Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set

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Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set Page 101

by Jade C. Jamison

  He unbuttoned my jeans then, and I could feel the strength in his hands as they touched my super-charged flesh. I had to adjust, so I released his cock. Leaning over, he kissed me again while he tugged at my jeans, pulling them over my hips. Then he grabbed my panties and pulled both them and my jeans down the length of my legs. At the foot of the bed, though, he sat on the edge and pulled off my socks. I almost laughed, because his jeans, though unbuttoned and unzipped, were still on, and he was worried about my fucking socks. He lifted my foot and kissed my ankle before turning around.

  As he made his way back up the bed, he slid his hands up the inside of my legs. In response, I fought against writhing, because every fiber of my body ached for his touch. I closed my eyes before pushing the back of my head into the pillow while a heavy sigh escaped my lips. As his hands traveled up my inner thighs, he spread them apart, causing my pussy to clench in anticipation. I wove my fingers through my hair to stop my hands from touching myself in impatience.

  He ran his thumb up my slit, a delicious preview of what was to come. “Jesus,” I breathed, wishing he’d stop teasing. But then he touched his tongue to my clit with an aching slowness, and I couldn’t help the throaty utterance flooding out of my mouth. Before I could catch my breath, though, he sped his tongue up to keep up with the insistent beat of the music. “Mmmm,” I purred as his tongue continued lapping at me, causing my muscles to tighten. Soon, I felt my thighs starting to shudder, ready to collapse in orgasm as I was losing control. I was panting as I noticed my fingers wound tightly through his hair. The pressure from his hands pressed into my thighs was almost too much, but the pleasure kept distracting me from the discomfort. And then, suddenly, I felt an incredible orgasm wash over me, and a long, low moan flooded from my lips. Wave after wave flowed over and through me, and then I felt pure euphoria as endorphins pumped through my veins, relaxing me from head to toe.

  Scott kissed my thigh and looked up at me with a grin on his face. I gave him a weak smile. “Fuck,” I breathed. He slid off the bed, standing up to reach in his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. He took out a condom before pulling off his jeans and boxers.

  Oh, shit. Now that I could see it, I smiled at how beautifully stiff and big he was, and I was ready for round two. My heart began beating in anticipation, although I didn’t know that I’d be ready for another orgasm this soon—but I was eager to find out. He slid the condom on, locking eyes with me.

  In seconds, he hovered over me, consuming me in a kiss. My legs, bent at the knees but spread in a V, begged him to enter me. I tilted my pelvis, inviting him to enter. When I wrapped my arms around his waist, his lips met mine with force again. Then he slid in, slowly at first, as if wanting to adjust to the sensation, but I was already warmed up. “Oh, God,” I moaned, as he filled me to capacity. I gulped air in jagged breaths, already at the brink once more. After a bit, he sped up and I opened my eyes, wanting to steal a peek at him. His eyes were clamped shut, as though he were concentrating. Instead, I was pretty sure he was teetering on the brink of climax, too, and he was trying to prolong the buildup as long as he could, and the way he slowed down as he changed his angle slightly confirmed that.

  But then he started moving quickly again, unable any longer to deny the instincts his body was forcing him to obey. Not only did his body’s needs demand it, but the music’s beat was no doubt wound into his mind, urging him to keep time with his rhythm. Fuck…it was sexy as hell, and some part of me realized I had never made love to metal music before and I wondered why not, considering it seemed to rule over the process, changing, demanding, and driving our lovemaking.

  Moving my hands up to Scott’s shoulder blades, I loved how I could feel his strength. Gasping, I was getting near again, but I wanted to wait until he was closer. He was focused on just one thing. All else was distraction, including my fingertips scratching a trail of fire down his back. Gritting my teeth, I opened my eyes again to see him looking at me, too, like a man possessed. His smoldering eyes looked like they were almost aflame, and just seeing him look at me like that pushed me over the edge. A self-satisfied smirk had started to form on my lips until my body betrayed me, my eyes fluttering closed as I became consumed by another orgasm. I groaned and continued grinding my pelvis into him in an attempt to derive maximum pleasure from each slamming stroke he delivered. My mind skyrocketed into the ether, and I could no longer think coherently. I lost complete control, moaning loudly, grateful for both the CD in Scott’s room and the music below drowning out my sounds to all except the one man they were meant for. And if I’d thought I was anywhere near being done, I’d been kidding myself. My thighs throbbed in response to his rhythmic pounding, each pulse sending new undulations of pleasure tingling through every pore of my body…of my fucking mind. My fingernails dug deeper into his back.

