Northanger Alibi

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Northanger Alibi Page 4

by Jenni James


  “Whatever! He’s not here. Okay? And he’s definitely not watching you.”

  “How do you know?”

  Sometimes Cassidy can make the weirdest gestures, like she’s having a seizure or something. Really, I’m not kidding. Downright scary, especially at church, with everyone watching.

  She glared at me. “I. Can’t. Believe. I’m. Having. This. Conversation.”


  She whipped her head around and stared at me. “Are you okay? How close did you get to Tony yesterday, anyway?”


  She put her hand up to my head. “Hmm. You don’t feel feverish.”

  I swatted her away. “Stop it. Of course I’m not sick. Don’t you have any imagination at all?”


  “Ahem!” Roger interrupted.

  We both looked up. Everyone was standing, getting ready to sing. Ack! I fumbled with the hymnal, and Cassidy and I scrambled to our feet as quickly as possible. Under the beginning notes of the organ, I explained, “It’s obvious he’s trying to fake being sick so I won’t know he’s a vampire.”

  “Save me, please.” She raised her eyes to the vaulted ceiling as everyone began to sing the first verse. “Somebody save me.”

  “Very funny,” I said as I found my place and joined the singing.

  “Only you would think so, Claire.”

  I decided to ignore her for the rest of the meeting. After all, why bother with someone who’s just trying to set me up to fail? It was obvious she didn’t want to lose the bet.


  Three days later, I still hadn’t seen Tony again. Roger had started his classes, and Darlene spent most of her days reading blogs and e-mails and keeping up with her online friends. Cassidy and I were basically left to our own devices, and considering the fact that she was still bugging me, it made it very hard being around her. I wasn’t bored, exactly—staying in Seattle sure beat staying home. I just wished there was something I could do! Even if Cassidy and I were on friendlier terms, neither of us knew the neighborhood well enough to go very far anyway.

  So there we were, twiddling our thumbs for the third day in a row, when thankfully, the doorbell rang. It was Nora. She was alone, but hey, I wasn’t complaining.

  “I came by to see if you two wanted to go the mall or something.”

  “Yes!” I beamed like a total idiot. “I love malls. Hold on, let me ask Cass. She’s upstairs reading.”


  “You’re welcome to come in and say hi to Darlene,” I offered.

  “Sure.” Nora smiled as she walked through the door.

  “She’s in the kitchen. I’ll be right down,” I hollered behind me as I dashed up the stairs. “Cass! Cassidy!” I nearly took the door down in my excitement.

  She looked up from reading Twilight. I had practically forced her to read the book, figuring that would help me win the bet about Tony. Plus, there was the added fact that it was only the greatest book ever written. And since there wasn’t anything else to do, Cassidy had reluctantly agreed. “Yeah?” she said. “What happened?”

  For a minute I forgot all about Nora. “Where are you?” I walked over and looked at the page number—54. Holy cow. This is right where it starts to get really good.

  “Um, I don’t know. Let me see . . . she almost cried cuz it seemed like her dad loved her.” I noticed Cassidy had her finger saving her spot in the book.

  Hee hee hee. She is getting into it. She doesn’t want to lose her place.

  “Was there something you needed?” she asked.

  Oh. “Nora came to see if we wanted to go to the mall with her today.”

  “Uh, the mall?” Cassidy looked torn. She loved the mall. She glanced down at the book, then shook her head. “No, I’d rather just take a break today. You go on without me, and I promise to take a rain check, okay?”

  You want to take a break? From what, lying around? Welcome to Twilight, the most addicting book on the planet. “Okay, whatever. I’ll see ya later.” Enjoy falling for Edward. I walked over to the door and waved, but she was already reading the book again.

  When I made it downstairs, I overheard Darlene talking to Nora.

  “Now, take this money. I want you and the girls to go watch a movie and get something to eat, okay?”

  I walked into the kitchen as Nora asked, “Are you sure?”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I offered, trying to be polite.

  Darlene waved me away. “Yes, I do. You girls have been cooped up here long enough. Now get out and enjoy yourselves. It’s my treat.”

