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3013: MENDED (3013: The Series Book 6)

Page 12

by Kali Argent

  Standing up on the sofa, Cami crawled over the back of it and right into Tariq’s arm. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.” She kissed his cheeks, his eyes, his jaw, and finally his lips. “It doesn’t change anything, though. It doesn’t change the way I see you.”

  “I know.” It was just one of the reasons he adored her so much. Cami had the uncanny ability to see past the flaws to the person beneath. “You are truly remarkable. You know that, right?”

  “I am fairly amazing, yes.” She kept a straight face for less than a heartbeat before breaking into peals of laughter. When she sobered, she held his face between her cupped hands and rested their foreheads together. “I’m starting to get this guy-speak, so let me put this in a way you’ll understand. You are mine, Tariq Navarra.”

  “As you are mine,” he vowed, carrying her into the bedroom where he lowered her onto the mattress. “You are so beautiful, angel. I don’t know what you see in me, but I’m glad you do.”

  Insinuating himself between her splayed thighs, he held most of his weight on one hand while he slid the other beneath her lightweight sweater. Tariq’s next breath caught in his chest when Cami moaned, and his head spun as the blood rushed straight to his dick.

  Desperate to be inside her, he made quick work of removing Cami’s clothes, pulling and ripping until the fabric fell away to reveal every inch of smooth, delectable skin. The scent of her arousal hung heavy in the air, saturating the room until he could practically taste it on his tongue. When she arched against him, tilting her head back on the pillow and baring her neck, the need to claim her, to mark her, slammed into him like a wrecking ball.

  “I don’t know if I can be gentle,” he warned as he parted her folds, sliding his index finger into her warm, wet core.

  “Then don’t be,” Cami challenged around a strangled groan. “I won’t break, Tariq.”

  Desire and impatience warred with equal fervor, sending him beyond the edge of control. After a couple of fumbling attempts, he managed to unbutton his jeans and slide the zipper down, pushing the denim over his hips to free his throbbing cock. With a little help from Cami, he managed to divest the rest of his clothing before sitting back on his heels and pulling her into his lap.

  Trailing a path down her neck with his lips, he grazed the tip of his fangs over her collarbone, vibrating with lust when she moaned into his ear. He slid his mouth lower, capturing one of her small, pebbled nipples, and bit down gently as he flicked his tongue across the nub. His hands roamed her body without conscious instruction on his part, gliding down her back, over her sides, and across the swell of her hips.

  Moving on to the other erect nipple, he lavished it with the same attention he’d shown the first, cupping her pert breasts and squeezing. He wanted to be inside her, driving deep within her core, but he needed to regain some control. In his current state, he’d likely hurt her, and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

  Rolling her beneath him, he continued his exploration of her lithe body, touching every inch of supple skin he could reach. Her needy whimpers made his head spin, and his cock throbbed when he caressed her moist center once again.

  “Tariq, please!” Cami tensed when he stroked his thumb against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. “I can’t take it anymore. Please!”

  “Okay, easy, I’ve got you.” Sitting up, he pulled her back into his lap. “Tell me what you need, angel.”

  “You!” she cried as she wrapped her legs around his torso. “Now.”

  Gritting his teeth, Tariq moved as carefully as he could, lowering her over his length in slow, torturous increments. “Fuck,” he groaned against the side of her neck when her soft, slick walls clenched around him. “Holy nova, you’re so tight, so hot.”

  He wasn’t going to last, especially not when Cami began to rock against him, rolling her hips to take him deeper. With a hand on her hip to help guide her, Tariq fisted the other in her long, silky hair and pulled her into a deep, scorching kiss.

  His lower abs clenched as the pressure built, and each panting moan from his angel pushed him that much closer to oblivion. He could make love to her until the stars fell, and he’d never tired of those sounds.

  “Tariq, I…I…need…”

  “It’s okay, angel, I know what you need,” he promised. Holding her immobile with an arm around her waist, Tariq took over, increasing the pace as he pushed deeper inside her. Slipping a hand between their damp bodies, he pressed his thumb against her swollen clit and drew tiny circles. “That’s it,” he encouraged when her cries grew louder. “Come for me, baby. Make me feel it.”


