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Signed Page 20

by Marni Mann

  “I mean, the same Calvin Parker who taped James and leaked their video to the entire world. Yeah, that motherfucker.”

  “Shit, Brett.”

  “Call me back,” I barked. “Quickly.”

  “Give me an hour,” he said, and he hung up.

  I dropped the phone on the bed and crawled over the mattress until James was in my arms. I held her against my chest and placed my mouth on the top of her head in one long, endless kiss. “He’s on it. We’ll have an answer soon. I promise.”

  She was shaking. Her breathing was labored, and her tears were just starting to fall. No matter how hard she quivered, how much she cried, I didn’t let her go until my phone beeped with a message. From where I sat, I could see there was a picture on the screen.

  I grabbed my cell, clicked the photo to enlarge it, and held it out in front of us.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped. Her hand went over her mouth, her eyes moving from me to the photo and back.

  It wasn’t the same picture Max had uploaded to social media last night. This shot was a close-up of the guy’s face. In many ways, it resembled the one the sketch artist had drawn at the police station, but I could tell where James’s memory had been fuzzy, and in her description, not all of his characteristics had come through.

  “Brett…” Her eyes were glued to the screen, and the emotion that poured through them fucking choked me. “That’s him. That’s fucking him.” She placed her other hand on her chest and looked at me. “Who is he?”

  “I have to call Max.”

  I got up from the bed, needing to feel the floor under my feet, and I pressed the button for his cell.

  This time, he answered halfway through the first ring. “Is that him?”

  “Yes,” I growled.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.”

  “Who is he? Fucking tell me.”

  “His name isn’t Calvin Parker, but that should come as no surprise. His real name is Scott Watson. He lives in Gulfport, Mississippi, and runs security for a large casino in Biloxi. Turns out, Scott isn’t just good with surveillance feed; he also dabbles in hacking.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  I looked at James while I waited for his answer.

  “Man, you were right,” he said.

  Anger began to boil in my chest. “Who the fuck is he, Max?”

  “He’s Sophia’s half brother.”

  “Motherfucker…” I walked toward the bathroom, so James wouldn’t see my face, and I tried to calm myself down before my fist went through the nearest piece of drywall. “We’ll talk about this when I get home after our trip to LA. Right now, I want you to call our legal team and get the paperwork drawn up to terminate her contract. When the media finds out—and that’s going to be soon—I don’t want her name attached to The Agency.”


  “Max, she broke the fucking law. Not to mention, she tried to destroy my client, who also happens to be my girlfriend. Had you not taken that picture, I don’t know if we ever would have found out whom he was. So, don’t fucking start with me about you not wanting to be like the other agents in LA. That cunt is finished, and once the media hears this, they’re going to tear her to fucking shreds.”

  “I was just going to ask if you wanted me to meet you in LA to present the evidence I found.”

  With my back toward her, I leaned into the doorway of the bathroom. “Thanks, man. I’ll let you know once I get there if I need you to fly out. Right now, if you could text the pilots and tell them I need them on the tarmac in an hour, that would be a lot of help.”

  “You got it.”

  I disconnected the call and shoved my phone into the pocket of my sweats, my other hand raking through my morning hair. I didn’t want to turn around; I didn’t want to see the look on her face. But I fucking had to.

  She was sitting at the end of the mattress, looking pale as hell.


  She wrapped her arms around her stomach, and her lips parted for several seconds before she said, “Sophia set this up, didn’t she?”

  I nodded. “He’s her half brother.”

  “Oh my God. I think I’m going to be sick.”

  I moved over to the bed and knelt in front of her, resting my hands on her thighs. “Listen to me, before I call the detective, I want you to know everything Max told me, but I need to know you’re ready to hear it. The last thing I want right now is to make you hurt more. So, if you need a second, I understand.”

  She put her hand on mine. The gesture wasn’t for affection; it felt more like she needed to hold on to something. “I want to hear it.”

  “You’re sure?”


  I waited a few seconds in case she changed her mind. When she said nothing, I started with, “The guy’s name is Scott Watson. He works in security for a casino in Mississippi, so he understands surveillance and camera systems. It’s how he was able to manipulate the feed at the Malibu hotel.”

  She was getting paler, and I had no idea how to make her feel better because the news was only about to get worse.

  “According to someone Max spoke to, Scott also does hacking on the side. I know that’s how he was able to leak the video without it being traced. I’m sure he uploaded it to the dark net on an offshore server, and someone was more than happy to send it to where it needed to go. He’d just edited his face and voice first.”

  “She wanted to ruin me.” Her voice was just a little above a whisper. “She knew I’d be vulnerable at that party, and she had Calvin—or Scott or whatever the hell his name is hit on me in hopes that I’d sleep with him. And…” She swallowed and took a breath, holding her chest like that was helping her fill her lungs. “And I fell for it. I did everything she wanted me to. What the fuck is wrong with me, Brett? How could I be so stupid?”

