Barbarian's Touch: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 8)

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Barbarian's Touch: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 8) Page 14

by Ruby Dixon

  Instead, maybe I should shuck his.

  The thought is a tantalizing one, and I let my hand trail down his chest as we kiss. It feels both naughty and utterly powerful to think about taking charge like this, but now that the idea is in my head, I can’t let it go. I want to touch him. I need to touch him.

  I really, really need to find out if he has ridges down there like he has on his tongue. Or even a penis. Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s a penis, because the bulge in his breechcloth is hard to mistake.

  But when I slide my hand down and drag my fingers over his length to outline it, I feel more than I expected. There’s the thick, ridged (yep, called it) outline of his cock that’s so big and hard it’s practically like stroking an extra-large water bottle. Then there’s the soft sac of his balls underneath, but when my fingers circle him at the base, I run into something hard and almost…bony. Right above his cock.

  I’m so startled by this new discovery that I jerk my hand away and break the kiss.

  He doesn’t realize that I’m freaking out. His hand fists in my hair and he buries his face against my neck, taking in my scent. His breathing is rapid, and when he shifts me against him, I can feel his purr matching to mine. I start to melt against him all over again.


  I bite my lip and tap his shoulder. “Rokan?”

  He pulls back, gazing at me. There is worry in his eyes, and a question. And I try to think of the best way to broach the subject. I mean, I haven’t really had a lot of experience with human penises, but I know they do not come with extras. How do I tell him I need to check the goods for myself to make sure I want to move forward?

  Not that I’m ready to have sex, of course. It’s too early for that. But like, now that I know there’s something lurking under there?

  I have got to know what it is.

  “Can…can I look at you?” I ask him. I feel terribly shy and incredibly bold all at once. “Just to, you know…” See things? Make sure there’s not any deal breakers under there? No barbs, pinchers, or things I don’t have holes for?

  He gestures at his body, giving me permission. Oh, so he’s not going to do it for me? All right, then. Time to be brave and take what I want. I hesitate, then put my hand on his lower stomach again.

  Rokan’s loincloth seems to be a simple affair. It’s a long length of leather with a thick belt to hold it up. It also looks like if I undo the belt ties, the entire thing will just fall off. Breathless, I’m acutely aware of his big hand moving up and down my back, his knuckles rubbing lightly against me through my clothes, and the big thigh that I’m perched on. I have this insane urge to rub up against him, but before we go any further, I’ve got to see the goods.

  I pick at the knot, biting my lip, and then it’s free. I tug on the belt, and the leather falls, but remains tented over his cock. I see I’m going to have to unwrap him like a present.

  When I hesitate again, his hand slides under the back of my tunic and he begins to rub my lower back, stroking his knuckles in a gentle caress that seems a thousand times more intimate than it was a moment ago. And because the touch is arousing and comforting at the same time, I take the edge of his loincloth and pull it down, exposing him to my gaze.

  All right.

  That’s…a lot of dick.

  My hand hovers over him, because, wow. He’s fully erect, the head of his cock straining toward me. It’s a darker shade of blue than the rest of him, and the head is shiny and wet. There are ridges going down the length, starting under the base of the crown and heading all the way to his smooth groin. I guess they don’t have body hair.

  Instead, he’s got a big blunt horn. Or something. It protrudes above his cock, about as long as one of my fingers, and about as thick. It doesn’t look scary? Just weirdly inhuman and out of place. I study everything for a long moment, wondering if I should touch, and then wondering why I’m so chicken about it. He wants me to touch him. The moment my hand hovers closer, he sucks in a breath. When I don’t make a move, he exhales slowly. His hand has stopped moving on my back, and I’m acutely aware of him.

  As he breathes, his cock moves, and I resist the urge to measure him, because he seems really large. I mean, he’s a big guy already so I shouldn’t be surprised that his equipment is big, but…wow. I’m pretty sure that’s gonna be a tight squeeze. I flex my fingers, hovering my hand closer, and as I do, a pearl of liquid beads on the head of his cock and then slides downward.