  She yelled his name as her pussy tightened around him, squeezing his cock in rhythmic waves. In that moment, with their bodies joined, his name on her lips, and her scent filling his head, Tariq lost his damn mind. As Cami’s sweet body milked his orgasm, Tariq clutched her to his chest and tilted her head to the side.

  “Mine,” he growled, just before embedding his fangs in the soft curve of her neck.


  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Cami combed her hair out and curled it around her face to ensure it hid the scroll tattoo. The warm tingle that radiated down her neck informed her Tariq was nearby, and she smiled at her reflection before hurrying into the living room to greet him.

  “You’re back.”

  Despite missing three consecutive days of work to care for her, Tariq had somehow managed to keep his job. While good news for him, it also meant Cami had spent the entire day cooped up in their quarters alone for a solid eight hours.

  Closing the distance between them in two strides, Tariq brushed her hair back from her shoulder and bent to kiss her. “Mmm, I needed to see you.”

  Cami shivered when he skimmed his fingertips down the side of her neck to trace his claiming mark. His grin turned feral, and he swelled with satisfaction, something he did every time he saw the mark on her. She couldn’t hold it against him, especially when she felt pretty darn smug about it, too.

  Maybe she should be angry that he’d marked her without permission, but she wasn’t. She’d been open about her feelings, staking her own claim on the handsome male. Tariq had done the same, just in a slightly more permanent way.

  Only a small twinge of pain had accompanied his bite, but it had been quickly erased by sheer, blissful euphoria. Unlike other wounds, the punctures had healed within hours instead of days, leaving behind two red, starburst-shaped scars that tingled with warmth whenever Tariq walked into a room. The heat intensified the closer he came, and the first few times he’d touched the starbursts, Cami had nearly come undone.

  “Scarlett, Sion, and Naira are meeting us for dinner,” she reminded him.

  Unsure of who they could trust, everyone had agreed to gather more information before taking what they had to the Alliance. Unfortunately, their search for further evidence proved to be fruitless, and Cami had called for a group meeting. Plus, she wanted to do another sweep of the atrium, and dinner with her friends provided the perfect excuse.

  Leaning forward, she sniffed at his black jumpsuit and wrinkled her nose. “You smell like grease and something dead.” Cami pushed him toward the bedroom. “Go shower and change. We’re going to be late.”

  “I have a better idea.” Removing the strip of leather that held his golden waves back from his face, Tariq circled behind her to gather her hair into a loose ponytail. “There.” Turning her to face him, he tucked a stray lock behind her ear and grinned. “Go meet your friends, angel. I’ll catch up to you.”

  “Wait, what?” Shaking her head, Cami backed away. “You’re joking, right?” Tariq never wanted her to go anywhere alone. “What about this?” she asked, pointing at the tattoo on her face.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Taking her hand, he pulled it away from her cheek and brought it to his lips. “Not to put too fine of a point on it, but you’re mine, Cami. I’ve marked you, and everyone will know it.” He brushed his knuckles al
ong the curve of her neck again. “Every single being on this station knows what that mark means, and no one is going to be stupid enough to mess with you.”

  “Tariq, are you sure?” She felt oddly naked and exposed with her hair tied back.

  “Angel, you’re not a prisoner, and as much as I hate it, I also know I can’t be with you every moment of the day.” He dropped a chaste kiss on her forehead and backed away toward the bedroom. “Everything is going to be fine.”

  “Sion should be at the lifts by now…I hope.”

  “Okay.” Ducking her head, Cami spun around to hide her grin. She should have known he’d be more cautious than to let her roam the hallways alone. “Don’t take too long.”

  Cami still felt uncomfortable having her hair pulled back from her face, but she couldn’t hide forever. Exiting their quarters, she tucked her hands into the pockets of her zippered jacket and strode purposefully toward the lifts. Maybe she could talk to someone about getting a wrist unit. Tariq didn’t wear one, and she wouldn’t force the issue, but if she had a way to call for help when she needed it, maybe it would make them both feel more secure.