  I squeezed her thighs and shook them. “Jesus, James, this isn’t your fault. She manipulated you, and there was no way you could have known. And, if you hadn’t fallen then, she would have tried again. She was determined to make your life hell, and she wouldn’t have given up until she accomplished it.”

  “What did I do to her?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, baby. But she’s not getting away with it. I’m going to call the detective, and then we’re getting on a plane and flying to LA. We’ll tell him everything we just found out, so he can do what he needs to in order to take them down.”

  “It’s over.” She looked up at the ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Brett, it’s over.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her so fucking close, trying to take some of the pain away.

  “It’s over,” she whispered again, as though she were having a hard time believing it.

  “I can’t wait for that cunt to get what’s coming to her.”

  She released my shoulders and leaned back to look at my face. “Make the call.”

  I got up from the floor and took my phone out of my pocket. I searched for the number I’d saved after James and I left the police station. “Detective, it’s Brett Young,” I said once he answered.

  “Mr. Young.” I could tell I had woken him up. With the time difference, it was only a little past four in the morning in LA. “I’m hoping this call means you have some information.”

  “The man in the video isn’t Calvin Parker. His real name is Scott Watson, and he’s Sophia Sully’s half brother.”

  “You’re positive?”

  “James identified him this morning in a picture on social media. He was in a shot with one of my agents at Sophia’s concert in Nashville. I had my agent look into it, and he got some information on Scott.”

  “How quickly can you get here?”

  “We’ll be boarding in less than an hour.”

  “Text me when you land. I’ll meet you at the police station.”

  I dropped my phone on the dresser and went back to the bed to lift her into my arms. She didn’t fight me at all; she just fell a
gainst my chest and clung her arms around me.

  “We’re getting in the shower, and then we’re going to the airport.”



  As I was grabbing some coffee in the kitchen, I heard a soft knock come from the front of my penthouse. Leaving the mug on the counter, I went into the foyer and opened the door.

  “Mr. Young, here are the newspapers you requested,” the doorman said.

  I took the stack he handed to me and thanked him before he rode my private elevator down to the lobby.

  Lifting my coffee back in my hand, I scanned the headlines and made my way to the bedroom. Once I got inside, I flipped on the light and crawled into bed.

  “Just a few more minutes,” James grumbled, turning away from the lamp and tucking the blanket over her head.

  The flying back and forth to LA, all the hours we’d spent at the police station, and the long dinner we’d had with Tim had really tired her out.

  “Baby, you’re going to want to wake up and see this.”

  Slowly, she pulled the comforter back, and her eyes opened. As she saw the papers in my lap, she sat up and turned toward me. “It’s hit the news already?”

  “Every major outlet.” I dropped a newspaper in her hands. “Los Angeles Times.” And then another. “USA Today.” I gave her the last of the stack. “New York Times. Washington Post. Miami Herald. And every article is on the front page.”

  “Oh my God.”

  It wasn’t even seven in the morning, but if I turned on the TV, I was sure every news channel would be reporting the story. The same would be true if I opened the internet. I glanced at my phone as it rested on my nightstand, and I saw alerts filling the screen, mentioning Sophia and James.

  The truth had gone viral.

  “Brett,” she gasped as she read one of the articles. “You’re not going to believe this.”

  With her facing me, I wasn’t able to see the paper, so I said, “Read it to me.”

  “One of our reporters was on location in Biloxi, Mississippi, when Scott Watson was arrested. As he was being taken into police custody, we asked him what his motive was for taping and leaking the video. He responded, ‘My sister paid me to do it. I can show you the bank deposit to prove it. She gave me one hundred thousand dollars to have sex with the hottest actress in the world. Of course I took the money. Who wouldn’t?’” James looked at me. “My hate toward Sophia just reached a whole new level.”

  I knew that last part came from her, not the article.

  “Keep reading,” I said.

  “‘My sister asked me to humiliate James. You know, like spank her and give it to her rough—things that would cause her a little pain. That was my original plan. But, once I got her to the hotel room, I knew I couldn’t go through with it. James is a real sweet girl, who just found herself in an unfortunate situation.’” She glanced up again. “An unfortunate situation? That’s what it’s called? I want to kill her…and him.”

  I rubbed my hands over her legs to try to calm her down. “Remember, every word that comes out of that moron’s mouth only helps your case. But he’s a fucking idiot. I bet he thinks, by throwing Sophia under the bus, it’ll take some of the heat off of him. Damn, he is so wrong.”

  “She’s legitimately crazy.”

  I laughed because, out of all the women I’d met in this industry, some whose sanity I’d questioned, Sophia certainly trumped them all. “The world knows that now. I guarantee, if you open your social media, they’re tearing her apart, but they’re saying some pretty nice shit about you.”

  “She must really love Abel to go through all that.”

  “That’s not love, James. That’s obsession. The chick needs some help, and maybe now, she’ll get it.” I looked at the newspaper she had sitting in her lap and held my hand out. “I want to see what else they’re saying.”

  She gave it to me, and I started reading.

