Nexus of Time

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Nexus of Time Page 40

by Mark Riverstone

"Ying, I will apply a toxin extract on your forearm. Before the procedure, this could cause severe blistering, your skin and epidermal cells to collapse, and prevent your regenerative process from healing the skin. However, since the procedure, your flesh should reseal itself faster than the toxic can affect your cells, limiting the damage, and allowing the cells to heal."

  "I watched a recording of the procedure. How does mixing his body with gallium help?" asks Captain Nemolopolus.

  "It's not just the gallium, but the dimensional integration. Once Ying came out of the rift, both the inorganic and organic molecules arranged in the same direction. The best example I can give, Captain, is think of the molecules in his flesh like the pages of a book. Stabbing a book with a knife perpendicular from first page toward the last puts a hole in the pages, which is how our flesh responds to a stab. But his flesh, with the molecules in line, is like stabbing a book from the side. The knife blade goes between the pages, so the knife goes into the book but doesn't puncture any pages, and when you pull the knife out, the pages come back together as if the knife was never there."

  "I understand that. Amazing, doctor. But why inorganic material? Wouldn't organic material align as well?"

  "Yes. We could combine two organic materials, but that makes the flesh weaker. Adding inorganic to organic material causes it to be stronger. The inorganic material doesn't age, doesn't respond to allergens. Applying toxin to Ying's hybrid flesh damages the organic material, but not the inorganic, so even if organic molecules get destroyed, the inorganic remains keeping his flesh intact, allowing his body to regenerate the organic cells."

  "Are you saying he can't be killed?"

  "No, just very resilient. A bomb that kills us blows him apart, too. He merely has a step up over other Greys as far as poisons, toxins, punctures and lacerations. The only unexpected result that I didn't predict for but should have foreseen is his weight. He is now twice as heavy as he was. He weighs nine hundred pounds; the weight of both his flesh and the gallium in it. So please consider anywhere he goes, anything you ask him do to, make sure it can handle his current weight."

  "Damn, that's heavy," amazes the captain.

  "I don't feel that heavy," says Ying.

  "Your body can handle it. The genetic alterations from the Silverback DNA gave you extreme strength, and like your flesh, your muscles were strengthened. You could lift twice that weight if not more. Any more questions before we begin?" asks Dr. Black.

  "No," states Captain Nemolopolus.

  "Ying, are you ready?"

  "Let's get this over with," say Ying.

  Dr. Black removes a pair of gloves from her pocket and slips them on. She then pulls out a vial with a black liquid, a squeeze bottle of alcohol, and a cotton-tipped applicator.

  "Could both you hold Ying's right arm? Ying, I need them to keep your arm still, even if you experience pain, so I can clean off the toxin after I am done. Hold him, please."

  Captain Nemolopolus grabs Ying's arm at the elbow, while Walter holds Ying's wrist tight. Dr. Black dips the cotton applicator into the black ooze within the vial. She then sets the vial aside. Turning to Ying, she applies the liquid to his forearm. The pain causes Ying to flinch and jerk his arm, his strength sending Nemolopolus and Walter tumbling backwards.

  "Try to control yourself, Ying!" demands Dr. Black.

  Gnashing his teeth, Ying squeezes his fist while he holds out his forearm for Dr. Black. The three watch as his flesh reddens, blisters, and pulls apart, exposing silver gallium. Then, the blisters deflate and the skin seals. Dr. Black wets gauze from the squeeze bottle of alcohol, and wipes Ying's flesh clean where the reaction was taking place. As Dr. Black removes the toxin, Ying relaxes and his skin returns to normal.

  "That's it. He should be able to go anywhere on the ship or any place humans use petroleum and petroleum extracts, and even if the toxin is concentrated enough to trigger a reaction, his body will fight back and prevent him from being incapacitated."

  "That stung," says Ying.

  "But you could breathe and move, and it healed. Better than before, right?" adds Dr. Black.

  Nemolopolus pats Ying's back, "Good to have you with us again."

  "Good to be back, Captain."

  "So, what are you working on here, Ying?" asks Captain Nemolopolus.

