Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set

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Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set Page 51

by Jade C. Jamison

  So she forced herself to take her mind off what his chest looked like unclothed and what the rest of him must look like. Hell, she especially needed to quit wondering what he kissed like. And just because he was on his best behavior now didn’t mean he was going to be good all night, no matter how he’d dressed or even the fact that he’d given her flowers. He’d already shown her his true colors last night, both during the show (unbeknownst to most of the audience) and after when he’d been holding her close from behind.

  Stop thinking about that.

  And yet she found it hard to get the image out of her mind. He’d felt, in that moment, so potent, so irresistible, so virile, and if she’d given in to her basest instincts, she would’ve hiked her skirt and demanded that he fuck her right then and there.

  But that wasn’t any way to win a man’s heart.

  And why was she teasing herself so much anyway? It was one night, a fun date, nothing she should get her hopes up about.

  She knew that, and yet…

  She shoved the thoughts down as he held open one of the doors to the front of the school for her. How many times over the past few years had she walked through these doors? How many times had she walked through them feeling the way she did now? She was mostly happy, partially horny, and quite conflicted.

  Probably none.

  She’d gone through the doors feeling happy on occasion. She’d never walked through the doors feeling aroused. On occasion, she’d entered the building feeling a little conflicted. And, at this moment, she also felt exhilarated. Why was Riley having that effect on her?

  She dared not let him know. At the moment, she preferred humble, well-behaved Riley to the cocky, full-of-himself version.

  They walked into the gym, and Erin noticed that about half the squad was already there. There were exactly thirteen small round tables, all topped with fine linen. She wondered where they’d gotten the tables and figured the cheer squad had probably bought them years ago just for the occasion. The lights were dim and she noticed the overhead ones weren’t on. She noticed some stage lights hanging from some metal poles that had been used on the stage the night before. Each table had a candle, but the lighting was soft and romantic.

  Erin couldn’t understand why these girls agreed to do this every year. What if they were saddled with a boy they didn’t like? Erin felt like she got lucky. She could’ve wound up with someone less desirable. Truth be told, even if nothing came of it (and she didn’t believe it would), at least she had a good-looking date for an evening…a date other women would kill for.

  But, of course, the girls were doing it for their sport, their passion. She supposed had she been that age, she would’ve done something similar. She’d dated some of the boys considered less desirable back when she was in high school and college, simply because she was willing to look deeper than appearance and popularity. She guessed she needed to give the cheerleaders credit as well, considering they didn’t appear to be judging their dates either.

  Riley pulled a chair out for her at a table closest to the back, farthest from the others. Erin saw Kortni, one of two sophomores on the team, and a smile spread across the young girl’s face. She shrugged her shoulders and giggled, then waved at Erin. Erin waved back, hoping she wouldn’t be under scrutiny all night.

  When Riley sat in the other chair, Erin realized Kortni probably wasn’t necessarily waving at her so much as she was waving at the woman who was on a date with the hot rock star. She guessed she couldn’t blame the girl for that. But it was probably gonna be a long night.

  John, the tall football player who’d been helping emcee the night before, brought a carafe of ice water to their table and poured the two goblets full. He was dressed in a black and white tux (quite unexpected), and he had a white linen towel draped over his arm. Exactly how much money was coming out of the coffer for this thing? Would the cheerleaders really make money when all was said and done? She wondered, seeing how no expense was spared here. But she knew maybe appearances were deceiving. Maybe it wasn’t as costly as it looked. She couldn’t really judge, considering this was the first one of these she’d been to.

  “Can I get you anything else to drink? We have iced tea and coffee.”

  Erin said, “I’ll have some tea.”

  “Me, too.”

  John turned and walked out of the gym, probably to the cafeteria which was right down the hall. She guessed that’s where they’d be holding the food. Erin leaned over the table and said, “Crap. I had no idea they went all out on this thing.”

  Riley smiled, a look clouding his eyes that Erin couldn’t quite translate. “I’m waiting for more. I’m not leaving till I get what I paid for.” Erin wrinkled her brow, not sure what he was saying, but then he laughed and shook his head. Oh, his strange sense of humor. “I paid for the company.”

  She looked down, feeling that stupid blush crawl up her neck again. When she looked up again into his eyes, she said, “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

  He licked his lips. “Oh, you won’t.”

  Chapter Nine

  RILEY HAD MANAGED to be a perfect gentleman throughout the evening. Not one curse word and he never raised his voice. He even managed to not upstage all the lovely young ladies at the event, including his own date.

  But he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes—or his mind—off her. He’d asked her a lot of questions about her job as a high school English teacher, and he’d been able to process about half of what she’d said. But the fuckin’ thoughts swimming in his brain…Jesus Christ. He didn’t know that he’d be able to contain himself if she ever let him get his hands on her. Still, he’d have to try. Surely, she’d let him kiss her good night at least, especially considering all the money he’d spent on her.