  The male partner in the internationally distributed sex tape of actress James Ryne has been identified as Scott Watson of Gulfport, Mississippi. Watson has been arrested on several counts, including recording a sexual act without consent, distribution of the sexual act without permission, exploitation, and invasion of privacy.

  Watson, 26, is the half brother of country singer Sophia Sully. Sully, 22, is currently engaged to Abel Curry, 18, and according to the information that has been released, we understand their relationship began while he was still dating Ryne.

  Sully is currently on tour for her latest album, Blue-Toed Boots, and has yet to respond to her half brother’s allegations that she paid him to have sexual relations with Ryne, to film those relations, and to distribute the video worldwide. Sully’s motives are still unclear.

  When we reached out to her team, they informed us they no longer represent the singer. We have reached out to Sully personally and have yet to receive a response.

  I set the paper down and wrapped my arms around her neck, pressing my lips against her forehead. “I like the part that says she no longer has a team. Karma is such a cunt.”

  “I wish I could have seen her face when all of this went down.”

  My phone beeped from the nightstand, and I saw a celebrity alert on the screen. “Hang on, I might be able to show it to you.” I grabbed the phone and held it in front of us.


  Sophia Sully has been taken into custody to be questioned in the James Ryne sex tape scandal.

  Wonder how she’s going to sing herself out of this one.

  Underneath the alert was a picture of Sophia. She had on large sunglasses and was using her hand to try to block her face from the cameras. The scowl she had on was fucking priceless.

  James’s eyes met mine, and she said, “I feel like my entire life has just changed. Again.”

  My phone went off a second time with another celebrity alert. This one also had a picture, but it was a shot of James from the first gala she’d attended as a client of The Agency when she wore that subtly sexy, long black dress.

  America’s Sweetheart, it’s time to dust off your crown. We have a feeling you’ll be putting it on again real soon.

  And, girl, we’d say you earned it.

  “Baby,” I said, waiting for her stare to return to me. I moved my lips so goddamn close to hers, and I whispered, “You’re right; it has changed again. But, now, you have me, and it’s only going to get so much better.”



  Abel: I know you’re probably shocked to hear from me, but I’m reaching out because I owe you an apology.

  Me: It’s a little too late for an apology, don’t you think?

  Abel: It is, but, God, James, she was always so jealous of you. I should have known how deep her jealousy ran when she wouldn’t let me be at the house on the day you moved out. I told you I had to film, but that was a lie. She used to check my phone every day to see if you’d called or texted. I tried to delete whatever had come in, but sometimes, I didn’t have a chance. Those messages would set her off for days, and I’d have to listen to her bitch about you nonstop. For what it’s worth, I didn’t know Sophia and Scott were involved in the video. But then you came up to us at that party in Miami, and the guy you were describing sounded like Scott. I never saw the two of you together, but I knew he was there that night. I should have told you when you asked. I’m sorry I didn’t.

  Me: You’re right. You should have told me.

  Abel: I know I’ve fucked up a lot, and I’m not proud of those mistakes.

  Me: We’ve both made mistakes we’re not proud of, Abel. I just want to know where we went wrong.

  Abel: We were so young when we got together, and you were the only girl I’d ever been with. We both got so busy, and you were traveling a lot for press tours and filming. Our lives were moving in opposite directions. Sophia just happened to be there.

  Me: Wow.

  Abel: I just wanted you to know how fucking sorry I am that all of this happened.

  Me: Apol
ogy accepted. Take care.



  I was sitting on a high-top stool in the green room of The Ellen DeGeneres Show while a makeup artist touched up my eye shadow and a hairstylist re-curled all my strands.

  Tim had stopped by when I first arrived to bring me a bouquet of flowers. I hadn’t seen him since the announcement of the movie deal, and he had come to congratulate me. Eve had also popped in to help me get dressed, making sure the accessories she had chosen coordinated as well as she wanted them to.

  They did.

  The gold jewelry went perfectly with my navy dress, and the sparkly stilettos were just so fun. Unfortunately, Eve wasn’t able to stay for the show. She had to catch a flight to New York, but I’d be seeing her in Miami in a few weeks.

  “Two-minute countdown,” an assistant said after opening the door and peeking his head in.

  “I’ll be ready,” I told him.

  “Can I have a second alone with her, ladies?” Brett said as he got up from the couch and walked over to me. He didn’t touch me until both girls were gone. “This dress,” he growled, running his hands over my sides and across my stomach before finally landing on my neck, “is going to be on the floor of the plane the second I get you on board.”

  I smiled, turning my face so that he wouldn’t kiss me on the lips. “Brett, no,” I said, laughing as he tried to move my chin. “You can’t smudge my gloss when I’m about to go onstage.”

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  Slowly, I turned my mouth toward him, anticipating his to immediately press against mine.

  But it didn’t.

  It just hovered close as he said, “I want you to go out there and fucking kill it.”

  “I remember you saying something like that once before.”

  “Mmm,” he moaned, grazing his lips across my collarbone. Once they left my skin, I felt the goose bumps rise. “And look what happened; you went into that meeting, and you fucking killed it.”


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