FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4)

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FIERCE: A High School Enemies to Lovers Romance (Rosewood High Book 4) Page 36

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Come on. All the articles say that sex is the best way to bring on labor. Something about a chemical in sperm or something, I don’t know. I just know it can help. Please. The raspberry tea, the pineapple, none of them have worked. Let’s try it, please.”

  Unable to take her begging any longer, I drop my hand to my waistband and pop open my fly.

  “Yesss,” she hisses as she watches me push both my pants and boxer briefs down my legs and kick them off.

  My hard cock bobs in front of me and I take it in hand as I step up to her.

  Teasing her pussy with my fingers, I find her wet and ready for me.

  “Oh god,” she moans, spurring me on even more than I already was. Now I’ve decided to do this, I’m damn near desperate to slide into her.

  I work her for a few more seconds, but as she starts pushing her ass higher in the air, I know she needs more.

  Sweeping the head of my cock through her juices, I slowly push inside her.

  My teeth clench as the familiar, yet always mind-blowing sensation consumes me until she’s as full of me as she can get.

  “Fucking hell, Chelsea. So good, so fucking good.”

  “Yes, yes,” she cries as I pull slowly before thrusting back in.

  My intention is to take it slow, to be gentle. But the second her heat engulfs me, I lose all control.

  All too soon, her pussy is squeezing me tight, her entire body trembling as she starts to fall over the edge.

  “Oh god, oh god,” she chants, her fingers twisting in the sheets as pleasure washes over her.

  “Fuuuuck,” I groan as the tightening of her walls pushes me over the edge. I stay deep inside her long after I’ve come, just trying to catch my breath and give her what she wanted, something to get things moving.

  Eventually, she awkwardly drops to her side, her round belly making movements hard for her.

  “Fuck. I needed that,” she says with a grin. “If it doesn’t do the job, we’re doing it again after I’ve had a nap.”

  Flipping the fabric of her skirt over her ass, she rests her hand on her bulging belly and rubs lovingly.

  “You’ve woken him up,” she says with a laugh.

  I’m hardly surprised. He’s probably got a headache.

  We say he, but really, we have no idea what the sex is. She wanted to find out, but I liked the idea of it being a surprise. I was happy to give her what she wanted and told the sonographer—not Shelly’s mom—that we wanted to know. But our baby is clearly Chelsea’s child because the stubborn little thing kept its legs closed and was at such an awkward angle that the sonographer wasn’t confident enough to say either way.

  I thought Chelsea would be pissed, she was adamant that she wanted to know, but we found out what was really important, that everything was progressing well and that there were no concerns, so she was happy. She’s since told me she’s glad we didn’t find out because it makes what’s about to come that much more exciting.

  After pulling my boxers back on, I crawl onto the bed behind her. I press my front to her back and rest my hand over hers on her belly.

  “He’s kicking like crazy.”

  She slips her hand away and allows me to feel the foot, or knee, pushing against her skin. It’s the weirdest fucking feeling ever, but as much as it freaks me out to know that it’s an actual person in there, it makes my heart ache. I had no idea it was possible to love someone you’d never met, but apparently it is because I love our little person something fierce.

  After long silent minutes, Chelsea’s breathing evens out and she relaxes into sleep.

  It’s still early evening and after lying in this morning, I’m nowhere near ready to go to sleep but I don’t move, I’m too content with her and our baby in my arms.

  Despite not thinking I’d doze off, the next thing I know I’m jostled awake as Chelsea pushes herself up on the bad.

  “Ow fuck,” she moans. Assuming she’s got a back or hip ache once again, I don’t think much of it as I open my eyes and reach to do whatever I can to help her but then she says my name and her voice is like I’ve never heard it before.

  It has me sitting up faster than I knew possible before I look up to her wide, terrified eyes.


  “I... uh… I think it’s time.”

  “Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” I chant, trying like hell to remember what we’re supposed to do right now.

