Silent Surrender

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Silent Surrender Page 12

by Rita Herron

  She’d had a rough day, she reminded herself, one hand brushing at her tears while the other tugged the towel around her damp breasts.

  But so had Adam.

  Compassion for him filled her. He was so gentle and tender, yet he’d taken care of her when he must be hurting inside so much himself.

  She forgot her embarrassment at the look of tenderness on his face as he laid her on the cool lavender sheets. She tentatively reached up to press a hand against his cheek. Instead of sadness though, heat flared in his eyes.

  On a very primal level, Adam wanted her, she realized. She saw the hunger and need, heard the burning rasp of passion in his breath, and felt the evidence of his arousal pulse against her thigh.

  He wouldn’t act on it, though. He reached for the covers to tuck her in, his expression guarded as if allowing himself the comfort of her arms would make him appear weak. She understood about feeling weak and exposed and out of control.

  He didn’t deserve to hurt alone, to have no one to hold him and offer him strength. Her comforting body was one thing she could offer.

  “Are you hungry or do you want to just rest?” he asked in a gruff voice.

  She twined her fingers in his and urged him down beside her. Then she told him with her eyes that she was hungry, but not for food.

  For him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sarah flicked the lamp off, so only the soft touch of moonlight spilling through the window illuminated them. She reached up to unbutton the top of his shirt, but Adam caught her hand in his and pressed it to his thigh.

  “Sarah, no.” He brushed a gentle kiss in her hair, then murmured against her neck, “I’m not the right kind of man for you, my job’s made me hard—”

  She pressed her finger to his lips to silence him, then lifted his hand and placed it on her breast. He might think he wasn’t right for her, but she heard no evil in his whispered warning, only the seductive sound of his beautiful voice. A sound that would erase the harsh reality of the ugly sounds she’d heard earlier today, the sounds of death and anguish, and her owart beat thrown off-kilter with fear.

  He searched her face, the heat from his body radiating around her, his broad jaw clenched as if he were fighting for control. Her heart pounded beneath his fingertips as she gently dropped the towel, exposing her naked breasts. She didn’t fear him, and she wanted him to know it.

  His breath rasped out, his eyes darkened to an inky hue and a low guttural moan of acquiescence tore from him, the sound all primal male need.

  Heat seared through her as he picked the pins from her hair, dropping them on the floor and finger-combing her long hair down her back while his other hand tormented her breast. Then his lips were everywhere, kissing her mouth, nibbling her neck, dropping featherlight kisses down her throat and into the sensitive hollow of her neck. She ran her hand through his hair, then down his chest, savoring every hard muscle as her fingers caressed him. He licked her mouth with his tongue until she parted her lips and invited him inside.

  She wanted him inside her forever.

  He exuded power and strength and sex appeal, yet had a tenderness that told her he would never hurt her. At least not physically.

  She had to guard her heart, though.

  But this time wasn’t about heart or soul, it was about living. About taking away the pain and sadness, making the moment magical for both of them. She met each stroke of his tongue with her own, matching his passion with her own swift, potent desire. He tore his mouth from her long enough to yank his shirt off, and toss it to the floor. Hunger pooled low in her belly at the sight of his wide, dark chest. She lifted a finger and flicked her nail across one taut nipple, surprised when he sucked in a sharp breath.

  Her gaze met his and a masculine growl of pleasure erupted from him. Feeling powerful now, she tasted him with her tongue, and reveled in the touch of his body growing harder against her thigh. He tore the towel from the rest of her body, covered her smooth legs with his thick muscular ones, his foot brushing her leg in a rhythm that made her ache all over. She clutched his shoulders, parting her legs as he settled between her thighs. His jeans rasped against her flesh, and she silently begged for him to remove them, but he left them on, torturing her by forcing her to wait. Then his mouth covered her nipple, and he licked and gently bit the tip, finally drawing it in his mouth and suckling.

