Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set

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Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set Page 122

by Jade C. Jamison

And then, as they were making their way through another line of cars, Beth stopped. “This is my friend’s car.”

  Brandon nodded. He couldn’t see shit—just an outline of a small sports car, but that was it. He definitely couldn’t tell if it was black or red or blue and…

  He could no longer analyze the situation as Beth grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face to hers for a kiss.

  But this wasn’t like their kisses earlier. This one was frenzied, passionate.


  And he felt it too. Suddenly, the blood was rushing through his limbs and his core, swirling with excitement, mad with desire. He’d been here a time or two, felt this way before, but he’d never followed through because of that little secret of his. But he wanted to—and, not only had Jake and Kyle given him a green light, he had condoms. It was like it was meant to be.

  But, even as his brain worried about potential performance issues and insecurities, the rest of him—the main part of him, the animal side—wanted to move forward. If Beth was willing, then he was, too.

  He was jumping the gun, though. Her tongue in his mouth and her hands squeezing his ass weren’t a promise of something else to come…were they? He couldn’t help but hope so and respond with that in mind. He held her tenderly about the waist and kissed her back with the same intensity and desire she was giving to him, but her hands roaming his back before she thrust her fingers through his hair, at last tickling them up under his shirt made him forget where he was and what he was doing. And the heat was no longer oppressive but instead felt like it was simply a part of him, a part of his desire. He no longer had any control over himself as the blood rushed to his nether regions. And he decided he didn’t give a damn if she knew he was aroused. She’d know it was because of her and what she was doing to him.

  The way she pressed herself into his body told him all he needed to know—that she must have wanted to do that very thing to him. He could hear his heart beating in his eardrums, overpowering the faraway sound of a vocalist encouraging his audience to respond more loudly, echoing through the desert around them. He could hear Beth’s breaths coming more rapidly, and he could sense her excitement mirroring his own.

  Following his instincts, he trailed his lips down her neck, tasting the sweetness of her skin. She whispered in his ear, “Hey, let’s get in the car, okay?”

  “Won’t it be hot in there?”

  “It’ll be more private.” Beth had already loosened her grip on his pecs and was unlocking the door with the keys from her pocket. “Besides, that’s where your drumsticks are…and we can roll down the windows so it doesn’t get too hot.”

  The light shone upon the interior—beige vinyl seats with matching neutral carpet—and he realized that she was inviting him into the back, not the front, confirming what his body had already sensed. He’d be an idiot to turn her down. There were no drumsticks in there that he could see but, at this point, he no longer cared. She got in first and then he sat next to her. He was about to say something about his knees digging into the seat in front of him, but she yanked on the straps of his tank top, pulling him to the side and down on top of her.

  It was a little cramped, yes, but there was a slight breeze rolling through the car. After another few seconds of kissing, he completely forgot about the heated air around them. Beth licked his neck while pulling up on his tank top until he had to take it completely off. He knew that nothing would happen if her clothes remained on and all signals were go…so he fingered the bottom of her t-shirt before sliding his hand underneath.

  The way her nails were digging into his back told him to keep going, so he continued moving up her shirt. As he moved his hand over her bra to cup her breast, her lips loosened and she sighed into his mouth before arching her back, forcing herself against his palm. He could feel the rigid areola through the thin fabric and it fascinated him. God…he felt like a little kid. He’d never touched a woman’s nipple before and he was afraid he was getting way too damned excited.

  Maybe he needed to confess right now.

  “Hey, Beth,” he breathed against her lips. He was talking but he couldn’t help but continue playing with her nipple.

  “Yeah?” He loved how breathless her voice sounded.

  “I’ve, uh…I’ve never been with a woman before.”

  A tiny giggle. “What does that even mean, Brandon? Have you been with a girl? Or...or a boy?”

  He couldn’t help the desperate chuckle that escaped his mouth. “No. I mean…I’m a virgin.”

  Her voice was louder then. “No way!” Oh, man…maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. “No way! How does that even happen in this day and age?”

  “God, a long story. I think I told you about how I was kind of sheltered, right?”

  “Yeah.” He could feel her sitting up underneath him. Was she calling it off? Was she so used to sleeping with experienced guys that there was no way in hell she was going to waste her time with an amateur? “Then we gotta do this right.” She sat up all the way and pulled her t-shirt over her head. He wished he could have seen inside there better, but the parking lot was pretty dim—and they were even farther removed from it. Probably better that way, giving them a little privacy even though it would have been easy enough to see what was happening by any passersby. “You’re gonna do what I say when I say it, okay?”

  Brandon nodded but then realized she couldn’t see him. “Uh, yeah, okay.”

  “And I promise you’ll have a good time. How far have you ever gone?”

  “With a girl?”

  “Yeah. How many bases?”

  He felt like such a dolt. “I don’t even know what the bases are.”