  “Thanks!” Nora and I looked at each other and smiled. “Oh.” I turned to Darlene. “But Cassidy isn’t coming. She’s reading Twilight for the first time.”

  Darlene chuckled. “That’s a good book. I love that one. And so addictive.”

  My jaw dropped. “You’ve read Twilight?” Wow. She’s cooler than I thought.

  “Of course I have.” Darlene looked shocked that I would even question the statement. “I’ve read all the Meyer books. The Host is my favorite—but boy, that Carlisle is dreamy.”

  I grinned. I couldn’t help it. “You’ve got a thing for Carlisle? Edward’s dad?” She’s so funny.

  “Of course I do. He’s a doctor. I’ve always had a thing for doctors,” Darlene said with a wink.

  “Yikes! Don’t tell my dad.” Nora giggled. “He’s a doctor.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Darlene teased. “It’s a good thing he’s taken.”

  Nora burst out laughing. “Wow. You’re awesome.”

  Darlene chuckled. “Do you know when you’ll be back?”

  Nora looked over at me, but I shrugged. “Do you think eight is too late?” she asked Darlene.

  “Eight? Sure. Sounds fine to me. You’ve got your cell phone, right, Claire?”

  “Yep. It’s in my pocket.” I patted the back of my jeans for good measure.

  “Great. Well, then, you girls get out of here and have a good time.” She shuffled us out of the kitchen and into the living room. Opening the front door, she said, “Oh, and don’t forget to call if you need anything, okay?”

  “Thanks,” I replied just before she shut the door behind us.

  “Wow, Darlene is totally cool.” Nora smiled, walking toward the driver’s side of a gold Dodge Crossover.

  “Speaking of cool, where did you get this car?” I let my hand trail lightly across the hood. “Is it yours?”


  “Are you kidding me? You have your own car?” I nearly choked. Our family had two cars. If I wanted to drive, I usually got stuck with my mom’s minivan.

  “Well, actually, it’s mine and Tony’s. My parents aren’t that nice. We have to share.”

  “Yeah, but still.” She unlocked the door, and I climbed onto a soft leather seat. “What year is this?” The vehicle looked brand new.

  She shrugged. “Last year, I think. It’s not new.”

  “It’s a lot newer than anything I’ve got at home.” I snorted.

  “Really?” Nora started the car, and the engine purred to life. “So what mall do you want? Are you a high-end shopper, or do you prefer bargains?”

  I laughed. “You have to ask? Bargains, of course.” My seatbelt clicked into place.

  Nora looked at me funny for a moment, then smiled genuinely. “I think you and I are really going to get along.”

  “I hope so. We’re kind of stuck with each other all day.”

  She glanced over briefly before looking in the rearview mirror and pulling slowly away from the curb. “You don’t know my family. I love the mall we’re going to, but no one else will ever come with me.”


  She rolled her eyes. “They all shop high-end.”

  It took me a moment to process that, but when I did, a lightbulb went on. Tony likes expensive clothes! If I’d have thought about it, I would’ve known it already. Wasn’t Edward always wearing de
signer stuff?

  Once at the mall, we cruised a bit and slurped some Orange Julius smoothies until we found one of our favorite stores—Claire’s. I mean, hello, it has to be good if it’s got my name.

  “No way. Check out this necklace,” Nora gushed as she ran over to a super-cute necklace made of green glass beads.

  “Wow. That’s pretty. How much is it?” I picked one up from the display hook and looked at the tag. “Shut up. It’s only four bucks?”

  “You do love bargains!” Nora laughed. “Wahoo!”

  “Okay, so you want to know what my sisters and I do when we go to Claire’s?”


  “We play this game where we each see who can find the best bargains for only ten dollars.”

  “Cool. Let’s do it.”

  “But we only have ten minutes.”

  Nora pulled her cell out of her purse and checked the time. As soon as I did the same, she hollered, “Go!”