  Sarah arched up from the bed, the frenzy of emotions and sensations darting through her almost unbearable. Both pain and pleasure. She had to have more.

  He suckled harder, moving to the other breast to love her the same, then lower. Lower he kissed, her navel, the insides of her thighs, then he brushed his mouth across her soft mound and she bucked, whimpering her pleasure.

  His breath felt hot, his tongue moist as he teased her heat and drove her wild. Just when she thought she would die from the pleasure, he rose above her, and quickly shucked his jeans and briefs. His sex bulged with his need, and for a brief second, she felt a burst of panic at his size. But this was Adam and her body screamed for him to fill her, to claim her as his, so she spread her legs, traced a finger over the end of his shaft and begged him to join her.

  Adam was out of control. He wanted to take Sarah fast and hard, to ride her like she was his forevermore. She was so sensuous and responsive, so passionate and beautiful that his breath t from his chest in a gut-wrenching moan. But he saw that moment of fear in her eyes, that moment of concern that he might hurt her.

  He had to rein in his wildness, slow down this frantic pace, and give her the tender lovemaking she deserved.

  So, instead of thrusting inside her until she could feel nothing but him, he slowed his movements, lowered his mouth again and began to gently drive her wild with his tongue. First her breasts again, licking the rosy tips, suckling until she writhed beneath him. Then her honeyed sweetness. She tasted like innocence and woman, like she’d been created to fuel his hunger, her whimpers of pleasure nearly sending him over the edge.

  Her blue eyes darkened, turned luminous with passion as she clawed at the sheets, pulling them into her fists as he tortured her over and over. When he felt the tremors of release building within her, he gently pushed her legs wider apart and hungrily devoured her.

  Finally, when she arched her body, silently begging him for more, he rose above her, quickly rolled on protection and claimed her as his.

  Sensation after sensation rolled through Sarah, each one more heady than the last. She had never dreamed a man’s mouth could feel so wonderful, that she would be able to give herself to her lover with such abandon, but being so intimate with Adam somehow seemed right.

  He held her gaze as he slowly pushed inside her, pausing to let her body become accustomed to him. But Sarah was riding the wave and wanted him harder, faster.

  She didn’t want him to hold back. But she sensed that was what he was doing.

  She pulled his mouth down to hers, kissed him greedily, not caring that she was clawing at his back.

  Finally he moved within her. Not the wild abandon she’d expected from a powerful man like Adam, but a slow, rhythmic rocking motion that tortured her senses. She nuzzled her face in his chest, teasing his nipple with her tongue and raking her hands across his backside. His muscles clenched, he began to move faster, pulling her hips into his. Deeper, deeper, penetrating her, thrusting his thick shaft to her core, forcing her to open wider and give herself to him again. She was coming in a kaleidoscope of colors…

  “Oh, Sarah,” he groaned. “You feel so good, I can’t wait.”

  A satisfied smile tipped her lips and she thrust against him, almost crying out when she felt him lose control and join her in oblivion.

  Seconds later, she drifted to sleep, but the sound of a woman’s crying jarred her awake. And she lay in bed and realized that the voices had returned.


  How was it possible she was hearing them again?

  ADAM THOUGHT Sarah had fallen asleep, and knew he had to pull away. His h
eart tugged painfully as he remembered the emotions gripping him when they’d made love.

  Dammit, he never let his feelings get involved.

  He slowly regulated his breathing and rolled off her, determined to put some distance between them before he completely lost his objectivit“I’ll be right back.” He hurried to the bathroom, disposed of the protection he was so grateful he’d had, then stared at himself in the mirror. He looked haggard and scruffy and too damn rough for a woman like Sarah.

  What the hell had he done?

  Knowing he had to talk to her, he splashed water on his face, dried it, then sauntered back to the bed. She was lying sideways wearing nothing but that locket, a sexy smile and the scent of his lovemaking.