  She laughed again while grabbing his hand and placing it back on the breast he’d been fondling a minute earlier. “Well, first base is kissing—French kissing. Second base is what we’re doing right now—you know, touchy-feely stuff. Third base is all kinds of things—oral, fingering, you know.” Wow. He was throbbing now just hearing her talk about it. Having her crotch hovering right over his dick didn’t hurt. “Home base is going all the way, baby. And I promise you’ll score tonight.” She ran her fingers through the hair at the base of his head before telling him, “But you have to do what I say. Starting now.” He nodded again, and this time he knew she could feel the affirmative motion against her open hand. “You can start by taking off my bra.” An eager student, he reached behind her to feel for the clasps he knew were there, but the strap was smooth. “It’s around the front—right at my cleavage. Just pull it apart.” His fingers met at the area between her breasts, and he felt a plastic snap just as she’d said. He played around with it for a bit until he realized he had to bend the two sides apart and then pull them in opposite directions up and down. He could hear Beth breathing, a slow steady rhythmic sound that almost matched the pulsing of his blood through his veins. “Now I need you to taste me, Brandon. Make me moan.”

  Holy shit. Just hearing her boss him around and tell him to pleasure her was making it nearly impossible to not come. Yeah, sure, he’d had plenty of orgasms both in his sleep and by his own hands—and they’d been pretty easy—but she was going to take him there just by talking. And he didn’t want to. He wanted to have real sex, not just come on the inside of his jean shorts because he couldn’t hold himself together long enough.

  He cupped both breasts in his hands but brought his tongue softly over her left nipple. It had been hard as he brought his tongue to it, but he could feel it respond by tightening even more as he licked it. He swirled his tongue around the little nub a few times before drawing the entire areola into his mouth. In response, she ground her pelvis against him, making him moan instead, humming against her flesh. “Oh, God,” she said as her fingers gripped his hair more tightly.

  This was more fun than he could have ever imagined.

  Moving on instinct, he glided his right hand behind her back against her spine to support her, and then he trailed his tongue down her breast toward her cle
avage. Feathering her flesh with tiny kisses, he traced his way up her breastbone toward her neck as the fingers of his left hand continued to tickle her nipple.


  He considered the noises she was making success. Like she’d asked, he was making her moan.

  “So, Brandon,” she said, sitting up straight on his lap again, “how do you know for sure that I’m enjoying this?”

  A little quiver of horror shot down his spine and the throbbing in his cock subsided ever so slightly. He questioned himself then. Still, she wanted an honest answer, and—up till this point—he’d believed she was. “I guess I can’t know for sure. You could be faking. But you were making little noises that sounded, um, happy, and…” Here was where he really started to doubt himself, but he had to keep moving. “Uh, your nipples seemed to respond to what I was doing, and—”

  “Yeah,” she breathed. “There are ways you can tell that are hard to fake.”

  He had to know. “Like what?”

  There was a smile in her voice he couldn’t ignore. “Kiss my neck and unzip my pants.”

  Brandon was now an eager student. The blood resumed pumping through his veins as his lips tickled her neck and his fingers tackled her zipper. He loved the feel of her pointy nipples digging into his flesh, and knowing that she was enjoying herself—or probably enjoying herself; he had yet to find out for certain—made everything he did that much more exciting.

  “Now reach into my panties and make me feel amazing.”

  Holy hell. He wasn’t quite sure what to do, but he would figure it out. She was giving him unfettered access to everything—and he had to explore. He’d never been in a girl’s pants before, so he was going to take his time. Gingerly, he eased his fingers inside her panties. The heat emanating from her flesh was hard to ignore. As he moved his fingers down, he could hear her sigh. He felt tiny coarse hairs as he slid his digits down farther in the tight space until he reached a slight curve. He continued his course, making sure his lips didn’t ignore her neck, and this time, as his fingers traveled down the divide of her labia, he felt rather than heard the groan in her throat.

  It was slick there, making it easy for him to move his fingers downward in the snug confines of her panties, but she also wriggled a little, spreading her knees farther apart and tilting her pelvis into his fingers. Then he knew he was on the right track. He paused when he felt a little nub inside the folds of the flesh there and she grew more vocal. Yeah. That had to be what she was talking about and then he knew what he’d found, something he’d heard of for the last couple of years as he’d become more interested in sex. That little fella between her legs that he was touching had to be the clitoris or, more fondly, her clit.

  He knew it for certain when she began grinding against his fingers in response to the swirling motion and light pressure he was exerting on that spot. He paid close attention to her, noticing that her breathing was changing, coming now more rapidly and deeply, something he knew from his own self-induced orgasms was a sign of nearing climax.

  “Mmm,” she said again, encouraging him to keep going, ignoring his own throbbing cock while taking pleasure in her growing need. “Oh, God, Brandon, that’s it.” Her voice sounded desperate now as she swiveled her hips against his swirling fingers and then her legs clamped against his waist, putting him in a human vice, and he could feel her shudder at his touch. She groaned loudly then, a signal to him that she had given in to complete and utter pleasure.

  She wouldn’t have to tell him she was enjoying herself. He now knew it to be a fact.

  But she wasn’t done and he didn’t stop. He noticed that the pressure of her knees digging into him was rhythmic, matching the cadence of the way he was circling her wet flesh, a response to what he was doing to her. It was nothing short of amazing to experience how she was reacting to his touch.

  He could get used to this.

