Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set

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Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set Page 71

by Jade C. Jamison

  She answered by collapsing into a mind-shattering orgasm.

  * * *

  Riley rubbed the towel on his hair. He caught his reflection in the mirror. Jesus Christ. His expression made him look like a newly laid fifteen-year-old. Apropos, since that’s how he felt. Erin had just given him an incredible blowjob in the shower. He was unbelievably happy, and the only thing threatening to wreck his mood was the knowledge in the back of his head that their time together was growing short.

  And his ego was soaring after all the nice shit she’d said about him the day before. Part of him wanted to stay up for the next twenty-four hours, alternating between talking, making love, and holding her in his arms. He didn’t know that he could pull all-nighters anymore, though.

  He wanted to try to make her as happy as she’d made him. She’d just wrapped her hair in a towel, another one wrapped around her just below her underarms, and she hugged him from behind. She peeked at him in the mirror, her head resting on his right arm. He turned around to hold her and said, “Let’s go eat somewhere. And…”—she raised her eyebrows—“how about you invite this best friend of yours so I can meet her and her husband.”

  Her smile was all he needed to see to know he’d made the right move. “I do believe ovulation week is over, so I’ll bet they can make time for us. In fact,” she said, kissing him lightly on the lips, “if she’s pregnant now, I need to start feeding her regularly.”

  “Uh…I’m not getting involved in that, but why don’t you go give her a call and see if they’re up for it?”

  She squeezed him. “You’re awfully good to me.”

  He swatted her lightly on the behind as she left the bathroom. “Don’t want you getting used to it.” He winked at her when she stuck out her tongue.

  Yeah, it was gonna be hard to go.

  Chapter Forty-one

  MONDAY MORNING ARRIVED too quickly. Riley got up when Erin did. They made love one last time but both were unusually quiet, knowing their time was up.

  Riley was holding her up close to his chest. He could feel her soft breath on his skin and he ached inside. He never wanted to leave.

  But pretending it wasn’t going to happen wasn’t going to change the fact that it was going to happen. So he said, “Hey…I know it sucks, but I thought maybe we should talk about the future.”

  He could tell she was holding her breath until she said, “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I mean…this is it, right? That’s what we decided…so your job is secure. But…I just want to make sure we’ll always be friends. I know that sounds stupid…so…insipid, but I mean it. I don’t want our time together to mean nothing.”

  Erin rolled over so she could look him in the eyes. “No, it’s not stupid. I think it’s sweet. And I agree one-hundred percent. What happened over the last week…has been special.” She stroked his cheek. “I never want to forget it. You’ve helped me realize not all guys are poison.”

  God, he wanted to be the last guy she’d ever want, but he knew he’d wreck her career if he insisted they be together. And she seemed happy here. What made it worse was the fact that his mother—an influential board member—pretty much ensured Erin’s career could only continue if he wasn’t in the picture.

  He kept hoping she’d say something…give him the opportunity to talk himself out of it. But while what she said acknowledged that what they’d had was special, she didn’t indicate that she wanted to continue their relationship.

  So he was wistful over their last cup of coffee together. And when he left, he held her longer than he should have, but he didn’t want to let her go. When he finally released her, his fingers brushed underneath her chin, turning her head up to his. “I’ll miss you, Erin.”

  She looked so sad…sadder, maybe, than he felt. “I’ll miss you too, Riley.” She placed her right hand on his chest. “Know that every time the radio plays one of your songs and every time I play one of your albums—including your new one when I get it—I’ll be thinking about you.”

  He had to leave. He was going to puss out if he didn’t. So he kissed her one last time—a slow, gentle kiss full of so much meaning, too much promise—and stepped out the door, out of Erin Lancaster’s life.

  Brian volunteered to take Riley to catch his flight, because they hadn’t spent much time together. Riley was quiet on the way to the Colorado Springs airport, but that was okay, because Brian was feeling talkative. Riley’s chest felt like it an anvil was resting on it—unrelenting, unforgiving.

