His Fantasy (HIS Series Book 8)

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His Fantasy (HIS Series Book 8) Page 16

by Sheila Kell

  “Come on,” she coaxed. “Let’s go sit in the living room where it’s more comfortable, and you can explain.” She preceded him into the living room and sat on the brown leather sofa. When she patted the space next to her, he sat obediently.

  Brad took a deep breath and held it for a moment while he considered where to start. There was so much he didn’t know. So much speculation. She pulled his hand into hers, covered it with the other and settled them on her thigh. That jolt of touch shot a bolt of longing through him. The fact that she could do something so tender melted his heart. Looking at their intertwined hands bolstered his courage. She wouldn’t judge. She wasn’t that type of woman. He just knew it in his heart.

  After Brad cleared his throat, he began, “When I was in the Secret Service, I was part of an advance team to prepare for the president’s visit to Columbia.”

  She nodded. “You explained that before. You also explained you lost a day in your memory.”

  He swallowed hard. “Yeah, well, what I didn’t explain was what happened after my brain cleared. After I woke up.” His first memory had been a confused and frightful one.

  Madison tilted her head. “Go on,” she prodded.

  Blowing out a breath, he went for it, laying it all on the line. “I woke up with a prostitute in my bed.” He heard the pounding of his heart in his eardrums beating a staccato rhythm.

  He watched her blink a couple of times, but she said nothing, so he rushed on. “I have no idea how she got there, and I don’t believe anything happened, even though she said it did. The prostitutes there were notorious for setting up Americans on business and running to their bosses to get paid. The bosses generally paid up to keep things quiet. The Secret Service isn’t like that. They don’t pay people off.” His thumb rubbed the back of her hand. “Unfortunately, they do believe them without evidence.”

  She hadn’t moved nor had her expression changed. “Okay.”

  Without her saying more, he had no feel for what was twisting around in her mind. Yet she hadn’t separated their joined hands. He took it as a small win.

  “I think someone drugged me and that the prostitute was a setup.”

  It took her a moment to reply. She eventually asked, “But why?”

  He heaved a weary breath and leaned back on the couch. “That, I don’t know.”

  “So you think someone drugged you and you lost all of that time and woke up with a… a prostitute?”


  “Well, if that’s the case, why are you worried about doing the hypnosis? Maybe you’ll remember why someone did this to you.”

  His shoulders slumped, and he admitted his worst fear. “Because, what if I find out I really got drunk and hired that prostitute?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she leaned back and pressed her arm on his shoulder. Damn, she felt nice and warm all next to him. He separated their hands and slid his arm behind her. Pulling her tightly against him, he reveled in the feel of her so close, the smell of the fruity scent of her shampoo and the sexy smell of her perfume.

  “Somehow I doubt that’s true. You don’t seem like the type of man to do that. Even intoxicated.”

  He chuckled at that. “How do you know what kind of man I am?”

  When her soft hand touched his chest, he almost jumped out of his skin with need.

  “I know you’re an honorable man. A bit ornery from what I’ve experienced and heard, but honorable nonetheless. Besides,” she said with a smile, “you wouldn’t have needed to hire someone for your bed.”

  Her unwavering faith in him shook him to the core. This woman barely knew him but believed in him… believed in his innocence. “Maddie,” he started, “I want more than just the bedroom.” Wow, he’d actually said it. And right after he’d dropped his bombshell on her. He might be the biggest idiot around.

  She sat up, and his heart fell. Already she pulled away. Maybe he just should’ve settled for the bedroom.

  “What do you mean?” she asked softly, her eyes large chocolate pools.

  “Like date,” he said with a swallow. He’d not asked a girl to date since high school. It had seemed hard then, but it was ten times worse now. Especially if she said no because he still would be protecting her, which would make it damn uncomfortable.

  “Like a boyfriend?” she teased. “Do I get a promise ring and everything?”

  He had a momentary thought of turning her over his knee and spanking that sweet ass of hers for her smartass mouth. Instead, he pulled her to him, where she belonged—beside him. “No, smarty-pants. No ring, just dating. A…” He swallowed against the words coming forth. “…a relationship.”

  Of all things to do, she giggled. That smacking her backside looked more and more promising. Although, she might like it since she liked to be tied up. He’d have to explore that option. He’d never spanked a woman. He guessed it could be fun and erotic, but he didn’t see it. He didn’t hurt women, and it had to hurt, right?

  “That word seemed painful.”

  He chuckled. “It wasn’t so bad since I was thinking of you. So, Madison Maxwell, do you want to date me?” Out of your league flashed through his brain, but he shoved it aside.

  “That depends,” she said.

  He closed his eyes. He could suffer through anything as long as she agreed to be his. “Depends upon what?”

  “Are you wanting to date Madison the supermodel, who was on your bucket list, or Madison your sister-in-law’s sister?”

  What kind of fucking question was that? Shit. His joking the first time they’d been together. His mouth seemed to catch up to him more and more often these days. He tilted her chin up so they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “You, Maddie. It’s always been just you.”

