Gunner (The Bad Disciples MC Book 1)

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Gunner (The Bad Disciples MC Book 1) Page 19

by Savannah Rylan

  “I can get that,” Ember said. “So, are you going to add motivational speaking to your laundry list of accomplishments?”

  “I doubt it,” Zander said. “You can talk to people and get them motivated, but then again if they were really motivated then they wouldn’t have come to you to get that motivation, right?”

  “Hey, thanks a lot!” Ember said punching him lightly on the arm.

  He smiled. “Oh, I wasn’t aware you had a violent streak. But then again, that might be a lot of fun.”

  Ember tried to hide the blush. He was starting to flirt with her hardcore now, taking every opportunity to glance at her cleavage and her legs. Not that she minded, but it had been a while since a man had really done that. She knew that it was mostly her fault. This was also the first time in a long time that she had decided to let her guard down and actually be receptive to flirtations from guys. She didn’t know what her deal was or why she’d been in such a stand offish mood lately with men. It was true that she’d had some bad relationships in the past, but somewhere along the way she’d just become way too comfortable being with just herself.

  But this felt good. It felt right. She was definitely going to have some fun tonight.

  And she really wished it was with Zander. She had a feeling he was going to bid highly for her, but it was possible the other men would outbid him. Somehow though, she doubted that would happen.

  Suddenly she caught motion out of the corner of her eye. Violet was motioning for her to come along. They had to get backstage and get ready to go onstage.

  “Well, that is my que. I have to run,” Ember said. She finished her drink and started to walk away.

  “It was nice meeting you,” Zander said. “I’ll see you…. soon…”

  She locked eyes with him. He grabbed her hand softly, held it to his lips, and kissed all the while keeping her gaze with his never letting hers go.

  Ember felt a school girl giggle erupt inside of her as she slowly walked away trying not to look back. Up ahead Violet and a few others were giggling and pointing at her. It felt like seventh grade all over again.

  Ember headed backstage and got ready. She was no longer nervous. Somehow she knew that she would be spending a lot more time with Zander.

  And that was just fine with her.



  Zander stood there for several minutes as if in a daze. He’d watched Ember walk away to join the group and head backstage and he felt a bit lonely. He knew that Ember was special. She was already special to him and that terrified him. He could not remember a time when he’d become so intrigued and fascinated by a woman he’d just met. But there was something about her. It did not make sense to him and it was completely out of character for him, but he was not the kind of guy who ever lied to himself. He knew what he felt and a spark had just been awakened inside of him that he long thought forever dormant. This could be the beginning of something very exciting.

  “So, what do you think so far?” Harrison said sidling up beside him and ordering a beer from the hot bartender.

  Zander did not answer right away. His head was too far gone in the clouds thinking about the amazing Ember and he also did not want to seem too interested in whatever Harrison was offering him. He needed the man to beg him a bit more. He might even be able to get Harrison to offer him a better deal, especially if he thought that Zander might take some of his ideas and make them better somewhere else.

  He decided that he would plant that seed in Harrison’s mind soon. Not now, but soon.

  “Well, so far it’s not too shabby.”

  “Yeah, I saw you talking to that girl. Wow, she must be new. I don’t remember seeing her around before, but she is remarkably hot.”

  “She does have a bit of something special,” Zander admitted out loud. “I might bid on her, but I am keeping my options open.”

  “I would expect nothing less from you,” Harrison said. “Oh, by the way if for some reason you decide not to jump on board this opportunity and then you try to screw me by taking my idea and doing something else with it I will bury you in legal crap so deep your great grandchildren won’t be able to breathe. Do we understand each other?”

  Zander slowly turned his gaze to Harrison who was serious as a heart attack. It was hilarious.

  “I get you, but you know me. I am lousy at promises.”

  Harrison did not seem amused.

  He walked away heading towards the backstage area.

  Was it something I said?

  He sauntered over closer to the stage to wait for the action to begin. After about five minutes he noticed that the place was much more packed than it was before, and at least in front of the massive stage area the tables were now full of guys, many of them with women already, all hooting and hollering.

  A striking woman came out to the center of the stage just then. She was tall with long hair, and curves in all the right places. Somehow Zander did not think this woman was up for auction that night. She grabbed the microphone and gave the crowd a smile as she waited for the applause to die down.

  “Ladies and gentleman. Thank you so much for being with us this evening. The auction is about to begin. We have assembled a fine collection of beautiful, accomplished women who are sure to strike your fancy. So without further delay, let’s get started!”

  The crowd erupted with cheers and applause as a chorus line of beautiful, magical looking women entered from the left side of the stage. There was something there for every type of guy; the club really went out of its way to showcase every type of woman. There were tall women, short women, blondes, brunettes, redheads, curvy, slender, a few BBW’s, and every race and ethnicity seemed to be represented as well. But it was immediately clear that they were all spectacular, not only in beauty but grace and intelligence. They would each present themselves one by one after they took the stage together. At least that was how Harrison had explained it to him earlier.