  When I was able to focus again, I saw he was at that point, too. Biting his lip, he looked almost angry, but I knew he was just holding on. “Fuck…you are amazing,” I breathed, my lips next to his ear. And then he could hold it no longer. He pounded into me hard, paused, then pounded again…and again. And then he remained still for a moment while he was overcome by the same incredible feeling I’d just enjoyed moments earlier.

  As I inhaled deeply into my lungs, I could smell his skin, his shoulder right next to my lips, and it made me want to taste him again. I just couldn’t resist, and I kissed him open-mouthed on his neck. I felt him let out a big breath of air as he laid his head next to mine face down on the bed.

  God, he felt incredible. I slid my hands down his back, able now to enjoy the artistic perfection of his flesh and muscle. I didn’t draw or paint bodies very often, but he made me want to. I stopped moving when my hands cupped his ass. Mmm…I could tell it would take a damn long time to get tired of this man…if that were even possible. We didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but I became even more aware of the music now that I wasn’t distracted.

  I heard him say, “My God,” but it was muffled by the bedspread. He rolled off me and, half sitting up, pulled the covers down and then patted the sheet, inviting me next to him.

  We faced each other, heads resting on the pillow, nose to nose. I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed, smiling. I breathed slowly, taking in the smell of his cologne, before opening my eyes again. Yes, this was real. Lifting his hand to run his fingers through my hair, he drew it back away from my face. He smiled back at me as the song on the CD ended. In the silence before the next song, I could hear the party raging below.

  But it was no rival for the party storming inside my heart.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Scott had been holding me closely, an intimate feeling I hadn’t enjoyed in a while. For quite some time, we just lay there, listening to the music, cooling off and letting our breathing slow to normal. Finally, though, he said, “You damn near killed me.”

  My brows knit and I moved my head so I could see his face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He grinned. “Fuck. You felt incredible—the best.”

  I laughed, resting my hand on that perfect chest. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  The light faded from his eyes. Oh, shit. I’d misstepped. Scott and I could play sarcastic joking buddies in the kitchen all day long, but apparently in the bedroom it was off limits. “All what girls?”

  Could I save the moment? I had to try, so I touched his cheek. “Never mind. It was just a bad joke.” He grew quiet again, the pain in his eyes slowly fading—but the fun gone from them, too. I moved close to him once more, my leg resting on his, breasts pressed into his chest. I hoped the dark moment had passed, but I didn’t know for sure. His hand resuming its motion up and down my forearm again assured me that he was probably okay. I snuggled closer, sighing and relaxing in his arms. “I really needed that.” I closed my eyes, resting my head while the CD finished playing.

  Shortly after that, I heard the music stop playing downstairs, too, but the roar of people was still going strong. At one
point, I was able to make out Jim’s raucous laugh, and a few minutes later, someone turned Metallica’s Master of Puppets on again.


  I couldn’t get comfortable, so I got up and looked through Scott’s CD collection again. Because he didn’t say anything, I thought he might have drifted off. We both seemed to love Lamb of God but, after grabbing another disc, I couldn’t figure out how to take one out and put another in. I was able to figure out how to start Wrath over, though, so I did.

  Then I got back in bed under the covers and snuggled up close, wrapping myself around him again before kissing his neck. When I looked at him, his eyes were closed, but I was pretty sure he was still awake at that point. I whispered in his ear. “You are the best I’ve ever had.” As an afterthought, I said, “Just so you know.”

  I looked at him again. His eyes remained closed but he’d started smiling. I moved my leg so it was no longer draped over his thigh but across his groin area, my pussy mashing into his hip. He’d taken the condom off earlier before pulling me into his arms, and his cock was resting, but I wondered if I could perk him back up. I was ready for another round, just from thinking about it. I kissed Scott’s ear and his neck and, soon enough, I felt the stirrings of another hard-on against my inner thigh. He grabbed my head and planted another passionate kiss on my lips. “You are a liar, Casey.” Grinning, he kissed me again, and in seconds he was completely rock hard once more.

