The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1

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The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1 Page 9

by Matt Gross

  The day got hot and there wasn't a lot of shade. Traveling at night would've been more dangerous, so they had to endure the sun. It was midday, just after they stopped for a quick bite to eat when they noticed a skirmish in the road ahead of them.

  There were four men and two women armed with crossbows and pistols. A couple of them had bladed weapons sheathed at their sides. They were holding up a caravan. The victims--Kira counted three--were garbed in long robes and they had hoods covering their heads. From her vantage point she couldn't tell if they were male or female.

  Khayin stopped, as did Kira. She looked at Khayin.

  “Should we intervene?” she asked.

  “We probably should. They look defenseless. I hate bullies.”

  “I could swing around them and try to flank,” she strategized.

  “If they didn't already know we were here that would be ideal, but we are exposed in the middle of the road. They're just waitin' to see what we'll do.” He glared at them. “How good of a shot are you from horseback?”

  “Fair, but I can be more effective with my magic.” She grinned. “Besides, you said you wanted to see me in action.”

  Khayin looked at her, a wide smile stretched across his face. “OK, Princess, show me what you’ve got.”

  As they got off their horses two of the raiders approached pointing their pistols at them. Kira couldn't see any distinguishing marks to signify that they were part of a larger group. A male and a female addressed them.

  “Fuck off, pendejo, unless you want an extra hole in yer head.” The woman waved her gun as though shooing away a fly.

  “The way I see it,” Khayin began, “there are six armed thugs harassing three unarmed people, so we thought we might even the odds.”

  Khayin shot first. The woman who tried to chase them off laid dead with a hole in her head. At the motion of pulling his gun Kira Pulled from the elements and threw the dead raider's partner. The telekinetic force picked him up and slammed him against a tree. She heard bones break and splinter. The rush of power put a smile on her face.

  The others forgot about their prey and turned to try and eliminate the new threat. The three travelers ran and hid behind their wagon. A tall burly man with a pistol took aim at Khayin, who dove and rolled, making the big man miss. Khayin shot as soon as he recovered from his roll and hit the big man in the leg. The man dropped. A crossbow bolt nicked Kira's ear as it flew just wide, and she could feel the sting as blood began to trickle down the side of her neck. Kira Pulled a stone the size of a human skull and hurled it at the man reloading his crossbow. There was a loud crack when the stone collided with the man's head.

  A second bolt caught Kira in the shoulder. The bolt sank deep. The impact spun her a bit and she cried out in pain. Her eyes flared and her tattoos glowed brightly. Luckily the bolt head was just a point and not a broad head. She yanked it free from her shoulder with a wince and threw it at the woman who had shot her. She Pulled and propelled the bolt faster than any crossbow and it struck the raider in her chest. The bolt went straight through, knocking her back several feet.

  Khayin rose and took aim at one of the two remaining thugs. A raider grabbed one of the unarmed travelers. Hiding behind his new shield, he shot Khayin. It hit and went clean through his left arm. The injured arm swung from the impact and Khayin used the momentum, taking a wild shot and putting a hole through the raider's head. The spray of gore covered the last raider before he decided to run. Kira Pulled him up high into the air. She let him dangle there a moment before she slammed him so hard into the ground that what was left of him barely looked human anymore.

  The elation, the pure ecstasy of the moment filled Kira. The magic coursed through her veins; it buzzed and tingled all around her. The feeling she had felt back at Merlin's place when her magic had returned was almost a rebirth, an awakening of part of herself. What she felt when she unleashed her power, though, was like she could challenge the gods themselves.

  The travelers in the caravan picked themselves up and started to climb into their wagon. The wagon, Kira noticed, looked very similar to the covered wagons of a caravan, except that it had no horses pulling it. The wheels were made of a combination of metal and rubber. The travelers paid them no mind. They gave no indication that Kira and Khayin were even there.

  “Can we help you?” Khayin asked.

  They ignored him and continued repacking their possessions.

  Kira thought she'd try. “Are you going to be all right? Are any of you hurt?” Just saying that reminded her of her own injuries and her shoulder began to throb.