  He had to say something, but for the life of him, he couldn’t speak. She was so damn beautiful. And trusting and sweet. And such a fighter.

  She had so much passion inside her.

  Sarah held her hand out to him, inviting him back inside her bed, but he saw her troubled expression— was she already having regrets? Then she handed him a note and he squinted, his heart pounding when he read the words, “I heard the voices again, Adam. I don’t think we should give up on finding Denise.”

  ADAM HAD FINALLY fallen asleep, Sarah thought, but Denise’s cry disturbed her.

  How was it possible? Why would she still have delayed hearing about that night when the rest of her hearing abilities had evened out?

  Exhausted, she snuggled into the haven of Adam’s arms, sated and happy and fighting regrets. Regrets that she might have given Adam more than her body the night before.

  Regrets that she was falling in love with him.

  He held her in spoon fashion, his breath whispering against her neck. A strand of his hair tickled her ear-lobe. But she didn’t want to move for fear he’d withdraw from her forever, that he’d tell her it had all been a mistake.

  His sex surged against her backside and she wiggled, renewed hunger spiraling through her. But her ankle throbbed, a reminder of the ugly events of the day before.

  His hand drifted up her belly and covered her breasts, and she forgot all her ailments. Would he make love to her again this morning? Tender as she was, she wasn’t sure she could accept him, but as he pushed his body closer to hers, winding his muscular leg over hers, she realized she’d always be able to make love with Adam.

  His sex pulsed and thickened. But suddenly he pulled away from her and she clenched the sheets in her fist, feeling lost and confused.

  ADAM COULD EXCUSE himself for the night before. They’d both been shaken by the day—his sister, Donny Gates, her godfather, her accident—but this morning with bright sunlight beaming through the window, the reality of the bruises on her body and danger on her tail, how could he justify taking advantage of her?

  And how could she have heard Denise?

  He glanced down at her, wondering how it was possible, but all he could think about was the night before. He had taken advantage of her. He couldn’t kid himself. She was an innocent, for God’s sake. He would walk away with little emotional scarring when this whole thing was over, but she would…would what? Would Sarah want more from him?

  Was she falling in love with him?

  Hell, maybe he was the fool here—he was no catch and he knew it, and she certainly hadn’t mentioned any feelings. Of course, she didn’t talk to him at all.

  Except they’d communicated last night just fine. He’d heard the desire, the hunger in her body. That was all he’d been looking for. Comfort. Because he’d thought Denise might be dead.

  Only he had let feelings seep in.

  She turned in his arms, tracing a finger along his jaw and he tensed. Today he had a job to do.

  “Sarah, we can’t do this again.”

  Her smile faded, questions in her eyes.

  He couldn’t look at her lying naked in his arms and not have her again. He swung his legs to the side, bracing his hands on his thighs as he stared at the floor. At the wet towel she’d stripped off, at her lacy panties that had dropped on top of his shoe.

  Her hand brushed his back and he fisted his hands around the edge of the bed. “I told you last night I’m not right for you. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea here.”

  The bed shifted as Sarah got up, but Adam’s cell phone rang, interrupting them, and he grabbed and answered it.



  “This is Russell.”

  “Did you hear about Gates?” Adam asked.

  “Yeah, when I went into work today.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have told you, but—”

  “Forget it. I heard something at work.” Russell paused. “I thought it might be important. And it made me wonder if Gates kidnapped Denise.”

  Adam ran a hand through his hair, catching Sarah’s silhouette as she slipped on a robe. Damn, he would miss that sexy body. She hobbled over to the chaise in the corner and sat down, belting the robe, studying him.

  “Black, are you listening?” Russell asked, sounding agitated.

  “Yeah.” He wanted to believe Russell was right. “What is it?”

  “The thing with Gates opened up a lot of gossip around the research center. One of the scientists mentioned that Denise was about to reveal a major finding in her research.”