  “Mmm, baby,” I said. “Where you keeping those condoms?”

  “The wallet there,” he waved his hand toward the nightstand. That told me he wasn’t objecting. Turning on his side to face me, he consumed me with another kiss, sweet but firm. I was ready to go again, feeling like I could go all night, but I wanted to make sure he really had it in him. So I traced my finger down his chest and his stomach down to his lovely cock, already straining against my fingers. Brushing my fingernails against its length just to tease him, I then brought my hand back out from under the covers. I broke away from our kiss to stick my thumb in my mouth and waited until he opened his eyes to see what I was doing. When he did, he smiled, watching as I withdrew my thumb. I got close and licked his bottom lip while I shoved my hand back under the covers. This time I gripped his cock and swirled my wet thumb around the tip, caressing it until his jaw slackened. Then I shoved my weight against his shoulders, urging him to lie back against the bed, letting go of him again. Straddling him, I opened his wallet. Next to a wad of cash were two more condoms. Two more? I suspected neither of us could go one more time after this, but it was good to know he was prepared.

  Had he been planning to use these tonight?

  I hadn’t rolled many condoms before, but I wanted to try. I grabbed the tip in between my thumb and index finger and held it up to his cock, then rolled the rest of it down with my other hand. When he didn’t wince or holler, I figured I must have done it right. Then, leaning over, I brushed his chest with my lips before moving up to his mouth. As his hands grazed my breasts, I sat up and slid him inside, groaning as I took in his entire length. “Shit,” I said, unable to keep my mouth shut. He felt incredible again…he felt right. And my ego let me believe that maybe I was one of the best he’d ever had. If that was the case, I wanted to make sure this time was even better. I grabbed his headboard and began rocking, slowly at first, letting it build, watching him come closer with each gyration. Every time I rose up, I spun my hips as I glided back down, consuming him. His warm hands held my hips, his fingertips pressing into my flesh. Knowing these were the hands of that drummer I’d seen a couple weeks ago, remembering the precision percussion he’d delivered making musical masterpieces, I shivered, because those goddamn hands were on my back right now, giving in to my desires, melting into my flesh. I cried out at the thought as I maneuvered his cock into just the right place by the motion of my body. I gripped the headboard even tighter, now slamming myself down onto him without any finesse. The animal in me was blind now, needing ultimate satisfaction, craving release. Now there was no twirling, no tilting, just driving him into me where I could feel his fullness before collapsing against him. And while I was falling into that maddening climax, he came, too, but I could only tell by his silence and the way his eyes fluttered closed and how his fingers pressed into the flesh of my hips as if he were holding onto a ledge.

  I rested my forehead on the arm that still held tightly onto the headboard. My breathing was slowing somewhat and I finally let out a long sigh. Yep…I knew now there was no way I could do this again tonight. I could barely hold myself up anymore.

  Well…maybe in an hour or so, but I had to work in the morning, so getting a little sleep at some point would be smart.

  Exhausted, I lifted myself off him and lay back down by his side. His eyes were closed, but there was no mistaking the happy look on his face.

  After a while, he pulled the condom off and then rolled over to face me. “You’re insane.” He pulled me close to kiss me, and it was one of the gentlest kisses I’d ever experienced, from him or anyone else. I melted in his arms. He started to talk again, but I could tell he was almost asleep, and he rolled onto his back, inviting me to rest my head on his chest. I lay there, listening to his slow breathing, hearing his heart beat. This time, it sounded like he fell completely asleep. And the whole time, all I could think was what a beautiful man this guy was.

