It'll Be Fun

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It'll Be Fun Page 3

by Tymber Dalton

With the bag moved to the side garage door so she didn’t have to carry it through the house, she returned to try to help him out.

  “How’d you end up in goat shit, anyway?”

  “A couple of the little kids had a Frisbee and were tossing it around. I started playing with them, one of them accidentally lobbed it over my head, and I jumped and wasn’t paying attention. Wylie had one of the goats staked out in the yard to graze, and I tripped over its stake and fell, bam, right in a pile of fresh goat poop.”

  “Only you, goober. You’re going to have to go to the ER for that foot. Maybe I should just grab my purse and get you into the passenger side.”

  He shook his head. “No, Ma’am. Please bring me the crutches from the garage. I want a shower first, then you can take me to the ER.”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “Okay, hold on.” She headed inside. He’d twisted ankles and knees enough times over the years Eliza had learned early on to keep a pair of Rusty-sized crutches on hand. She quickly found them, then brought them out to him and helped steady him while he hobbled his way out of the SUV and up the front porch.

  Inside, Eliza ran interference for him with the bulldogs and got him down the hall and into their bedroom so she could strip him and sit him on the edge of their bed.

  “Can I leave you alone for five minutes while I unload your stuff?”

  He nodded. “I won’t move, I promise.”

  She kissed the top of his head and headed out to handle that. With the SUV unloaded, and the last of the groceries put away, she started stripping as she returned to their bedroom, where Boo and Chica were sitting and mournfully staring up at their daddy.

  “Okay, barbarian. Shower.” He used the crutches and she took them from him once he was in the shower, where she had him lean against the wall while she lathered and rinsed him.

  So much for afternoon nookie.

  She’d been looking forward to fooling around with Rus before they headed to the club tonight to volunteer.

  Which triggered another thought. “Dammit, I need to tell Cali we’re out for tonight.”

  “I’ll be okay, Ma’am. I can DM sitting down. It won’t be the first time.”

  “Rus, I’m bathing you in the shower because you can barely stand. Your foot looks like a mutant eggplant. You’re not going tonight.”

  “I can stay home alone, then, and you can still go. But I really want to go. I was looking forward to it.”

  “Let’s see what the doctor says. If you broke it, you’re staying home and staying off it. Period.”

  She got them both dried off and handed him his crutches to limp into the bedroom, where she dressed him in a T-shirt and shorts that were loose enough he could pull them off over a cast, if that was what he ended up in.

  Twenty minutes later, they were on their way to the closest hospital for X-rays.

  Two hours later, not only was his foot extra purple, they had confirmation that he’d broken two bones in it. They stabilized it with an air cast and told him to keep his weight off it, and gave him the name of a doctor to have a look at it on Monday.

  And they gave him a shot of pain meds that had him loopy and high as fuck by the time Eliza got him back in the SUV, along with a prescription for five days’ worth of milder painkillers, which they got filled on their way home.

  “Uh, you’re not going to the club tonight,” she said.

  He grinned. “Aw, come on. Think of how much fun it’d be to beat me now!”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m cancelling.”

  “Noooo.” He gave her boo-boo pouty lip. “You can go. I’ll be okay. The babies will babysit me.”

  “The babies will need walkies,” she reminded him.

  “They’ll come back in for cookies.”

  This was true. And they were already short-handed tonight.

  “Okay, fine. But I still need to call Cali and tell her you’re out of action for tonight.”

  After getting him home and situated on the couch, she called Cali. “You won’t believe this shit,” Eliza said by way of greeting.

  “No call that starts with that phrase ever ends well,” Cali snarked. “Especially from you. Hit me.”

  Eliza did, and Cali was laughing by the time Eliza finished telling it. “Um, wow. Poor guy. Let me know how goat shit washes out of pants.”

  “Oh, man. I still need to do that.”

  “We can get by if you want to cancel, too.”

