Light (The Shadows Series)

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Light (The Shadows Series) Page 20

by Amber Lacie

  I push myself up onto my elbows and wiggle my hips, scooting backwards until my back is flat against the headboard. Leaning over, I try to reach for the brush that is sitting on the table beside me, but my sides are still too sore. I hiss through my teeth, as Theron walks through the door. He rushes over to me, daggers shoot from his eyes right towards me. I can’t avoid them either.

  “Why do you insist on making me crazy?”

  “I don’t insist on anything. You do this to yourself. I can brush my hair, Theron.”

  He sits beside me and reaches for the brush. We sit in silence, as he brushes my hair. I can’t take much more of his hovering. If it’s not Theron jumping at my every movement, it is my nurse, Kelly. It’s not like Kelly does much, Theron won’t leave me alone. The poor girl just waits around. She has only brought me pain pills once or twice. Other than running me a bath, she just hangs around the house. I am tempted to tell Theron that I don’t need her, but he is so on edge with everything. He is constantly jumping when other people walk into the room. I know that he is holding back on me, and I really wish that he would just tell me what is really going on. My frustration turns into anger, as I sit there with the brush sliding through my hair. I am not a weak person. I may have dealt with some crazy shit, but I am not weak. Is it because he doesn’t want to burden me? Tears sting my eyes, as my emotions consume me. A few slide down my cheeks, and I hear him sigh. I quickly wipe them away because it is obvious that I am bothering him.


  “Stop what?”

  “This, Eve.” Theron points to my head, as I cast my eyes downwards, looking at my hands fidgeting in my lap. I start chewing on my cheek to help with whatever this is. Anxiety? Nerves? Fear? I don’t know what it is, but it’s eating me. He lifts my chin with his fingers. I revel in his touch, as I look into his colorful eyes. “Whatever you have going on in here, just stop. Talk to me, don’t keep it locked away.”

  “You’re one to talk.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ve noticed how jumpy you are. I can see the weight of your thoughts on your shoulder. You’re keeping things from me, yet you want me to talk to you. You talk first. Then I’ll talk.”

  “I don’t think we are ready for this conversation.”

  “Ready? Jesus Christ, Theron! I was fucking dragged out of my work, beat, tied to a bed, and left to lay in my own urine and vomit while I’m told, by someone who I thought was my friend, that I’m being held for ransom. Ready? Fuck you. All I want is for you to be honest with me. I died without you, Theron. My heart felt like it was ripped from my chest.” Tears pour from my eyes, as I try to talk through my sobs. “I just wanted you and you weren’t there. They were going to take me from you and I couldn’t…I couldn’t make them stop. I wanted to die, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t let go of you, and I couldn’t let go of what we created together.”

  “Beautiful, I came for you.”

  Wiping my eyes, I look over at Theron. “You came for me?”

  “Yeah. I knew something was off. When I opened the door to the store, I felt like I had died a thousand deaths. There were books and shelves everywhere. Then, when I saw the blood, I knew. I knew someone had taken you from me. I didn’t wait for the police. I mean, I had Evan notify them, but I wasn’t going to wait around for them. Evan was in the military for years. His specialty was finding and recovering objects, as well as people. I gave him orders and he followed them directly. He knew where you were before the police did.”

  “You came for me?”

  “Baby, I’m trying to tell you. You wanted to know. So, this is me telling you what I know.” He swallows and I just stare into a sea of colors. I knew he was close because I could feel it. It is like our souls recognize each other. He takes a deep breath and looks up at the ceiling. “Evan notified the police of your location. They warned me not to do anything rash, but I couldn’t sit around waiting on them. So, your dad, Robert and I drove to where they were keeping you. It wasn’t anything fancy or rundown. To be honest, the house looked normal. Nothing stood out, until I noticed the windows seemed to be covered or boarded up from the inside. Evan had his men surrounding the house. They went in for you and I followed. Ben came down the stairs first. He tried to run, but he didn’t make it out of the house before he was restrained. Then Anne came downstairs. I just couldn’t believe that she was there. Evan had told me, but it still fucking shocked me. She pulled a gun out and just when I thought she was going to shoot me, she shot Ben instead. I watched his body slump over on the floor, and jealousy ran through me. I knew I would never be able to hurt him like he hurt you. The police brought the paramedics with them.”