  That’s fascinating and really sexy. My thighs clench and I realize I’m wet, too, just from staring at him. There’s a throb deep between my legs and I feel all hot and breathless, and I haven’t even touched him. I let my hand hesitate in midair a moment longer, and then gently drag my fingers from the base of his cock all the way to the head. I want to feel those ridges.

  Actually, I want to feel all of him.

  A shudder moves through him and I look up to see his head has tilted back, his eyes closing. His face looks both strained and sensual at the same time. All that just from one small touch? I feel powerful. I let my fingers trace his length again, enjoying his visual response, the way his entire body shudders again. I explore him with my hand, using touch to learn his length, the ridges along the shaft of his cock, and the slippery feel of the moisture beading on the head. If his skin is normally warm, it’s scorching right here, and touching him makes me aroused and breathless. I slide my fingers along the underside of his cock, brushing along his balls. He’s hairless here, and the skin is soft and delicate. It’s fascinating. I move my hand upward, and brush a finger along the horn-like protrusion, and his entire body jerks in response.

  His hand grabs mine, stopping me.

  I look up into his eyes, and I can see his mouth moving as he pants, his chest heaving. There’s a fine sheen of sweat on his face and he gives a small shake of his head.

  “Too much?” I guess aloud.

  He nods and clenches a fist, then flings his fingers out, miming an explosion.

  I giggle a little at that. “Maybe you should learn to control yourself.” I make the sign for control, just to be a tease. “Control.”

  His brows go up and there’s a sexy look of challenge on his face. His arm goes around me a little tighter, and I suck in a breath, wondering if I’ve said too much.

  But he only pulls me in for a kiss, and I wrap my arms around his neck, closing my eyes and losing myself to the firm caress of his mouth against mine and the way he works his tongue. Lord, that ridged tongue. I’m kind of addicted to it.

  His knuckles rub gently at the base of my spine again, and then I feel his other hand go to the front of my pants.

  My eyes fly open again. He presses a little kiss to my lips, sucking lightly on my lower one before releasing it. That challenging expression is still on his face, a mixture of mischief and determination.

  And I feel the leather tie that holds my pants come undone.

  I get where this is going, now. I teased him about his control, and now he’s going to test mine. I gaze at him, shocked and more than a little aroused. It seems like if I tease him, he’s going to give me equal measure. The thought is both thrilling and a little scandalous, and I squirm against him.

  His hand pauses at my stomach, and then moves away. In the shadows of the cave, I see him make the ‘okay’ sign. He’s asking me if it’s too much.

  God, he’s the sweetest. I lean in and kiss him on the mouth.

  Just because I’m terrified doesn’t mean I don’t want him to touch me.

  Rokan rubs his nose against mine in an affectionate nuzzle, and then his hand returns to my belly, under my tunic. It rests there for a moment, and then I feel him tug at my pants-strings again.

  I remain still.

  A moment later, I feel the ties give. My pants go loose at my waist, the leather dropping a few inches.

  I don’t move. Heck, I don’t even know if I’m breathing.

  He nuzzles my nose again, and at the same moment, his hand pushes into my pants. I gas
p, because it feels like the tension in my body is so great that I might explode. I’m purring up a storm, too, and that just adds to the overwhelming sensations.

  But then he kisses me again, his mouth gently claiming mine, and I let him conquer my mouth, even though my entire focus is on the hand that rests just above my pussy. He was completely smooth - is he going to think I’m hairy and gross? Do girls in his tribe have that weird bone thing and is he going to find it strange that I don’t? Should I be quite this wet? Am I—

  Everything stops when his fingers move.

  I press my forehead to his bumpy one, gasping, and gazing right into his glowing eyes as his hand begins to explore me in a place that no one’s ever touched but me. He touches the curls of my sex, and I feel him petting it, stroking me like he would a cat. It’d almost be funny, except I feel ready to break into a thousand pieces already, I’m so tense.