  “No, I’ll come in. At least to get the evening started. I can run the office for you and you can DM for Rus. Once it slows down, if you don’t need me, I’ll take off.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” She looked at where Rus was already passed out on the couch, naked and softly snoring. “Hopefully he won’t maim himself further while I’m gone.”

  “This is Rusty we’re talking about. He seems to have special skills in that department.”

  “Tell me about it,” Eliza snarked.

  Chapter Four

  Run a BDSM club, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.

  Now Cali understood why Marcia had that mantra.

  Cali got off the phone and headed out to the garage, where her two goobers were working on making more stock for their online BDSM store, Two Crafty Bastards Toys.

  “Hey, we’re down Rusty tonight.” By the time she finished telling them the story they were both laughing their asses off.

  Then again, they were pretty good about maiming themselves, too. Just not to the extent Rusty was.

  “Goat shit?” Max asked. “That’s a new one, even for him, I think.”

  “Yeah,” Sean said. “That’ll probably make it into one of Lynn’s books.”

  “You know,” Max said, “there’s an easy solution to this.”

  “Wrap Rusty in bubble wrap?” Cali asked.

  “Besides that. I’ll walk next door and ask one of the guys to fill in.”

  “Oh.” She mentally smacked herself. “Duh. Yeah, that’ll work.” It was nice having Essie and her guys living right next door now instead of a few houses down.

  He set aside the paddle he was currently working on and kissed her on his way past her. “I have a good idea every once in a while, babe.”

  “Yeah, you do.” He left, and Cali turned to Sean. “How much longer are you two going to work out here?” she asked.

  She knew from experience that there was a better chance of having a backyard barbecue on Hoth than getting laid at the end of their evening after working a volunteer shift at the club. They were slated to close tonight, meaning they wouldn’t get home until three or four in the morning. It really was an extra job now, but one none of them minded doing.


  She stared at him. “Seriously, Sean?”

  He grinned. “I just like hearing you ask for sex, babe. It kind of helps boost a guy’s ego, you know.”

  She walked over and cupped her hand over his crotch through his shorts. “I need a really hard fucking from you two. How’s that?”

  His smile faded as he bobbed his head back and forth in contemplation. “Lacking a certain subtlety, but I can work with it.” Then his grin returned and grabbed her, pulling her in for a kiss. “But I never was great with subtlety, lucky for you.”

  He kissed her again, backing her toward the door heading inside and switching off the lights behind them.

  Baxter, their cat, met them in the hallway.


  Sean looked down at him. “Dude, you are soooo not cock-blocking us today, buddy. If I have to go fuck your mom out in the goddamned pool, we are nailing her.”

  He looked up at Sean and blinked. “Maow.”

  “I think you’ve been challenged,” Cali teased. “And wow, the bloom’s off that rose, huh? ‘Nailing her?’ I don’t even warrant seduction anymore?”

  He grabbed her hips and ground against her. “How’s that for seduction, babe? Fucker’s been teasing me all morning, so blame him.”

  “Ah. I
’m guessing you mean Max, not Baxter?”

  “You guess right.”

  “Let me bait the four-legged pussy to the far end of the house,” she said, untangling herself from Sean before she ended up bent over the closest piece of furniture. She walked into her office and grabbed the canister of catnip she kept there to distract Baxter when he tried to climb on her desk while she was working.

  “Come here, Baxter.” She shook it, getting the cat’s immediate interest. She headed for the other end of the house, where they had a guest suite, and she snagged a couple of his scratching toys from the living room in the process.

  In the guest room, she liberally doused his scratchers with the catnip, and left him eagerly rolling around in a blissful daze in the middle of the floor.

  She could only imagine what his purring maows meant.

  “Preeetty cooollloorrrrrs…”

  By the time she joined Sean in the master bedroom, she heard Max return, the front door closing behind him, followed by the sound of the utility room door opening. “Ted’s going to come—”

  “Down here,” she called out as she started stripping.

  He appeared in the bedroom doorway. “Ahh. I see his cunning plan now.”