  “You don’t have to keep going. Thank you for coming for me.” I lay my hand on his leg to stop him. Tears are sliding down his cheeks. I don’t want to be the reason for his pain.

  “You need to know that Thomas was behind this.”

  “No, it was Ben and Anne.”

  “I know you saw them there, but Thomas paid them. The detectives followed his money trail and it led right to Ben’s bank account. Then Thomas’ personal attorney showed up for Anne. He’s not done, yet. I don’t know what his plans are, but I know that he’s not done, yet.”

  Fear slices through me. Now I know why Theron is so jumpy. He is afraid that Thomas is watching us. I wouldn’t doubt it if he was, but I have faith in Evan. Surely, he would know if Thomas was close. Theron grasps my chin once more in his hand and ever so softly, he kisses my forehead. I take a moment and breathe in his scent. The heat from his lips scorches my flesh. Goosebumps spread across my body, and I shiver.


  “No. I just need you.”

  “You have me.”

  “No, I need to feel you. This is the only time that you’ve actually touched me without having to help me out of bed or change my clothes. I need your touch, Theron. It’s highly addicting. If you don’t touch me soon, I’m going to crawl out of my skin.”

  “You need me that bad?”

  “Always. I always need you.” Light explodes in his eyes. His lips curve into a delicious smile.

  “Beautiful, you have me. I’m keeping you. Do you think this is wise?”

  “Theron, I don’t care. I need you. For fuck’s sake just touch me.” My heart is pounding in my chest and my skin is burning for him. How does he not get what he is doing to me?

  “I’ll make you feel good, but you have to help me. I want you to scream my name, while I watch your skin glow from my touch. Can you do that, baby? Can you scream my name for me, while you come undone from my touch?”

  “Yes. Fuck yes.”

  “Alright. Let me help you lay back. I got this.” Theron gently lifts my body into his arms and lays me in the center of our bed. It has to be difficult to move me so carefully without hurting me, but he moves me, as if I am just a feather. I lay my head back on the mattress, my wild brown locks fanning out in every direction. He props my broken leg up with a pillow and gives me a wink. What is going on in his head? I watch, as he stands at the foot of our bed and slowly pulls his t-shirt over his head. His body is perfection. He slowly undoes the buttons on his jeans, slides them down and then kicks them to the side. My breath catches in my throat. He pauses, as he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his boxer briefs. I can already see his hard cock through the straining fabric. He gives me another wink and then shakes his head.

  “Theron. Please.” I am not beneath begging. I know what he is capable of making my body feel. I am dying to get on that ride.

  “Ssh. Let me take care of you.” His hands drop from his sides, leaving his boxers in place. Disappointment fills me, but I am easily distracted, as he very carefully slides my panties down my legs. “Tell me if I hurt you. This will only work if you’re honest with me. I don’t want to push you too far.”

  “You won’t.” His lips softly kiss the tips of my toes and work their way up the inside of my right leg. My skin prickles and I can feel my body
dripping for him. His fingers caress and dig into my thighs. My nerves are on fire. His nose skims my pubic bone, before planting soft kisses on my stomach. He is teasing me, taunting me. I am going to shatter. He grasps the hem of my t-shirt and rolls it up my chest, just below my neck.

  “Don’t move.” I don’t need to be told. It is not like I can just get up and walk away. My eyes are focused on his perfectly round ass, as he rummages through the closet. He turns around with a white rectangle shaped box in his hands. “I was going to give this to you before everything, but I couldn’t keep my hands off of you long enough to actually grab it. There are seven speeds, but according to reviews, it goes from ‘this is nice’ to ‘oh my fucking, God! Don’t stop!’ to ‘unidentifiable sounds erupting from my body in heavenly tunes’. Which one should I start with?