  When her eyes watered, he thought he’d said something wrong. Then she kissed him. A light, flirty kiss, something that had him craving much more. When she pulled back, she smiled. “Okay, let’s try it. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

  Elation filled him, but worry about her safety crowded it from his mind. “I’m still your bodyguard though, and I have to be vigilant when we’re together.” She had to know that no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t give her all of his attention when they were out.

  “I understand,” she said. “How about when you’ve got two people watching, like now?”

  The teasing tone of her voice sent a shudder racing through him, and all he saw was her lips as the words passed through them. Liking her line of thinking, Brad smiled while his pulse thudded. “Well, as long as we’re inside, I guess we’re okay.”

  She sat up and tossed him a sexy smile. “Bedroom.”

  Her smile shot straight to his gut. Damn the woman got to him, and he loved every minute of it.

  Jumping up and sprinting to the bedroom, she was gone before he had a chance to even swat her sweet bottom. This Madison was the one he wanted—fun and loving.

  He stood, already sporting wood. She was definitely a loving partner, and his body heated thinking about what was to come. With a fast pace, he crossed the living room and caught up with her in the bedroom before he remembered he needed a condom. “My bedroom,” he dictated before she could finish undressing. He’d never brought a woman home to his bed. He always went to theirs. It was only right she was the first one there because she might be the last.

  MADISON MAXWELL WAS Brad Hamilton’s girlfriend. She almost snickered out loud. Girlfriend? What was she, twelve? But she couldn’t think of another term right off the cuff to describe their new relationship. A flurry of nerves skittered through her at the thought of not only being in a relationship, but being in one with a supposedly volatile Brad Hamilton. Something she’d overlooked—or dismissed—when she’d made the decision because she’d never seen that side of him. One she began to doubt existed.

  He hadn’t been bad to her. Not really. But she’d heard from Rylee all about him and his “attitude,” as Rylee put it, and Brad had admitted to not being “sociable” all the time. S
he hadn’t explored with him exactly what that meant. She guessed if she saw that side of him, she’d deal with it when it happened. Until then, she wasn’t going to second guess her decision. She liked Brad, even though she needed to learn to read him more. He held an excellent poker face that she’d seen when he dealt with his brothers and men.

  The drive to La Belle was met with a tense silence as if anything said would break the new ground they were building. She’d wracked her brain the entire ride to think of something to say that didn’t lead their thoughts to the bedroom.

  A small sliver of worry broke into her thoughts that maybe they only had the bedroom. But, it couldn’t be. He’d shared something very personal with her.

  The two of them took the rented SUV he’d received while his truck was in the shop, with Ken and Sam following in Ken’s SUV. She didn’t care that this might be overkill. After the truck accident, she didn’t care to chance things. When they arrived at the club, Brad held her back in the SUV until Ken and Sam cleared the place. It took a while, and she wondered if they were questioning every worker. With a shudder at thinking of what had happened, she thanked them for it.

  Finally released, but told to stay close, Madison entered the bar and was stunned at the transformation. The tables, chairs, and booths were gone. The place looked so enormous without the majority of the furniture. She spied Jeff Benzine, the contractor, and made her way to him. He and three men were studying the base of the long, mahogany bar.

  Approaching the group, she addressed the contractor. “Hello.” She smiled curiously. “How are you going to get it out?” She gestured to the bar. It would be a shame if the beautiful piece of furniture couldn’t be sold to another bar owner like the other furniture—the furniture that had been salvageable anyway.

  Jeff straightened. “It was brought in in pieces, and that’s how we’ll take it out. It’s just bolted to the floor, but don’t worry, my guys will take care of it easy enough,” he said with pride. He’d apologized for not getting to it sooner, but as he was squeezing them in early, a regularly booked job had taken his attention.

  She’d love to stay and watch this feat, but she’d promised Brad she wouldn’t stay too long. “You wanted to talk with me about the change we requested?”

  Nodding, Jeff turned and picked up large, rolled pieces of paper with the construction plans printed on them. “Yes.”

  They spent the next fifteen minutes discussing the change she and Rylee wanted in the dressing rooms and found they had to give a little elsewhere to make it happen. No matter, it all still worked for what they wanted. Rylee would be happy they’d been able to make it happen. Most customers wanted more room when they were trying on clothing. They’d survive with a little less storage room. The place was still huge.

  After thanking Jeff, Madison felt Brad suddenly close at her side, holding her elbow. “Where’s the back door?”

  His firm, authoritative tone stopped her in her tracks, and her heart beat fast. What the hell was the problem?

  Instead of answering his question, she asked, “What’s wrong?” It hadn’t slipped her mind that she’d agreed to do whatever he said, when he said or the fact that she didn’t give him the chance to direct.

  “We’ve got company. Ken and Sam can’t legally detain them.”

  “Them?” A sick feeling settled in her stomach at the thought of running into Casden and Rogers again after the accident.

  “Ah, hell. Why can’t you just do as you’re told?”

  “I’ll do it, but you need to tell me what to do first.”

  “We’re leaving via the back door.”

  “Okay, this way,” she said, and turned them toward the rear exit without delay.