  Again, they ignored them.

  Khayin threw up his hands then winced from the pain in his arm. “Fine, we take bullets and bolts for you and you can't even throw out a thank you. Hell, I'd even settle for a 'Fuck you! We didn't need your help.'” He said the last part in a weird accent that Kira wasn't familiar with.

  At that, one of the robed figures approached Khayin. Kira peeked in the hood and saw the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His skin was without blemish and his eyes were as blue/green as the sea. The man dropped a single gold coin into Khayin's hand and he walked away. The two of them just watched the caravan leave.

  When the wagon was out of ear shot, Khayin turned to Kira. “Did you get a look at that face?” Khayin asked. Kira nodded. “No offense, you're hot, but that was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.”

  “I know, I...wait. You saw a woman?” Kira asked confused.

  “Yeah, why, what did you see?”

  “A man.”

  Did he just say I was hot? As in, pretty?

  They both just looked at each other. Khayin then inspected the gold coin in his hand, holding it up for Kira to see as well. On one side of the coin was a picture of a man with a trimmed beard. On the other side was an island with a strange symbol at its center and a row of symbols that followed the top curve of the coin. Kira snatched the gold from Khayin. She examined it more closely.

  “Atlantis,” was all she said.

  “You can read that?”

  “No, not really, I've seen this kind of coin before,” she said with a tad bit of smugness.

  “What do you know about Atlantis?” Khayin asked.

  “Nothing much. I heard from traders that it's a paradise, but not easy to get to. And they are picky on who they let enter. Of course, this is all hearsay.”

  “Hmm...I've heard the same. I've never tried getting there.” He shook his head. “Anyway.”

  Before they mounted their horses Khayin took a small round tin from a saddle bag. With a twist Khayin opened it. Inside was a milky paste-like substance.

  “Smear this on your wounds. By the time we make camp they should be healed.” Khayin explained. Kira took the tin and did what he instructed before handing it back. He applied some on his own injury and then mounted his horse.


  They found an old run-down shack on the side of the road at dusk. No other buildings in the immediate area remained standing and by the look of the one that was, it didn't seem it was going to stand very much longer. They unpacked the things they would need for the night and left the rest on the horses. Kira drew a warding circle around the horses to alert them if anyone got too close. Khayin started a fire and they ate.

  “That was pretty badass,” Khayin said, handing Kira a cigarette. “I mean, I've seen plenty of people use magic, but what you did, and that control. It's like breathing to you, isn't it? Like second nature.”

  Kira took the cigarette. She was beaming. She was still riding the high. It had been several hours since, but she was still thrilled. “I was holding back,” she managed to say.

  “Well shit, remind me not to get on your bad side, Princess.”

  “You keep calling me that and you soon will,” she said with a smile. Khayin laughed. She flexed her once-wounded shoulder. “That stuff worked great.”

  “Yeah, I got it off a traveling Alchemist. I don't need it much, because I tend to heal quickly
on my own, but sometimes I use it to jumpstart the process.”

  “You mentioned your fast healing before. Magic?” she asked.

  “No idea; it's just part of being me. I'm turning in early. The healing wore me out.” He finished his cigarette and excused himself.

  Kira sat by the fire a little longer. She looked at the stars. The moon was full and bright and the night was filled with silence. After a while she got up and entered the shack. Khayin was asleep. She stripped down to just her underwear and tank top and stood over him. She needed him right then. Khayin never zipped his bag, so she could open it without him knowing. She straddled him and his eyes jerked open. She immediately placed her index and middle fingers over his lips.

  “I need this,” she said plainly.

  The magic still coursed through her. She could feel it tickle her skin. She moved Khayin's hands, encouraging him. He was reluctant and reached up to keep her away.

  “Kira, I don't think we...”

  She slapped his arm away and kissed him hard, cutting off his words. He resisted, but quickly gave in. Their tongues wrestled and their bodies entwined. Kira needed this. She was in control and all she cared about was that moment. There was no tomorrow. There was no yesterday. There was only that moment and she wanted it; she wanted him.