  He wondered if he’d ever see Erin again.

  As they got closer to the airport, he could see a plane taking off in the distance. He’d be on one of those in just a couple of hours.

  The trip to the terminal was a blur, though. It seemed like all of a sudden he was inside and ready to head to the gate. He was slapping Brian on the back, trying to act brotherly, but he couldn’t keep up the act anymore. His plane wasn’t taking off for a couple of hours. He said, “Bro, can I ask you a couple of questions over a drink?”

  * * *

  Jesus. As much as Erin loved the kids in her classes, her head wasn’t in the game. Principal Becker had seen her in the teacher’s lounge earlier that day and told her she didn’t need to come by his office until lunch. Guess he wanted to make sure she was happy with her answer before she delivered it.

  Erin spent a good chunk of the morning contemplating. Sure, she’d delivered review lectures and asked the kids engaging questions, but she was only half paying attention. She could tell from some of her brighter students that they could tell she wasn’t into it, but they didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  Finally, at lunch, Erin went to Principal Becker’s office. He looked up from his paperwork and asked her to close the door. He said, “Erin, I’m sorry you were placed in this position.”

  It felt like she had a knife lodged in her heart. She could barely breathe. She let out what air was in her lungs, though, and looked at the kind man across from her. “Sir, I need to say what’s on my mind before I lose my courage.” She took as deep a breath as she could and continued. “I love teaching. As you know, I love my job.” Her jaw felt tight and she tried to relax when she said, “Riley Schultz and I are no longer together.” Becker’s eyes lit up; he was obviously thrilled to keep his youngest English teacher. “However, and you can quote me, that doesn’t change how I feel. I’m angry that I was put in this position, and I don’t care how legal it is or not. I’m not happy about it.”

  “I’m sorry, Erin.”

  “If I could do it all over again, Mr. Becker, I would. You need to know that. If you folks feel that strongly about my carrying on with a rock star, then you should just let me go, because I don’t regret it.” Mr. Becker’s eyes were still twinkling. In fact, the corners of his mouth were twitching up in a slight smile. “What?”

  Becker nodded slowly. “Erin…Mr. and Mrs. Schultz have withdrawn their objections to your relationship. Mrs. Schultz had an emergency meeting with the board sometime—either this morning or over the weekend; I’m not sure—and they’ve apparently changed their minds about your relationship with their son.”

  Erin felt her eyes blink rapidly as though she had no control over them. When she regained her voice, she said, “You’re telling me I came in this morning, my job intact?”


  “Then why did you tell me to come to your office at lunch?”

  “I didn’t know about this until later in the morning. You’ve been in classes.”

  She nodded, now numb. She wanted to scream, Thanks a fucking lot! But what good would it do? Riley was now high over Colorado, likely crossing the Rockies now, heading back to California and the life he knew before he’d changed hers forever.

  But she knew it was better that way. Sure, she and Riley had enjoyed their time together, but could they really sustain it? His past held some demons—the drugs and alcohol—and after being with him, she wondered if he could stick to his guns.

it was better this way. She could then safely keep him on the pedestal she’d built for him. Sure, no other man would ever compare to Riley Schultz…but then he wouldn’t need to. Having Riley snug and secure in her heart would keep her safe from all the assholes in the world. She was okay with that.

  Chapter Forty-two

  FINALLY, THE LAST class period of the day. Erin had barely made it through. Fortunately, the kids in the class seemed to be feeling as wiped out as she. Fortunately, she knew “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” like the back of her hand, so she could discuss the story at length without giving it much thought. She could also ask questions without completely tuning in.

  She and the class managed to get engaged in a lively discussion nonetheless until she heard a rapping on the door that led to the hallway. She saw Jackie peeking in the window, a wide grin threatening to split her friend’s face. What the hell was it that it couldn’t wait until after school?