  Based on what she’d said earlier, he didn’t know that dancing would be a good idea. But she asked him for just one dance and then we’ll go, and how could he say no? He didn’t know that a fast dance would be a good idea, especially if she had some killer moves. He wouldn’t be able to stand watching her gyrate her hips and run her hands through her hair or whatever it would be she’d do, but he knew for certain that a slow dance was a bad idea. He’d be pressed up against her…too close, and she and everyone else there would expect him to maintain the G-rating put on this event. But he managed…he kept his hands firmly locked at the small of her back and enjoyed the feel of hers around his neck. Her hair was next to his nose and he kept breathing it in, slowly, deeply…couldn’t get enough of the way she smelled. And he could see her milky white shoulders up close, that delicate, soft skin he’d love to sink his teeth into. And he wished he wasn’t wearing the goddamned suit jacket, or he’d be able to feel her a lot better through the shirt. He should’ve taken the stupid thing off before getting on the floor, but he hadn’t thought of it. Again, though, probably a good idea. Any more lascivious thoughts and he’d be popping a boner like an out-of-control kid. That probably wouldn’t set very well with her, so it was for the best.

  Bad enough the thoughts in his head.

  So when the number ended, Erin said, “Thanks for that. We can go now.” What a sweet smile.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah…it’s probably better we get you out of here now, don’t you think? You don’t want to be accosted again at the end of the evening.”

  They started walking back toward their table. “You think that’d happen now?”

  She shrugged. “You wanna take that chance?”

  “Good point.” But he hated the idea that their time together was almost over. Is that what she wanted? After all, she could have had him all night long and even more, but she was the one calling the shots; she was the one who’d decided she’d had enough. He supposed he could be a dick and demand his money’s worth, but he knew that wouldn’t score him any points.

  So they walked out into the cool evening. She pulled her flimsy shawl about her shoulders. “Are you cold?”

  “Just a little chilly.”

Want my jacket?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m fine.” But she didn’t object to his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as they walked to his car.

  She stood beside the passenger door and he asked, “Did you have an okay time tonight?”

  “I had fun.” She smiled. “You’re okay when you’re not being an incorrigible ass.”

  He raised his eyebrows, letting go of the door handle. “An incorrigible ass? I don’t think I’ve been called that before.”

  She bit her bottom lip. God, he wanted to do that to her lip too. He forced his eyes back up to hers. She said, “Sorry…I don’t want to ruin the evening.” Her eyes were searching his and he thought to himself, now or never. He leaned forward, slowly, so he could take it back if he needed to, but she tilted her head just a fraction of an inch, so he was pretty sure she would be receptive. Really, though, there was only one way to find out.

  And that was by going for it. He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers and she didn’t push him away. In fact, she pressed her lips to his and opened hers just a little, an invitation he couldn’t resist taking. But he needed to approach it with a little finesse. Erin wasn’t some groupie he could just throw it to and walk away from. She would need a delicate touch, something Riley hadn’t had to care about in a long time.

  What made it worse was how badly he wanted her.

  But he restrained himself, slowly, gingerly sliding his tongue across her bottom lip, then venturing further inside. He felt her hands touch his chest and, at first, he thought she was going to push him away, but instead she slid them up to his neck. That’s when the confidence returned, and he wrapped his hands back around her waist where they’d been during the dance earlier.

  God, she tasted good and she moved the fingers of one hand up through his hair. He loved that. But…if he focused too much on how good it felt, how good she tasted, he was going to freak her out. He needed to chill.

  So he ended the kiss and opened his eyes. She took a few seconds to open hers. Damn…that was a great sign. She’d enjoyed it too. So maybe it was even better to end it now, leave her wanting more. Then maybe she’d ask him for an encore later. That was the plan anyway.

  A shy smile crossed her face. He said, “Guess I better get you home.”

  He couldn’t quite read her expression, but that was okay. He was feeling pretty good about things when he opened the car door for her and she slid into the passenger seat.

  * * *

  Holy shit. Erin settled herself in the car seat and tried to get her breathing—and emotions—under control. What the hell had just happened? No, Riley’s kiss hadn’t taken her totally by surprise, but her response to it had. Not only had she liked it, she’d become instantly aroused. Her panties were wet now, and she still had his taste in her mouth. He tasted sweet and she wanted more.

  But, God, she’d barely known him for twenty-four hours. Jumping in the sack with this guy was not an option, no matter how good she might think he’d be. That would put her firmly in slut territory, a place she didn’t want to be, especially because she needed to be a good example for the girls she was leading. So what if they’d never find out? She would know, and that was bad enough.

  No. No sex. That was final.

  When Riley got in on the driver’s side, he said, “You still chilly?”

  Uh…no. Hot. Very hot. On fucking fire.

  She had to control these thoughts or she wouldn’t stand a chance. They were going to get her into all kinds of trouble. “No. I’m fine now. Thanks.”