  I scramble so I’m sitting between her legs and place my hands beside hers on her belly.

  “Did you have a contraction?”

  “I think so. I mean, I have no idea what they’re meant to feel like but it was like a period pain on steroids.”

  “Okay. So we need to wait for the next one and see how much time is between them.”

  “Yeah, okay. We can do that.”

  She rests her head back against the wall as she keeps her breathing slow.

  “Shane?” she asks.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I’m really fucking scared.”

  “It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not leaving your side.” She nods, but I have no idea how much comfort my words give her.

  The silence stretches out between us for long, excruciating minutes. I’m just starting to think that maybe it was a false alarm when Chelsea’s entire body tenses. She lifts her head from the wall, the fear in her eyes stronger than ever.

  “Another one?”

  It takes her a few seconds to respond, but eventually, she nods her head.

  “Can you call up to the house, let them know this is happening.”

  “Yes, I’m on it.”

  “Get the bags out of the closet, I double checked everything yesterday so everything should be ready.” There’s a quiver in her voice that I don’t like, but I know that other than being beside her and holding her hand right now, there’s nothing I can do.

  The next four hours of my life are like a whirlwind. Despite being told that a first labor can take a very long time, Chelsea’s contractions come closer and closer faster than we’re expecting.

  In only two hours they were down to four minutes apart and with the help of Honey at the other side of her, we make our way to the hospital.

  Chelsea had already expressed her wish to have a water birth and thankfully, when we arrive at the maternity ward, there’s a room and a pool free for us.

  Once the midwife has done all her initial checks, I hold Chelsea’s hand as she climbs into the pool.

  She sighs in relief the second the warm water surrounds her and I sit there beside her, with her hand in mine throughout the rest of her labor.

  Watching her in agonizing pain is possibly the worst experience of my life. In those couple of hours, I’d give anything to take her pain away, to experience it for her.

  But then, a little over two hours after we first arrive, the most incredible thing happens.

  Chelsea gives birth to our utterly perfect daughter.

  I watch every moment of it and I’m crying long before the midwife lifts her tiny body from the water and places her on Chelsea’s chest for her first cuddle with her little girl.

  “Oh my god,” she sobs as she stares down at a full head of dark hair. “Oh my god, I did it.”

  “You did, baby, and she’s perfect.”

  “She’s a she?” Chelsea asks, sounding shocked, as if she missed the midwife’s announcement only a few moments ago.

  “Yeah. We have a little girl. You’ve got yourself a little cheerleader.”

  “Oh my god,” she repeats, breaking down as she holds our baby to her chest.

  After a few minutes, the midwife gently lifts our little person from Chelsea and places her in a crib to the side of us so they can check her over.

  “Dad, would you like to come and stand with her while we sort Mom out?”

  I look between the two of them, totally torn for which one needs me the most right now.

  “I’m fine. Go and be with her, she might be scared.” That’s the only encoura
gement I need. After dropping a kiss to Chelsea’s lips and telling her how fucking incredible she is, I walk over to our baby.

  I run my eyes over every inch of her. From her dark hair and equally dark eyes, just like her mommy’s, all the way down her little body.

  The midwife weighs her, measures her, before putting a tiny diaper on her and taking the outfit we’d chosen as the first she’d wear from the side.

  She makes quick work of putting her in it and slipping a hat on her head, she does a much better job than I’m sure I’ll do when they allow me to do it.

  “Are you ready for your first cuddle, Daddy?”

  My heart constricts as she calls me that.

  I’m a fucking dad.

  I knew it was coming. I’ve had six months to get used to the idea, but fuck, I feel totally unprepared in those moments as the midwife passes my daughter to me.

  Walking back slowly, I lower us both down onto the small couch behind me.

  “Hey, baby girl. How are you doing?”

  Her wide eyes stare up at me. So innocent, so vulnerable. Tears form in my eyes as I stare at her.