  “Yeah, and get this. A German pharmaceutical company is flying in three days from now for a meeting about some new discovery CIRP will unveil. Rumor has it that two other companies are close to the same findings, so timing is important. The discovery may sell for millions.”

  Questions spun in Adam’s mind. “Are you suggesting that someone from the center kidnapped Denise and stole her research to sell to this company?”

  “I’ve heard of that stuff happening, haven’t

  “Yeah.” Especially if it involved big money.

  “Or someone from the German company might have kidnapped her, forced her to turn over her results to them before a competitor could make an offer or another researcher disclosed the findings.”

  “That’s possible, too.” Adam swallowed, bile rising in his throat. “Our only hope is that the research was incomplete, so they have to keep her alive long enough to finish it before they sell.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sarah realized Adam had pulled away from her emotionally the minute he had left her bed. She had no idea what to do about it, either. Maybe circumstances and danger had brought them together, but she sensed there could be a lot more to their relationship if he would give them a chance. But if she came across as needy, she would certainly push him away.

  The timbre of his voice grew stronger as the conversation continued.

  Did he have good news about Denise? A lead?

  “Can you let me in Denise’s office today and get me access to her files?”

  Sarah couldn’t hear the caller’s response, but seconds later, Adam agreed to meet him before lunch.

  He hung up, squaring his shoulders as he turned to her. His naked body was a masterpiece of hard planes and muscles. She wanted him again so badly she ached.

  “Mind if I use your shower?”

  She shook her head, wondering if he would invite her to join him, hoping he would. She needed the closeness again and sensed he did, too.

  Instead he gathered his clothes and explained about the phone call. “I have to check out Denise’s research. If she was on the verge of revealing her findings and a German company planned to buy it, the research center stood to make a small fortune. There’s also the chance a competitor wanted the research and kidnapped her to keep her from selling it to the Germans. I’ll have Clay check out the company and any competitors working on similar research.”

  Sarah nodded, toying with her locket while he phoned Clay. If someone from the center was involved, could Sol know something about it?

  ADAM KNEW he should finish the discussion with Sarah about their personal relationship, but his sister’s life was at sta
ke, and this new information gave him a new angle to explore. Everything else would have to wait.

  “I’m going to check into that microbiologist’s death this morning, then go to the research facility to meet Russell around eleven.” He stalked toward the bathroom. “I want you to go with me, Sarah.”

  She frowned, but he didn’t intend to argue. He wanted her safe, and he didn’t trust anyone else to take care of her but him.

  A few minutes later, after he’d showered, Sarah surprised him with a hot breakfast. It had been a long time since anyone had taken care ofim. The whole scene felt oddly domestic and homey.

  He couldn’t get used to it.

  He ate the eggs and bacon while he booted up the computer. Sarah seemed to have accepted him in his business mode and disappeared into the bathroom to shower. The sound of the water running drove him crazy. He remembered finding her in the tub the night before, her pale skin warm and slippery with bubble bath, moonlight glowing on her naked body, her arms reaching for him, inviting him to be her lover.

  Her first lover. Maybe her only one.

  No, he couldn’t let himself imagine the pleasure of a long-term relationship with her.

  Reminding himself about Pamela’s death, he forced the images out of his mind and accessed articles about the microbiologist, Jerome Simms. He’d come to work for CIRP right after graduating from Stanford. For two years, he’d worked almost in seclusion at a lab on Nighthawk Island. Some of his studies involved radioactive isotopes, requiring high-tech security and stringent decontamination procedures.

  Questions had popped up about his death that had never been answered. The man was an avid swimmer and diver, so why had he drowned? Why had he been boating alone? Supposedly, a storm had risen, but an experienced boater like Simms wouldn’t have chanced going out in bad weather. And if he had, he would have known how to handle the crisis.

  Next, Adam accessed the research center’s history, including major announcements regarding research and new products as well as two competitors working on similar areas.


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