Primal: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Alpha Unknown Book 1)

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Primal: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Alpha Unknown Book 1) Page 12

by Penelope Woods

  “I guess that’s where I come in,” Cadmar said. “I designed the technologies to keep the subjects’ brains intact. I developed an advanced algorithm, which turned into a new project. The climate was changing. All of us in the community knew that. With the help of the government, I attempted to make a new world built on the neural pathways of our own leading scientists. As critters and humans alike managed to find a way in, this world soon began sprouting more life. Evolution came faster than expected. There was blood on our hands, but we celebrated with the finest champagne. That was when they turned the guns on us.”

  Mag leaned out of the tent to check if Zane had somehow stayed close enough to hear all of this. My guess was he was already far off into the mountains nearby, searching for the power conductor to get us home. When he lowered his head back inside, he finished the story. “I stood guard, following orders to kill anyone who tried to escape. The leader, an older man who had been a prominent scientist for decades, hooked them to tubes. He placed the electromagnetic helmet around their foreheads, flicking on switches I didn’t know two fucks about. A humming noise started from the countless generators. Their screams filled the room. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Thing is, I’ve always been a man who followed his gut. I’m loyal, but once I see too many wrongs and no rights, I start to plan things out. When I saw Donovan and Cadmar hooked up to that machine, I had to do something. I’m not just some fucking lapdog for the state. In the heat of the moment, I turned toward my own team, the soldiers hired by corrupt CEOs and maintainers of power. I gave them an out, but they opened fire first. I took two in the leg. Shot three in the head before I had to take cover,” he said. “The humming in the room intensified, and I rushed to unplug the technology. It’s difficult to recall everything that happened, but a bright flash filled the area. I felt my body disappear. My guns mangled, twisting until they imploded into nothing. When I woke up, I was trapped in this place.”

  “Forced to adapt, he taught us all we know,” Cadmar added. “Never thought I’d celebrate a soldier, but Mag is one of the good guys.”

  “I just...” Mag sighed and looked confused. “I just don’t understand any of it. How did I get here?”

  Cadmar shrugged and heaved a sigh. “They opened fire in a highly dangerous zone.”

  Cadmar’s answer didn’t seem to satisfy Mag, but he nodded anyway. Maybe, he’d never know how he passed through. Maybe it didn’t matter.

  For some time, I remained quiet. I soaked in the information like a sponge, but it felt so real. Even though it happened before I was born, it was nearer than I ever expected. These men, somehow kept ageless due to the effects of this realm, were able to recall it in great detail.

  I said, “There is one thing I can’t put together. Some of the locals are still alive. When I came, there weren’t many, but they led me here.” I remained hopeful.

  Cadmar bowed his head and sighed. “Zane... well, shit. I’m not sure you want to hear this.”

  But Mag knew I could take it. Anyway, it didn’t matter if I could or couldn’t. I was in this now. I was committed to their cause.

  “Zane slaughtered them like innocent lambs. We’ve all seen it, Addie. I’m... sorry,” Mag said in a low and quiet tone.

  Addie. Are you there? Come in. Addie...?

  It was like being hit with a bullet straight into the fucking gut. Five years with someone. Five years of experiences, of fantasizing about weddings, babies, and the joy of growing older with someone. I felt like he wouldn’t ever leave me alone, that he would somehow betray me over and over again. The pain was deep and real, and it spread like a virus.

  I looked at each of them, and all I could see was honesty. I asked them one more time. “Promise me you’re not lying to me, too.”

  Donovan opened his mouth. “Addie, we—”

  “Promise me!” I cried and rolled over to my side.

  “Adeline, we’ve been waiting for you to come back for twenty years. I swear on everything that’s good and holy we’ll protect you,” Cadmar said as he laid his hand on my shoulder, taming the pain away.

  And I believed them. Every part of my body told me not to do it. My heart was pounding, screaming, “Addie, you’ve been hurt one too many times.” I didn’t want to be weak anymore. I didn’t want to have to search the ends of the earth for some type of ultimate truth. The only truth was being close to people, but that meant being vulnerable. I had to lay down all of my tools, my comforts, the thought of my team and my past. I had to move forward with my life.