  "Picking up where I left off. Before I became incapacitated, I was trying to locate and extract specific information from within this cuboid." Ying turns to Dr. Black and Walter, "Walter, you discovered these cuboids were perpetual motion power amplifiers. You named it the Zeus Box, didn't you?"

  "Correct. And Nemolopolus has told us you discovered they also stored information in them," adds Walter.

  "That's right. Using molecular data storage."

  "How do you store information on a molecule?" asks Walter.

  "You don't. With computers, Machine Language builds information strings using zeros and ones. Molecular storage is similar in that the orientation of the molecule represents data. Each molecule, based on its orientation, is like a one, a zero, both a zero and one, or neither one nor zero. Within that cuboid are more molecules than can be counted, which lends to unlimited information storage space."

  "Nemolopolus mentioned to me that their civilization's information is on one of those. It that true?" asks Walter.

  "All the information up to the point we removed it from the Grey craft and took possession. Data cannot be added once the box is disconnected. It is designed so a few Greys who get stranded alone with one of these possess the information to construct anything, including the cloning of themselves to rebuild their species. It also contains their history and mistakes."

  "Mistakes? What do you mean?" asks the captain.

  "They don't call them mistakes. I call them mistakes. They don't think they make mistakes. The Greys refer to bad decisions as 'actions that were adversely affected by the unforeseen'. That is the closest translation I can make."

  "What information have you extracted from the box?"

  "After hearing from Dr. Black what was wrong with me, I searched to see if the Greys are aware of their allergies. And they are. A long time ago, Greys tried to eliminate ginkgo biloba from the Earth. But there was a small bit hidden in China they didn't locate. Eventually a group of humans that evolved into the Chinese found it, discovered the plant's benefits, and propagated it. That part about the Chinese wasn't in their history, it is in ours. But ginkgo biloba doesn't concern them, there isn't enough to be a threat.

  "Petroleum danger was very real to them. Came across subterranean deposits and discovered massive amounts existing in the earth. Ancient humans didn't know of or use crude in their early development, so it was no threat or concern to Grey's wellbeing.

  "That is until another intergalactic species known as the Anunnaki came to Earth. The Anunnaki's primary focus was organic science. They even had organic machines they grew instead of built. Anunnaki came across Earth when they were exploring the universe for organic signatures. Greys intercepted the Anunnaki when they observed the Anunnaki arrival. Anunnaki explained to the Greys that their ship was damaged and they needed raw materials from Earth to fix it. Greys didn't see the Anunnaki as a direct threat because the Greys were more advanced, but that caused the Greys to treat the Anunnaki as a lesser species who needed to obey the Greys when in this solar system. Greys allowed the Anunnaki to get resources from the Earth, providing they didn't colonize, inhabit, affect the genetic structures of Earth's creatures, or bestow advanced knowledge onto humans."

  "What the Greys figured out after destroying the Anunnaki people, is the Anunnaki were aware of the Greys from long ago. From the time when the Greys number in the billions and spread across the universe. Not the few thousands that currently exist. The Anunnaki captured a Grey prior to their arrival on Earth from a distant Grey colony near the Anunnaki homeworld. They experimented on and dissected the Grey, and learned everything about

  Grey biology, what healed them, and what killed them.

  "When they came to Earth, the Anunnaki ship didn't need repaired as they claimed. The Anunnaki planned to colonize earth. They first saw the Grey colony near their homeworld die off within hours, no survivors. Searching out other Grey colonies, they found the same: death of all Grey inhabitants. Soon discovering that the Grey population went from billions to a few thousand remaining on a distant planet, Earth. The Anunnaki assumed it was biological weakness in the Greys that cause them to die off, and that the Greys were heading towards extinction.

  "Since the Anunnaki were no match for the Greys' technological weaponry, they thought they could use their biological expertise to get their genes into the human gene pool through engineering and interbreeding, taking over the Earth with propagation instead of altercation. On first arrival, the Anunnaki scanned Earth, searching for the compounds that their research proved toxic to Greys, and found many of them in oil deposits. While pretending to fix their ship, the Anunnaki began teaching humans in Africa and the Middle East how to find and use crude oil for things like roads and coating, asphalt, sealing seafaring ship hulls, embalming, and adhering wall blocks together in places like ancient Egypt and the Mediterranean. Making human habitations toxic to the Greys was to keep the Greys away from humanity while the Anunnaki infiltrated genetically.