  Kira was the first to awake. Khayin held her. They were both completely nude and their clothes were scattered around the shack. She thought about the night. She smiled and her heart fluttered. What the fuck! No! I'm not falling for him. This can't happen. This isn't supposed to happen. It was just sex. Kira got up with a sudden jerk and Khayin awoke.

  “Is everything OK?” Khayin asked.

  “No!” she snapped. She grabbed her clothes and marched outside.

  Khayin appeared in the doorway, naked body welcoming the morning. His tattooed skin glistened in the dawn light. The tattoos were of patterns and symbols, no pictures. Scars from various wounds were faint but noticeable, and not at all marring.

  “What...” he began.

  “Shut up!” she barked, pulling up her pants. She spun around naked from the waist up. “Just shut up.” The last part was almost a whisper, and tears were streaming down her face. She picked up her shirt and stormed off.

  Chapter 14 The Seer

  It had been two weeks of silence. Well, Khayin spoke, but Kira had remained quiet. Khayin was beside himself. What the hell? She wanted sex. I even tried pushing her away. Fuck, I knew this was going to happen. He tried confronting her, almost demanding a response, but all he got was a glare. He liked Kira and they had been getting along great, or so he thought. Now he was looking forward to just dropping her off with her sisters and leaving.

  Their trip was uneventful. They managed to stay away from all known hot spots and they made good time. They were less than a week away from Panama and Khayin couldn't wait. The morning was like all the others and Khayin got up early for his run. When he got back, Kira was preparing breakfast. Khayin took a towel from his pack and wiped the sweat from his face.

  He walked over to the area they made up for dining and reached to take a portion of what she had made. To his surprise she had already made him a plate. She handed it to him and their eyes met briefly, she turned away. They ate in silence, but Khayin was happy that she made a gesture.

  Before they broke camp they saw a large traveling caravan headed their way. Khayin saw there was a rifle next to coach driver and the few people on horseback had little to no weapons at all. There were a dozen covered wagons, painted and draped in multiple colors. Gypsies in Central America? Why not? They may steal some chips, but we should be safe. Strange though it was, Khayin was happy to see them. They continued to pack their things, but waited to greet the gypsies before they left.

  The caravan stopped when they reached the small camp. A tall, lanky, athletic man in bright loose clothing jumped from the lead wagon and walked toward them. There was a ring on every finger and multiple earrings in both ears.

  “Well met. The name is Fonso.” He bowed. “I'm spokesman of our wandering tribe. We're a long way from home, exploring new lands and meeting new people.”

  “I'm Khayin and this here is my friend Kira.” He held out his hand for a shake.

  “Ah, yes the customary handshake, very good.” He shook Khayin's hand. He turned his attention to Kira. “And you, lovely lady, a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed again, but this time much more deeply. He took Kira's hand, which she allowed, and he kissed her knuckles.

  Kira looked at Khayin then back to Fonso. She gave a slight nod and whispered, “Thank you.”

  “Oh, the pleasure's all mine,” he said with a wide smile. “May I ask where you’re headed? We've noticed you packing.”

  Khayin regarded him. Seems harmless enough. “Panama. We've been on the road for nearly three weeks.”

  “Oh my. On horseback? I can't imagine how your asses must feel.” He laughed. “Please, let me welcome you as our honored guests.” He gestured to the caravan behind him. “For we Romani are headed for the same destination. We'd welcome your stories and we shall entertain you with song and dance.”

  “We couldn't possible pay you.” Khayin lied.

  “Nonsense. Your company and stories will be payment enough, as long as you allow us to retell them.” His smile never faded.

  Khayin looked at Kira. She shrugged with a slight nod. “OK, Fonso. We'd be happy to tag along.”

  Though Khayin didn't think it was possible, Fonso's smile grew bigger. “Huzzah!” he yelled. And the caravan behind him mimicked him.