  She won, like, totally skunked me. I couldn’t believe it. She put the green necklace down and went in search of real bargains. Talk about cute stuff, too! I would wear all of it. Necklaces, bangle bracelets, earrings, and even an uber-cute headband. My lot was pitiful compared to hers.

  “Where to next?” she said with a giggle once we’d put it all back.

  “Does this mall have an Old Navy?” By far, my favorite clothing store.

  “You bet! And it’s really close by. Follow me.”

  I had to jog to catch up to her. “Man, I wish we had an outlet mall back home. This place is amazing.” Not to mention huge.

  “See what I mean? I swear my brother would like it if he’d give it a chance.” Nora stopped in front of the store and swung out her arm dramatically. “Ta-da! Everything you could ever want from Old Navy, at a fraction of the cost.”

  It was like a beacon of bliss had opened up, and a choir of angels welcomed me in. I couldn’t even move. My smile was so big, one of the angel’s trumpets could have fallen into it, and I never would’ve known. “Just to warn you now, I’m never going to leave—like, ever.”

  “Come on.” Nora chuckled and grabbed my arm, tugging me into my celestial paradise. “You haven’t seen anything yet. Wait till you check out the guys that work here.”

  Guys? I blinked, allowing my brain to clear from the fog. “What do you mean, guys?”

  She laughed, really laughed. “Most girls only come here to check out the guys. Seriously, Old Navy is known for hiring superior specimens. Just wait.”

  Well, then, show me the money.

  I could see exactly what she meant the moment we walked into the store. There were majorly hot guys everywhere. Now I know I’ve died and gone to heaven.

  And that’s when I saw him. The epitome of the perfect guy, walking straight toward us. Tall, built, dark hair that was a little longer than my mom liked, and dark, mysterious eyes. Those eyes connected with mine for a second, and my heart jumped into my throat.

  He continued to walk toward me, and I watched as one corner of his mouth moved up in a totally sexy smile of acknowledgement. He’s checkin’ me out, too! And he likes what he sees. And then I heard his voice. It was like warm, melted chocolate and husky hickory bark all at the same time.

  He was still looking at me when he called out, “Hey, Joe. I’ve got the size 8’s here. Gimme a sec and I’ll run them over to you.” Then he stopped right in front of me.

  I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe.

  Joe answered back, “Sure. Don’t take too long, ’kay?”

  “Hmm . . .” was the reply as the hot guy’s eyes searched mine before he took another step forward.

  Then he wrapped me in a huge hug and whispered, “Where have you been? I tried to text you all night.”



  Huh? I must be dreaming. I’m going to wake up any moment, and he’s going to be gone.

  My dream guy pulled back and brushed a strand of hair from my forehead. In confusion, I glanced away and caught Nora’s hugely baffled look. It probably mirrored my own.


  My eyes flew to his. Save me? Did he say, “Save me”?

  “Sadie, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked as he brushed another strand from my face.

  Oh, Sadie! Wrong. I gulped. He obviously thinks I’m someone else. “I—I—” I took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m Claire.” But I could be Sadie, if you want me to be.

  “Claire?” Clearly confused, he stepped back. “Your name is Claire?”

  No! “Yeah.” I bit my lip.

  “Are you kidding me?” He smiled, and I could feel my body melting on the spot.

  “No, I’m really Claire.” I grinned back.

  He chuckled and brought me in for another hug. He smelled awesome. “Then why have you let me call you Sadie all this time? I feel like a major nerd now. You should’ve said something.” He pulled back and looked at me.

  “I—I—” I never want this day to end. Ever. “I don’t know y—”

  He put his finger to my lips. “Hold that thought.” He must’ve liked the way my mouth felt, because he paused and looked down at his finger before his flirtatious eyes caught mine.

  Oh. My. Gosh. I could seriously die right now. Seriously. My breath caught in my throat again. I couldn’t say anything. I just nodded slightly. The action of his skin rubbing against mine sent a gazillion fairy sparkles and happy tinglings all over my mouth.

  “I really, really want to finish this conversation,” he said, “so could you do me a favor and wait right here? I promise I’ll be back in just a sec.”