  Before they could depart, Casden and Rogers walked into the club with Ken tight on their heels, a pinched look on his face.

  “Miss Maxwell,” Casden said as he approached her.

  Brad stepped in front of her, shoving her behind him when she tried to step aside. “Get out. You’re not welcome here.” His voice rang loud and authoritative.

  Casden narrowed his eyes at Brad. “Ah, it’s a Hamilton mutt. How many of you are running loose about the town?”

  Brad stiffened but didn’t take the bait. “I said, get out.” His voice was strong and threatening. It’d make her think twice about staying.

  At this point, Madison was confused at the contradiction she’d been hearing about the men. Casden and Rogers acted harmless at the moment, and Brad was taking over, taking away her ability to make the decision on whether she spoke with them. Her ire rose at him more than the two men bothering her. The two men who may have had them run off the road. A shiver slipped up her spine, and goose bumps skittered across her skin.

  Speaking over Brad, Rogers’s smooth voice said, “We’re here about our offer.”

  “She turned you down,” Brad spat out before she could speak.

  “Yes, she did,” Casden said, as if it were a bad taste in his mouth. “We’re here with another offer.”

  “She doesn’t want it,” Brad once again spoke for her before she could say anything. She wanted to slap him in the back of the head, but didn’t want to make a scene in front of the two unwelcome visitors, which was also why she didn’t contradict his word either, no matter how much she wanted to jump in front of him and tell the two men off herself.

  “She hasn’t even heard it yet.” Casden reached inside a leather messenger bag, and Ken and Brad’s hands went to the weapons holstered on their hips. Casden stopped and put his hands up. “Easy, man. I’m just getting the offer.” He slowly reached into the bag with one hand and withdrew a few sheets of paper.

  “I said,” Brad bit out, “she doesn’t want it.”

  Ignoring Brad, Casden spoke directly to her, even though she could only see a sliver of him from behind Brad. “We’ve heard you have power of attorney for the place from your sister while she’s out of the country.”

  She stiffened, and panic seized her. How had they found that out? It had been put in place since Rylee would be out on assignment and a lot needed to be done in the meantime. But it wasn’t a public knowledge thing as far as she knew. How did they even know about Rylee leaving the country? Fear laced in her veins. Brad hadn’t lied about their reach.

  “If you’ll look at our new offer, you’ll find it more than fair. We’ll even take the place as is.”

  “Are you deaf?” Brad started. “She’s not interested. Now leave.”

  Not finding her voice, Madison just stood there, still reeling from them knowing she had a power of attorney and that Rylee was leaving the country. It was bad, so very bad in her mind.

  “Well, I’ll just leave this here for you.” Casden slid the papers on the bar, and the two men left quietly with Ken hot on their heels.

  When Brad turned to her, it all erupted from her. “What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t speak for me!” Blood pumping fast, she couldn’t stop herself now. “And hiding me? Treating me like I don’t have a brain in my head to make my own decisions? If this is indicative of how you’ll be treating me, we need to break things off now. I won’t tolerate it.”

  Chest heaving from her outburst, she swallowed hard to calm herself. She appreciated his protecting her, but the same time, she wanted to rip his head off.

  “I didn’t hear you say anything.”

  “You never gave me a chance. You spoke for me. And something tells me if I had spoken, you’d have cut me off since it had to be your show,” she seethed and couldn’t stop the anger racing through her bloodstream.

  “Look, I knew what I was doing, and you didn’t need to talk with those men.”

  “That’s my decision to make,” she insisted.

  Brad rolled his eyes. “God woman. You blow hot and cold.”

  That shot her blood pressure sky high. “Oh no you don’t,” she said firmly. “You were a big, overprotective alpha male who acted like he had a damsel in distress who was useless. Protecting me is one thing, but I won�
��t tolerate that type of treatment.”

  He reached out to touch his hand to her face, and she flinched away. “No, Brad. What you did was wrong.”

  “How? I protected you.”

  Frustration filled her. “Yes, you did, but I didn’t need that type of protection. They were just here to give me an offer not knock me off.”

  His nostrils flared. “How do you know? Are you trained to read criminals?”

  “Well, no, but I had you and Ken here. That was enough. What you did was overboard.” He didn’t see it, and she wasn’t sure he ever would. Her heart sank. She couldn’t be with someone who treated her thus anytime he perceived a threat.

  “Look, it’s how things will be until you’re safe.”

  “Then we have a problem, Brad, because I won’t date a man who treats me like that.”

  “What the fuck?” he protested loudly, and looked like he wanted to kick a nonexistent chair.

  She folded her arms over her aching chest. “It was a mistake to think we could have a relationship outside the bedroom.” And she wasn’t sure she’d allow him back into her bedroom.

  Ignoring his astonished face, she turned from him toward the door. “I’m done here.” She walked toward the exit, not caring if he followed or walked in front of her. She just had to leave, and knowing she had to get into the close confines of the SUV with him didn’t help her relax.

  She’d been in this relationship less than one day. That had to be record for her, and all of her previous relationships had been short-lived.


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