  The radio started playing as soon as he turned the key and revved the engine. The station was playing the end of a Rage Against the Machine song, but the DJ came on for a few minutes and talked, and then he started playing “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails. Great. Even the universe was conspiring against her…a song about intimacy and not just making love but fucking, and not just fucking but intimate, dirty, personal, raw get-into-your-head-and-soul fucking, something that was weighing heavily on her mind.

  She decided she was going to play it off. This time, though, she wasn’t going to sing the lyrics because she didn’t want to give Riley the wrong idea.

  The only way to survive, in fact, would be to lay her head back against the headrest and close her eyes. She’d be home soon enough.

  And thank the stars she did, because Riley was singing the song. She figured it was probably a natural reaction for him, considering singing was his career. And he wasn’t singing at the top of his lungs; in fact, he was pretty subdued. Still…was he singing it on purpose, trying to send a message to her?

  The song ended and the DJ switched to commercials when Riley pulled up to her apartment building. She sat up and unbuckled. He asked, “Are you tired?”

  “No, just resting my head.” She took a deep breath and then asked, “Do you want to come up to my apartment for a while?” What the fuck?! Oh, God…her hormones had betrayed her. Her brain was slacking off, and he’d even offered her the perfect out.

  He grinned. “Thought you’d never ask.” She knew he would have walked her up to her door anyway (unless the gentlemanly act was over now), but he hopped out of the car and bounded over to the passenger side, snapping the door open. He wasn’t wasting any time getting her out of the car now that he had an incentive. But he was going to be sorely disappointed when he found out she was just inviting him up for a nightcap. It would be her way of saying thanks for helping out the squad.

  Yes, really. Just one drink and then she would shoo him out the door.

  But he still wrapped his arm around her waist to walk her up to her apartment. That kiss had either made him a little bolder or had opened that door wide open, the one that made him think he had carte blanche to do anything he wanted with her.

  Or maybe she was reading too much into it.

  When they got inside, she turned on the living room light and then walked across the room to the kitchen where she also flipped the light switch, and then she set her purse in a chair and draped her shawl over the back of it. Riley was right next to her and she was painfully aware of him. She could almost feel the heat blazing off his body from a foot away. She swallowed, shoring up her resolve.

  “So, can I get you a drink? Kind of a nightcap to the evening, especially considering we had to behave ourselves at the dinner?”

  She’d started walking across the room to the cabinet where she kept a couple of bottles of liquor. She figured Riley would laugh if he ever found out how old they were, and she couldn’t even remember exactly what she had. “Uh…none for me, thanks. I’ll take a glass of water, though, if you don’t mind.”

  She turned around and saw a pained expression on his face. “Oh, sure.” She turned back to the cabinets and instead opened one where she kept her glasses.

  “I’ve…uh…been sober for almost three years now. I don’t touch the stuff. Sorry.”

  She faced him again, two glasses in hand. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” She faced the sink and filled the glasses with water.

  “No problem. I hadn’t told you.”

  Ah, but she had followed him and his band and she did know he’d cleaned up…about three years ago. She just hadn’t known alcohol was a problem too. So she wasn’t going to drink either. It would be insensitive to down a drink in front of him, and the only reason she’d even wanted it now was to take the edge off her nerves. But maybe it was better this way. She’d probably be able to control herself a little better if she was stone cold sober. “Do you want ice?”

  “Only if you’re having some. I don’t want you to go to any trouble ‘cause of me.”

  Her mind tried to think of a snappy retort, to tell him he’d been nothing but trouble, but that wasn’t true. Not at all. Aside from making her struggle like hell with her emotions and hormones (something she was not going to tell him, retort or not), he hadn’t been any trouble, unlike a lot of other men she’d dated in the past. Well, that wasn’t true. Most men were easy until they moved i
nto the boyfriend phase. That’s when they became a pain in the ass, and for all she knew, Riley would be no different.

  Oh, please, she heard a voice inside her say. This boy wouldn’t go that far anyway. Of course, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t looking for anything permanent, and he was probably only fascinated by her because she was different from his usual conquests. He’d asked her lots of questions at dinner about teaching and about her education, and he’d seemed fascinated. Again, though, she was sure it was because she wasn’t his usual flavor of female.

  She hoped her thoughts weren’t showing on her face, and she was glad part of the time her head was obscured by the freezer door on her refrigerator. She handed Riley one of the glasses and said, “We can sit in the living room, if you want.” Another stupid move. She should’ve invited him to sit at the kitchen table where she could make sure they were farther apart and the table could have acted as a barrier between them. But, of course, her desire was sabotaging her common sense.

  So when they got to the living room, she said, “Go ahead and have a seat. I’ve got to get these shoes off my feet. Be right back.” That would serve two purposes. She’d be able to choose how far away she sat from him when she got back, and she could put on her stupid fuzzy mule slippers to take away the potentially sexy aura. The slippers were black too so they wouldn’t be as noticeable, but at least they weren’t designed to look hot. If it wouldn’t seem rude, she’d even change her clothes into some of the most unflattering things she owned, but she didn’t want to push it.


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