  Then, his hand pushes lower, and one of his big fingers traces the seam of my pussy. Oh my God, I can tell I’m so wet and hot right now, because my pussy seems to just slide apart the moment he touches me. It’s like my body’s saying yes, come right on in. And it feels amazing. I’m pretty sure I’m whimpering, not that I can hear it. It doesn’t matter - I’m locked in to Rokan and his wonderful, intense gaze that holds mine even as his hands hold me. It’s like as long as he’s looking at me, I’m safe. He’s got me, and he won’t let things get out of control. He won’t let me get scared or overwhelmed.

  Looking in his eyes, everything’s handled. I feel like I can let go, because he’ll be there to make everything all right.

  He tilts his head just a little, his mouth capturing mine again in just the barest of kisses, more affectionate than passionate. All the while, his fingers are exploring me inside my pants. He strokes my pussy again, moving deeper, and then he lets one finger move through my wet folds, rubbing me everywhere. He pauses at the opening to my core, his finger lightly tapping over that spot, and God, I’m so wet and aroused. I want to cry out with disappointment when he doesn’t go any further than that, just goes back to lightly stroking me and petting me. His fingers start to move upward, and I rock hopefully against him. Maybe he’ll find my clit and rub it, instead.

  A moment later, he does. His callused fingertips graze that perfect spot and I grab a double-fistful of his hair, sucking in my breath. That was almost too much.

  Rokan pauses, and his mouth brushes over mine again, our breath mingling like our purring. He taps the spot with his finger, and a cry wrenches from my throat. I tug on his hair, and press my mouth to his, my tongue seeking him out. There’s so much going on inside me, I need to let it out. I need more - more petting, more kissing, more rubbing, more everything. I need him to get me off.

  Here I told myself we were just going to do kissing for a while, and right now I’m about ready to start grinding on his leg if he doesn’t start touching me again.

  But his mouth captures mine, and then he sucks lightly on my tongue, even as his finger rubs against my clit again. I whimper, rocking my hips back and forth as he teases my clit. “Please,” I breathe against his mouth when he breaks the kiss. “Please, I need more.”

  He nods, the look in his eyes so sexy and full of promise that I feel my pulse flutter deep in my belly. His fingers stroke me again, rubbing my clit and I moan, then cry out when he doesn’t follow up with more clit-petting. Instead, he rubs lower, moving down to my entrance, and he pushes the tip of one big finger inside me. All the sensations in my body feel like they’re changing with that one move, and my belly suddenly feels hollow and aching, like I need to be filled. I push against his hand and kiss him again, frantic.

  Rokan’s mouth slams against mine, even as his finger pushes deeper into me. It feels tight and weird for a moment, and then he thrusts deep inside me, and I’m moaning against his tongue because it feels so good. He rocks his finger into me again, hard, and then repeats it, and I’m riding his hand and kissing him with all I’ve got as the orgasm that’s been flirting at the edges barrels to the forefront. A few more thrusts of his fingers and then I gasp as my thighs seem to lock up, my muscles tightening as pleasure rips through me. I cling to him, choking for breath as he continues to finger me even as I come, pushing into my wet heat over and over again.

  I’ve never come so hard, not when I’ve touched myself. Having him get me off like that feels like everything’s been amplified, and it’s terrifying and wondrous and feels amazing.

  After what seems like forever, my muscles unlock and I melt against him, drooping with the aftermath of my orgasm. It’s like it’s sucked all of the strength out of my body and left this spent, noodle-boned girl in its place. He kisses my face over and over again, his mouth still frantic, his body still tense.

  I wonder if he’s come.

  I rest my head on his shoulder, mindful of his big horns that arch around his skull, and reach down to see if he’s still hard. He catches my hand before I can touch his cock, and then guides me there. He wraps my fingers around his length, and then his hand covers mine, and he gives a hard pump.

  Oh. He’s going to use me to get off. I should be appalled…instead, I’m rather titillated. He wants my touch, not his. I like that.