  "Greys, trusting no species and always keeping a close eye, discovered that the Anunnaki were attempting to splice their genes into humanity with the intent of colonization. By the time Greys noticed the Anunnaki introduced humans to crude oil, it was too late to prevent its use or contain the knowledge from humans. The Anunnaki were successful in making human habitations toxic to Greys, but did not complete their efforts to integrate their DNA into human beings.

  "The Greys were exacting and lethal in their reaction to the Anunnaki's efforts. Sending out a few ships with weaponry capable of annihilating worlds, the Greys obliterated the Anunnaki home planet and every Anunnaki colony in the universe, leaving alive only the Anunnaki ship that came to Earth. Anunnaki didn't consider that a species advanced as the Greys would be so unforgiving, undiplomatic and swiftly violent for not following Grey rules on Earth.

  "Greys did what they did as an imitative action, copying the punishment inflicted on them by a species who exterminated almost all the Greys. A species who reduced the Greys to the thousands existing today. Greys told the remaining Anunnaki that no intelligent species should completely exterminate a species to extinction, but leave enough of the species to either start over or witness their own extinction."

  "These Anunnaki got crude oil integrated into humanity to keep the Greys away?" asks Captain Nemolopolus.

  Ying nods, "Yes, though humanity ran with it, using it in every aspect of our existence. That's when the Greys engineered hybrids. Early hybrids used other creature DNA combined with Grey DNA, but engineered to bear the same physical characteristics as humans. They tried to stay away from using human DNA combined with Grey DNA for hybrids, having a fear that such a creature could pose a danger. But modern humans became skilled at uncovering Grey-created reptilian hybrids that could mimic humans, so they had no choice. They came up with a way to alter human DNA and add Grey attributes without integrating Grey DNA, creating non-allergenic hybrids that we named 'skin spawns'. Ever since, Greys could safely insert operatives, their slaves, into human populations and affect us without exposing themselves to petroleum toxins."

  "You said the Greys at one time numbered in the billions, having colonies around the universe. Who was this species that could exterminate beings as powerful as the Greys?" asks Walter.

  "The race which killed off the Greys was named the Ma'an Ganudeh. I can only best translate that as 'the Unseen Swarm'. The history I read describes the Greys exploring a lush planet, a planet they classified as the largest planet in the entire universe. The diameter is twenty time that of Jupiter, including Jupiter's gas atmosphere. This planet was very lush and water-based. The Greys found a plethora of plant and animal life forms. What was most notable to them was the range of sizes and life cycles of the organic lifeforms. There were flowers so small one could not see them without magnification, and flowers so large a single petal weighed more than a Grey. Gravity was higher, but the Greys used technology to compensate, making it bearable. Rotation was slow, but it had other star suns near enough that the planet never experienced complete darkness and remained relatively warm."

  Walter injects, "Ying, that is fascinating, but I want to hear about the species that exterminated Greys. Why did they attack the Greys?"

  "That was a question the Greys weren't able to answer until the war was lost. The 'Unseen Swarm' was an intelligent microbial animal species with an extremely quick life cycle that inhabited this colossal planet. The Unseen Swarm birth their offspring in a mitosis process with cellular memory, which allow their knowledge and memories to transfer to their offspring. They never had to teach or learn past knowledge, only discover and develop. A single one of their beings could not be seen by the naked eye. A small attack craft from the Unseen Swarm resembled a glowing speck of dust. An Unseen Swarm interplanetary vessel that has the capacity to destroy a Grey colony on another planet was no bigger than a golf ball. The reason the Greys didn't figure this out to fight back was each species' different perspective of time. While the Unseen Swarm had performed a multigenerational war on the Greys pushing the Greys to extinction, only a few weeks of time passed in a Grey time cycle."