  “You were saying?” She lobbed her shirt at him, making him laugh.

  “Ted’s going to volunteer. So before you’re filled with cock at both ends, baby, maybe call Eliza back and see if she still wants to come.”

  “I want to come!” Sean called out from the master bathroom.

  “When don’t you?” Cali shot back.

  “True story.”

  Shirtless, she slithered past Max and his grabby hands and retrieved her phone from the office to call Eliza.

  She still planned to come in, at least for a couple of hours, which would put them back to where they started on volunteers—at the bare minimum to run the place, based on how many FetLife RSVPs were listed on the club’s event for that night. Which was never a reliable indicator. They could have three times as many show up, or a fraction of the numbers.

  A naked Sean emerged from the bathroom and tackled Cali onto the bed. “You’re wearing too many clothes, babe.”

  Max finished stripping. “I want either pool sex, or a shower before sex, because I’ve been sweating.” He reached over and smacked Sean’s ass. “You, too. You’re stinky.”

  “So romantic,” Cali teased. She kissed Sean, nipping his lip.

  Where it was rubbing against the front of her shorts, his cock grew hard.

  Max reached down, fisted Sean’s hair, and pulled him up and off her. “Let her get naked,” Max scolded him. “The sooner you let her get naked, the sooner we can all get laid.”

  “I was getting there, don’t rush me, Sir.”

  “No, you were about to hump her through her damn shorts.” Max slapped his ass again, hard. “Shower. Now.”

  They all headed into the shower to rinse off, and Cali wondered if they’d even make it back to bed from the way her men were playing with her. She had to admit this new world order of Max in charge overall was working well for all three of them. Sure, Sean was her legal husband, but in her heart she was married to both men, and they were married to each other.

  I’m a lucky, lucky woman.

  Somehow, she made it out of the shower unfucked, just for them to discover Baxter sitting in the middle of their bed, his tail curled around his feet.


  Sean groaned. “Motherfucker. We need a better grade of cat weed. That shit’s weak as fuck.”

  “No,” Cali said. “I didn’t want to do this, but I’m breaking out the big guns.” She headed to her office, retrieved the squirt bottle holding a mix of water and white vinegar, and returned with it.

  All she had to do was show it to the cat and he winced and took off running.

  Max and Sean both stared at the departing feline, then back to her.

  “What the hell, babe?” Max asked. “Why haven’t you told us that trick before?”

  “Because I hate using it. It’s only a last resort, if he gets too wound up and tries to climb onto my laptop or something.”

  Sean’s jaw dropped. “So letting him perforate my balls with his claws is okay, but squirting our darling little fucker with water is not? Can you please explain your logic?”

  Max shook his head at Sean. “You want to get laid, or not?”

  “I can multitask, thank you very much.”

  She squirted Sean dead in the face, rapid-fire, hitting him about four times with the stream.

  “What the shit, babe?” He blinked a couple of times before the vinegar really worked its way into his nose and eyes. “Ow, ow OW!” He bolted for the bathroom.

  Max looked…smug.

  She held it up with a hopeful smile on her face.

  He pointed at her. “Red.”

  She pouted. “Aw. You’re no fun.”

  “Motherfucker!” Sean yelled from the bathroom.

  “No, I’m just a forward-thinking kind of guy,” Max said as he held out his hand. “Give it. And go apologize to him.”

  Still pouting, she handed it over. From the stern look on his face, she knew if she violated a red and squirted him in the face anyway, she was very likely to get a spanking that wouldn’t be the slightest bit fun.

  Besides, they never intentionally violated a red with each other.

  Although the time Sean let a fart rip while she was giving him head had led to the nearly perforated balls when she dumped catnip on the two fuckers—Max got doused, too, because he’d laughed—and Baxter leaped onto the bed.

  Max took the squirt bottle back to the office for her while she walked into the bathroom. Sean leaned over the sink, washing his face.

  She grinned. “Sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. You were smiling.”