  His finger was still on my mouth. With that faint connection between us, there was no way I could answer him. Honestly, all of my senses were in such disarray that if breathing wasn’t automatic, I’m positive my body couldn’t have handled that, either. I nodded again, and my eyelashes fluttered under the torrent of sensations that exploded on my lips.

  My dream guy must have noticed. He smiled that sexy half smile and mercifully dropped his finger, but then he stared intently at my mouth.

  I licked my lips nervously, and in response—

  He kissed me.

  Ahh! I stepped back. I was so floored, I dropped my purse and my smoothie. Not kidding. My Orange Julius Raspberry Crush smoothie exploded as it hit the floor, covering everything within a ten-foot radius—including me, Nora, my dream guy, and a huge display of clothes next to us. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

  The only sound for the first two seconds was a massive gasp from Joe, the coworker my dream guy had been talking to earlier.

  “Jaden!” Joe hollered once he’d found his voice. “What the heck was that?”

  My dream guy stepped back, wiping wet, pink foam off his uniform. He shook his head as he surveyed the damage.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I mumbled. Seriously, could I have been a bigger dork if I tried? I know he hates me. He has to hate me. I hate me!

  “I’m gonna have to go with smoothie—or milkshake—but I’m thinkin’ smoothie,” Jaden answered, chuckling to himself.

  “You think this is funny?” Joe stormed over and stared at the mess. “Jaden, I can’t believe you let your friends come in with drinks, man! You know the rules.” Joe gestured to me and the display behind me. “Just look at her. She’s a freak who just cost this store about four hundred dollars in damage.”

  People were staring. My clothes were wet. I did the only sensible thing a girl could do in that situation—I ran. Totally immature, I know. But I was so humiliated, I just didn’t think properly. Instead, I pushed past a smoothie-splattered Nora and bolted out of Old Navy so fast, you’d have thought I was in a track meet.

  I was almost to the entrance of the mall when Jaden caught up with me. “Claire, wait!” His hand tugged my elbow. In less than a heartbeat, I was wrapped snugly up against his warm chest again. Really, the guy was good with hugs. I was panting so hard, I couldn’t have spoken even i
f I wanted to.

  “Hey.” His deep voice washed over me. “It’s okay. Really, it’s okay.”

  I lost it. Like, really lost it. He was too nice. I always start crying after embarrassing instances when the people around me are concerned and nice about it.

  “Don’t mind Joe. He’s a jerk sometimes. Really. I would know—I’ve worked with him for two years.” Jaden rubbed my back gently, and I relaxed against him. “Besides,” he continued, “people spill their drinks in that store every day. I’m serious. Joe was just extra cranky because ours was the third mess today.”

  Ours? I pulled back a little and stared at his shirt. “Uh, ours?”

  “Ah! She can speak.” I could hear the relief in his voice, even though I didn’t look up.

  “You didn’t spill that stupid drink, I did.”

  “Yes.” He lowered his head to see my eyes. “But who couldn’t help himself and took you by surprise and kissed you?” He brushed a stray tear off my cheek. “And just for the record, had I been carrying a drink, I would’ve dropped it too.”

  Liar. “Really?”

  His dark brown eyes, completely full of mischief, twinkled into mine. I really didn’t know anything about the guy—but I didn’t need to. He was wonderful. “You do realize the only thing that’s stopping me from kissing you now is that I’m afraid you’ll run again. Believe it or not, I have a total soft spot for tears. I can’t help myself. I have to kiss them away.”

  “Y–you have to kiss them away?”

  “Yep. You’re looking unbelievably tempting right now.”

  “I am?”

  “Oh yeah.”


  “But first things first. I think introductions are in order.”

  “Introductions?” My head was swimming. I could barely keep up with his train of thought.

  Jaden smiled and shook his head. “Stop. You’re looking more tempting the longer I’m with you.” He took two steps back—I missed his warmth the second he was gone—and held his hand out to me.

  “We’ve never met before, have we? Wait, don’t answer that.” He raised his other hand. “It’s obvious I’ve got you confused with someone else. So, let’s start again.”


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