  I took a deep breath and stared at the lining of the tent. I gazed at the team insignia for the second time and realized it was the crude sigil I had seen stitched into Mag’s blade. And even more curious, I started to remember where else I had seen it.

  “The first time I stepped through, I didn’t enter through a portal in Guatemala. I came in through somewhere in the Southwest,” I said, trying harder to recall what highway it was that sprawled across the vast desert. “I remember the facilities. They were lined with armed guards, but no one seemed to think of a young girl like myself as a threat. I remember walking inside and wandering down a darkened hallway. There was a room at the end. Yes, a room! I remember it now...”

  The men lowered their bodies around me to listen. They sat, holding their breath, giving me anticipatory glances. “Tell us more,” Donovan said.

  I closed my eyes and saw that mirror again. This time, it was only a recollection, not a delusion. I saw the glowing crystal in the center of that facility room. I saw that little girl turning to run. I saw her father, my father, place his hands around her shoulders. “I touched something. I remember it being a rock, or a crystal. It was glowing. But it wasn’t what I thought it was. It was some type of manmade conductor that led me all the way to you. Duh. Of course, it was,” I muttered, finally putting together the pieces. “When I exited, my father pulled me away. I had to get disinfected, but—”

  I stopped talking, and single drops of tears rolled from my eyes, trailing toward my open mouth.

  Please... no. Don’t let this be true.

  “My father was behind this,” I whispered, chest about to explode from so much tightness. My nerves. My body. Fuck...

  My memory was coming back to me. I could see it all so much clearer. As I was being dragged away from the room, I saw another boy. He was sitting quietly, smiling to himself. He waved at me. I... I waved back.

  I clenched my stomach and started to dry heave. ”Zane. I saw Zane,” I moaned. “He was in the facility. He was there with me.”

  The camping trip. The relationship. The terrible sex, and the love that came from his encouragement and adoration. All of it was a lie. And my father had everything to do with it.

  He left out the newspaper clippings, knowing I would see them. Aliens. Monsters. Beasts. I was so enthralled with the stories from my comic books. It was easy to coax me into going on a trip with him. And then, when I was told to stay put in the car, he knew there was no way I would listen.

  “But why?” I asked.

  “He thought he could change the world,” Donovan said. “In a way, we all did.”

  “Yeah, except he left us there to go through the effects of this place. He knew we would be changed forever, but the CIA was after something else,” Cadmar added. “Pure energy.”

  I opened my mouth. “Pure...”

  “The purest energy known to man is mankind itself,” he said. “When all tests backfired, we became their test subjects. And when the project was a clear dead end, he brought you in, Addie.”

  “He used me as a self-destruct button. He wanted me to destroy it forever,” I said.

  I closed my eyes and felt numbness spread throughout. My life was a joke, but that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I’d always thought of my father as the most honorable man in the world. Even though he let my mother sob alone during most nights he was absent, and even though he hardly divulged his real feelings to his own family, I thought he w
as fucking Clark Kent. I chose my career because of him. My heart was more broken than ever. My trust was taken from me.

  “Please,” I whispered. “Can you all just hold me for a minute?”

  The three slowly crawled even closer, tenderly wrapping me in a circle of trust. Maybe mine had vanished, but I still believed in their words and affection. There were still good men.

  “Close your eyes and breathe, sweet Addie. Let your troubles go. We will watch over you,” Mag whispered. “Tomorrow, we will find him, and we will get you home. You can start over.”

  But I didn’t want to rest, and I had already started over too many times. This was the final straw. These men. This place. I wasn’t fucking leaving them even if Zane came to torch their world. No. I’d force him to face these beasts before he could get one finger out.

  “There will be no more rest,” I said, feeling the raging sadness turn into a deep longing. “I will close my eyes, but I want something else from you.”

  “Not much time until he finds the way out. What if we refuse?” Cadmar asked.

  “Trust me on this. You won’t,” I said.