  “Yeah, but do you see now why Baxter hates it and why I hate doing it to him?”

  “Yeah. And, oh, fucking red, goddammit.”

  “Max already said it.”

  He finally shut off the water and dried his face. His eyes looked red and bloodshot.

  And his cock was wilted.

  He stared at her. “Okay, so I’m going to call a proactive red on any similar things that could be considered chemical weapons—pepper spray, vinegar, bear spray, mace—anything.”

  “Bear spray?”

  “I’m trying to cover my ass.” He hung the towel up.

  Max appeared in the doorway. “You going to live?”

  “You were absolutely no help in there, Sir.”

  Max grinned. “What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn’t know she was going to squirt you in the face.”

  “You could punish the pet and lock her in chastity or something.”

  “Except I want to fuck the pet.” Max pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “And it’s not like that’s the worst thing she’s ever done to you before, you have to admit. Not like she took off an eyebrow or something. And the whole—”

  “Okay, no playing the ‘almost died’ card again, all right? That was fifty percent you, and you know it.”

  She took pity on Sean and turned in Max’s arms to hold hers open to Sean. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Come here, and I’ll make you forget your troubles.”

  Sean looked down at his limp cock, grabbed it, and shook it. It flopped around. “You broke my boner, babe. I don’t know what the appropriate punishment is for that.”

  “Well, if you’ll let me kiss it and make it better,” she said, “I can probably fix that for you.”

  He walked over and let her pull him in for a kiss. “Sir, please punish the pet.”

  Max chuckled. “No.”

  “Why not?” he whined.

  “Because it was funny. And I am a sadist.”

  * * * *

  Max was having a seriously hard time not laughing his ass off at Sean. He did look pitiful, but like 99.9% of everything Sean had ever endured while with him and Cali, he’d get over it as soon as she got his co
ck hard again. Their sweet boy was easy in that respect.

  He angled them all toward the bed and put her up on it, Sean at the head of the bed and Cali on her hands and knees between his thighs. Max knelt behind her, between her legs, and swiped his cock up and down her pussy before sinking home.

  “Oh, that feels good,” Max gasped. “Take care of our boy, sweetheart. Make it up to him.”

  Cali smiled up at Sean before she bent her head to his cock. Sean’s sharp hiss of breath made Max’s cock throb where he was holding still deep inside Cali’s pussy. He needed to just sit there and watch for a moment or he’d be coming in no time.

  He reached up and fisted her hair, gathering it away from her face so he could watch unimpeded. “That’s it, baby,” Max said. “Swallow that cock.”

  Sean cupped her head with his hands. Even as his crisp blue gaze fixed on Max, it quickly turned dark under heavy lids as he forgot his irritation at her and got into the blow job.

  Max tightened his grip on her hair, knowing the moan she released in response would vibrate through Sean’s cock and balls. “You love this, don’t you?” he asked. “Having us at your beck and call. You know you like having us panting after you, don’t you?”

  “Mmm-hmm!” she mumbled around Sean’s meat.

  “Fuuuuck,” Sean gasped, throwing his head back against the headboard.

  “Eyes on me, boy,” Max ordered, loving the way Sean was practically in subspace already.

  Yeah, this configuration worked out for the best. Sean got to marry her, and that helped heal parts of his wounded soul that Max had been unable to, no matter how hard he’d tried to over the years, and Max got to own both of them.

  Everyone’s a winner.

  Max kept his gaze locked with Sean’s as he slowly started fucking Cali. No, she wouldn’t get off like this, but he’d get her off once they finished. He couldn’t punish their pet when she’d amused him so much.

  Just like he wouldn’t have punished Sean in a bad way.

  “You know,” Max said, “it’s been a long time since we fisted our girl. I think we should take a few hours tomorrow afternoon to tie her up and play with her.”

  A long, rolling moan from Cali had Sean obviously gasping and struggling to maintain control. “Don’t you come yet,” Max ordered him. “You wanted to come, so make it last.”


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