  Several gypsies took their horses and tied them into the caravan. A group of women around Kira's age led her to a wagon in the center of the train. Fonso offered Khayin the seat next him on the lead wagon. Khayin happily climbed aboard. With a snap of the reins the caravan was moving once again.

  “So, Khayin, what's it you seek in Panama?” Fonso's eyes were transfixed to the road ahead. “If you don't mind me inquiring.”

  “Seeking an old acquaintance. We're searching for something and I've reason to believe he'll have answers.” Khayin wanted to keep it vague, but truthful enough in hopes Fonso wouldn't pry.

  “Is that what you do then?” he asked. “For a living.”

  “Kinda, I'm a Bounty Hunter.” He could see Fonso physically tense up. Had a run-in with hunters before?

  “I see.” His voice never changed despite his apparent uneasiness.

  Khayin smiled. “You needn't worry about me. I've never had any trouble with the Romani, always passed on jobs for your people. I've even warned a few Romani caravans to steer clear of some towns, if you know what I mean,” Khayin said to put him at ease.

  “I appreciate that, my friend.” He gave Khayin a smile and a nod.


  Kira sat on a pile of pillows in an overly decorated wagon. Paintings, portraits, silks and linens hung on all four walls. She felt as though she were sitting on a cloud. It felt so nice that she almost fell asleep. The other girls asked her a ton of questions though, so sleep wasn't an option. She spent the whole day’s trip relaying stories of how she and Khayin had met and their travels together thus far. The Romani girls kept inquiring about Khayin and her relationship with him. She started to feel bad for the way she had been treating him. Why am I treating him like this? I keep getting these emotional feelings for him. It was just sex, why do I feel anything? She was mad at herself.

  The conversation finally ended when the caravan decided to camp for the evening. The gypsies wouldn't allow Khayin or Kira to help with anything. They refused any and all liquor and food Khayin offered, instead offering their own for the two of them to partake as much as they liked. It was the best meal she had had since leaving the Barragan's farm.

  Dinner ended and was promptly followed by song and dance. Khayin showed no shame and danced when a couple of young ladies pulled him into the circle around the fire. The music was beautiful and the dancing was mesmerizing. Two more girls tried pulling
Kira into the dance. She fought it at first, but the girls wouldn't take no for an answer and she eventually relented.

  The Romani moved in an almost ritualistic fashion. They were hypnotic. Their skin glistened with perspiration from the heat of the fire. Some dancers shed their clothing. The music was heavy with drums. The guitar provided the rhythm and the violin was fast and beautiful.

  Kira danced. She would catch glimpses of Khayin with other girls. The Romani girls danced very close with him and touched him, which made her feel a twisting in her stomach. She would quickly look away. She lost herself in the music, moving and swaying to the rhythm. Kira allowed her magic to swell within her. She became one with the song, dancing with both and women. Memories of her sisters flooded her mind. She missed home, but she was enraptured in the moment.

  The music slowed and the other dancers surreptitiously moved Kira and Khayin closer. The dance moved slow and deliberate. They both were caught in the magic of music before they realized they were dancing with each other.

  They both stopped and looked into each other’s eyes. Khayin opened his mouth, but before he could speak Kira turned and walked away. I'm not ready. What is holding me back? I need to figure this out. I need to talk to him. She looked back to him and caught his gaze, snapping her head back and quietly strolling back to the wagon. An elderly woman approached Kira before she could fully retreat to her bed.

  “Young one, may I have a word?” There was something familiar about her. Kira felt that she knew her somehow. The old gypsy was dressed in layers of fine fabrics, most of which were silks of different colors. She wore a head-covering made of silk as well. Beads and metal charms hung from her waist and hair. Kira guessed that the woman had to be pushing 100 years of age. She looked frail, but seemed to get along on her own just fine.

  “Sure,” she said.

  Kira followed the old woman to a different wagon. It looked older than the rest. The walls had carved pictorials of wooded landscapes with a cabin that looked like it stood on legs. The carving was also beautifully painted. The wagon had a couple of windows with the curtains drawn. The old woman took the stairs one at a time. She opened the door and stepped in, beckoning for Kira to follow her.


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