  After a few hard strokes, I feel his entire body shudder, and then his head leans forward and he bites - bites! - the shoulder of my tunic. Warm liquid spatters my hand, clenched in his. He’s coming, lost in his own pleasure moment, and I wish it were brighter in the cave so I could watch his every expression. Instead, I just stroke his hair with one hand, gently squeeze his cock with my other, and wait for him.

  He recovers, releases my hand, and then uses a soft bit of fur to clean our hands off. I’m a little sad when he gets up, and I curl up in the blankets that he’s left because I’m too boneless to move. I watch, dopey with endorphins, as he puts more water on over the fire.

  So that just happened. I went to third base with my alien boyfriend. I could officially be the easiest earth chick on this planet. My sister would probably be mortified. It’s only been a few days since I met Rokan. I should go slower. Take things gradually and get to know each other, but I can’t keep my hands off of him. After years of being content with my virginity, I am now officially ‘fast’.

  But I can’t find it in me to give a crap. I watch Rokan by the fire, his tight blue ass bare, tail swishing, and feel rather pleased with myself.



  This is the best day.

  I thought, perhaps, that the day I felt resonance, that would be the best day. But now I know that it is this day, with my mate sleepy and sated, and the scent of her cunt still on my fingers.

  I am ravenous for her. Resonance has not been sated, and will not be sated until she is with my kit. Until then, we will starve for each other’s touch. Already I could take her body to mine and fill her with my aching cock, and it has been but a moment since I left her. I poke at the coals, warming a bit of hot tea. I am not thirsty, but I want to have it prepared in case my mate wakes and needs a drink. I must anticipate her every need.

  I look over at the nest of furs. Her eyes are closed and she is on her back, her tunic bunched at her waist. Her legs are slightly parted and I can see the undone laces of her leggings. It would not take much to push them down to her knees and to bury my mouth in her warm flesh, to taste her until she fills my mouth with her juices. I lift my fingers to my nose. They are still perfumed with her scent. I want to wear it forever. I want to lick it off my hand and taste it.

  Instead, I add a few leaves to the tea and stir it, then hunch down by the fire to wait it out.

  I see now why the others are so wild for their human mates. I was pleased for my friends when they mated. I was amused when my brother, ever the flirt, resonated to his Kira and now watches her constantly with a besotted expression.

  Now, I understand.

  With Li-lah in my life, everything has changed. My priority is her. My happiness is hers. When I return home, I will move my small
bed of furs out of my parents’ cave and ask the chief for a home to share with my mate, so we may start our family.

  My desires have changed - now, I will crave Li-lah’s hand, her sighs, her everything - in order to bring myself to come. Even my seed has changed with Li-lah. Instead of thin and slick like before, it is now thick and milky. All that I am is changing for her.

  I welcome it.

  Just thinking about my mate makes me turn back around to look at her again. She is soft in the furs, one hand pillowed on a pale cheek. My cock is stiff with need again, and I think of the way her small fingers curled around my shaft, her grip holding me tight as I stroked myself.

  Tea can wait.

  I stalk over to the bed and set down gently on my knees to Li-lah’s side, and tap her arm. I always let her know my presence because she cannot hear me. I do not want to scare her by looming over her. I cannot imagine what it is like to live in silence; it only emphasizes how strong my mate is.

  Her eyes slide open and she gives me a shy, sleepy smile. “Oh. Hi there.”

  I lean down and kiss her, and she makes a happy little sound in her throat. Then, I slide lower on her body and move those tantalizing leggings lower, revealing the tiny thatch of mane between her thighs and the soft folds it covers. Her scent fills my nose and I groan aloud, then begin to kiss her belly.

  I feel her quiver. She shifts, and I take the opportunity to tug her pants down to her knees, just as I pictured.

  “Oh,” she breathes. Her hands smooth down the front of her tunic and then she reaches for me. “Oh…”

  I pull one leg of her pants off, then the other. Now she is delightfully bare. I take one delicate ankle and run my mouth over it.

  “Oh,” she breathes again, the sound low and throaty.

  I kiss my way down her leg, toward her cunt.


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