  My mouth goes dry. I can’t answer, so I try swallowing a couple of times, but it doesn’t help. He walks around the bed and sits beside me, with my new vibrator clasped tightly in his grip. My tongue tries to sweep across my lips to bring some kind of moisture to my mouth, instead my mouth forms an O shape, as Theron’s hands find my nipples. He pulls and twists my nipples into hard peaks. My breaths are short and fast, as I watch his hands manipulate my body to his liking.

  “Bend your right leg for me.” I do exactly as I am ordered, and he scoots down towards the end of our bed and positions his body between my legs. “I’m too afraid to hurt you, but you say you need me. I can’t say no to you, beautiful. You own me.” My heart soars at his words. If he only knew that it was him that owned me. I hear the buzz of the vibrator before I feel it. Little fireworks explode, as he slowly slides my new toy in and out of my wet pussy. A soft moan leaves my throat and floats around the room. “This must be the ‘this is nice’ setting. That won’t work for me, baby. I want you begging me to stop.”

  The vibrations increase and so does his speed. He’s tilting it up, and my body shakes from the feeling. If I could close my legs, I would. I grab his wrist, trying to slow his movements, but all I earn is a smack to my clit. “Oh, my God!”

  “I’m not God, baby, but I’ll be your God if you let me.” He is such a smartass and I love him for it. “You’re so slick. Jesus, baby. I’m going to come just from watching you.” He twists the vibrator, while thrusting it in and out of me, as his fingers massage my clit. Moans escape me, as that familiar feeling crawls up my body. I feel his mouth on me, sucking and lapping at my juices, while never stopping his hands. My body explodes and my eyes roll back and close. I feel like I am soaring.

  “Ohmigoddon’tstop!Fuck!Theron!” My words jumble together, as I scream out in ecstasy.

  “Yeah, baby. Fucking let go. Let it all go. God damn, you’re so fucking hot. Open your eyes, Eve.”

  My eyes pop open and another moan escapes me, as I take in the sight before me. Theron’s hand is gripping his cock, pumping himself up and down. Fuck this is so incredibly hot. The muscles strain in his neck, the veins in his arm bulge, as he closes his eyes. “Open your eyes, Theron.” His eyes open, dark with desire. “On me, baby. Let it all go on me.” I turn his words back around at him, and the look in his eyes consumes me.

  He kneels between my legs and I watch, as he clenches his jaw trying to hold himself back. “Fuck, Eve!” My name roars from his lips, as his release shoots across my stomach, marking me. I have never witnessed anything so incredibly hot in my life. If it wasn’t for my leg, I would be straddling him right now.

  Leaning back on his legs, he drops his head forward with his chin resting on his chest. “Fuck. You undo me, beautiful. Everything about you undoes me. Every wall I have ever built around myself, you have knocked down. Every barrier I have fought to put up, you have managed to cross it. You make me feel loved, but it’s not just that. You make me feel deserving of your love. I’m such a better person when you’re with me. I am keeping you and never letting you go. I can’t, Eve.” Theron raises his head. Tears fall from his eyes, and my heart explodes with love for him. “I can’t breathe without you. I’ll die if you ever leave me.”

  Words fail me, as tears slip from the corner of my eyes. “Babe—”

  “Wait. Let me clean you up first.” He carefully slides off the bed, heading towards the bathroom. He brings back a warm washcloth washing between my legs, before he wipes off my stomach. Climbing into bed, he lays back on the pillows and props up on his arm, as he gently lays his leg over the right side of my body. “Is this, okay?” I nod my head. Just the feel of his arms around me makes me feel safe. Everything was taken from me so easily and I don’t want to ever experience anything like that again. The thought of him being left without me or me taking everything from him, crushes me. My tears turn into gut wrenching sobs, as I recall every detail I can remember of that day. He doesn’t say anything. He just holds me, as I let go of all the pain that I have endured and held onto. I bury my face into him, as I break. This isn’t the first time that I have broken in front of him and I doubt it will be the last. He is the only person that can rebuild me. He knows exactly where every piece fits. I lay there, draped in his arms, as I drift off to sleep. I am not worried about where my dreams will take me because I know that he has me.

