, Ariella, what isn’t anymore?

  “Ariella?” Jacob demands. “Are you alright?”

  D extends a hand and touches my cheek with his hand. I push it away.

  “No more mind voodoo. I’m fine,” I demand.

  “He was inside her dreams,” D says, eyes wide.

  “No way.” Jacob shakes his head.

  “I’m completely serious,” D answers.

  My dad just stares at me as if he’s inspecting me.

  “Why is that so surprising?” I ask. “He can make vampires but not get inside people’s heads?” I ask doubtfully.

  “No he can get into heads just fine, but in order for him to do it, the person must be of his kin or creation. Apparently you at least inherited that much. Congratulations the devil can invade your dreams,” D half-heartedly jokes.

  “What did he say?” Jacob asks, ignoring D.

  “He was trying to convince me to tell him where we are. I wouldn’t and he said that he would find me anyways,” I tell them.

  D swallows hard.

  “That’s all?” my father asks.

  I nod. “That’s all.” I don’t tell them about Nathan betraying Marco and maybe even giving my dad that call to warn him. I wonder what time the call was given. I was with Nathan the entire time. Maybe it was a recording and he set it up to call at a certain time. That would make more sense because surely Marco would have become suspicious seeing Nathan on his phone at the dance. I don’t tell them about this because D is the only one that knows he was a vampire and I don’t think that it’s that important of a detail. I also don’t tell them because I’m scared D will knock my block off. After all, he nearly did at my house earlier, he even threatened me. I glance over at him to find him staring at me. What’s new? It’s like I’m some sort of oddity to these three.

  “Okay, we’re just about to the border,” my father says, pointing to a sign up ahead that confirms this.

  “Uh, I don’t have my passport…” I realize and begin to panic.

  “We don’t need passports,” is all D says and then we’re left in awkward silence once again. I wonder how this is going to work. I lean my head back and begin singing in my head in order to distract myself from reality. Eventually I drift off to sleep once again.

  Sometime later my eyes open and I realize that we’re stopped at a gas station. A sketchy one that doesn’t have signs. I am uber thankful that Marco didn’t invade my dreams again this time. I didn’t mean to fall asleep but I was exhausted.

  “How long was I out?” I ask Jacob, the only one in the car.

  “Couple hours. We just crossed the border about twenty minutes ago,” he answers, sounding exhausted. “Have any more dream invasions? I didn’t think you’d sleep for weeks after that.”

  “No. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Tired I guess.” I’m disappointed that I didn’t witness this passportless border crossing. “How did we get across the border?”

  He doesn’t have time to answer because we’re interrupted by D and my father jumping back into the vehicle and D singing some old rock song that I can’t recall the name of at the top of his lungs.

  “Let’s drive!” D shouts then. “We’re almost there!”

  “Would you be quiet?” Jacob scolds.

  “I’ll be quiet when you stop being a grump,” D answers him, sticking his tongue out. Real mature.

  “So have you decided where you’d like to go to college yet?” Jacob asks me. It’s nice to hear something normal come out of someone’s mouth after all the fantasy talk today but I’m also not sure that college will even be an option for me anymore not that I was seriously considering going anyhow.

  “Not yet,” I mumble.

  “Here. I picked this out for you,” D snickers and hands me a plastic bag. I raise an eyebrow and take it from him. When I open it I see a clear plastic bottle full of a brownish liquid. I pull it out and read the scribble on the front. It’s some sort of whiskey.


  “I thought you could use something to numb your head.”

  My father glances back in the rearview mirror and scowls at D.

  “Daymon, she is underage. Give that to me, Ariella,” he demands.

  “We’re in Canada. The legal age is eighteen in Alberta.” D smirks and takes the bottle from me, twisting off the lid. “Plus it’s not like she’s never drank alcohol before. Right, Ariella?”

  “I like to think she hasn’t,” my father grunts.

  D takes a swig from the bottle and then passes it back to me.

  I take a huge gulp and then another and then put it into Jacob’s waiting hand. I assume that he’s taking it to give to my dad to put away but he takes a gulp nearly as big as mine and then hands it to my dad.

  “He can’t have any, he’s driving,” D says with mock concern, crossing his arms.

  My father shoves it under his seat without a word.

  “Hey, you’re no fun,” D whines.

  I lean down and feel under my dad’s seat. When my h
ands grip around the bottle, I smile.

  D winks at me. “I like you already, Theenis’ daughter.”

  I take another swig and my dad looks back and sighs.

  “She takes after her old man I see. We’ve got a little future alcoholic on our hands. Must run in the family,” D jokes and grabs the bottle from me taking the last swig. “I should’ve bought two of these, what was I thinking?”

  “How much further to this town we’re heading to?” Jacob asks.

  “A few hours. It’s called Taverd. It has a population of 800 people so don’t be expecting any department stores or anything.” My father laughs.

  Eight hundred people? I can’t even imagine what a town that small would look like. My whole life I’ve never left Denver that is, until now. It’s hard for me to imagine what a place that small would be like.

  “Great. Is there at least a liquor store?” D asks and I’m not sure if he’s serious or not.

  “You’re an idiot,” Jacob says blankly and I know he’s referring to D. “But I agree, there better be a liquor store. How do you know about this place anyway?”

  “I found it online. I’ve had this backup plan for years,” my father says with a shrug. He’s not usually this quiet or serious and I wonder what he’s thinking. Is he worried? Of course he is. He worries when I go out to parties. Now there’s a psycho witch after me. “I’ve never actually been there because I was too afraid to leave Ariella behind and too scared to bring her with me and risk people seeing her for what she is.”

  “Are you saying she’s never left Denver?” D asks.

  “Never,” I answer. “I always wondered why.”

  “I’ll be right back,” D says suddenly and I look at him confused. Where is he going to go? We’re in a moving vehicle.

  “Don’t, Daymon. She’s already freaked out enou-,” my father starts but then stops. My father shakes his head. “What an idiot.”

  “Where do you think he went?” Jacob asks.

  Confused, I look over to D who is...gone. My heart leaps.

  “Who knows?” my father answers Jacob.

  “What just happened?” I demand. I’m sure my eyes are as big as saucers.


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