  I spread my legs and tilted my head back, closing my eyes as promised. I felt the refreshing wind gently trace across my soft, creamy skin and thin tuft of hair between my legs. As far as I was concerned, sadness only had a few known cures. Sometimes, a good pint of the thickest ice cream could do the trick, but in a place such as this, I begged to be filled.

  I wanted to disappear, to fall into these men’s expanding and consuming muscles—the way that it should be. Deep. Animalistic. Primal as all fuck because, at that moment, I felt like nothing, and being something, even their prey, was more than he ever gave me. Their adoration had proven to be deep and real, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Ever. And as I saw their heavy shadows fall over the light within the tent and felt their hands move and grip my thighs and thick hips, I knew they would be the only ones who could block out my pain forever.

  As an ode to my father, I was going to become one of them. I’d succumb to the madness, dive even deeper than I had, and our holy union trio would be more real because of it. A home was what you made it. Now that it was clear the laws of the universe weren’t so universal, nothing much mattered to me. Except this. Except love. Real love—not the kind that exists in movies or on television, and especially not the kind my parents displayed. There was something more real out there, and I thought I’d found it.

  “Please,” I moaned and thrust my hips up in full bloom. “Use me.”

  Cadmar leaned forward and eyed me, viciously. “We don’t have to be so rough.”

  But I couldn’t be sure what the future held. I wanted an experience I could remember. And I wanted it to be real. They were human, but that didn’t mean they didn’t have a barbarous side to them. I wanted to feel myself combine with all three of them in the most intense way possible. “Just do it,” I grunted.

  Unable to keep their instincts in check, the men growled and huffed, gaining space over me. My eyes were closed as their hands moved up and down, cupping my breasts and lightly tugging on my taut nipples, smoothing two fingers around my clammy pussy lips, all the while my clit was softly teased. When I got here, I thought I might be killed. I was so fucking wrong. They took me in but in the way I least expected.

  They knew how hard I needed it, and their hands dug deeper. I opened my eyes and lowered my head, moaning as Mag wrapped his heavy hand across my throat, lightly choking my airway. “Just—just like that,” I moaned tightly.

  From below, Donovan slid in two fingers, carefully arching them with skilled expertise most men utterly failed at. Lastly, Cadmar parted my hair back and pulled while suckling on each breast, tongue long and far reaching. He rose and kissed me, sloppy and passionate, letting the saliva fall down my chest toward my palpitating pussy.

  Donovan twisted his fingers in and out, lowering the hood of my clit back as it began to perk up and ache with pleasure. His tongue lapped around my lips, slowly overcoming my clit like a tidal wave. I leaked fluids, which caused him to thrust in deeper with his fist and add a third finger, dipping his tongue to taste more of my sweetness.

  Their cocks were so massive they struck me with fear, but I was so turned on at I didn’t even care how messy this might get. I wanted them to pierce me like a ripe fruit. We had all felt pain at one point or another. Most of all, I wanted them to enjoy me, so I could come for them, and then they could fill me. Together, we could fill the void that was this universe.

  I took Donovan and Cadmar’s rods in hand while Mag released me and stood back, stroking his cock like a mighty sword on display.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” Donovan moaned, a smile curling up his cheeks. “We shouldn’t...”

  I put my mouth around him before he could finish his sentence, lightly trickling my fingers around his heavy sac. The flesh condensed and rose, and I tickled back against his taint before grabbing hold of his thick bone. Forcing him down across the bed of my tongue, I gagged and let him drive and take control with the clutch of my hair. He held me there, nice and long, until he began to shake.

  “What was that you were saying?” I asked him.

  Donovan caught his breath, lowered his thumb, and beckoned me with it, leading me closer. My mouth wide open, he held his thumb straight and caught the inside of my lip. Closing my eyes, I cocked my head back and whined with pleasure. “Keep that fucking mouth of yours open, lab girl,” he growled.