  Dr. Black gets a curious look, "That seems plausible, though it's tough to imagine that at the end of a week of war, you are actually fighting the children's children of those you started fighting with."

  Ying lets out an underestimating chuckle, "It was more generations than that. So much time passed in the Unseen Swarm's time, they not only traveled and destroyed every Grey colony in the universe, including the Greys on earth, except the Moon colony, but also deciphered Grey language and learned how to manipulate Grey technology enough to leave a message in the Grey's data center for the Greys to recover. That is when the Greys realized they were in a war."

  Captain Nemolopolus asks, "What was the message?"

  Ying nods, "It was long, but I can summarize. In the message, the Unseen Swarm told the Greys that the retaliation was for the death of a hundred billion of the Unseen Swarm's species and the annihilation of a habitation center, a city network. It happened when the Greys found the massive planet full of life and landed on the surface. They landed their craft right on top of one of the Unseen Swarm's micro civilizations. Spatially in that scenario, you could surmise that many of the micro species survived a spacecraft landing on top them, because many tiny crevices and air pocket exist in the ground in which a micro being might find refuge. However, the particle propulsion ducts on the bottom of the Grey craft used for landing bombarded the ground with particle engine discharge, tearing apart any living organism that survived the crushing.

  "The remaining Unseen Swarm micro civilization on the planet, numbering in the quadrillions, made a careful plan to invade the Grey ship, locate Grey colonies in the Grey data system, and exterminate a number of Greys equal to the number of Unseen killed. That number was never reached because there were not as many Greys in the universe as micro species killed.

  "After the Grey colonies were eradicated, and the Earth habitations, the only Greys still alive were in the Moon's subterranean colony. Then finally, one moment of the war worked in the Grey favor. So many generations of these microbes passed, the Unseen Swarm grew weary of fighting. The fourth-generation offspring of those who began the war did not hunger for retaliation as much as their ancestors who witnessed the Grey's destruction of billions. The descendants did not want to be the ones to annihilate a life form from the universe, even one as reviled as the Greys. In a final act of mercy that ended their war, the Unseen Swarm decided the few thousand Greys on the Moon could live, leaving them a message of what took place, and that those surviving Greys would bear witness to the mistake of the Grey species. The message also said that
if the Greys became extinct, it will be by their own inability to continue and not because of the Unseen Swarm's retaliation. That same message was sent by the Greys to the Anunnaki. The remaining Greys surviving the Unseen Swarm War archived the data on their defeat, marked the giant planet of micro species off limits, and focused on protecting Earth for repopulation and revitalization of the Grey species.

  "Over millennia, the Greys became an asexual species that cloned to expand. After that war, the remaining gene pool the Greys had to clone from was very limited, so the Greys needed to create a gendered breeding species to incorporate natural genetic diversity. Setting up a few hidden colonies on Earth and experimenting on humans for thousands of years, the Greys created a genetically pure gendered species of Grey, male and female, for procreation and to reestablish genetic diversity while expanding for repopulation of the earth."

  "Those were the breeders that Nix was focused on destroying," says Dr. Black.

  Ying agrees, "And the Greys were aware you, humans, did that. Records show they lost their first generation of breeders in the destruction of the Pacific Ocean deep-sea colony. But the breeder science and research were already exchanged between the Zeus Boxes, so the colony destruction only slowed, not stopped, their efforts. They had two other generations of breeders being developed. One under the land, somewhere in Northmost Europe, and one generation in the Moon, being raised under different gravitational conditions. Their repopulation efforts continue.

  "It was because humans destroyed the deep-sea colony that the assault against humanity was hastened. It had not started yet as of the time we acquired this cuboid I'm using. Even though they thought it was premature to begin an assault on humanity, and didn't have the numbers yet to begin Earth repopulation, they decided because of the deep-sea colony's destruction, humanity was too dangerous to continue."

  Nemolopolus asks, still not sure of what happened with the micro species, "I'm a little confused on their war with the Unseen Swarm. If the Greys didn't know they were at war until the war was over, what did the Greys think was happening to the colonies dying off?"


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