  Chapter Nine

  Beth’s hot breath on Brandon’s neck wasn’t the only thing making him feel tight and desirous again. Her fingernails digging into his back and neck helped, too. “I think maybe you enjoyed that,” he said, a slight grin on his face that would go unnoticed in the shadows.

  He could hear voices outside, their sound swelling as they got nearer, walking through the parking lot. They weren’t too close to the car, but it made him want to keep his voice lower anyway. Beth didn’t have the same concern and giggled. “I think I did.” She kissed him then, hard, causing the blood to flow freely through his body. Actually, it felt like it was surging, pulsing to the beat of his heart. “Do you have a condom?”

  He was proud to announce that he did. “Yeah, in my pocket.” He tilted his body so he could get his fingers inside. Wrapping them around the square package, he said, “Found—”

  But he was interrupted by her assault on his mouth. She was taking charge again, kissing him hard and furiously. His cock was swollen now, trapped inside his denim shorts, aching to break free. And she was going to help him out with that. He could feel her fingers on the button of his jeans, making him all the more aroused. He ran the fingers of his left hand through her hair but he didn’t dare let go of the condom in his other hand, because he didn’t want to have to search for it in the dark car. In a few seconds, her fingers were touching his cock, making it throb even harder, but she let it go while she felt around for the condom in his hand and began unwrapping it. The underside of his erection pulsed against the zipper, biting into his flesh, and the tiny bit of pain kept him from losing his load right then and there.

  And even when Beth started fondling him again, easing the condom over his member, he was back in control. The condom muted his sensitivity a tad, making it much easier for him to hold on…and he wanted to—because it felt so good, he didn’t want it over in just seconds.

  Beth buried his mouth with hers, shoving her tongue between his lips, causing the blood in his body to surge once more. Then she wriggled around, maneuvering and hoisting her leg, seeming to contort her body in the tight space until she had her shorts and panties off one leg. He was going to ask what she was up to but her lips on his silenced his voice.

  His attention shifted quickly to below, though, as she slid him inside her in one swift motion. Oh, shit.

  This was not like what he did to himself when he was alone and needing release. His entire cock was wrapped in pleasure and every little bit of his flesh, though covered in the condom, enjoyed attention from her pussy. As she swirled her hips, grinding her body into his, he felt ripples of enjoyment washing over him like ocean waves. Every thrust—from both her pelvis and his hips—brought on another undulation, and he knew he was getting close. But it felt multiplied, far more intense than anything he’d ever felt before.

  It was like his brains were locked and loaded, ready to shoot through the tip of his cock.

  He felt his balls grow tighter—in fact, every muscle grew taut, preparing for those few moments of pure bliss, the seconds where he’d lose all thought and feel nothing but pure, beautiful emotion. And, as he felt his seed finally let go, releasing itself, finding its way outside his body, his brain did shut off. It was in those moments where he lost total control that he felt most at peace.

  He could hear Beth’s low cries in his ears as he came down from the high he was flying on, and he felt connected to her.

  Holy shit. What?

  He’d heard about this happening before, but it was girls who were supposedly like that. Why did all his emotions right this moment feel almost like love to him? Beth might have been an online friend, but he honestly barely knew her. He shouldn’t be feeling this way.

  So, rather than say a word, he pulled her into an embrace once she’d relaxed her body, and he kissed her forehead. It was then, as their breathing slowed and their bodies cooled, that he realized once more how hot it was the back of the car.

  He could hear voices outside again but they were muted, probably several cars away. Brandon still wouldn’t have been surprised if they had heard
Beth moments earlier, because she’d been kinda loud.

  Grinning to himself, he realized that had been because of him.

  “You are amazing,” he finally breathed, keeping his voice low—because Beth might not have cared if the whole world had heard her getting off, but he wanted a little privacy.

  “How was that? Didja like popping your cherry?”

  He laughed then as endorphins rushed through his veins, flooding him with a happy, relaxed, almost sleepy, feeling. He wasn’t going to argue with her that he didn’t actually have any cherry to pop, instead saying, “Yeah. That was great.” In fact, he couldn’t wait to do it again.

  “We should go watch more shows tonight.”

  He didn’t think he had the strength. He’d be lucky to make it back to his bus. And then he remembered Jake’s warning: Don’t let her spend the night with you.

  The problem was he was the one who wanted them to spend more time together. “What’s the rush?”

  “There are bands here I might not get to see again for a while. I don’t want to miss anything.”

  She lifted herself off him, the suction of her pussy on his softening dick nearly more than he could take. His cock was hypersensitive, and he felt almost like a mini-orgasm clenched his body for a second. “What happens next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He could sense it then, an almost cool air flowing off her body, something off-putting…something he hadn’t expected. Maybe this girl really was a groupie—or a groupie in the making—odd because she was a rich girl and probably able to get just about any guy she wanted. So he couldn’t help the next question that popped out of his mouth. “Why me?”

  “What?” He heard the tiny click of the plastic snap on her bra as she continued getting dressed.

  Brandon didn’t know that he actually wanted to hear her answer to his next question, but he had to ask anyway. “You could probably sleep with a bunch of the guys around here—rock stars and roadies from any band you wanted. Why did you pick me?”


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