  It turned me on to see the calmest, the nerdiest of the bunch, and the one who was probably most like me turn into an insatiable beast. He plunged his thumb deeper, moaning loudly as he pinched and felt the softness of my tongue. Again, he forced his hips forward, bucking lightly as his crown met my loose lips. My tongue drew forward and back against the spongy, yet thick and hard underside of shaft, and, slowly, I wrapped and swirled, getting into the motions on a deeper level.

  Mag stepped behind me, bending to pick up a small, flattened piece of wood to fan a fire. As Donovan throated me open with his girth, I arched my ass into the air, waiting for his punishment. I instantly thought back to the day of our first encounter. Back then, I held that same curiosity I had now. Only, I was scared. The sex was punishing and so different from what I was used to. Was it humiliation? I learned it was much more than that. The sex was about finding and holding onto the fabric of trust. And now that I knew how he wanted it, I would learn to give the others their fixings, and I’d be given the most pleasure a woman could be offered. Three alpha males, willing to lay their lives down for one woman.

  Tell me— how rare is that?

  Mag gave me my first spanking, landing straight across the left cheek. The sting ricocheted through my ass, a cause for my eyes and pussy to leak with wetness. I pulled back to get some air, stroking Donovan’s cock in slow and circular motions, eyeing him to see just how much I was giving him. I sucked up my spit and cleared my throat, starting to feel alive again. I had forgotten the dark truth about my life, had traded it in for the one that suited me better.

  Another spanking for moving. And another for making a sound. “Sit still and shut your mouth,” he warned.

  When I stayed motionless for his next smack, Mag smirked alongside Donovan, who had to take another step back to keep from blowing. They were satisfied, but Cadmar had yet to join in the fun. He stood over me, shadow lingering above, cock straight out into the air, ready for me. “Spread your legs,” he commanded.

  Of course, I didn’t disobey. I remembered how he entered my hostel room when I’d first jumped through the gateway. He sought me out as an intruder. Like a scepter of the night, he entered me in a way I couldn’t quite explain at the time. He registered my memories and the emotions surrounding them. But he did not take me as much as he could. He ate me until I quivered and came for him. He left me wanting more.

  They all gave a special piece of themselves to me.

  “This time, I want to feel you from the inside,” he groaned,
voice on the verge of total obsession.

  Though I had my legs open and spread from behind, it wasn’t enough. As the other two alphas began tonguing at my clit, Cadmar mounted his solid body over mine and worshiped the fullness of my ass. He leaned down, kissed every womanly curve, and spread his palm over my soft lips, spreading until my juices started to flow outward. I felt it, that feeling of anticipation that always wrecked me. He lightly teased a finger against each side of my labia, licking until he was inside again, devouring all I could force onto his mouth. I shook and dug my heels back into the ground, feeling the tent slide and rip as it caught against a rock below. He sucked on my clit until the pleasure built, his other hand pushing my pelvis back.

  “Now,” I moaned and twisted my neck. “Drown me with your cock.”

  He licked up my pussy like a total savage and even teased his tongue against the tightness of my ass. Every touch, taste, and look he gave me felt so satisfying. I pushed back and felt the rigid length and fat girth roll past my lips. Slow but not gentle, he forced himself inside me, grunting like a horrid animal. His balls puckered up and smacked my pussy, causing me to squirm. Grabbing hold of my hips, he forced me back and bucked as he drove deep inside me. His hands wrapped underneath, threading across my armpits to grab my tits and pull me back against him.

  He held me in his tight lock, a destructive pose of both pleasure and constriction. The oxygen inside my lungs was forced out of me. I felt heat pump into my face as he pounded upward, pulverizing my tightness. This was so much different than last time, so much more commanding and brutal, but I wanted every smack, thrust, and choke he gave me.

  While Cadmar propped me up with his staggering cock, Mag smacked my tits and insatiably kissed the tender parts of my body, using my mouth when he needed. Donovan lightly sucked around my clit until I felt like violently erupting. Briskly, they would stop as soon as I’d start to shake and buzz with the rising pleasure they allowed me to have. Cadmar thrust outward, lingering his wet crown against my open pussy, and he whispered, “We tell you when to come.”


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