  I wake to the sounds of birds singing a sweet sound outside the balcony. As I stretch, I take notice of how loose my muscles are now. My shoulders feel lighter and I am not as tense. I guess my body needed Theron as much as my heart did. The curtains blow in the breeze, looking out the French doors, I see him sitting at the small table. His long legs are crossed, his feet propped up on the railing. I clear my throat and he turns to look at me.

  “Good afternoon, beautiful. How was your nap?”

  “Perfect.” His smile is infectious. I feel myself grinning like an idiot, as I admire him from our bed. I don’t know what he sees in me. Beautiful is far from how I would describe myself, but when he says it, I feel beautiful. I own it as if it is my name, and I wear it just for him.

  “What shall we do today?”

  “Am I allowed out, yet? My sides are just a tiny bit sore. My headaches are gone, and I can see perfectly.”

  “What about your leg?”

  “People get broken legs all the time, Theron. I need out. I don’t care where out is. In fact, just out of this room would be a great relief.”

  “Evan went to pick you up a chair. I thought today would be a nice day for a cookout. Are you up for company?”

  “It’s the middle of the week, don’t people have plans?”

  Pushing his chair back, he stands and walks towards me. I drag my bottom lip through my teeth, as I take in the sight of him. He gives me a gorgeous smile and kisses the top of my head. “Their plans are to come and see you. I have already set it all up. It’s gorgeous outside and you could use some fresh air.” I am lost in my own mind, as my eyes roam his body. He must have showered recently because he smells of soap and the cologne he always wears. “Eve?”

  “Hmm?” Is he still going on about the cookout?

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll have to take you again and as tempting as that may sound, I’m not sure you’re ready for me just yet. I don’t want to risk hurting you. When I do take you again, it will be hard and rough, and it will last all night. So, keep that lip out of your teeth and stop fucking me with your eyes, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  I swallow so hard it echoes in my ears. Fuck. He has such a way with words. My body shivers from the thoughts of what he could do to me. This man owns me. Theron walks away from me, my heart drops, thinking that I have done something wrong, but I shake away the feeling. I know that he loves me. He walks into our closet and comes back with a beautiful lilac colored dress in his arms. He lays it on the bed and steps back into the closet. The dress is lovely. It is a soft silk dress with thin braided spaghetti straps that crisscross in the back. There are silver flowers that start at the bottom and climb about half way up the dress before they stop. A silver ribbon wraps around the entire waist, meeting in the center
with a tiny bow. It is beautiful. I am sliding the material through my fingers, when Theron comes out holding one silver sandal in his hand.

  “This does belong to a pair, but since you can only wear one, I’ve left the other in the closet. I had these ordered just for you. Do you like them?”

  “The dress or the sandals?”


  A smile spreads across my face, as I look at my man standing nervously in front of me. There is no chance of me not liking it. I would love anything that he gave me. “They’re beautiful. What’s the occasion?”

  “Beautiful things for a beautiful girl.” Gently laying the sandal next to the dress, he stands beside me. His eyes darken, as he runs his hands through my hair. Holding my face in his hands, he brushes my bottom lip with his thumbs. My eyes never leave his as he leans in, branding my lips with a kiss. He holds me still, as I open my mouth to him, letting him claim me. My hands fist in his hair, I hope that this fire between us never dwindles. He pulls back, leaving me breathless. “The occasion is that the love of my life was in a horrible accident, so I kept her locked away in an ivory tower for almost a week, and her family is going crazy because I’m not sharing her with the world. So today, I’m releasing my beautiful dove from her golden cage, so she can soar through the garden. Will that do?”

  I blush at his words. “Yes, that will do.”

  “Good. I have some other things that I need to tend to. Kelly will be up here in a few minutes. She will help you shower and get ready. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses the top of my head and just like that, he is gone. I wonder if I would have fallen so quickly for him if none of this craziness ensued. Would I still have loved him if Matt was here? I dismiss the thought immediately, of course I would love him. I was born to love him. Kelly knocks on the door, pulling me from my thoughts and helping me into the shower. I can’t wait to get out of this room.


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