  Tensing, Cami slowed to a stop and looked over her shoulder. “Hello, Lorelei.” She’d been wondering when the Helios female would confront her. “It’s Cami, by the way.”

  “Cami.” Lorelei nodded, taking another step that placed her at Cami’s side. “I want to apologize for my behavior. I had hoped that given time, Tariq would choose me as a companion. I was jealous of your connection with him, and I reacted poorly.”

  Pretty words, but Cami didn’t buy it for a minute. “Don’t Helios normally mate in threes and fours?”

  “Well, yes. Companions are a sign of status on my planet. The more the merrier,” she added with a toothy smile.

  “The more companions the higher your rank within the tribe,” Cami corrected with a sugary smile of her own. “Isn’t that right?”

  Lorelei towered over her, and her long, lean muscles flexed when she curled her hands into fists. “Yes,” she bit out through gritted teeth. “Not that it matters, though. I should have realized Tariq isn’t the type of male who would share.”

  “No, he’s not.” The female could tear her apart with a negligent flick of her wrist, but Cami took a deep breath and met Lorelei’s gaze without flinching. “Does this mean you’re going to stop spying on me?”

  “I don’t know what—” Cutting off abruptly, Lorelei grabbed her by the arm and spun her into the wall, pinning Cami there with a forearm to the neck. “This is Tariq’s mark? He claimed you?”

  So much for the bite keeping her out of trouble. “Yes,” she gasped.

  “Fuck.” Lorelei released her as suddenly as she’d attacked and began smoothing the wrinkles from Cami’s jacket. “Forgive me. I meant no disrespect.” Then she whirled around and marched back to her quarters.

  “How can he choose her? She’s so weak. She can’t give him what he needs. Tariq wouldn’t have to hold anything back with me.”

  “Well,” Cami mumbled to the empty corridor, “tell me how you really feel, lady.” At least Tariq had been right about his bite deterring unwanted attention.

  Taking a moment to steady her nerves, Cami debated returning to her quarters to wait for Tariq. After only a few seconds of deliberation, however, she decided against it. While the confrontation had rattled her a little, Lorelei hadn’t hurt her. As Tariq had pointed out, he wouldn’t always be there to rescue her, and she needed to learn to deal with these types of situations on her own.

  “I don’t need to be rescued,” she told herself firmly.

  More importantly, she didn’t want to be rescued. As soon as she reached Starscape, she was going to ask Scarlett for a refresher course on basic self-defense. She’d learned some in the Academy, of course, but that had been years ago, and she’d forgotten most of it. Cami refused to always be a damsel in distress, always waiting for her prince to come save her.

  Inhaling deeply, she blew the breath out with enough force to puff her cheeks. Then she straightened, tucked her hands back into her pockets, and continued to the lifts. The doors slid open as soon as she’d pressed the call button, and the last two people in the galaxy she wanted to see stepped into the small waiting area.

  “Well, well,” Becks sang. “Hello there, princess. I knew you couldn’t hide forever.”

  “That…bitch.” Lorelei hadn’t wanted to apologize or even talk to her at all. She’d just been stalling her. “Move.” As she spoke, Cami rolled her head to the side to make sure the twin starbursts on her neck were clearly visible. “Move,” she repeated when both lieutenants stepped toward her.

  Unfortunately, the only mark they seemed to pay attention to was the inky black scroll near her eye.

  “I knew it.” In a move too fast for her to counter, Parsons grabbed her by the arm, jerking Cami against his chest where he held her arms pinned at her sides. “Don’t worry,” he whispered against her ear. “We’ll take good care of you.”

  “You belong to us now,” Becks added. “You’re our chosen.”

  “I’m not your anything.” Struggling only seemed to excite them more, and when Becks gaze traveled from her neck to her breasts, Cami thought she might vomit. “Let go of me!”

  “Be still.” Becks pulled a small, rectangular cube from his pocket and twirled it around in his fingers. “Do you know what this is?”

  Cami had never seen one before, but she could guess. “A marking device.”

  “Correct.” He stepped closer, trapping her between himself and Parsons. “This won’t hurt.”