  Erin gave Jackie a quizzical look but her friend was insistent. Erin sighed and nodded. “Excuse me, guys,” she said, suspecting they’d erupt in conversation as soon as she stepped out of the classroom. But she opened the door just the same.

  She stuck her head outside. “What?” And then it dawned on her. Jackie must have just found out she was pregnant. But couldn’t she wait half an hour? Well, obviously not. The girl was so happy, Erin thought she might wet her pants. “What?!”

  Jackie started giggling. “Get out here!”

  Erin propped the door open so she wouldn’t get locked out of her room, but she dropped her voice so Jackie’s news would be safe. “What already?”

  Jackie kept giggling and Erin heard the strum of an acoustic guitar. She turned around but couldn’t see anyone. It was around the corner. She turned back around, hoping to get an answer from Jackie but the girl had her hands up to her mouth. She was still snickering, and at this point it appeared to be uncontrollable.

  Erin furrowed her brows. She was not amused. She had to get back to class. But the guitar tune, an insistent melody, continued and then she heard a voice she’d heard before. “Sweet Erin…I thought I could live without you,” the song started, and then Riley walked around the corner, an acoustic guitar hanging from his shoulders. He continued singing. “But I couldn’t get away. You’ve captivated me…” He looked her in the eyes, grinning, and kept walking.

  Erin lost the rest of the words as she felt perspiration form on her brow. She felt rather than saw her students behind her. She was frozen. She heard Jackie continue giggling and she heard some of her students tittering too. One of the girls said, “Holy shit. That’s Riley Schultz. It was true.”

  Riley continued strumming and singing until he stood directly in front of Erin. She was still standing in place. He took the guitar and slung it over his shoulder, then took Erin’s cheeks in his hands and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She didn’t even care when she heard the kids behind her cheering and catcalling. Riley started smiling as he ended the kiss.

  Erin smiled back. “You sure do know how to make an entrance.”

  “That’s part of my job.” He inhaled a deep breath and said, “You know, I couldn’t even get on that plane. I can’t just leave you. I tried. But the last few days…” He shook his head. “I can’t just go.” He took another breath and lowered his voice. “Unless, of course, you want me to go.”

  And then Erin was able to completely snap out of her trance. “No. No, I haven’t been able to do anything since you left.”

  One of the kids behind her said, “It’s true. She was totally out of it in there.”

  Several other kids agreed and they all started laughing. Riley laughed along with them, his eyes warm and loving. “Then let’s find a way to make this work.” He searched her eyes. “Or…uh…what about your job?”

  “It’s okay now, but…what are you thinking? Do you want to move back to Winchester?”

  “Or would you want to move to L.A.? Then go on tour, maybe track down your parents while we’re traveling across the country?”

  Erin felt a huge grin envelop her face. “Is that what you’re thinking?”

  “All I know is I can’t live without you. I know we haven’t been together that long, but it’s been long enough that I know I can’t go on without you. If that means I move here, then fine. I’ll figure out how to do what I’ve gotta do that way. If that means you come with me to California, then great. But I want you with me.” He exhaled. “I need you.”

  The kids started clapping and Erin couldn’t ignore them. She started laughing. Then she nodded her head. “Yeah…let’s find a way.”

  Riley kissed her again and then leaned his forehead on hers, gazing into her eyes. “I love you, Erin.”

  She brushed her lips on his. “I love you too, Riley.” She grinned, a twinkle in her eye. “I’m just glad you aren’t the egotistical rock star I thought you were.”

  “I’m glad you’re not a boring, stuffy English teacher. Guess that makes us even.”

  “I think it does. But I’ve got a class to teach.” She turned around and looked at her students. “Would you forgive Mr. Schultz if he entertained you for the rest of the class period?”

  One student said, “Hell, yeah!”

  A girl said, “I think you guys should leave and let Ms. Cole teach the class.”