  “I’m your daddy,” I mouth silently, unsure if I’m reminding myself that she’s mine or making sure she knows who I am.

  A sob has me dragging my eyes from my little girl and when I look up, I find Chelsea watching us with tears streaming down her cheeks and a wide smile on her face.

  “I can’t believe how perfect she is.”

  “I can, she’s half you,” Chelsea whispers.

  The midwife breaks our moment, instructing Chelsea to lie down so she can check her over. “We won’t be long, sweetie, and then that gorgeous baby is all yours.”

  With everything as it should be with both Chelsea and our little girl, they’re discharged six hours later.

  I’d texted everyone to let them know that she was here and that both mother and baby were doing great, but as we requested, everyone stayed away. We wanted this moment to be just about us. We might be young, but we’re doing this together, as a family. This moment is about us and is one we’ll never be able to repeat.

  My car is outside exactly where Honey parked it when we arrived. I click the car seat into the base and triple-check that it’s secure before turning to help Chelsea into the car.

  “I can’t,” she says, pausing before dropping down into the passenger seat.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” I ask in a panic.

  “N-nothing. I just can’t be that far away from her.”

  With a smile, I watch as she makes her way around the back of the car and pulls the door open. She climbs inside and immediately slides over to be right beside our daughter.

  Closing the door behind her, I climb in and look at Chelsea in the rearview mirror.

  “Ready to go home, Mommy?”

  “I am if you are, Daddy.”

  “Christ, this is weird.”

  “I’m sure we’ll get used to it.”

  “I’m not sure we’ve got a choice.”

  I’m not sure I’ve ever driven more like my granddad in my life, and I make my way across town toward our home.

  After the holidays, Luca and Leon went back to college and after another couple of weeks, Mom moved back in our house.

  As she said she would, she got in touch with a lawyer the second they reopened and filed for divorce from my father. Much to all our shock, he signed the second he was served with the papers and he agreed to let her have the house. She’s undecided as to whether she wants to stay there or not, but right now, she’s turned it into her home.

  She invited Chelsea and me to join her, but we’re both more than happy in our pool house until we can afford to get a place of our own. That might not be for a few years as we find our feet as parents, college students, and part-time employees as we try to build a life for ourselves, but I have every confidence that it’ll all work out in the end.

  The house remains silent as we make our way around the back with our new arrival. It might barely be dawn, but I know for a fact that Honey is at a window somewhere watching us. She must be so desperate to come down and meet her grandchild, but much to her annoyance, I’m sure, she’s holding back.

  Chelsea walks ahead to open the door while I carry the bags and the car seat with our precious cargo.

  Placing her down on the coffee table, we both take a seat on the edge of the couch, just staring at her.

  “I can’t believe we made her.”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  The time stretches out as we both stare at our peacefully sleeping baby.

  “Are you still happy with the name we picked?” I ask.

  “Are you?”

  “Yeah, it feels right.”

  “I agree.”

  I wrap my arm around Chelsea’s shoulders and pull her to me, pressing my lips against her hair.

  “You were incredible, Chels.”

  “I’m glad you think so. I knew it was going to hurt. But fuck, no one can prepare you for that.”

  I hold her tighter.

  “She was worth it though. And I’d totally do it again.”

  I turn to stare at her. “One thing at a time, yeah?”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean anytime soon, I was just saying. Even only hours after, it’s not put me off.”

  “You’re something else, you know that?”

  She shrugs, suddenly sitting forward when a dark pair of eyes flutter open.

  “Hey, Nadine,” Chelsea coos, reaching forward and hesitantly unstrapping her. In a matter of seconds, she has her in her arms and is cradling her like a pro.

  Standing with her, I brush my finger over Nadine’s cheek. “It really suits her.”

  “Welcome to the world, Nadine Dunn,” Chelsea says, her voice cracking with emotion.