  “No, please stop. Listen to me.” Panic seized her, and Cami struggled in earnest to free herself. “You have to listen. Please, don’t do this. Becks, stop!”

  Neither of them listened, and as Becks brought the marking device toward her face, Cami did the only thing she could. She opened her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs.

  The doors behind them hissed open again, and an enormous cat, similar in size and appearance to the prehistoric saber-tooth tiger, bounded off the lift. His russet-colored fur rose along his spine, and he crouched low, stalking the lieutenants with a screeching snarl that echoed down the corridor.

  Parsons dropped her to the ground, pushing her behind him as he and Becks backed away, both reaching for the blasters at their hips. Focused on the massive tiger with his dripping fangs, Cami didn’t notice Tariq come up behind her, and she screamed again, when he grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “Go,” he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

  Nodding, Cami hurried back to their quarters, but she stay just inside the doorway to watch the scene unfold. A few of the other residents in their wing peeked out from their doorways as well, but none of them offered any assistance.

  The big cat Cami had finally identified as Sion weaved back and forth as he prowled down the hallway, herding the elites toward Tariq. With a kind of horrified awe, she watched as the hands that touched her so gently wrapped around Becks’ throat. While crushing the man’s larynx, Tariq slammed him against the wall over and over with increasing violence, until Cami thought for sure the lieutenant’s head would pop off and roll across the floor.

  Parsons trained his blaster at Tariq’s back, but an angry growl had him spinning back toward Sion. The momentary distraction earned him a sharp blow to the back of his head from Tariq’s elbow. The lieutenant crumpled to the ground with a grunt, and he didn’t get up again.

  Judging by the dark, furious thoughts of the two Helios, Cami feared someone was going to end up dead before help could arrive. If she interfered, Tariq would be furious, but if she did nothing, he’d probably end up in the Mars penal colony for the rest of his life.

  “Oh.” Cami bounced up on her toes and groaned. “Crap.” Then she dart back into the hallway, running to place herself between Sion and the felled Parsons. “Stop! Sion, Tariq, stop!”

  Sion chuffed, nudging her out of the way with his sn
out. Tariq didn’t even glance in her direction before driving his fist into Becks’ jaw.

  “Tariq, stop it! He’s had enough.” Wrapping both hands around his bicep, she jerked as hard as she could, but she could have been pulling on a freightliner for all the good it did. “I’m okay. Tariq, look at me. Look at me! That’s enough.” When that still didn’t work, Cami changed tactics. “Tariq, help me!”

  That seemed to do the trick. Tossing Becks aside like a used toy, he turned and bared his fangs, reading to defend her from some new threat. It didn’t take long for him to realize her deception, and the vein in his forehead throbbed as he rose to his full and intimidating height.

  “Cami, what are you doing?”

  “Stopping you from murdering Becks.”

  Parsons groaned from somewhere to the right, and both Tariq and Sion converged on him with feral growls. Using her smaller size to her advantage, Cami ducked under Tariq’s arm, placing herself between the elite and the two Helios.

  “Enough! Back off!” Tariq reached for her, and Sion snarled, but Cami threw her hands in the air and growled right back. “I said back the fuck off!”

  Hearing the curse come from her own mouth barely fazed her, but it seemed to shock Tariq out of his blind rage. Unfurling himself from his crouch, he looked at the bloody mess he’d made of Becks, and then down at Parsons.

  “Cami, come here.” He held a hand out to her. “I’m okay now, but I need you to come here.”

  Taking his hand, Cami sighed when he pulled her into his arms and held her close, rubbing his cheek over the top of her head. “Are you okay, angel? Did they hurt you?”

  “No, I’m not hurt.”

  Parsons tried to sit up, but Sion dropped a huge paw on his chest, knocking him back to the ground. Becks leaned against the opposite wall, breathing raggedly as he used the black sleeve of his uniform to mop the blood from his nose. Neither looked to be in any condition to start more trouble.

  The lift doors slid open, and three elite officers emerged with their blasters drawn, followed closely by General Whitmore. “It’s about time,” Cami grumbled under her breath.


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