  Even though I too was tired, I took the opportunity to finally scope out his tats. I’d seen the couple on his forearms and the ones on his upper left arm, but nothing else. I was surprised he didn’t have more all over his body. Arms like his could pull off any amount of ink, as far as I was concerned. I wanted to see his upper right arm, but it was on the far side away from me. I’d only been able to see that the tattoo was a block of writing. On his chest, he had multiple tats, but one of them, the biggest one, was an homage to the old eighties mech album art for Judas Priest. I couldn’t tell what the hell the creature was supposed to be, but if I hadn’t been familiar with Judas Priest’s music and album art, I would have sworn this belonged on one of his band’s CDs. I resolved to check out his other arm later to find out what words he’d had permanently inked into his skin.

  In the meantime, I decided to finally rest my head against his chest. My fingers, as though with a mind of their own, swirled the few tiny coarse hairs on his pec, but my thoughts concentrated on what had just happened. As I lay there, I realized I was starting to fall in love with Scott.

  Hard and fast and deeper than I should have.

  And that thought scared the shit out of me. I’d just escaped a relationship that had begun because I’d fallen too hard and fast, and even though I’d known it was over soon after we’d said our vows, I’d stayed long past the time I should have. Still…what I was feeling for Scott was an emotion I couldn’t just push aside. I tried to analyze it, but I couldn’t be logical. Goddamn it.

  What the hell was I doing? I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Not even close. I was insane, just like Scott had said. That much I knew for certain. And I couldn’t let Scott know what I was feeling. If he was smart, he’d think I was a fool…at best.

  I took a deep breath. “Scott?” I whispered. He didn’t answer, confirming he was definitely asleep. “Hey.” I tried gently waking him one more time, just to be sure. No response. I breathed a slight sigh, almost grateful, because his slumber would make this next part easier. Taking my time so I wouldn’t wiggle the mattress, I squirmed out of his arms and sat up. Soon, I inched out of bed. But I could still feel him, smell him, taste him. Jesus Christ.

  I had to get out of there.

  I sat up and found my clothes, some on the bed, some on the floor, and started getting dressed. At one point, Scott moaned and rolled on his side but stayed asleep. I realized that the music had ended, but I couldn’t remember when it had. I could still hear the party going strong downstairs, though.

  I finished tying my shoelaces and stood up. Blowing a kiss, I whispered, “Goodbye, sweet prince.” Well, if that wasn’
t hokey… I started tiptoeing toward the door and then thought I should write a note. I could keep it lighthearted and make sure there wasn’t any flowery bullshit in it, but I also hoped it would keep me from seeming like a huge slut. And, finally, I hoped it would also keep him from feeling used, considering David had said women used the poor guy all the time.

  But fuck. I could see why. Jesus. The guy was an incredible lover.

  Shaking my head, I started looking around his room for something I could write with. At the desk, I opened the top drawer and found a small notepad and several pens, so I ripped out a sheet of paper and wrote on it, “Scott, I had a great time. Thanks, Casey.” Did that seem too clinical? Was it not caring enough? By the same token, did I dare risk showing my true feelings? No. Fuck no. That was good enough. But then, at the last second, I decided to add something. Under my name, I wrote, “P.S. I MEANT WHAT I SAID.” That didn’t throw the whole love thing out there, but it did let him know I thought he was a fantastic fucking lover, and should he want to have another bout, I was all game.

  We could be fuck buddies. Yeah, why not?

  For now, though, I needed to get the fuck out of there.

  Propping the note up against the lamp, I tiptoed to the door, opening it with care and precision, careful to be quiet. It squeaked a little, but what made me more nervous was the swell of the party noise rushing up the stairs. In fact, that noise drowned out the door squeak. So I shut the door as quietly, but as quickly, as I could.

  I walked down the stairs, trying to act like a normal person, but I knew I had to be beaming from ear to ear. There was no wiping that fucking smile off my face. Before going anywhere else, I stopped off at the restroom to check how bad I looked. I should’ve thought to look for a bathroom upstairs, but it was too late. It didn’t matter, though. No one was in the downstairs one. According to the mirror, I was none too worse for the wear. My hair fell back into place with just a little bit of help from my fingers. A little mascara or eyeliner (I wasn’t sure which) was smudged right under my eyes so I blended it in with my fingertips. The worse problem was the stupid telling grin on my face. Even when I could force myself not to smile, my eyes twinkled and, shit, even my skin glowed. How the hell could I hide that?


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