  The last woman to enter the stage stopped his heart cold in his chest. At first it didn’t even register that she was part of the auction. He’d wondered why she had run off suddenly so quickly, but he just figured it was a ladies night out. Maybe a bachelorette party or something. He must have really been off his game to not put it all together.

  Ember was standing there. She looked even more angelic up there under the lights standing beside all of those other angels. But even with them she was a cut above the rest. He was not sure exactly how you could describe it, what it was that made her different and special but it was there. Or perhaps it was just because he’d already met her and interacted with her. He felt he knew her on a personal basis.

  Wow, she was really up there. He could not believe it. Suddenly he felt very territorial and protective as he heard the crowd roaring even louder when Ember stepped foot on the stage. It was obvious that she was the ultimate prize of the evening, as she would be any evening he was sure. He had to outbid everyone. She had to be his date. He would not lose to this. The killer instinct he’d honed over several years of cutthroat business was rearing its ugly head and it was hungry for a victory.

  Her eye caught his just then. Somehow she picked him out of the crowd of men in front of the stage who were all now standing. He felt a bit odd standing there with all these other guys who were practically drooling. Ember smiled and winked at him. He laughed softly to himself. The girl had charm oozing out of every little thing that she did.

  He felt a weight in his chest almost like the first time he’d fallen in love as a teenager. They would have called it puppy love then but it felt real enough. And right now he felt no differently. There was something about this woman that had snared him, drawn him to her and now there was no turning back. None at all.

  Zander moved to the bar, ordered another drink, this time not even looking at the bartender who was dying to be with him.

  “Put this drink on my tab,” he said as he moved around the edge to position himself closer to the stage and closer to Ember.
  “Ok, ladies,” Vienna said. With that the women all walked off stage one by one.

  Ember winked again at Zander as she left the stage.

  “Those are the ladies of the evening!” Vienna shouted. The crowd erupted into an even louder applause combined with some whistles and shouting. “Aren’t they fantastic? Ok, now each one of the girls will come out here and tell you a brief bit about herself. First up we have Nadine Wilkes.”

  A sexy blonde girl walked out on the stage as if she owned it. She grabbed the microphone and began to tease the crowd, really playing everything up. Zander was mildly amused but he was not going to waste a cent of his bid on anyone else but Ember.

  One by one the girls came out onstage, introduced themselves, and then stepped to the side until they were all standing there waiting to be bid on as Vienna started to go down the line.

  Ember stepped out last. She appeared nervous as she took the microphone. Zander thought it was adorable.

  “Hi, I’m Ember,” she said. Her voice was weak and she seemed to be having trouble putting her thoughts together.

  Zander didn’t understand how a sexy woman like her could ever lose her confidence, but it was endearing. All the guys in the crowd started to cheer and applaud her before she even really said anything.

  Ember laughed and giggled at the reception. As the applause died down a bit she glanced down and caught Zander’s eye. He gave her a wink, a nod, and a smile. He mouthed the words “Go for it!” to her.

  She laughed and then the confidence he had seen in her earlier surfaced.

  “My name is Ember. I’m a Pisces. I love long walks on the beach during the three months of the year weather really permits that here in NYC. I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. I like to live life one day at a time and see where the wind takes me without expectations or regrets. Life is just too short for either, right?”

  The crowd began to cheer loudly. Zander clapped slowly as he smiled widely at her. That was his girl, alright.

  “Wow, aren’t these ladies incredible?” Vienna said. “Alright, let’s not waste any time. Let the bidding begin!”

  Alright, it’s time to go to work.



  Ember took several deep breaths trying to calm her rollercoaster of emotions. On one hand she was more excited than she had been in longer than she could remember and on the other hand she was scared to death. She’d been about to blow it big time when she first grabbed the microphone, or attempted to grab it would be a better description. It was like her whole body was partially paralyzed. Her throat tightened, her fingers wouldn’t close properly around the microphone, and she was having trouble walking straight.

  But as soon as the crowd began to cheer it all changed, especially when she saw Zander looking at her. After she left him to go backstage she began to whip herself up into a panic because she hadn’t told him specifically that she was there for the auction. She hoped he had picked up the hint but judging by his face when she walked on the stage he had no idea. What would he think? Would he feel less towards her? She hoped she wasn’t wrong in picking up an attraction vibe when they were chatting earlier. The conversation had been very easy going with no intentions, no objectives, or motives really. It was just two people enjoying each other’s company and having a good time. It was a real connection. Ember couldn’t remember ever feeling a connection that strongly to a man she’d just met. And it wasn’t just that he was the best piece of eye candy she’d ever laid eyes on. It wasn’t the fact that he had more money than God. She honestly didn’t know what it was. Whatever that thing was that drew two people together and made them both twice as good as they were on their own was happening between the two of them. She hoped that she was not the only one who felt that way. Zander was a bit hard to read. He had that sexy mysterious thing going to the hilt.

  As she relaxed back onto the end of the line after giving her speech she concentrated on slowing her breathing and just calming down as the nerves threatened to return with a vengeance. She no longer felt the support she had just a moment ago for some reason.