  Jackie grinned. “I could do that.”

  Erin laughed. “Nope. Mr. Schultz and I have to start learning how to do things together. So think of this as practice.”

  He draped his arm over her shoulder. “Sounds like a plan.”

  While the kids (and Jackie even) were shuffling into the classroom, Erin and Riley stood by her desk. Erin leaned close to Riley and he tilted his ear to her. She said, “By the way, pretty cheesy lyrics, don’t you think?”

  Riley grinned. “Hey, I was rushed. Besides, that’s probably the only kind of thing I’d be able to write without you around.”

  Erin looked in his eyes. Yeah, she could spend the rest of her life with this man. No question. She said, “Well, I guess I’ll sacrifice for art.”

  A few kids were still getting situated when Riley said, “I hope it’s not just sacrifice.”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “Not even close.” She whispered in his ear. “You know, Mr. Schultz, I was prepared to give you everything…everything but…”


  “Yeah…but I think you even got that out of me.”

  “Only fair, Ms. Lancaster, since you managed to get that out of me, too.”


  Thank you for reading! I hope you loved reading about Erin and Riley. The first book in the TANGLED WEB series is Tangled Web. The next book in the series is BARELY TATTOOED. Kory has a lot of demons—but Stone seems to help keep them at bay.


  On the Run

  Vagabond n. A person who moves from place to place without a permanent home.

  “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~ e. e. cummings


  I heard some DJ on the radio the other day introducing my song—you know, my new single, the one I call “Ecstatic”? Yeah, that song. I laughed so hard when he said this album was a strong debut from me. I suppose I shouldn’t be amused, because at least he knew I was one of the former guitarists from the Vagabonds. But as my damn song has climbed up the Billboard charts, I’m shocked and surprised that so many people have never heard of me. It’s not like I’ve been languishing in obscurity or hiding from the press. I’ve been here, people, been working my ass off. You just haven’t been watching.

  I can’t be angry, though, because part of me feels like it’s about goddamn time. I’ve been out here, playing my ass off, writing some killer music and sick lyrics, and I haven’t had many people listening since I parted ways with the Vagabonds. Huge thanks to my hardcore fans, though, for buying the last two solo albums. I don’t know where I’d be without you, but it looks like the rest of the world f
inally got on board and caught up with you.

  This book is for them. Sorry, fans—you already know my story. You know how I started out. You know my whole story with the Vagabonds as well as my struggles since. You know where I came from. You know about my friends and enemies. You know about CJ, the love of my life—in fact, you’re the ones who keep asking if we’ll get back together. You guys are the ones who’ve kept me rockin’. No…this is for all the newbies, all the people who think this album that’s selling like there’s no tomorrow is my first one, all the people who think I’m “a find,” like I just got here.

  This is your wake-up call. Wanna take a ride?

  Chapter One

  A lot of people who have never heard of me think Kyle Summers is a fake name, that I made it up. Yeah, I know lots of people who have created fake names or changed up their real names a bit for the biz, but I didn’t. I was born Kyle Summers and I’ll die Kyle Summers…for better or worse.

  My dad, I’m sure, will deny it till his dying day, but I’m pretty damn sure he’d been hoping for a boy. He and my mom were kind of hippies and they believed that when I was born, I’d inspire a name, so they didn’t plan. It was kind of like when you adopt a kitten—you name it once you get to know it. Mom and dad felt that way about the baby growing inside her. They’d just know what to call me when I came out. Well…my dad happened to be the more organized, more conservative of the two, and I think he already had the name Kyle picked out, and I’m pretty damn sure he was hoping I’d have a penis when I fell out of my mom’s crotch.

  Oh, yeah, another part of their hippiness—no ultrasounds. In fact, very little prenatal care at all. It just wasn’t their way. So they had no idea the sex of their child, but I know dad was expecting a boy that day they gave in and went to the hospital so mom could give birth.


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