  We haven’t talked about marriage, our focus has been our baby, but Chelsea was adamant that she was going to have my last name so that one day we’d all have the same one.

  We might have a million and one things going on in our lives right now, and I know the right thing to do is wait, but fuck if I don’t want to get on one knee and demand that she become mine right now.

  “You think she’s hungry?” Chelsea asks, dragging me from my crazy thoughts.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  Chelsea had some lessons in feeding in the hospital and she’s quick to do exactly as she was told.

  “I’m just going to put all this away while you do that.”

  I put everything in its new home while Chelsea nurses. When I come back out, Nadine is already asleep again in Chelsea’s arms and Chelsea doesn’t look too far behind.

  “We should get some sleep while she is.”

  Chelsea nods, seemingly too exhausted to even speak. “Can you message everyone? Tell them we’re home and let them know that we’ll message again once we’ve had some rest so they can come and meet her. Message Greg too, he’ll want to know.”

  Chelsea didn’t mention her paternal dad again until almost the end of January when she decided that she was curious enough to reach out to him via text. Since then, they’ve only met twice. They’re taking things slow, but she’s decided that she’d like to get to know him, the him now, not the one from her childhood. I couldn’t be prouder of her, fighting her demons and embracing a new family member.

  “Of course.”

  I take Nadine from Chelsea’s arms so she can get up easier. Even a few hours in, it feels natural to hold her in my arms.

  I follow Chelsea through to our bedroom and lower Nadine to her bassinet next to Chelsea’s side of the bed as Chelsea drops down onto it.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been this exhausted.”

  “Get some sleep. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

  I send out a few messages as Chelsea lies watching Nadine sleep beside her, but when I come back, she’s fast asleep.

  I’m tired, although nowhere near as tired as Chelsea must be after going through all that, but I can’t help but pull a chai
r over and sit and watch both of them sleep.

  One reckless night that I never in a million years thought would happen changed my life forever.

  It brought me the most important person in my life, and in turn, she just gave me another.

  I shake my head as I try to process everything I’m feeling watching my entire world before me.

  Eventually, my eyes get too heavy to sit any longer. Standing, I lean over the bassinet and drop a gentle kiss to Nadine’s forehead before walking around the bed and crawling in behind Chelsea once again.

  I wrap my arm around her waist like I did all those hours ago, but this time there is no kicking baby in her belly because our little bundle is sleeping soundly beside us.

  “I love you so much. You fucking blew me away today.”

  “Thank you,” she mumbles in her sleep. “You saved me. You both did.”

  With emotion clogging my throat, I hold her tighter to me and close my eyes, ready to start our lives as parents when we next wake up.

  Are you ready for Poppy and Zayn?

  HUNTER will be with you on 19th November. Mark your diaries and add to your TBR NOW!


  Want to find out what happened after Amalie left the room on Christmas Eve? I’ve got a short Amalie and Jake story in Mistletoe Kisses, a charity Anthology, coming on 17th November.



  I’ve also got something in the works for Ruby which is going to be heading your way in September so keep your eyes peeled for news!


  When I first dreamed up Jake Thorn and the others a little over a year ago, I thought the Rosewood High series would just be three books. I had no idea just how much I was going to fall in love with all these guys!

  I must admit, I was worried about trying to redeem Chelsea, she’s lived up to her Queen Bitch title quite nicely in the past, but I couldn’t get away from her and Shane screaming at me for their story. They’re the most unlikely couple, but man, did they pull at my heartstrings as I wrote this book. I love them both so much, Chelsea’s strength and fierceness and Shane for his big heart.

  I took a chance on Thorn last year; it was different to what I’d written before and I questioned myself so many times about it but I am so glad I listened to my heart and just went for it. These guys have been such a huge part of my life and I cannot wait for it to continue. There are still plenty of books to come from this series and so many more characters to get to know, some of which you’ve not even met yet *rubs hands together excitedly*!


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