  And Zander was gone. She searched the space he was in just a moment ago and he wasn’t there, was he? The bright lights were shining in her eyes making it very difficult to really see the crowd. She tried not to squint (that was the last thing these guys wanted to see) and stay smiling but she desperately wanted to find Zander. Would he bid on her? Would he be able to outbid the others? She had no idea how high these bids could go. As far as she knew there really wasn’t a limit.

  “You look nervous,” Violet whispered beside her.

  “Do I? Well there is a reason for that,” Ember joked.

  “Just relax, you are doing fine,” Violet replied. “These guys love you in case you couldn’t tell.”

  Ember smiled. “Thanks,” she said. It was nice having Violet helping her through all this. In lieu of Liza not being able to be there she was the next best thing. Ember wasn’t sure she would have made it through the night and actually gone through with all of this otherwise. Well, until she met Zander that was. She had a feeling that she would have stood up there hoping to end up with that man at any cost.

  There he was!

  Zander was returning from the bar with a new drink in hand. He made his way around the outer edge of the stage until he was now standing very close to where she was. He was still staring right at her and only her with that sexy smirk of his. Butterflies collided repeatedly in Ember’s stomach.

  “You know he comes here all the time,” Violet said.

  “What? He gave me the impression he didn’t,” Ember replied. Had she totally misread him? Was he being serious when she thought he was being coy?

  “Yeah, the guy is a real player. He is loaded like nobody’s business. All the girls are in love with him; I mean how can you not be? He always picks someone different.”

  Ember felt a bit of resentment growing inside of her. “Is that so? Have you been with him yet?”

  “No, not yet. I’ve heard he is a bit of a jerk and has a cruel streak, so I’m not really waiting for him. I’m hoping he doesn’t bid on me actually.”

  “You could have told me this earlier when I was flirting with him,” Ember said. “I feel stupid.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were just having fun. Besides harmless flirting never hurt anyone. I figured you knew who he was. He has a bit of reputation around town as one of the hotshot rich, young, New York City tycoons. You can google all about him.”

  “I might just have to do that,” Ember said. A pit was now growing in her stomach. Was Violet right? What had she gotten herself into?

  She just needed to relax. Even if he did bid on her the she could just go out and have fun, see for herself what he was like and if she decided that she did not want it to go farther then it wouldn’t. Except she knew that this man could easily have the kind of seductive power over her that she had only read about before. She had felt it the moment she was in his presence and held that steely, cold, yet warm and sexy gaze. That man was so naturally dominant without being domineering. It was a natural alpha male in his element and she could not resist it. Could she? Oh, what was a girl to do?

  Vienna was now opening the bidding on her. Ember felt her heart beating wildly in her chest as she tried to relax, tried to calm down. She was starting to sweat profusely. She wanted to wipe at it but she knew that it would only attract the wrong kind of attention. Hopefully nobody could really tell.

  Maybe Zander wasn’t even here for dating purposes. He might have had some business engagement going on. She did see him talking to some fancy looking business executive earlier didn’t she? But it was very brief. Perhaps Violet was all wrong about him? It was easy to get the wrong idea about someone. And as for a rich and somewhat famous guy in this town, the media could be vicious and could just tear people apart.

  “Let’s start the bidding at five thousand dollars,” Vienna said.

  Ember tried to pay
attention to what she was saying, but she kept getting distracted by her spinning thoughts. She had to concentrate though. She took another deep breath and forced her mouth to smile widely, added some batting eyelashes, and pretty much tried to look as cheesy and clichéd sexy as she could.

  Zander was still eying her strongly. He had yet to make a wager. Maybe he was toying with her? Did he really have a bad streak like Violet was saying? Or maybe he was just biding his time to wait until almost the end and sweep through with some high priced bid in a dramatic fashion. She could see a guy like Zander having a flair for theatrics.

  “Five thousand!” A voice from the crowd.

  “We have five thousand, how about ten? Anyone for ten thousand?” Vienna said, her voice rising to higher inflections as she became more excited. The woman really loved what she did and Ember had to admit she was really good at working a crowd. She was starting to gain some respect for Vienna’s talents, but she doubted she would ever have much respect for her as a person. She was just too fake.

  “Ten thousand!” Another voice.

  Ember tried to see into the crowd who was actually making these bids but the lights were too bright. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was almost right in front of the stage now she wouldn’t have seen him either. He was still standing there with that rakish grin of his that made her heart flutter every time she saw it.

  “How about twenty thousand? Do we hear twenty thousand?” Vienna asked.

  Ember was getting excited now. Imagine if someone paid that much for her. She would not have to worry about any of her bills for a while. It was all surreal. Just yesterday she’d been down in the dumps worrying about her uncertain future with a mountain of bills looming in front of her and now she was poised to make thousands for doing practically nothing. And if she was popular she might be invited back, possibly regularly. Hell, if she kept this up for a year or so she could save enough to quit her day job and just do whatever she wanted to make her happy. She could think about what kind of a business she wanted to start and run things her own way. She realized that was still the dream; it was very much alive and kicking deeply inside of her subconscious. It might be time to grab that dream off the shelf and dust it off. Let it stretch its legs.


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